View Full Version : NPF Star Craft Tourney

06-07-2007, 07:29 PM
I was thinking that with the coming of Star Craft 2, and the massive amount of interest that we have on this forum, that maybe we should have a Star Craft 1 tournament for the forum. There won't be any entry fee, or a prize for that matter (Other than Gloating rights).

This is just an idea right now, so if theres enough interest in this, then it'd be really cool if we could do it, talk to each other about favorite strategies and help eachother fix gaps within our own strategies. More ideas are welcome on this.

Major Blood
06-08-2007, 02:57 PM
Peh, if i played protoss none of you would stand a chance.

Count me in.

06-08-2007, 03:28 PM

Lord of Joshelplex
06-08-2007, 05:31 PM
If I didn't suck extreme ass, or was able to actually connect to a friggin game, I would totally play.

06-08-2007, 05:38 PM
Send me a completely legal copy of the game, and I'm in for you guys to horribly slaughter.
Seriously. Game. Hard. To. Find. Here. @_@

I'd totally be up for it though, and I love the idea.
I'll do the catering. =P

06-08-2007, 07:38 PM
Would this be for Starcraft, or for Brood War? I have a copy of Brood War on my Mac, no idea if it would work playing other people, but if it does I'd be glad to participate... and then get absolutely slaughtered. Would it be over battle.net, or direct IP?

06-08-2007, 08:04 PM
Depends on how we can get everyone connected. Me and fenris have been Lanning with eachother using Hamachi lately so thats a possibility too. Also, there doesn't seem to be a means of putting in an IP address in Star Craft.

As for which game, Preferably we'll do Brood War seeing as how anyone who still cares about/plays the game probably does so because of the expansion.;)

06-08-2007, 08:10 PM
If I didn't horribly suck I'd play. Although I may be convinced to draw up a custom map or two should someone want them. Though my custom maps are generally more about messing with triggers and stuff. Like this one map that had like 60 separate zones a triggers and was basically a teleportation maze. That map has since been lost but I could probably draw it up again if someone wants that extra bit of challenge. (I played the computer on that map a few times it was hilarious.)

06-08-2007, 08:20 PM
Sith: That'd be cool.

I'm helping B_real set this thing up. I'm horrible at StarCraft, but I'll compete in the tourney. It'll be fun, and well, it's not like we have to spend money on it.

If you have StarCraft, I'd love to see you in the tournament. Maybe get 64 people hooked up and then we can draft up the rounds.

06-08-2007, 09:28 PM
I'd love to participate, but my idiot brother broke my copy of Brood Wars. So if I can find another (couldn't be that hard... right?) I'll sign up. Until you're about to start, reserve me a spot and when you're starting I'll see if I'm able to join.

06-08-2007, 09:33 PM
When would this happen? I'd probably need to play a few games with my brother to polish up my skills, because I haven't really played at all for the past few months. My 1v1 skills have always been pretty shitty too.

06-08-2007, 09:56 PM
Peh, if i played protoss none of you would stand a chance.

Count me in.I can attest to this statement.

I might be in... Does Starcraft have Observer options like in WC3? I'd probably go down in the first, maybe second round, but I'd still love to watch. =P

06-08-2007, 10:00 PM
I think we could record the games, and then laugh at them afterwards.

06-08-2007, 10:07 PM
for observers...don't know. I think you can just join in as a part of the mach and suicide yourself. Hopefully it doesn't boot you out of the game once you die. Otherwise...as 42 said, theres record game.

06-08-2007, 10:14 PM
If I didn't horribly suck I'd play. Although I may be convinced to draw up a custom map or two should someone want them.

Make it so (http://achurch.org/FF1maps/FF1world-1.gif).

06-08-2007, 10:23 PM
Well Fifth if I were to make that map it'd probably take about 8, probably closer to 16, of the largest scale maps to fit it all. If you have a favorite continent or island chain I could probably fit that on one map.

06-08-2007, 11:56 PM
I'm totally game, but I would like customs more. I'm not very good at WC/SC in their actual RTS element. But I could try and I would definately join in.

(Make note: Reinstall StarCraft)

Edit: Silly MajorBlood and his silly avatar.

