View Full Version : Share some games i have played

05-27-2009, 03:15 AM
I have tried quite a lot of browser games recently while i was at my parent's house with a very low speed computer, here I would like to share some that I think is worth to try when you have free time

1. Urban Rivals
Link: http://mygame.bbgsite.com/games/urbanrivals.shtml
Urban Rivals is an online trading card games. The user interface is very clean with barely any clutter along with a delightful comic book style that resembles most quality web comics on the net. The combat system in Urban Rivals is one of its greatest features in that the battles in the game are mostly based in a Flash environment so finding battles comes along very seamlessly. Overall Urban Rivals is a very fun game that anyone can have fun playing but the lack of more game play modes and features might make the game dull and repetitive after a while of playing.

2. My Brute
Link: http://www.mybrute.com/
My Brute is most interesting game I played, and the game was like virus spread around the world. You can tinker with the looks of your brute, but the assigned traits, such as strength and agility, will be solely determined by the name choice and will not be revealed until the brute is validated. Once brute is created, you can fight against other. you can only fight three times times a day. but with each fight they gain points to level up as well as earning weapons and skills to help them in combat. Also to level up you can also recruit others to make a brute and be their disciple, which earns the “master” points every time the disciple levels up.

3. Dark Orbit:
Link: http://mygame.bbgsite.com/games/bigpoint/darkorbit.shtml/
It is very simple game to play, all you need to do is use your mouse and left click on enemies, kill them and gain XP. Then take the minerals or supplies from enemies as rewards. Two things I don’t like. First, in the Dark Orbit there is an open PVP environment; imbalanced items can ruin the game for other players. Second is the game’s music, boring and repetive. Overall, Dark Orbit is not bad if you just wanna kill some times, flying your battle ship around space kill some enemies and have some fun, it is not bad choice.

4. Fast and furious
Link: http://mygame.bbgsite.com/games/fastandfuriousfig.shtml
Fast and furious’ background is based on the movie, more visuals and less text. What you do is to gain respect by winning races, having good stats and upgrade your car with styling parts. Simple and easy if you interested with cars.

5. Sea fight
Link: http://www.seafight.com/
Seafight is a pirate-themed, browser-based MMO game. There are two pages you mainly use when you play the game. One is web page and the other is a new window with map where you sailing and fighting. What you do is use your ship to completed quest (reach a certain place or kill monsters) and get level up, buy new items or ships. The map will expand based on you level up. it also available in many languages.You can fight with other’s ship as well, or you can fight for your guild with hundreds players all around the world on each site. I play when I need a break from the normal MMO games some times. So if you like pirate game or a PvP-oriented game it is not bad choice.

BTW share your gaming experiece as well, what are fun games you found recently, are they good?

05-27-2009, 07:54 AM
I've just been trying to get a million points with the Pyro in TF2. Getting better with the compression blasting and all in all, that's the main game I've been playing.

Unless you count NG and its myriad of little games... Damn those get addictive.

05-27-2009, 09:23 AM
Gah, I hate browser-based games. All my gaming time has been spent on Red Alert 3 or the Red Faction online demo.

In the latter, my crowning moment of happiness was when I broke the supports on one of those buildings hanging over the edge, stuck a remote mine on the bottom of the building, waited for someone to walk by, and then dropped the building on them Advent Children style. "On your knees! I want you to beg for forgiveness!"

Most recent browser-based game I played is called Spewer. (http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/494129) It is a puzzle game where you throw up sometimes, and you sometimes eat what you throw up again to be able to throw up more. Very interesting idea - the execution is terrible, sadly, but the game is worth a try.

05-27-2009, 05:48 PM
Keren, that game sounds... well... how shall I put this... gross.

05-27-2009, 06:26 PM
Keren, that game sounds... well... how shall I put this... gross utterly disgusting, filthy, and abhorent in every way. Kind of like your face! Burn!

