View Full Version : Heroes

09-25-2006, 08:17 PM


Tonight at 9pm EST, NBC will be airing the pilot episode of Heroes. The show is about people all over the world suddenly discovering that they have superpowers, and the effects that it has on them and the people around them. Don't worry if you can't catch it today, the SciFi channel will air the repeats starting this Friday.

Heroes looks interesting, but it is a type of show that can turn really crappy really quickly. If they can pull it off, they might have a hit on their hands.

So, what do you think of Heroes?

Mike McC
09-25-2006, 10:11 PM
So far, so good. At first it was a bit disjointed because of the different storylines, but then they started to dome together at the end. It looks really interesting, and I must say that I am hooked.

Kroze Gamegod
09-26-2006, 02:55 AM
Sadly, they really needed to do the 90 minute version they showed at Comic Con instead of the watered down version they showed tonight...

Notable changes:

1. The Painter originally handcuffs himself to the radiator in a attempt to go cold turkey, he then goes and cuts off his own hand to get free and paint the picture at the end of the episode...
He never had a overdose and it just came out cooler...

2. There was a different song playing during the Eclipse thingy (By Bright Eyes, who I hate with a passion I might add so I am thankful they changed that)...

3. The brother didn't originallly fall at the end, which I sort of liked better...
It use to cut to the credits with a shot of them just hanging there in the air with the flying dude responding to his brother asking him about how he can do that with "I don't know... I don't know..."
I think some idiot in the focus group must of gone "I don't get it" or NBC said that they needed a "Bigger" hook for the end to bring people back...
But it just came out as very corny instead of a hint as to what is to come...

4. There were two storylines that they cut that are gonna be in the second episode...
The Cop who can hear voices and a middle eastern guy... who's power I won't reveal due to it being a huge plotpoint...
Although, I think they flowed much better in the 90 minute version when spliced with the rest of the stories...

Also, they cut part of Hiro's little teleportation act at the bar but it wasn't anything people would care about...

Hiro is such a great character and I am glad they left all his Star Trek and X-Men talk in...
It really hits home with all the true comic book lovers watching the show...

Speaking about comic books, the show is set up very much like one and really has the right feel to it...
And between this and Studio 60, I will be entertained for many Monday nights to come!

(OMG! NBC, of all networks, actually has a monday night show lineup that is worth watching?!?? Hell has frozen over!)

The Artist Formerly Known as Hawk
09-26-2006, 12:44 PM
This sounds pretty cool, I love anything where people have superhuman powers, and there seems to be a good range of abilities in this. Unfortunately I can't see it over here in Britain, but perhaps if it has good ratings it will eventually come to these shores. So keep watching people! Lack of ratings is what killed Firefly and that was a damn good show too, dont let this go the same way.

Oh and thanks for that Wiki link Dposse, it's good to have a list of pretty much every concievable superpower in one place. May even come in handy for the RP's on this forum, what with all the superpower type RP's that there seems to be at the moment.

09-26-2006, 04:40 PM
I do like the show. Peter should be the one who's able to fly, though, it'd be better.

And I do not like that the Cheerleader girl is seeming like she's going to be the focus of the show.

Mike McC
09-26-2006, 09:22 PM
If anyone missed it, and/or wants to see it (again), it'll be on at 7/6 CST PM Friday on SciFi. You should watch SciFi on Friday anyway because Doctor Who starts back up again.

09-26-2006, 09:35 PM
What? Are you serious? You'd better not be joking. Joking will result in your undoing.

09-26-2006, 09:46 PM
It was on again tonight on NBC...an hour and a half ago, as of this post, but that seems irrelevant now, no?

I purely enjoyed it, especially the Japanese guys power. I like his and the Cheerleader's power the most.;)

Mike McC
09-26-2006, 09:51 PM
What? Are you serious? You'd better not be joking. Joking will result in your undoing.See for yourself. Both Heroes (http://www.scifi.com/heroes/) and Doctor Who (http://www.scifi.com/doctorwho/) on Fridays on SciFi. End commercial.

EDIT: Apparently they have the full episode viewable on NBC's webpage for Heroes (http://heroes.nbc.com/), at least for the week. I don't know if all the episodes will be viewable for a week like this, or only one or two. Also of note, they created a blog for Hiro (http://blog.nbc.com/hiro_blog/) (the Japanese guy), if you wanna look at it.

