View Full Version : I kinda like Linkin Park... inquire within

03-26-2011, 04:12 PM
Now, i've always kept a Soft (suave really) spot for this Band. I'll be the first in line to say that most of the time their Live music sucks. This is a Studio Band.

And some of their songs is soooo freaking emo and dramatic and touchy feeling brooding teen... but in every album i can find "these 3 songs i like", it's weird really.

Also, i have empathy to the Band itself, which is actually rare. Most of the time i know nothing of a band or simply think they are Rich Artistic dicks and/or douchebags... but it's kinda hard to dislike a Dude named Chester who is a Self-proclaimed Nerd and makes decent music, y'know...

lately i've found myself liking their latest Main Song for their new Album "Thousand Suns" :Catalyst (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51iquRYKPbs). Which from the Lyrics and what i saw around is actually about a Nuclear Holocaust. And the Trailer has a decent "Epic Disaster Movie" feeling that goes well with the song. It's not like Lady Gaga that has good music with terrible terrible terrible pornorifique music videos...

03-27-2011, 11:06 PM
they had that one really good album, then the remix, then that one ok album.

now.. eh? i can't really say I've enjoyed anything past Meteora. they got big, and new it. they didn't sell out, they just hit that point as a band that they knew fans would buy their shit, and so they can do out there stuff. sometimes that works, sometimes.... you get linkin park.

03-28-2011, 08:05 AM
And some of their songs is soooo freaking emo and dramatic and touchy feeling brooding teen

once read a blog where the writer ranked his level of angst by linkin park song

03-28-2011, 06:12 PM
I love "Hybrid Theory" and "Meteora".
I liked 2, maybe 3, songs off of "Minutes to Midnight".
I've only heard one song off of "Thousand Suns" and it was good.

[edit] A quick check of your link shows that it is indeed "Catalyst" that I like.