View Full Version : Book Character

06-23-2005, 10:51 AM
This is probleby a dumb Thread but who is everyone heres favorite book characters?

Mine are'

1.Vlad Taltos(Vlad taltos books)
2.Faros Es-Kalin(Dragonlance)
3.Morrolan E'Drien(Vlad Taltos books)
4.Kragar(Vlad Taltos books)
5.Rahm Es-Hestos(Dragonlance)

06-23-2005, 11:10 AM
I won't close this thread if actual discussion comes from it, but as it stands right now this thread is the same as the "who is your favorite pro sports player thread" which I already closed. If people discuss the books from which the characters come, then okay.

And before anyone asks, I can't imagine what sort of really worthwhile discussion would come from talking about sports players. So, nyah.

06-23-2005, 11:14 AM
Thanks, but I should have been smarter and put this on the comics and books thread. Hopefully someone brave would come up and confess their book character choices.

Red Fighter 1073
06-23-2005, 11:22 AM
red fighter to the rescue!

my favorites are:
1. martin (redwall series)

i like the character Martin because he is the biggest and most-known hero of the whole redwall community! and to go even further, he's a freaking mouse! who DOESNT think that a mouse being able to be a strong warrior ISNT cool?! uhhh yah...

also, i have read a few dragonlance books, but i have never heard of those characters. which book are they from??

hopefully ill be able to come up with more later, because i just KNOW that there are more cool book characters. see? i atleast think i came to the rescue! right?

sidenote: ok, shiney i catch your drift.

EDIT: oh yah, what is the vlad taltos book series?? what is it about?? ill try and read it sometime if it sounds good..

06-23-2005, 11:37 AM
The vlad Taltos book seires is about a Assassain named vlad taltos and his jhereg familiar (Loiosh) If you want an explaination over what a jeherg is you have to read the books cause i cant explain. The main books are Athyra, Taltos, Jhereg, Yendi, Dragon, Issola, Orca, and pheonix. http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~phoenix/brust/ for a fansite. The other dragonlance characters are from the books Night of blood, Tides of Blood, and Empire of Blood. They are part of the Minitaur wars trilogy writen by Richard A. Knaak. And yeah Redwall rocks, if I have to pick a character from that It would be either Sunflash or Mathiaas.

Deathosaurus Wrecks
06-23-2005, 11:47 AM
My favorite character by far is Emile Khadaji from the Matador series, written by Steve Perry.

essentialy he starts a galaxy wide rebellion by himself, using only little dart guns that paralyze people for six months. he's so effective in terrifying the Confederation, that the military force thinks that Emile is an entire army of highly trained soldiers. eventualy he becomes known as "The Man Who Never Missed", taking out over two thousand soldiers without a missed shot. very bad assed.

Mirai Gen
06-23-2005, 11:54 AM
Marvin ala Hitchikers is just plain awesome. A robot with a supercomputer brain, but because he's supposed to be like humans he 's a manic depressive. Who wouldn't like that?

Best of all? Hm. Annonod (I think that's his name) from the Sword of Shanarra was a total badass, I know that for sure...I also got a total kick out of Danica from Salvatore's Cleric Quintet.

Deathosaurus Wrecks
06-23-2005, 12:00 PM
Sword of Shanarra, i've heard alot about that one. in fact, i think one of my friends just picked that up recently on a reccomendation. maybe when he's done with it ill give it a read.

da Noble Savage
06-23-2005, 01:06 PM
hmmm ok i guess one of my all time fav.s is
Rastlin Majiree-dragonlance seris
I mean who wouldn't like a guy who travels trough time to take on a god at her weakest point I mean granted he's mostly a evil bastard but still he's so bad ass. also another fav.
Rand al Thor-Wheel of time
Mat Caturhon-Wheel of time

I like both of these guys cause for one da story they are is is so good takeing a long while to finish but still good I mean rand I like cause he gets to marry 4 chicks and that rocks plus he is a really cool charcter. And mat i just like cause he's da luckyest bastard in da world and he's bad ass with a staff.

06-23-2005, 02:44 PM
Moving to Books and Comics for you, CTDChris.

06-24-2005, 03:58 PM
My favorites would have to be as follows (in no particular order):

1. Taran Wanader, The Chronicles of Prydain - I like this guy because he's just a normal person he could be you, me, anyone. He's got no super powers or incredible skills, he's just very determined when a task is before him. He starts the series as a rather whiny boy but by the end he has become a noble and intelligent leader.

2. Gandalf - It's freaking Gandalf! Anybody who can take on Saruman, the Balrog, and coordinate the efforts that protect an entire region (the Shire) from the outside world is definitely a bad ass.

3. Khaavran, The Phoenix Guards (The Khaavren Romances) - I like this guy because he's an amazing swordsman as well as incredible tactitian and leader.

Those are the three I can think of that aren't ones other people are likely to say (besides Gandalf).

06-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Sure Kravaavan was from Daragearia, and he is a Tiassa. Vlad to me personally could kick his butt after he got one of the 17 great weapons(godslayer) And yeah Steven brust kicks. Morrolan could kick both Vlad and Khraavan.