09-26-2006, 10:48 PM
Hiro was my favorite character. Total nerd who discovers he has insane powers. Gotta love it.

I'll be watching with great interest.

09-28-2006, 08:04 PM
It's sort of bandwagon-y, dont ya think? I mean it looks cool... Kind of a 'LOST' but with super powers.

09-29-2006, 07:23 AM
It struck me as "LOST" meets "X-men".

I'm usually a diehard superhero fan. When I was little I used to pray to God to make me a superhero (that didn't work, btw). But the show struck me as a little... too unoriginal...

We'll see. As of the first episode, I wasn't particularly impressed.

Jack of Spades
09-30-2006, 08:07 PM
I wasn't very impressed with the show because most of the characters weren't that good. The artist was cool, the cab driver/scientist was cool, Hiro was amazing. The other characters were boring, and the cheerleader pissed me off. "I don't want this! I'm a freak!" Ok, great. Now, just stop trying to kill yourself and you won't have a problem!

10-01-2006, 10:53 AM
Jack of Spades: Just wait until at least the end of the first season. You might change your mind.

i thought that Heroes was like the 4,400 mixed with Xmen with a little LOST thrown in. I just wanna see if the previews of this show do the rest of the first season justice.

And yeah, Hiro is everyones favorite. Who doesn't love a nerdy, perverted japanese guy?

10-01-2006, 09:07 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, it's official. Hiro is one of us.

From his blog:

As for Final Fantasy, I have
played them all, even XI. MMORPGs are a time sink! I had to stop playing.
I literally was glued to my PS2 for 24 hours straight. FF VI probably holds
a special place in my heart. The Magitek stuff was cool and it was the last
of the pre-CD games. I reamember V too, because I also spent many days
grinding for the last blue magic and the dragon's whiskers. Thanks for FF XII ラスボス advice!
That's Japanese for 'last boss', by the way.

Kroze Gamegod
10-01-2006, 10:26 PM
Oh my god....
He prefers VI over VII....
That man is total win...
You know he also worked at Industrial Light and Magic as well?

I should of tried getting his autograph at Comic Con on my 360 like all the rest of the stars there....

10-02-2006, 08:55 PM
I nominate Heroes for "Show with the most goddamn blood and guts and decapitation in one episode."

Mike McC
10-02-2006, 09:16 PM
Wow. The end of that episode was just... wow. And it explained the clock in the subway near the end of the first episode.

And it wasn't really decapitation, that implies the whole head. The head was mostly intact here.

10-02-2006, 09:30 PM
"What did you do with the brain?"

High-larity. And I loved the ending, yeah.

Silly Kitty
10-02-2006, 09:42 PM
I love this series. It is as good as everyone said it would be.

The cheerleader is my favorite. I really really want that power.

Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope
10-02-2006, 10:24 PM
Name: Hiro Nakamura
Age: 24
Occupation: Sales, Yamagato Industries
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Favorite Manga: Jojo's Bizzare Adventures
Favorite Comic: X-Men
Favorite TV: Star Trek
Favorite Movie: Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Favorite Singer: Britney Spears
Favorite Game: Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy Series
Favorite Phrase:一期一会

this man may be the only reason to watch this show.

Kroze Gamegod
10-02-2006, 10:30 PM
So Hiro has 6 weeks to get everything together...
Good luck little man, you're gonna need it!

Also, gotta love mirror girl's split personalities sense of humor....

The Clare storyline really has me split...
I love the whole father connection thing about it yet I can't stand some of the other stuff dealing with her...

And I am suprised about how they are splitting up what we saw as the "Directors Cut" first episode over so long...
They would of just been better off throwing that version on last week and gave it a true 2 hour premire like Heroes really deserves...

And next week, I am assuming we will finally get to see the villian I like to call "The Big Boomer"

Mike McC
10-03-2006, 12:47 AM
So Hiro has 6 weeks to get everything together...
Good luck little man, you're gonna need it!Technically, he has an infinite amount of time, seeing as how he can go backwards and forwards through it as he sees fit.

10-03-2006, 06:07 AM
Yeah, but it's not like he's in very much control at all. FIVE WEEKS, MAN!

10-03-2006, 10:05 PM
I hear there are pills mirror girl can take to help keep her power (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_personality_disorder)in check.

