View Full Version : Boston Legal (Contains Mad Cow Disease! Also, Spoilers)

12-13-2009, 08:21 PM
The last time I mentioned Alan Shore I got about 10 rep, so this should be a fairly popular thread.

I'm re-watching the first season at the moment (we have all five on DVD) and I've actually been quite disappointed by how much more 2-dimensional the show became as it approached that final episode in season 5. It seems to have fallen into too much of a scheme (Major case, minor case, personal motivation, Denny shoots somebody, good guys give 2-minute rant in closing, win case, balcony scene) as it went along. That's not a bad scheme, and it made for some quite good episodes (which were further enhanced by the quality of the writing and frequent comedy), but it was getting a bit old, I realize in retrospect. Not to mention that, while I usually agreed with whatever it was Alan was advocating, it did seem to be too much of a routine left-wing (not that there's anything wrong with that) lecture. It was still powerfull, but the repitition stole some of its effectiveness.

Still, I count the series as one of the more intellectual, challenging and funny I've watched (surpassed only by Dragonball Z, obviously).

Squall Leonhart
12-19-2009, 05:03 PM
The series, sadly, started to focus on later characters rather than Alan, which was what originally brought me to the series, back in the last season of The Practice. I still hold in high regard, and am sadden that it had to be canceled, since it was one of the few television shows I watch (the other two being House and Lie to Me).

It did have a good run though, and I think everything was rewarding in the end, even though my only complaint would be that is was less about Alan in the end.

12-19-2009, 07:33 PM
The show is canceled right? It was freaking amazing though.

12-21-2009, 09:14 PM
It was. Though it's not bad that it got canceled, it was getting a bit stale. Still awesome, though.

And yeah, Alan Shore was the pinnacle of the show's awesomeness. Seemed he got more laughs than all the other characters combined. And was better at law than them too.

Though I didn't mind the greater focus on the other characters. They were all quite interesting... I liked Lewiston. And, for some reason, Catherine Piper.

Squall Leonhart
12-21-2009, 09:26 PM
Yeah, I liked most of the other guys too. Lewiston and his daughter and granddaughter arc was cool since it gave him more depth , but even before that, I kinda liked him. A shame he faded as the series progressed.

Though I admit I absolutely loved Alan Shore, I kinda liked some of the other characters too, namely, Shirley Schmidt, and how she practiced law. the other characters were alright, but never did they compared to the awesomeness of Alan Shore.