He said he had it first. D=

06-09-2007, 12:15 AM
Ok so I've got an idea to make a 256 by 256 map cut into squares of 32 by 32. Now if I'm remembering my triggers and switches right I can not only make you teleport to different locations as you transition from one to another I can also make it so that if you've been teleported from a location the next time you teleport from that location you will end up somewhere different. This would then reset so that if you got there again you would be teleported to the location it first teleported you to and so on.

Basically, to navigate the map with anything other than blind luck you'd have to know what locations teleport you where when you've passed into them an odd number of times and the different place you go when you've passed into them an even number of times. This should make it hard enough that a very very large amount of time would have to be spent figuring the map out. I'll look into trying to randomize it somehow, maybe by flipping the switches at certain time intervals or when certain events happen. I might even make air units teleport to different locations from the same location as their ground unit compatriots.

Edit: Yes I am truly evil, but I'm much better at map design then actually playing.

Professor Smarmiarty
06-09-2007, 12:50 AM
There are observers in Starcraft. It's how they broadcast the world championship games.

06-09-2007, 07:56 AM
I would possibly be interested, since I think we finally got the internet working with some sort of regularity at home. Even though I suck majorly at it (plus I haven't played for a long time) I still think it would be fun (and now everyone else that thinks they suck can join because they'll probably be better than I am at least. =D )

Now to find my copy of Starcraft again...

06-09-2007, 08:07 AM
Must find copy of Starcraft...

06-09-2007, 02:35 PM
There are observers in Starcraft. It's how they broadcast the world championship games.

Likely, they are an impartial, allied team that does not play.
There's no observer mode in SC. If folks are finding a way to do it, they are using a third-party system, then.

What's with all the "lol if I was any good I'd play roror" crap? Who cares? This is for fun and gg among INTARWEB FRIENDZ! Dying is only part of it.

06-09-2007, 05:37 PM
So I was thinking and it hit me. With just one trigger global trigger and six global triggers I can cause you to teleport to any of the 64 squares that I'm dividing the map into. By causing the switches to flip due to say the actions of both players as well as the time played, number of units, ect I can create a truly random teleportation map.

Which is a lot better than my old plan of using 64 triggers and 384 switches.

I also plan in implement a building that when both sides can fight over. When one side has so many units there, with no enemies, they gain control of it and they loose control if all their units die and the other side has units there. Whichever side has control of this building is immune from the effects of the teleportation. This building will also be destructible in which case both sides become immune to the teleportation effects of the map.

Basically you can ignore the building completely and just try and destroy the enemy. Control the building and get a huge one sided advantage if you can keep control or just out right destroy it and fight it out on even ground.

06-09-2007, 05:42 PM
I'm in. One question, though. How would we find each other on Battle.net? A channel?

(And now I go to polish my skills.)

06-09-2007, 05:47 PM
B real should figure that out before we plan any of this. Make sure that there's a viable way to do it.

06-09-2007, 07:25 PM
There's no race that's good with defensive tactics, is there?

Because I tried that with Protoss, and I got owned. (Yes, I'm a total noob at starcraft, I know)

Can anyone help me with a strategy that conforms to my playing style?

06-09-2007, 07:28 PM
I don't think ny of the races are defense oriented, but terran could be your best bet... no clue, really.

06-09-2007, 08:01 PM
Okay, I'll explain my strategy a little more.

I've only used it once and with the protoss, but I like it.

I build massive defense so I cannot be attacked easily, then I build more and more defense, until I have no resources left at my current base. I then build another command center/hatchery/nexus at an expansion nearer to the opponent, abandon my old base, and do the above to the expansion that is now my new main base.

I do this until there is no resources left, and I have massively defended base, and I wait until my opponent runs out of resources.

If my expansion gets attacked heavily, I stop building anything and retreat back to one of my heavily defended old bases until my opponent leaves my destroyed expansion, then I rebuild there.

It worked pretty well against a human player on a larger map.

EDIT: To simplify, it's a REALLY big leapfrog strategy.

06-09-2007, 08:31 PM
Hamachi is a good way to do it. It basically lets us LAN from our homes.

And to the defense, a good offense is a good defense. Units make good defensive things too, and they're mobile.

06-09-2007, 08:44 PM
How would I find Hamachi? Is it free?