(I dunno, that might be a bit spoilerish, so don't click the link just in case. I doubt it really is, but I figured I'd just cover my ass none the less)

10-06-2006, 09:32 PM
Can someone tell me where I can get the episode at? My Monday nights are preoccupied by roleplaying and the Tuesday thing didn't show.

Mike McC
10-06-2006, 09:36 PM
Well, like I stated before, they replay the episodes on the Sci-Fi channel at 7/6 CST PM Fridays.

Alternatively, NBC has the most recent episode online to watch for free at thier webpage for Heroes (http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/).

10-06-2006, 10:29 PM
Gotcha. Thanks for the link.

Kroze Gamegod
10-09-2006, 10:55 PM
Well now,
Its offical, they need to quit being all "OMG!! Look at the Cheerleader! She can regenerate herself!!!11! lolz!"
We get it already...
Although Clare's friend saying "OMG" was a high point for the episode...
And that one brother has totally got Rouge-like powers...

I am also angry that they changed the cop's whole entire storyline...
They went back and refilmed most of that for no good reason when the original story worked just fine...

But at least next week, the characters finally start to really interact with each other...

10-10-2006, 04:29 PM
What? What cop storyline got changed?

What I am most upset is that apparently the girl couldn't regenerate because the stick was still stuck up her brain, but when it got taken out she was up and swearin', organs or no.

Oh and Peter rocks.

10-10-2006, 04:36 PM
They have super powers...but some of them seem to have the worst powers ever.

Like the Japanese guy and the mirror girl. Horrible powers. Even the "Invulnerability" power is flawed and somewhat iffy, and definitely not something I would use to save the day.

10-10-2006, 07:51 PM
Huhwhat? Hiro has the most powerful...power in the universe! TIME. CONTROL. OF.

10-10-2006, 08:41 PM
Time control is the worst power possible, actually, as it allows for the writers to commit wanton acts of laziness in figuring out ways out of a situation.

Which they're already doing with Mirror Girl anyways...

The entire Heroes cast either have crappy versions of awesome powers, out of control powers or overpowered powers.

Thus the powers for Heroes are the worst imaginable.

It's kind of like Superman...except without the heat vision.

If nobody minds, I shall get into specifics(Spoilers ahoy for those who do not know the powers yet!)

The Cheerleader has a Healing Factor, not invulnerability as so many people tried to shove off on me. Her "Healing Factor" does not protect her from pain. Imagine Wolverine without any sort of combat training, physical capabilities, claws...nothing but his healing ability. That's it.
Useful for preserving your life, but overall? Noooottt so good. We don't even have to bother talking about her character as a whole, which irritates me(And from what I read some others in this thread).

The Japanese Guy can control time and space? He can bend it to his will? Well, it's a bit out of his control(He teleported, but also went significantly ahead in time, then teleported back and went back in time). Either this means he has a horribly uncontrollable super awesome power, or he has a crappy power that looks powerful. If it ends up being a need of training then you'll see rapidly that this could prove a big issue for the entire series, as he could simply skip back in time to negate an entire storyline. Season 2 begins with him doing this. Repeat Season 1 except with some changes.

The Cop has psychic powers. He can read thoughts. This is actually not an overpowered power, a power in need of training(as he picks up on doing it pretty darn fast), or a weak power. It's an issue of stupidity of the character.

Mirror Girl has an evil mirror twin who can manipulate things in the real world. Appearantly she can do this all pretty quickly, and I don't know if it's any time she wants or specifically when MG is knocked out...but isn't it astounding how things end up in all sorts of weird places almost as though they were just placed there? The writers obviously will/can use this to do whatever they want. She gets locked up? Instantly has the key to get out! She gets attacked? Blacks out, wakes up and she's fine and they're not. Get the idea?

I just...ugh.

You know?

Mike McC
10-10-2006, 09:33 PM
Well, I think it's implied that they don't really have a grasp on thier powers yet, as they just discovered they had them. Also, for Mirror Girl, it seems to work more like a multiple personality than a doppleganger. Especially since she lost time in the second episode (about four hours) without being knocked out or anything, she just watched the video and then bam, 4 hours gone, and she's somewhere else.

As for the potential, look at what Sylar seems to be able to do without too much difficulty.

10-10-2006, 09:39 PM
So, last night was the first time I saw this show, and, well, I'll definitely be watching again.

