View Full Version : Reign

Derek R.
01-03-2004, 01:52 PM
What the heck is going on with this show? I can't keep up.

Reign: Proof that Epic leveled male fighters can wear thongs.

01-03-2004, 06:19 PM
Basically, it's supposed to be a futuristic-looking show about Alexander the Great's conquest of what was then considered the world. Very killographic. Can't say I think much of it tho.

01-03-2004, 07:49 PM
Hah... I wouldn't use killographic to describe anything in that show other than the fights. Those are pretty cool though, but the rest of the show... plot, character design, etc. are horribly annoying. Basically the plot goes something like Al is born fated to be the 'devilled king of destruction' (not to be confused with the devilled eggs of destruction), and burns across the globe destroying things, while being hunted by magicians that don't want him to destroy the world. I think that pretty much covers it... oh and there's some babbling about a tetrahedron that's suppose to contain the universe or something. After I figured all that out the plot became too convulated to even figure out if I've seen the last episode or not, though. That may just be because I can't stand watching it every night, and therefore haven't seen them all in order, though.

Derek R.
01-04-2004, 02:14 PM
All I know is if My mom walked in while I was watching it I would most likely turn it as I'd hate to break her heart when she sees her son watching Animated and malnurished Soldiers in thongs slaying one anouther.

Stabbitty Death
01-05-2004, 01:11 AM
I always change the channel when people come into my room and I'm watching anime because they sit there and talk about how stupid the show is and how they've run out of ideas for shows. I hate that.

Derek R.
01-05-2004, 11:07 AM
Yeah I ususally just break there knees when they do that. Helps them focus on a new more important topic.

01-08-2004, 02:49 AM
I have watched only 3 episodes of the pantsless anorexia adventure...

I hated them all.

No one has walked in on me watching but im pretty sure my response would involve swearing someone had forced roofies down my throat.

Derek R.
01-09-2004, 11:55 AM
Nicely put.

01-18-2004, 06:09 AM
pantsless anorexia adventure...

At least your using the proper title for the series. I can't remember who it was back at TWC that first started using that name for the series.

I did slip you roofies. Remember? Oh, wait, that's right...

01-18-2004, 12:51 PM
Ah roofies. What CAN'T you use them as an excuse to?