Otherwise from that, I'd say I'm good to go, except for my strategy. I really do like my strategy, and it's worked against a fellow human. I just need to tweak it a little, that's all. Perhaps I should provide a little more offense and tone down a bit on the massive defense?

06-09-2007, 09:10 PM
Any clue if Hamachi runs with macs/ would work between macs and PC's? I think I remember checking it out when I wanted to play B real, but not in too much detail.

06-09-2007, 09:11 PM
you can get hamachi here.


use the free download. No reason to pay for a few extra features you won't need.

And I do agree with Fenris that Hamachi will probably be the easiest way to do it since all you have to do is install Hamachi and be logged into the same network to lan to each other...Assuming you both have the game of course.

I also created a Network for this since it does seem like we are going to go through with this (Excited giggles of joy like a giddy school girl).

The network name is NPForums
The password for it is NPF

I'm also on AIM alot so just message me, Pauljg04 if you want to play a game to test a strategy of some sort and I'll gladly help you out if I'm available (Theres been alot of yard work lately and I do have to help my mom with my niece so don't expect me to be available 24/7, but I should be most of the time when I'm at home).

Also, Irigriel, Leapfrog is best with Terran due to being able to build buildings at your home base then fly them over where you need wihtout risking an SVC and a half done building. Overall defense is Protoss domain due to the Photon Cannons being detectors that can do ground and air both. Zerg are the best at defending using thier army as opposed to their defensive buildings due to the Nydus Canal

EDIT: Also 42, I looked into the user's manual to see if it said anything about mac to PC but couldn't find anything. If theres a mac version of Hamachi I suggest that we try and see if it works or not. We can still try Battle.net in your case.

I also found out that each network can contain a maximum of 16 members in the free version, so expect for 2-3 networks being used total for these games if we get more than 16 people.

06-09-2007, 11:06 PM
I'm back

And in.

POS Industries
06-09-2007, 11:18 PM
I'll have to buy the game, but in the event that I do I'm into it.

06-10-2007, 12:13 AM
Heh, for observers, it looks like we can do Synks idea, and in addition to this be sure to save each replay under a name that describes who the match up is and post it somewhere. The files for the replay aren't TOO big. A 30 minute match is roughly 250 KB, so if we're not looking at anything bigger than 1MB for the replays. I'll see if there isn't a place where we could upload the replays for us to download. That way we don't take up too much Bandwith for the NPF.

I'll also admit that watching the games live will be alot more exciting than watching replays.

06-10-2007, 07:50 AM
We could use savefile (http://www.savefile.com/files/796917). It works with no registration, and looks like it has a 60 MB limit, way more than enough. It still isn't as nice as spectating, but it's a pretty good option for hosting the videos.

06-10-2007, 12:18 PM
Battle.net is a lot easier than trying to get everyone configured and installed and connected through Hamachi [at least in the sense that it's already built into the game]. All you need to do is meet up in a channel [such as NPFSC or whatever] and have one person host a passworded game [the name and password of which to be given out in the channel beforehand].

I do this with friends from college, clanBOB, etc. whenever Hamachi is not an option/not desired or we just prefer b-net.

06-10-2007, 01:29 PM
As much as I like the Battle.net idea. some of us have been having trouble connecting to eachother due to latency, among other issues which Hamachi bypasses.

Like I may have said earlier if battle.net is what works for the players of the matchup best, then go for it, but I already know there are some who will be having issues using Battle.net. Hamachi is just the best alternative we can currently think of to Battle.net.

EDIT: Also, when do you guys think we should start this party? There still seems to be people joining in, So I don't want to cut off late commers, but I also don't want to start too late that interest wanes in this. I was thinking that by the end of this week I'd post up all the players who joined in and start pairing you off with eachother so that you'd have a weekend to figure out whens best for you guys to play. Maybe do a round robin for the first round in groups of 4. There's so many different ways to do this. In the bathroom I even got the crazy idea of doing 4 person FFA and just pulling out the best 2 players out of that match (decided by the score, and if thier close, maybe life time in match if theres a significant difference). Input would be greatly appreciated.

Also, we'll probably give a week, maybe two if there's lots of problems with a week, for each set of rounds so that the paired players can figure out what the best way to play is for them whether it be Hamachi, Battle.net, or what have you, along with what the best time is.