The only thing that irked me about the powers was how totally ridiculous they are, from a scientific standpoint. I mean, yeah, most superheroes are, but, they had excuses.

In the '60s, nuclear reactions were this terrifying thing that had ballooned in people's minds into some terrible, all-powerful force capable of obliterating the whole world. Understandably, a lot of 50s and 60s era superheroes got ridiculous powers from radioactivity.

And, as to X-men and other genetically-derived superheroes, they also came along when genetics was relatively new to the public eye, and not very well understood (to the public, I mean). Again, a seemingly limitless, totally over-hyped "science of the future" kind of deal.

But, for fuck's sake, it's 2006! I think most people now know that you can't get the power to stop fucking time from "evolving." OK, NBC? Stopping time never made sense, ever, especially when it happens via genetics. That's pretty much as absurd as it gets. I mean, basic physics, people.

Same goes for flying. I mean, WTF? Where does all that energy come from? What's the propulsion system? How does he generate fucking lift?

Although, considering how many people believe in the Christian conception of God, I guess conservation of mass and energy, and the universality of physical laws don't really enter into most Americans' minds in a given day.

But, all that can be ignored, and overall, I enjoyed the show. Just the total absurdity of the powers irks me. It's the 21st century -- we should be able to do better.

10-10-2006, 10:12 PM
Greg (MrGWilliams) says the same thing, about the powers.

Personally I don't give two shits how they got their powers. I just like to see Peter Petrelli flying and Hiro making time shut up for a "minute".

10-17-2006, 01:36 AM
When I was little I used to pray to God to make me a superhero (that didn't work, btw).

Shit, I still do that.

10-17-2006, 01:36 AM
OK, was anyone else struck by how badass futre-Hiro is? With the soul-patch, sword, and samurai outfit? Did anyone else envision a Terminator-style future, where Hiro happens to be a super-badass (I mean, his power basically trumps every other power ever. Can cheerleader girl heal a decipation by katana? I think not.).

I mean, if anyone is to become a raging badass, it should be Hiro, because he is the target audience. We identify with him, thus, he must be the coolest -- it's just good pandering.

Anyway, I'm going to have to watch every single episode of Heroes until I see Hiro katana someone in the blink of an eye. It'd be totally anime-style, you know, how they slice someone, and they don't even notice at first? That's future Hiro -- or it should be, anyway.

Nedless to say, I'm excited.

10-17-2006, 04:54 AM
Personally, I'm lovin' this show. Between Pete, the Cop, Sharesh, and Super Hiro Bad-ass, Time-stop Ninja, I'm happy for at least 65% of the show. Though the cheerleader and the mirror chick annoy the crap outta me, the mirror lady less so, for the same reason I don't say bad stuff about vampires, Sure they may not exist, but why take unnecessery risks? But the brother needs to suffer some sort of dibilitating injury unrelated to the stick wedged firmly betwix his nether-regions...

As a side note, upon hearing "save the Cheerleader, Save the World" am I the only one that had super mario flashbacks?

10-17-2006, 04:33 PM
Wow. I mean. Wow. Pete get it on.

10-17-2006, 05:11 PM
Although, considering how many people believe in the Christian conception of God, I guess conservation of mass and energy, and the universality of physical laws don't really enter into most Americans' minds in a given day.

What the hell? Can we NOT go there?

On HEROS; I just watched it for the first time last night. I really dont think they are actually going to reveal the source of the powers as 'evolution' - that might be a big part of it as they are already mentioning it... but it's early yet in the show.

As for the powers themselves... Well,

But, for fuck's sake, it's 2006! I think most people now know that you can't get the power to stop fucking time from "evolving." OK, NBC? Stopping time never made sense, ever, especially when it happens via genetics. That's pretty much as absurd as it gets. I mean, basic physics, people.

Maybe it's more localized. Like, not that he is actually halting time, but that he himself is moving through time differently than the rest of us.

Flying, as in the case of superman, has been explained before via a telekinetic control of gravitational forces. Gravity has always played a role in Superman's Powers, so this seems somewhat plausible.

I think the idea of learning how to control these suddenly occuring powers is something that hasn't been done much in comics or comic-based movies. I mean, sort-of with X-men, and sort-of with Spider-Man, but it always seems like they know how to use their powers effectivly within a very short period of time. Heros is markedly different in this respect.