Fixed that for you! :)

A fun game I've found recently (although I'm not certain you could call it "browser" based gaming) is E.V.O.: the search for Eden! It's actually a really, really old school (SNES) that I never played until recently. Probably had something to do with the wierd religious-evolution-thing that most parents wig out at that it sort of espoused. Stupidly fun and challenging, however, if you don't mind the 16-Bits (and I don't!).

Also really surprisingly fun is Secret of Evermore. Again it's very old school, and I'm sure many have already played it, but it's new for me! I'd heard it often derided as a poor man's lousy sequal to Secret of Mana. It's not. It actually improved the gameplay of SoM in several ways and the story, dialogue, and magic system is an over-all improvement, as well as lots of fun. I spent three days hooked on it until I won. Because I played for at least five hours a day. (I'm such a loser. But, hey, it's not like I spent a year on FF6 (http://forum.nuklearpower.com/showthread.php?t=31418&highlight=Let%27s+Play) or anything. Ooh! Burn again! In my face (http://forum.nuklearpower.com/showpost.php?p=928611&postcount=15)! ... Wait (http://forum.nuklearpower.com/showpost.php?p=898343&postcount=387)...)

If you don't have a SNES, and the cartriges, I'm certain that emulators and roms are availble practically everywhere for them, though I'm uncertain of the legality of such things.

05-27-2009, 06:28 PM
Keren, that game sounds... well... how shall I put this... gross. Oh, I've played it. The idea is that projectile-vomiting produces a jetpack effect. Or a suspended cloud you can swim in. Or a stable bit of gunk on the wall you can climb up. Fun stuff, just so long as you don't think too much about it.

I dunno what is it about Flash games, but they are like a million times more addictive than most of what goes on consoles. Like Batallion, (http://www.kongregate.com/games/urbansquall/battalion-nemesis) an Advance Wars clone, or Gemcraft, (http://www.kongregate.com/games/gameinabottle/gemcraft-chapter-0) one of many Flash-based tower defense games.

Satan's Onion
05-28-2009, 03:13 AM
A fun game I've found recently (although I'm not certain you could call it "browser" based gaming) is E.V.O.: the search for Eden! It's actually a really, really old school (SNES) that I never played until recently. Probably had something to do with the wierd religious-evolution-thing that most parents wig out at that it sort of espoused. Stupidly fun and challenging, however, if you don't mind the 16-Bits (and I don't!).

I dunno about "religious"; I thought it was more really vaguely pseudo-mystical in a way that collapses if you apply the tiniest shred of logic to it--which is par for the course for a significant fraction of Japanese media, it seems. It is fun, however, although a lot of my time playing it was spent grinding EVO points. I think it'd be a fun little portable game, suitably updated and perhaps retooled (like polishing the frankly Engrish-tastic dialogue).

Back to something on topic: This (http://ludomancy.com/games/today.html) is short, but I found it incredibly interesting. It's called "Today I Die"; in it you change the character's fate by editing her suicide note.

05-28-2009, 07:41 AM
I thought it was more really vaguely pseudo-mystical in a way that collapses if you apply the tiniest shred of logic to it--which is par for the course for a significant fraction of Japanese media, it seems. both satisfactory and logical.

FTFY! :)
I actually agree with your conclusion, but I couldn't resist. Also, I didn't mean that it was deep, per se, but US parents generally seem wierded out by anything that even remotely resembles:
*Religion (like when a fictional universe does or doesn't have the same religion as ours)
*Anti-Religion (like when a fictional universe does or doesn't have the same history as ours)
*(Un)Realistic Violence (like jumping on someone's head or knocking them off cliffs)
*Sex(ual Themes) (such as men without shirts or Dumbledore being gay)
*Innuendo (such as females not wearing dresses or males with very, very large swords)
*Videogames (such as everything ever THANK YOU VERY MUCH JACK THOMPSON)

Now I recognize that this is not always true and is rapidly becoming less so. But when I was a youngin' peeps was much more nervous 'bout everythin'!

Also on-topic: Pokemon. Holy crap. It's actually fun. I never knew.