06-10-2007, 01:38 PM
Yeah, battlenet doesnt work for me... not quite a legal version of the game... so I'd need to play over Hamachi. That is, if I can figure out how to install it. Hamachi for Mac OSX has nothing to help you, so from what I can tell, I need to do something with a root account to install it, and I have no clue how to do that. Anyone who'd know how to set up a root account on mac osx, could you please PM me? Otherwise, I won't be able to get in on this.

06-10-2007, 01:56 PM
42 can you use VMWare? That will solve all your OSX issues.

06-10-2007, 03:02 PM
The operating system isn't a problem - there's a version for OSX and everything, it's just that it requires you to know stuff about programming to do it.

06-16-2007, 03:44 PM
Total Players (currently signed up[some are forced]).

1. B_Real_Shadows
2. MajorBlood
3. Synkronized
4. Melfice (Pending)
5. Lord of Josh
6. Sithdarth (You damn well are playing your own map)
7. FenrisWolf
8. Tendronai
9. Loyal2Nes
10. Fifthfiend (You requested a Map, That's signed up enough)
11. Mondt
12. BHS (You seemed interested enough)
13. CelesJessa
14. Demetrius
15. Iregriel
17. POS INDUSTRIES (Pending)
18. 42Petunia's (IF he can get it functioning)
19. Tyraziel
20. Narcissist
21. Meister (Pending)
22. Marn of Mayhem
23. Ogianres
24. Moogle
25. Mondt
26. Zilla
27. Wonkar

Thats just a list of players so far, not matchups mostly because it seems shy of Fenris's 64, which I think we can atleast hit half that...hopefully. And hopefully I didn't miss anyone.

06-16-2007, 03:59 PM
Yeah, I still really need someone who knows about how I'd be able to install it. If anyone knows how to start the root account (I imagine it might be the same for PC's and Macs) or how to get the password, or what commands to use, that would be great. Please give me some PM's for help.

06-16-2007, 04:11 PM
I can't actually play Starcraft until I get the money for an actual desktop. Which may happen tomorrow as its my birthday but it'll still take like 3-4 days to get here. Currently all I have is my laptop which overheats and shuts off after about 15 minutes of working with the campaign editor. When I actually try to play the game its lasts about 2 and a half minutes before overheating and turning off.

06-16-2007, 04:17 PM
I'll go for it if it's in July/Aug as I'll have the time available. Otherwise it's going to be iffy for me. But yeah, hook me up!

06-16-2007, 04:44 PM
Thats probably what we're looking at now. As I'm just realizing that this probably isn't going to be a quick thing like a Mafia sign up. And Sith, you've gots PLENTY of time.

06-16-2007, 06:56 PM
I'll play, just getting the game installed.

Do I have much time to practice?

06-16-2007, 08:35 PM
Question: What day/timeframe are we thinking about looking at. I'm assuming it will be night-ish, and I work 3rd shift so I might have to back out. I just wanted to know so I could give the heads up before the match ups are made.

06-16-2007, 08:38 PM
It'll probably be really flexible, and up to the people playing as to when they'll play, so I don't imagine that you'd have too much of a problem.

06-16-2007, 11:08 PM
Yea, I'm looking at giving people roughly 3 days to a week (probably a week) for each matchup and let them figure out when's best for them during that week. We can't expect you to just do this at the drop of a hat.

If you guys get your matchups done faster, then we can proceed to the next round sooner right? Otherwise, its flexibility.

And Narcissist, you have a good bit of time to practice. And again, I'm open to practice with any of you if you feel like you want to practice against someone.

06-17-2007, 03:37 AM
Checked every game selling shop nearby.

No luck. You can scratch me off the list.

06-17-2007, 03:49 AM
There's a Best Of Blizzard box around with Starcraft, Brood Wars and Diablo for like 15€. Check across the border if you must. :D

06-17-2007, 04:19 AM
Really now?
Hmm... well, I must admit I only focused on StarCraft.

I might check again, next time I'm able.

06-17-2007, 04:34 AM
So it's not actually called Best of Blizzard (http://www.amazon.de/Blizzard-Pack-Bestseller-Series-Vivendi/dp/B00004TQ0A/ref=pd_bbs_1/303-3402769-5420265?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1182072779&sr=8-1). Good price though. I might think about picking it up myself, but I can't play Starcraft to save my life.

