View Full Version : FFXII-Final Fantasy 12

01-14-2007, 11:18 PM
I am currently trying to beat FFXII, I really like the game but I, as usual, am stuck. I am at the tomb of king Raithwall??? (not sure if thats really what it is but you get the point) I hate that stupid bird, I haven't gotten the berries you "need" to beat it but have gotten close, I'm just wondering If Im too low level, I have a tendensy to beat the game the first time as fast as possible,Balthier is 13. Vaan, Fran, and Basch are level 14. Penelo and Ashe are 15, and of couse Volssner is 17 or 18???, anyway Basch, Penelo and Ashe have mists but Penelo and Ashe are my only decent casters, figures. I'v gotten the bird to about 10% health, but Volssner, Basch, and Vaan had died, and then the power went out, figures. additional information: everybody can cast cure, fire, bilzzard and thunder, Penelo, Ashe and Fran all have the best magicks available but Fran is more of a Warrior. I'v got some desent weapons, best being the javelin. So I could use any help with beating this stupid boss.


P.S. if you need more details I can E-mail you my entire equpiment and item list

01-14-2007, 11:34 PM
All I can say is go get the berries from the Yensa. It really not that hard to get them, and they keep the bird from attacking so often. They're pretty helpful.

01-14-2007, 11:38 PM
I beat the bird without the berirries just for fun. Yes your charcters are at a low level, when I was there my units (heh units) were all 16+.