View Full Version : How Would You Classify A Official Nerd Or Geek

09-03-2006, 03:16 PM
As Follows

1. Speak Klingon
2. Watch Star Trek
3. Play D&D

09-03-2006, 03:47 PM
Excellent information!
I would almost automatically say poor grammer skills, but that'd be counter productive of what this thread creates, so I won't. :P

Mirai Gen
09-03-2006, 03:59 PM
Um, well, shit. (http://forum.nuklearpower.com/showthread.php?t=14912)

09-03-2006, 05:48 PM
I'd never learn that language on my own, so without some kind of Matrix-chip-download innovation, I'll forever be a non-official geek. Let's see...

Nerd: Individual with extraordinary knowledge and even stranger interest in fields such as mathematics, physics, perhaps chemistry and biology. The more exact and overly complex the field or sub-field, the nerdier one is. If you have a poster of a benzene molecule on your wall, you are a nerd.

Geek: Individual with above average knowledge and interest in activities typically considered antisocial or taboo by society. This used to include video games, but they are becoming very very widely popular and don't hold such a sway anymore. It still includes D&D and other d20 or tabletop games.

Yah, I gave it a shot.

Corporate Evil
09-03-2006, 07:42 PM
Trekkies are beyond normal geeks.

Geeks and Nerds can be defined by:

Being in classes of high intelligence

Knowing useless math skills that neither of you will use

Usually good with computers

Looked down upon by the majority

Wearing glasses (though entirely optional)

Playing some kind of fantasy game. This can range from TCG cards games to full blown D&D.

Has no shot of dating a girl, unless she is within thier own circles.

Can also be seen as with "gay" tendancies and possibilities by the majority.

09-04-2006, 06:39 PM

To me, a nerd is someone who`s TOTALLY into amassing knowledge, whether it is for their immediate use or not. (Red Mage-ish) They read because they WANT to read and study because it`s FUN.

They`d be fairly cerebal, abstract, able to paint with imagination. They would be ridiculed by the others, because they wouldn`t understand WHY the nerd would want to store more info. «not only that, but usually a nerd would be so out of normal reality, they`d be marked as different.»

A geek on the other hand, is a specialist in one study, lending their heft, might and brainpower in that study. Geek to me would mean someone who is otherwisedly savvy in the physical world. It is that «particular» brand of science, technology or other exact study that has caught them.

Also imaginative, geek focusses on reality rather than fantasy.

edit is here because the keyboard fell, and submitted post before I could complete it.

edit - Urban Dictionary has NO entries for Thief and Fighter at this time. «04-sept-06) It does have Red Mage and Black Mage. Interesting, I find.

09-04-2006, 06:56 PM
Nerds or geeks are just people who have an obsession and plenty of knowledge on specific things. Nerds tend to have their knowledge and interest within fields of science, literature, history, engineering etc. Geeks usually have their obsession with anything that might not be considered "main-stream" such as anime, video games (although not so much anymore), CCGs/TCGs, pen-and-paper RPGs, RPGs in general, cult films, Sci-Fi etc., but geeks aren't only interested in something that isn't popular- The Simpsons geeks are still geeks even if The Simpsons is enormously popular. Both have a tendency to just know random trivia, whether it be historical, scientific, artistic etc.
Notice how I use etc. several times. This is because geeks and nerds not only have a wide variety of interests and abilities, but also because geek or nerd can describe many different people.

09-04-2006, 08:03 PM
It's been done (http://newgeekhierarchy.ytmnd.com/).

Solid Snake
09-04-2006, 08:31 PM
Interestingly, I've always really had a love-hate issue with myself, namely over the entire issue of being associated as a geek.

On the one hand, I am a giant fucking nerd.

On the other hand, I tend not to take that classification as much of a compliment. Hence, the occasional self-loathing over it.

8-Bit Idiot
09-05-2006, 12:10 PM
Great... I'm a dork...