06-17-2007, 04:51 AM
Never played StarCraft myself, but at least I have a history with RTS games.
... just never played online or multiplayer. XD

I'm getting slaughtered IF I can find it.

06-17-2007, 04:56 AM
If you get it so will I and we can play each other. Incidentally that's probably the only way we'll be able to participate, timezones being what they are.

Marn of Mayhem
06-17-2007, 05:23 AM
Hell, I'll join up for a laugh. I haven't played SC in ages, I'm currently training my RTS skills in Dawn of War, bu I'll join for laughs. I just hope the whole tournament is before the 15th of August, 'cos then I'm leaving for a whole month to Australia, mate!

06-17-2007, 08:19 AM
Miester, I'm gonna put you down too then, and I'm gonna keep you both down as Pending given your cases. Also, I hardly doubt it'll be THAT impossible for you to to play against the rest of us North Americans. Difficult, yes, but not impossible. We need some european representation here. And I will match the two of you up agianst eachother.

06-17-2007, 12:04 PM
If I can get one at the loucalle shoppes ouver yonder, or however you crazy brit NPFers say it over the giant pond, then I can participate, despite being terrible at melee maps. If I can't find/get one today, then scratch me off.

EDIT: Found it, you can write me down.

Major Blood
06-17-2007, 11:08 PM
Peh, it doesn't matter how many of you sign up. I'll stomp you all.

Then i'll be known as your Lord.

Of the world.

Of starcraft.

06-17-2007, 11:24 PM
Stuff.See if you can convince him to play as Zerg or Terran. <<

06-17-2007, 11:43 PM
MB, didn't I beat you a few days ago in that one skirmish match?

Ok, maybe beat isn't the right word since the match never ended, but it certainly seemed like you weren't enjoying that hole of yours. [/taunting] Pssst, He Zeolot Rushes

Major Blood
06-18-2007, 12:31 AM
MB, didn't I beat you a few days ago in that one skirmish match?

Ok, maybe beat isn't the right word since the match never ended, but it certainly seemed like you weren't enjoying that hole of yours. [/taunting] Pssst, He Zeolot Rushes

Peh. Technicalities...

06-18-2007, 10:57 AM


Oh, yea, just save these in your starcraft folder/maps/replay.

Heres two replays between me and Irigriel. The first one is a Terran vs Protoss match. The second one is a Protoss vs Terran game. First time I choose Terran, second time I went random.

06-18-2007, 05:28 PM
I'll download and watch those if there are some kind of amazing tactics being used or some kind of sweet blitzkrieg. Otherwise, I'll go play my own games or watch my own replay if I just want to see a game being played. (hint: give us some more incentive to want to watch).

06-18-2007, 07:01 PM
Oh ok. Nukes galore in both of them. How to exploit a defense, even beyond cliffs. How to quickly expand. What not to do (in terms of limiting your self in resource gatherers). Also, it lets you see how we play so you can tell for yourself what our style of play is. I happen to be an economic power house who puts everything into nukes.

And yea, I guess you could say one of us turtles. Not sure though it it applies.

06-18-2007, 07:10 PM
Wait... are games already being started? Who's my first opponent?

06-18-2007, 08:01 PM
Wait... are games already being started? Who's my first opponent?
Naw, but you're welcome to join the Hamachi channel and skirmish.

06-18-2007, 08:06 PM
Hells ya. We can always use more practice. Plus, it'll give you a feel for how other players play the game so that you cna develope strategies agianst them.

06-18-2007, 08:19 PM
mwahaha. I already have my invincible strategy! 9,000 Overlords than just flood the map and make them unable to see anything, than just send hydras into the fray. *cackles madly*

I've actually done that once. Create 120 Overlords, 40 of which are actually carrying cargo, find where the mining section of the map is and rush the dummy overlords first to absorb the fire, than the real dropships than drop hydras under a blanket of overlords. They can't select their miners, their main building, nor my hydras. *cackles*

06-18-2007, 08:24 PM
Whats crazy is htat Overlords don't take up population.