10-17-2006, 05:36 PM
Although, considering how many people believe in the Christian conception of God, I guess conservation of mass and energy, and the universality of physical laws don't really enter into most Americans' minds in a given day.

What the hell? Can we NOT go there?

Agreed. Drusus - watch it with that.

10-17-2006, 07:15 PM
Sorry -- as a militant-atheist/douchebag, I have a reflex to shit on certain belief systems, and there's nowhere in the world where it's harder to control that reflex than internet forums. That said, I'll try my best to stop.

Oh, and, as to the powers -- I still think they make about as much sense as Pat Robertson (not bashing religion here, just Pat), but like I said, I can ignore that. The show is still cool, I'm still hooked, and I'm still going to be watching it in the future.

I do think people need to get more creative with super-powers, but, at the end of the day, it's the story and the characters that really matter, and so far, Heroes has got me interested.

EDIT -- for example (as to more creative super-powers), for a sci-fi setting, why not use entanglement? I mean, first, we probably have to just concede that Einstein was wrong, and there are tachyons (if this show/book/comic involves FTL travel), and then, we have people who are cyborgs, and the machine part of them allows them to quantum-entangle subatomic particles. Thus, by entangling the neutrons/protons in someone's heart with those in the fiery core of the sun, you can blow people up with your mind, for instance. Also, summon anything at will from constituent particles (if you're really good).

Just a thought -- it's slightly more plausible than stopping time, and at least it isn't beating a dead horse.

10-17-2006, 08:29 PM
But all those powers would be so boring in a fight.

"No, Luke! I AM your father!"

"NOO--oh wait."

Then Vader just blows up.

Terribly anti-climactic, no?

10-17-2006, 08:40 PM
But all those powers would be so boring in a fight.

"No, Luke! I AM your father!"

"NOO--oh wait."

Then Vader just blows up.

Terribly anti-climactic, no?

Believe me -- I wrote a novel-and-a-half using these powers; trust me, you can make it work.

Mainly, not everyone is that good at it, and also, if anyone else has these powers, they can simultaneously counter-act what you try to do, so it stays balanced in big battles. There's room for small stuff, but go for anything big, and other people will pick up on it, and put a stop to it (you can't do it instantly, btw. It takes time to entangle everything. The bigger you go, the longer it takes).

But, these specific powers aren't really even the point -- the point is people should be at least trying to make powers with at least some plausibility, that aren't totally derivative.

10-18-2006, 01:01 PM
Supahiro > You ALL

10-18-2006, 01:28 PM
But, these specific powers aren't really even the point -- the point is people should be at least trying to make powers with at least some plausibility, that aren't totally derivative.

I hear that. It does sort of take you out of it when you can say 'hey, that girl heals like wolverine' or 'hey, that guy tells the future like madam cleo' or 'those guys fly like superman' etc...

But on the other hand, it's sort of difficult to come up with original powers... at least ones that are accessible. It'd be weird to have a charecter that have physic powers but only be able to read certain types of thought or whatever. Or telekinetic control over, I dunno, plastics or something.

I think a cool idea for a power would be something like absorption... but again, that's an aspect of many 'Super heros' power's that is already used frequently... directly with Rouge or Leech of X-men fame, or Parasite in the DCU, less so with Electro or other power'd people who absorb electricity or other elemental energy source.

It takes some thinking to get a good concept for a power that is both original and interesting... and then to get the backstory and charecter development to make it all worthwhile? yeah.

The Artist Formerly Known as Hawk
10-18-2006, 03:06 PM
There are no original superpowers left. Every superpower can be classified and categorised and already have been. Observe. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_comic_book_superpowers)

Every power ever used has been used more than once, in some cases by many people. Almost any power you can think up has most likely been used already. Everything from animal characteristics to molecular control, energy absorbtion in all it's many forms, control over every element you can think of and all the way up to complete omnipotence has been used in some form.

Also, how can you complain that a superpower is useless anyway?! It's still a superpower, and therefore grants the posseser of said ability more power than a normal person. It is not the level of power or even the type of power that matters either, it is how that power is used.

10-19-2006, 08:11 PM
Well, the source of the power can be new, and, there's a difference between using a relatively unused power, and a power that's totally derivative of a character who's just starred in 3 major motion pictures (e.g. Cheerleader's Wolverine-style healing).

And, the plausibility complaint is still valid.

