View Full Version : Help me choose some Xbox 360 games plz!!

11-26-2006, 11:36 PM
Jubilation! NPF has not changed at all! Ahem... Getting the point of this thread... during the days leading to Thanksgiving, a dilemma was set before me: either I camp at the local Gamestapo for a Wii or I wait it out. But, as luck would have it, a new option presented itself. I got an Xbox 360 for a $100 less than usual. Since I still didn't have a lot of money, I only got Burnout Revenge and Halo (because I skipped on the first Xbox and I couldn't find Halo 2 in the store). Why did get a 360? Simply put, the Wii launch wasn't appealling to me with exception of Zelda and even that game is going to be released on Gamecube.

So far the Xbox 360 has been awesome, but I still hunger for more games. My question to you NPFers is this: what other Xbox (original or 360) games should I get? And don't say Halo 2 or Gears of War. They are awesome games, I get it and you don't have to tell me. :)
Sorry about the diarrhea of words guys.
Oh yeah and about the Wii? I am going to wait to get one until they release either Metriod Prime 3 or SSBB (whichever comes first).:)

lord kaboomis
11-27-2006, 09:36 AM
i would reccomend one of the best games for the xbox306, it is Eldar Scrolls IV, Oblivion

11-27-2006, 09:48 AM
i really like ninja gaiden, its very entertaining

i think they are remaking it and releasing it for the 360 soon with more stuff or something...forgot what it was

11-27-2006, 10:00 AM
^Ninja Gaiden Sigma, the second remake of a game less than 4 years old.:sweatdrop

Anyway, Dead Rising is head and shoulders above anything on the 360 other than Gears. And is far better than that if you're not a shooter buff. Beware the tiny text if you don't have HD, I managed with it but it can really irritate some people and if you have anything less than perfect vision you're in trouble. But still the sledgehammer, oh god the sledgehammer!

Other than that, Saint's Row is a good time waster, if you can get over the near criminal*snerk* similarity to GTA3. Yeah it's actually missing a lot of Vice City and San Andreas content, boats, planes, choppers, countryside and superweapons, what it is is GTA 3 on next gen steroids. If you can get over the lost content from later GTAs and the waves of deja vu it's pretty fun.

As for XBOX1 I can't really help there.

Living Bobbeh
11-27-2006, 10:31 AM
Gears of War, I shouldn't need to tell you why. I can't quite see how you can own a 360 and not a copy of Gears of War, it's the game that beat Halo 2, for gods sake.

11-27-2006, 01:05 PM
definitly go to olivion, aboslutely amazing game. Also, i just did this a few weeks ago when i came home from boarding school, check out the free demos on the marketplace, some of them are really good and give you a good feel of the game, not out of playing the games, but from the demos prey and lost planet looked really good, i think prey is out, but lost planet isnt

11-27-2006, 03:14 PM
Prey is supposed to be good, but, meh. I don't know -- I try to restrict my purchases to strictly great games. Hence my list of 360 games: Oblivion (great), Dead Rising (a little over-hyped, gets repetitive, but still quite good), and Call of Duty 2 (A flaming piece of shit that EA bought a bunch of 9.0+ reviews for), and Gears (the hype doesn't even begin to describe the joy of playing this game).

Most of the really good 360 games have yet to come out. Lost Planet in January, though.

But, frankly, if you have Gears, what else do you need?

11-27-2006, 03:21 PM
Agrees with Tydeus over Call of Duty 2, EA did have to bribe a lot of people for those reviews, same goes for Perfect Dark:Zero.

Oh and don't get Lost Planet if you have SD, it suffers from the same text nightmare as DR, but worse. Early reports suggest it's borderline unplayable without a HDTV.

11-27-2006, 03:29 PM
Agrees with Tydeus over Call of Duty 2, EA did have to bribe a lot of people for those reviews, same goes for Perfect Dark:Zero.

Oh and don't get Lost Planet if you have SD, it suffers from the same text nightmare as DR, but worse. Early reports suggest it's borderline unplayable without a HDTV.

Lucky for me that my roomate has a 52" HDTV. :D

Have you played the LP:EC demo on XBL yet? Also, is it still available for download? I've been wanting to take a peek at that, but my internet's been on the fritz. Anyway, I've got a chance to download it now, if it's still up.

Oh, and, banarama -- if you love MMOs, then you might want to consider Phantasy Star Universe for the 360. Hack-and-slash goodness with thousands of other players. I know I want it.

11-27-2006, 04:03 PM
i played the lost planet demo, and it was great, the format for the game is really good, and the controls definitly work, theres even a boss battle at the end of one of the scenarios you can try (two total) that works pretty well, no save though, but the demo is great

11-28-2006, 02:21 AM
i played the lost planet demo, and it was great, the format for the game is really good, and the controls definitly work, theres even a boss battle at the end of one of the scenarios you can try (two total) that works pretty well, no save though, but the demo is great

still available for download? (I forgot to check earlier today when I was on XBL. What can I say? Gears consumes me)

11-28-2006, 07:48 AM
it was two weeks ago when i was home

lord kaboomis
11-28-2006, 09:32 AM
PGR3 is also a good game ig you like racing games (if your 360 didnt come with it already)

11-28-2006, 09:44 AM
As a Ridge fanboy I recommend Ridger Racer 6. Even if it is not as good as the other Ridge games. Also Call of Duty 2 I recommend.

Living Bobbeh
11-28-2006, 10:23 AM
Agrees with Tydeus over Call of Duty 2, EA did have to bribe a lot of people for those reviews.

Well that's funny, because Activision published CoD2, and was nothing to do with EA. I don't think CoD2 needed any briberary though...

Both the Lost Planet Demos (SP and MP) are still up for download, but it seems everyones left the multiplayer demo already, very difficult to get a match going.

11-28-2006, 10:42 AM
is there a multiplayer demo out? is online, or can you play with other people on the same console? thats what bothers me about most of the demos, i dont have an online subscription yet, so i cant use all the good multiplayer demos, like double agent.

Living Bobbeh
11-28-2006, 11:22 AM
The multiplayer demo is online only, no offline play at all, but there were major problems in that it was very difficult to get a game going, and thus, I doubt there is anyone left playing.

11-28-2006, 12:14 PM
anyone know if theres a gears demo? I really want it, and i figure since ill be home for three weeks at christmas, id use it. My brother would need convincing though, caus i dont have enough cash on my own.

Living Bobbeh
11-28-2006, 12:45 PM
At current press, there is no Gears of War demo, and I doubt there will be. It seems to be selling well enough without one. I may be wrong though...

11-28-2006, 07:27 PM
EA, Activison, whatever.

Anyway thought I should add, Capcom seems to have rectified the text issues (http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/dead-rising/capcom-sees-the-light-we-see-the-text-217796.php), for Lost Planet at least.