06-24-2005, 09:30 PM
John (Atomik Lad) from Nuklear age. He is just really believable, a young boy who can't control his emotions or his powers who grows up and matures and hopefully eventually learns to control himself and his powers.

06-26-2005, 11:21 PM
Gimli from LotR - Don't ask me why, I just liked him the best. He was pretty entertaining to read about, and in the books he was a total berserker in battle. So much better than Legolas.

Marvin from H2G2 - He has the best lines in H2G2. His character is believable despite being extremely one-note.

06-26-2005, 11:32 PM
Ender from Ender's Saga
Bean from Ender's Shadow
Also I agree with Seeker, Taran is definatly on there
Matrim Cauthon, Wheel of Time series

I like each of these for some part of them that I find in myself, Ender's empathy, and his belief that he has to suffer his pains because he deserves them, when no one does, Bean for being more than anyone ever thought he could be, Taran like Seeker said for being human, like everyone, and Mat for being mischevious, funny, flirting. Most importantly being a hero, when he only really wants to be a normal guy.

Also, Honor Harrington for the same reason, she is a hero without trying to achieve it.

06-27-2005, 10:46 AM
The Vlad Taltos seiries is funny somtimes cause he always ends up saving the empire from collaspe by accident.

Elmer J.
06-27-2005, 11:47 AM
Dunbar and Major Major Major Major from Catch-22,
Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye,
Yrael from The Old Kingdom novels,
Elyas, Perrin, Hopper, and Loial from Wheel of Time.
Fangorn, Bregalad, and Tom Bombadil from The Lord of the Rings,
Mike and Prof from The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,
Herger from Eaters of the Dead.
And plenty others.

Heavy 3PO
06-27-2005, 12:21 PM
Annonod (I think that's his name) from the Sword of Shanarra... Allanon - Last of the Druids of Paranor. (I'm re-reading the prequel at the moment.) The Shannara series is one of my favorites, if not the favorite. Multi-generational epic stories really catch my eye, and this one doesn't fail to impress.

Back on topic - Favorite charater? Probably Wil Ohmsford from the 2nd novel, Elfstones of Shannara. I find he has a many similar traits to John from Nuklear Age, as he struggles with personal issues and demons, as well as real, in-your-face, going-to-kill-you Demons.

Following him would be Tay Trefenwyd, an Elven Elementalist, and one of the Druids in the prequel, First King of Shannara. It's hard to describe why I like him, mostly because he's really a great guy, and his character (both before and after the book was written) is essentially the character I've played in just about every RPG I've ever done.

06-27-2005, 10:34 PM
right now, i would have to say that eddie from the dark tower series is one of my favourites. there have to be others in my mind, but alergies cause power failure in some parts of my thing behind my face.

06-30-2005, 12:24 AM

06-30-2005, 12:35 AM
Jason Bourne--If you've seen the movies, you know that Jason Bourne is an amnesiac assassin for the U.S. government. The trilogy of books is written by Robert Ludlum, who has a lot of other books, but they're all stand-alone, this is the only real trilogy or series. Of course, the books (The Bourne Identity, Supremacy, and Ultimatum) are very different from the movies except at their most basic, such as in Identity he's amnesiac and in Supremacy he faces a rival assassin who mimics him. But the books concern his ongoing battle with the near mythical Carlos The Jackal, who's mission it was to draw out and kill in The Bourne Identity by pretending to be a rival assassin. The books have a lot more action than even the action-packed movies and are quite complex. Jason's final battles with Carlos The Jackal in The Bourne Identity and Ultimatum (Supremacy skipped the entire Carlos The Jackal plot) are still my favorite in fiction.

Taran Wanderer--This is the main character of the Chronicles Of Prydain books other people have mentioned, I love those books and the character is great. They're by Lloyd Alexander.

Dorian Gray--Read The Picture Of Dorian Gray. He's the guy in League Of Extraodinary Gentlemen that you probably couldn't figure out which classic novel he was from. Well, I discovered it, and it's very good. Dorian Gray can basically sin and age all he wants because his body never shows any of the effects of it. However, his portrait turns older and viler by the day. He is eventually driven to murder, and eventually his terrible secret is revealed to the world.

All of the Lord Of The Rings characters, obviously.

I've probably left some of my favorites out, but that's pretty good for now.

06-30-2005, 04:30 AM
Tyrion Lannister from 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series. He has plenty of flaws and abilities that make him a great and memorable character. I've only read the first book so far.

Pinball Wizard
07-01-2005, 12:12 PM
Raistlin from Dragonlance - At first he was kinda the dark cool, mysterious, and wearing a black swishy cloak character. But after reading the Dragonlance Legends he got so much deeper. I swear I have never read a book where I could love, pity, despise, and utterly hate a character to the point where you just want to rip the books apart. (My friend got so pissed at it that she chucked the Test of the Twins down her hallway.) But we love him anyways.

Morgaine from Mists of Avalon - also a dynamic character who is pretty cool. But a very looooooong book.

Wizards in general like Gandalf, Fizban/ Zifnab, Rincewind, Merlin, etc.