Although, in all honesty, plausibility really demands that everything be set in a sci-fi universe, with the possible exception of discovered/given alien technology.

It just seems like NBC didn't even try. You know?

And like I said -- the show still rocks as long as you're able to suspend your disbelief.

10-19-2006, 08:55 PM
Well...if you wanna go there, then none of the superpowers of anyone who was born with them make a "lick" of sense. So, I mean, yeah, you've gotten suspend the dibelief there.

10-19-2006, 09:15 PM
I think a cool idea for a power would be something like absorption... but again, that's an aspect of many 'Super heros' power's that is already used frequently... directly with Rouge or Leech of X-men fame, or Parasite in the DCU, less so with Electro or other power'd people who absorb electricity or other elemental energy source.

Hate to rain on your parade, but I'm thinking the younger fly brother already has that power. After all he was only able to fly when he was with his brother, he was able to see the future when with the stoned guy, and he was able to move through time differently while near Hiro.

10-19-2006, 10:44 PM
Geeze, just got done writing a review of Heroes.

Lemme tell yah, freshman english is a bitch.

I'ma gonna go die now, I gotta wake up early.

Hiro rocks.

10-20-2006, 03:38 PM
When did he see the future, Swordchucks?

10-20-2006, 05:30 PM
When did he see the future, Swordchucks?

Even better, did he see sword-chucks in the future? Future Hiro with sword-chucks, anyone? Anyone at all?

10-20-2006, 06:03 PM
When did he see the future, Swordchucks?
When he was in the hospital, he drew stick figures of him and Nathan on the roof with him hovering. He also mentions it in the 4th episode to the Indian guy (forget his name)

and yah, I know I'm answering for Swordchucks, sorry.

10-20-2006, 09:14 PM
Okay now that is awesome.

10-20-2006, 09:40 PM
I tell you what, Hiro's blog is about as interesting as the show. The sig is testament.

10-21-2006, 09:27 PM
So far I have enjoyed every episode, I guess it's natural being a comic geek and all. It's to the point where I was literally jumping up and down when I saw past/future Hiro.

10-24-2006, 06:27 AM
When did he see the future, Swordchucks?

After lasts night episode I could easily say I told you all so... but I'm WAY too nice to do that. :D

But it looks like my theory was correct. Peter mimics the power of whoever he's near. And he doesn't even need to be high to do it.

10-24-2006, 08:48 AM
I'm guessing that Isaac eventually won't need to be high to use his power's either. If Isaac does need to be high, then Peter's mimicry should have copied that limitation as well. I think once Isaac develops his power a bit more, he'll be able to see the future at will.

Man, I am totally hooked on this show.

10-24-2006, 09:06 AM
Is it just me or does that younger brother guy look a lot like a really young unbuff sly stalone?

10-24-2006, 10:07 AM
Yeah... the only reason the high guy probably needs the dope is because he was already an addict. Once he breaks his addiction he'll be fine.

But I just realized once they all come together, Peter will make superman look pathetic. At a "Heroes" reunion, he'd be able to heal instantly any injury, he'd be able to fly, he'd be able to see the future, he'd be able to read minds, he'd be able to bend time and space, and he'd be able to have a freakishly strong mirror image. He's clearly being shown to be the future leader, as he has the most potential power of them all.

Mike McC
10-25-2006, 03:03 PM
I think a cool idea for a power would be something like absorption... but again, that's an aspect of many 'Super heros' power's that is already used frequently... directly with Rouge or Leech of X-men fame, or Parasite in the DCU, less so with Electro or other power'd people who absorb electricity or other elemental energy source.Hate to rain on your parade, but I'm thinking the younger fly brother already has that power. After all he was only able to fly when he was with his brother, he was able to see the future when with the stoned guy, and he was able to move through time differently while near Hiro.Peter doesn't have power absorption like Rouge. Only power mimicry. You don't see him sucking the energy, memories, and personality out of those around him, right? No, he can only mimic thier abilities.

Alos, the onbly reason you can map the hero's powers to X-Men so easily is because X-Men has pretty much aleady done all the super-powers and superpower combinations.Yeah... the only reason the high guy probably needs the dope is because he was already an addict. Once he breaks his addiction he'll be fine.