06-18-2007, 08:35 PM
Few things:
1. Not pending anymore, I'm playing unless a freakish accident makes my eyes and hands/fingers usable. Even then...
2. So, uh, how exactly does one work this fancy Hamachi thingamajigger to play StarCraft with other peoples on the intrawebs anywhose? I'll be damned if I start fiddlin' around with it or booting it up and looking at my StarCraft multiplayer connection options. Fuck that.
3. No, that's it, you can breathe again.

06-18-2007, 08:56 PM
Yea um...lately* we've been having problems with Hamachi where we used to be able to play, and now for some odd reason we can't.

*By Lately, I really mean today. I'll be trying to resolve the problem over the next few days.

06-19-2007, 03:47 AM
Just reinstalled it, lost a game (against the computers. God they are retards) as terran, won one as protoss.

I've decided I am fucked against anyone who actually plays this game. XD

Marn of Mayhem
06-19-2007, 04:35 AM
Joined the Hamachi channel, I'm up for some skirmishes anyday. I need to practice with someone, I haven't played this game in ages.

06-19-2007, 12:02 PM
I finally joined the NPForums Hamachi network.

What kind of maps do you guys play?

06-19-2007, 02:43 PM
I've downloaded Hamachi, but as I don't have the game yet, I'll not install it. >_>

work is screwing me up though. I can't check for the game until the weekend. Unless I get called off for Thursday or Friday.

Major Blood
06-20-2007, 07:56 PM
Let it be known that on this day, i was defeated by Ogianres.

Don't fool yourself though, i will have my revenge...

06-20-2007, 08:30 PM
Awww.. No Replay MB?

06-20-2007, 09:09 PM
So, in a bit of good news, I found a copy of Brood Wars, so I can definitely take part.

Until then, I will take on any and all comers. I'm sure that the fact I haven't played in five years will be any hindrance.

06-20-2007, 09:33 PM
Hamachi is being annoying and I can't get it to work at all.

06-20-2007, 09:45 PM
Neither can me or Ogianres. I saw fenris's game earlier today, but then we started tinkering with it again so that he could see mine. We think its just the program being stupid.


06-21-2007, 09:30 AM
Sign me up for the tourney. I will have to go and get a laptop or something though along with internet access. It's been ages since I've played SC and BW but I used to play all the time. Best games ever were me and a friend in 2v6 comp matches and we would win. Long and tough games but they were a lot of fun!

06-24-2007, 05:40 AM
Widescreen SC sucks so bad.
My desk is not quite uncluttered enough for the CRT to stay... But I love SC... decisions, decisions!

06-24-2007, 02:41 PM
Still recruiting? Count me in.

Perhaps we should get a list on the front page there of usernames? To compile the friends list on BNet? Or are we doing it somehow else?

06-24-2007, 02:42 PM
Still recruiting? Count me in.

Perhaps we should get a list on the front page there of usernames? To compile the friends list on BNet? Or are we doing it somehow else?
Read the thread, all of your answers are contained within! :)

06-24-2007, 03:20 PM
You know...as soon as me and Fenris Streamline the Hamachi Process...

06-24-2007, 06:10 PM
I'll play. Don't expect me to do well though, because I just got the game a week ago and have been busy.

07-05-2007, 04:54 PM
Alright, well, its been almost 2 weeks and no new sign-ups so I'll start working out the list of matches and hopefully have them up by Tommorow Night.

07-05-2007, 06:51 PM
Alright, well, its been almost 2 weeks and no new sign-ups so I'll start working out the list of matches and hopefully have them up by Tommorow Night.
Two things:
1. Have you found out a way to get games working now?
2. If it's Hamachi, I can't play. My dad uninstalled the "hole [I] punched into the firewall" so I can't use that.

07-05-2007, 07:16 PM
Well, I was thinking that because I can't seem to get Hamachi working either, I was hoping that you'd all be resourceful and figure out how to best play the games between yourselves. I think I said earlier that it doesn't have to be done over Hamachi that if Battle.net works best for both of you then so be it. But lately I've also been having trouble with Battle.net too so right now, I'm just gonna pair me and Fenris off in the first round since me and him are having NEARLY identical problems to see if we can't sort it out.

07-06-2007, 11:42 PM
List of Players.

