12-13-2009, 08:21 PM
The last time I mentioned Alan Shore I got about 10 rep, so this should be a fairly popular thread.
I'm re-watching the first season at the moment (we have all five on DVD) and I've actually been quite disappointed by how much more 2-dimensional the show became as it approached that final episode in season 5. It seems to have fallen into too much of a scheme (Major case, minor case, personal motivation, Denny shoots somebody, good guys give 2-minute rant in closing, win case, balcony scene) as it went along. That's not a bad scheme, and it made for some quite good episodes (which were further enhanced by the quality of the writing and frequent comedy), but it was getting a bit old, I realize in retrospect. Not to mention that, while I usually agreed with whatever it was Alan was advocating, it did seem to be too much of a routine left-wing (not that there's anything wrong with that) lecture. It was still powerfull, but the repitition stole some of its effectiveness.
Still, I count the series as one of the more intellectual, challenging and funny I've watched (surpassed only by Dragonball Z, obviously).
I'm re-watching the first season at the moment (we have all five on DVD) and I've actually been quite disappointed by how much more 2-dimensional the show became as it approached that final episode in season 5. It seems to have fallen into too much of a scheme (Major case, minor case, personal motivation, Denny shoots somebody, good guys give 2-minute rant in closing, win case, balcony scene) as it went along. That's not a bad scheme, and it made for some quite good episodes (which were further enhanced by the quality of the writing and frequent comedy), but it was getting a bit old, I realize in retrospect. Not to mention that, while I usually agreed with whatever it was Alan was advocating, it did seem to be too much of a routine left-wing (not that there's anything wrong with that) lecture. It was still powerfull, but the repitition stole some of its effectiveness.
Still, I count the series as one of the more intellectual, challenging and funny I've watched (surpassed only by Dragonball Z, obviously).