But I just realized once they all come together, Peter will make superman look pathetic. At a "Heroes" reunion, he'd be able to heal instantly any injury, he'd be able to fly, he'd be able to see the future, he'd be able to read minds, he'd be able to bend time and space, and he'd be able to have a freakishly strong mirror image. He's clearly being shown to be the future leader, as he has the most potential power of them all.We don't know if he can mimic more than one power at once, though. We've only seenm him in contact with Nathan and Issac, and he didn't try his ability after the brief encounter with Future-Hiro. And all of those encounters have been seperate.

10-26-2006, 07:01 PM
Heh. Was anyone else amused by Nathan's flying? I hadn't seen the episode where the two brothers flew, so, I hadn't seen what "flying" meant, exactly. That's pretty fucking fast, my friends. And cool. And really, really improbable.

First of all, there was a sonic boom when he took off (when cheerleader's dad was chasing him), and he accelerated to that speed in about 1/4 of a second (and that's being generous). Which, if we put the speed of sound at 300m/s (less than its speed at sea level), then that means that he was accelerating at a rate of 1200m/s/s (I don't know how to do superscript on message boards). Which is equivalent to about 122 Gs. I'm pretty sure that would kill you, considering that the force on him would have to be about 96,000N if we put his weight at 80kg. That's equivalent to about 21,500 pounds of force. Ouch.

And, of course, this would require insane amounts of energy, and there's no obvious source of propulsion, etc.

Nonetheless, the effect is awesome, and the show just keeps getting cooler. I hope they don't fuck it up like Surface, though. What I mean by that is, eventually, they have to stop hinting at major conflict, and actually have some fighting. Nothing huge happened in Surface till the last episode, and that's why it got cancelled (damn it!). Heroes is already much better about this than Surface, but eventually we will want to see Hiro wielding a katana, perhaps kicking ass, and even taking names.

10-26-2006, 07:03 PM
The improbablity thing is like we've already covered: Suspension of disbelief.

10-26-2006, 10:55 PM
This show is pretty cool, too many seperate plotlines though. They need to form the Y-Men as quickly as possible. Also the multiple-personality chick's power is actually super-strength, the mutliple-personality thing is just her way to block her knowledge of it. In classic cliched style it will be revealed that the guy who paints the future doesn't actually need drugs to do it, as well.

Also I would say the cheerleader chick doesn't feel pain. Who would test the way she did on purpose if it hurt? She sat up with her FREAKING CHEST OPEN and didn't feel anything either. She just looked worried and out of sorts and slapped it together so it'd heal. Crazy crap there.

Mike McC
10-27-2006, 01:05 PM
This show is pretty cool, too many seperate plotlines though. They need to form the Y-Men as quickly as possible.They are bringing together all of the characters niow, though. The only character that hasn't really come in contact with the others (Aside from Clair) is Matt, the LA Cop. And I have the feeling that he's going to follow Sylar to Texas where at least Peter, Issac, Hiro and Ando are going to meet to save Claire.

10-31-2006, 01:15 AM
Lot's of silly math Gobbledy-gook

Nathan has the Speed force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_Force) Now sit down and watch the show.

This thing just gets better and better it seems. I'm liking D.L alot more then I expected, and I still get unusually giddy when Hiro show up to do his thing, but thats to be expected.

He's Fanservice, Not that thats a bad thing.

Long-Haired Narcissist
10-31-2006, 01:54 AM
I thought this episode raised more questions than it answered. I'm starting to wonder what role DL and Claire's father will play.

10-31-2006, 03:25 PM
Nathan has the Speed force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_Force) Now sit down and watch the show.

It doesn't really bother me -- it's just kind of funny to calculate out just how absurd Nathan's power really is. Also, I have too much time on my hands.

But, to more pressing questions. Mainly, what exactly is D.L.'s power? I missed the first one (two?) episode(s), so maybe I missed something, but is he like that girl from the X-Men (Kitty Whatsherface), in that he can both phase through objects, and objects can also phase through him? For example, could he simply let bullets pass through him?

Mike McC
10-31-2006, 06:39 PM
Well, I think this showed that Niki's real power is augmented strength, it just seems that only her other personality has access to it at this point. Wether or not that is a limitation of her power, or if she just doesn't know how to use it yet is unclear. Kind of like Issac's painting... he can only do it on a heroin trip, but Peter's mimicing suggests that it doesn't have to be that way.

10-31-2006, 08:48 PM
Well we all know what my real power is:

Closing threads.

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