1. B_Real_Shadows
2. MajorBlood
3. Synkronized
4. Melfice (Pending)
5. Invisible Queen (Subbing for LoJ)
6. Sithdarth (You damn well are playing your own map)
7. FenrisWolf
8. Tendronai
9. Loyal2Nes
10. Fifthfiend (You requested a Map, That's signed up enough)
11. Mondt
12. BHS (You seemed interested enough)
13. CelesJessa
14. Demetrius
15. Iregriel
17. Wonkar
18. 42Petunia's (IF he can get it functioning)
19. Tyraziel
20. Narcissist
21. Meister (Pending)
22. Marn of Mayhem
23. Ogianres
24. Moogle
25. POS INDUSTRIES (Pending)
26. Zilla


1. B_Real Vs. Fenris
2. Melfice Vs. Meister
3. MajorBlood Vs. Synkronized
4. Invisible Queen Vs. Tendronai (IQ Substituting for LoJ)
5. Fifthfiend Vs. Sithdarth (for requesting map and then creating said map)
6. Loyal2Nes Vs. Mondt
7. POS Industries Vs. 42Petunias (A mac user against someone pending. I'm willing to bet that no one wins this one due to the difficulty of getting the game started.)
8. CelesJessa Vs. BHS
9. Demetrius Vs. Iregriel
10. IOWACJE Vs. Wonkar
11. Tyraziel Vs. Narcissist
12. Marn of Mayhem vs. Moogle
13. Ogianres Vs. Zilla

07-06-2007, 11:59 PM
Hmm I'm on there twice, just so you know.

07-07-2007, 03:22 AM
Can I join in if an opening comes up or something? I only just saw this thread. ^_^

07-07-2007, 04:36 AM
oh sheesh okay I'm going to the store and buying it already


07-07-2007, 07:48 AM
LoJ said that he wasn't going to be on much here (http://forum.nuklearpower.com/showpost.php?p=594991&postcount=564). So do I win by default, or something?

07-07-2007, 10:38 AM
LoJ said that he wasn't going to be on much here (http://forum.nuklearpower.com/showpost.php?p=594991&postcount=564). So do I win by default, or something?
You probably will go against Invisible Queen.

07-07-2007, 10:48 AM
Yea, Invisible queen can fill in for LoJ then.

Also Meister, if neither you or Melfice have the game then don't feel forced into getting the game. Its just a tournament without any real prizes.

And Celes, you're on there Once, I'd like to see this "second you" on the match-ups. XD

07-07-2007, 10:57 AM
And Celes, you're on there Once, I'd like to see this "second you" on the match-ups. XD
'Twas Zilla, I fixed it last night. Being an organizer of the tourney and all, I figured you wouldn't mind too much.

07-07-2007, 12:23 PM
You mean, er, right now or something? This weekend is bad actually. ^^;

Maybe I'm blind but I don't see any time or place for the matches.

07-07-2007, 12:36 PM
It actually does sound like fun, and the set is only 10€. :p

07-07-2007, 12:38 PM
Maybe I'm blind but I don't see any time or place for the matchesRight, because the matches are to be set up by each individual pairing so as that the each of them can figure out whens best to play eachother.

07-07-2007, 02:52 PM
Bleh. Can't find the game.
And I'm not gonna go and buy it online, just for this.

I mean, if I could find it offline, at a cheap price, I'd have gotten it.
And I did look for it, but I'm not gonna order it.

So, I'm out.

07-07-2007, 05:42 PM
What map or maps do we have to choose from? Or are the details of the "match" to be picked by those playing?

Just curious if we'll be on money-maps, strat-maps, small maps, large maps, etc.

07-07-2007, 05:49 PM
Yea...just choose whatever maps you guys feel most confortable playing with. .

07-08-2007, 02:56 AM
On an almost unrelated note, how would we, as a group, feel about large games? I don't mean any wussy 4 vs 4, but 8 player free for all? Any battle with more than two sides add a whole new dimension of strategy. I love it. :3

*gets on MSN so contact can be made*

07-08-2007, 03:08 AM
*installs StarCraft quietly, waits to get in on it all*

07-08-2007, 08:57 AM
I'm in favour of doing the 8 player FFA, if only because I need practice.

Unless that counts as the tournament match. In that case, no. I'll take being beaten by just one person, thank you.

07-08-2007, 11:22 PM
Go crazy with your crazy 8 player FFAs.