View Full Version : WTF? Is there a site mirror?

04-05-2011, 04:36 PM
I went and clicked on a link posted by someone here that redirected me to the site, only I wasn't logged in and it was missing the "www." on the address on closer inspection. Naturally, I missed that detail and logged in. Should I be worrying about changing my password?

04-05-2011, 04:51 PM
Someone doesn't know the basics of vhosts. Your password is fine.

The longer version is the server our website resides on will recognize both nuklearforums.com and www.nuklearforums.com and point traffic seeking those addresses to the same directory on the server. However, it won't work if you put wtfbluestarultorisdumb.nuklearforums.com because that isn't explicitly defined.


04-05-2011, 05:35 PM
Someone doesn't know the basics of vhosts. Your password is fine.

The longer version is the server our website resides on will recognize both nuklearforums.com and www.nuklearforums.com and point traffic seeking those addresses to the same directory on the server.


Works for me. Thanks.