View Full Version : Steam Account disabled

12-04-2010, 07:56 PM
So, trying to log on to steam today I get a message that my account is disabled. I don't know if this is anything about the phishing thing I fell for last week, but something is up. anything i can do to get this back? the page they linked me to kinda says "yeah... you're fucked"

Professor Smarmiarty
12-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Too much elephant porn gunked up your account. Stick to the regular stuff sicko.

As for getting your account back, try a hose?

12-04-2010, 07:59 PM
So, trying to log on to steam today I get a message that my account is disabled. I don't know if this is anything about the phishing thing I fell for last week, but something is up. anything i can do to get this back? the page they linked me to kinda says "yeah... you're fucked"

weren't you one of the ones that had their profile hacked? guy that did it probably did some unsavory things on your account

12-04-2010, 08:08 PM
I got it back and had been working fine yesterday, though. so idk if I did something wrong or what... especially since I don't do much on steam, as you guys know :P

EDIT: actually, yeah, its probably from when the bot sent out the phishing link. I gotta find a way to fix this.

12-04-2010, 08:10 PM
yea but might have been a delay, like they were looking over your activities during that time to determine if banning was appropriate

12-04-2010, 08:53 PM
You could send them an email, try checking this site (https://support.steampowered.com/) out. Hope it's useful.

12-04-2010, 09:12 PM
yeah, I just sent in a message earlier, linking the Steam Stealers thread to maybe help my point. idk what else I can say besides "I fell for a phisher, and it sucked"

12-04-2010, 11:59 PM
Surely you could communicate with them via snail mail to reestablish your account, which I'm sure you spent quite a bit of money on.

I'm not sure how it works but they probably have your physical name, physical address of where you live, etc. when you signed up for the account. Surely they could send you a new password/username in the mail, one of those temporary password thingamajigs (you know, they're a bunch of random letters and numbers) where you log in with it and then establish a new, more easily-remembered password. That way whoever you gave your account information can't get access to it again (I'm surprised they can't do this via whatever email is linked to the account, actually...unless whoever it was that stole your account got access to your email, as well?)

If they can't go through email and don't have your real name and address to go through snail mail though, I guess you'll have to think of something else to verify you own the account, but I can't see them never giving you access to the account again. Otherwise their entire system of delivering digital copies of media comes into question--unlike with physical DVDs in which someone would have to break into your house to steal them, anybody with a decent phishing scam could make you lose potentially hundreds of dollars of software.

Frankly it would set a ridiculous precedent if they didn't have some way to restore your account to you in such a way that you were given full access to your games again and didn't have to worry about it getting hijacked (until you fall for another phishing scam, I suppose).

12-06-2010, 09:08 PM
got an E-mail saying that it was about a phishing complaint. They sent me a new password, told me to change all my info, and that I will be monitored for a while just in case.

So, happy ending, I guess.

Doc ock rokc
12-06-2010, 10:45 PM
Yeah Valve knows what they are doing and don't ban people unless they really desrve it. (like the wrench stealers)