View Full Version : Wakfu

02-01-2010, 12:35 AM
So this is a pretty cool French anime. It's based on a MMO I've never heard of and despite being aimed a little young manages to be pretty kickass. Yugo is a young kid who, after being dumped on a retired treasure hunter by this badass-
the dragon Grougaloragran, learns how to think with portals on his way to defeat the evil time mage Nox.

Edit- I should have gotten pictures of main characters, perhaps, but Grougaloragran is really fucking cool.

02-01-2010, 01:56 AM
I've been watching this for a while. The latest fansub site got shut down recently, but that's nothing new. Kinda sucks, though. Things are really starting to heat up, and now I don't know where to go to watch new episodes. But, again, having trouble finding subs is nothing new.

Edit: I guess I should do something other than complain. NPF, this is a great little adventure show. It doesn't take itself seriously most of the time, and the animation is awesome enough to make "Flash animation" not a bad word. If you can track it down and want a Saturday morning adventure cartoon, Wakfu is totally worth your time.