View Full Version : Doctor Who is back, if you stop looking you'll forget what happened. SPOILERZZZZ
Professor Smarmiarty
04-26-2011, 07:57 PM
SMB can't sleep so new Doctor who series is starting.
And prequel is totally lame. Like I can see what they were trying to do, throw in a million little shocks and swerves to ramp up excitement for the second part of the prequel but it just felt too ramshackle as a result, there is no real tension.
The Doctor supposedly dies but there is no way I can see them writing into stone that Smith is the last incarnation so there'll have to be some way they get out of it. In theory they are all tied into timeline events now but after the Christmas Special, ie who cares about time travel rules, anything goes. Which I'm ok with, if you are looking for robust science-fiction and strong plots rather than ridiculous deus-ex-machina and frivolity you are watching the wrong show.
Silence seem pretty lame villains, like you forget about them if you are not looking but the audience don't. Episode would be better framed if the audience didn't see it, we occupy the minds of the characters as they piece together the existence of these aliens.
But the biggest point of discussion, one of the characters said "gasoline"!!!!! AMERICANISMS IN OUR DOCTOR WHO RABBLERABBLERABBLE
04-26-2011, 07:59 PM
There's still at least one more version to go...
And I want to see the second part before making a judgement call on this.
Silence seem pretty lame villains, like you forget about them if you are not looking but the audience don't. Episode would be better framed if the audience didn't see it, we occupy the minds of the characters as they piece together the existence of these aliens.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-26-2011, 08:02 PM
I don't know. I wrote all this stuff but I have no idea what I was talking about. Must be crazy old me again.
There's still at least one more version to go...
And I want to see the second part before making a judgement call on this.
This seems overally sensible and rational. If they keep parts 1 and parts 2 a week apart it is obviously to encourage fanboy rage!
04-26-2011, 08:46 PM
SMB can't sleep so new Doctor who series is starting.
And prequel is totally lame. Like I can see what they were trying to do, throw in a million little shocks and swerves to ramp up excitement for the second part of the prequel but it just felt too ramshackle as a result, there is no real tension.
The Doctor supposedly dies but there is no way I can see them writing into stone that Smith is the last incarnation so there'll have to be some way they get out of it. In theory they are all tied into timeline events now but after the Christmas Special, ie who cares about time travel rules, anything goes. Which I'm ok with, if you are looking for robust science-fiction and strong plots rather than ridiculous deus-ex-machina and frivolity you are watching the wrong show.
Silence seem pretty lame villains, like you forget about them if you are not looking but the audience don't. Episode would be better framed if the audience didn't see it, we occupy the minds of the characters as they piece together the existence of these aliens.
But the biggest point of discussion, one of the characters said "gasoline"!!!!! AMERICANISMS IN OUR DOCTOR WHO RABBLERABBLERABBLE
They were in America though...
And don't you crazy British people get it a week early? (The sane ones get it the same time as us) Are you spoilering, SMB, about the silence people?! D:<
Honestly though, I am impatient for part 2.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-27-2011, 02:39 AM
But he is a british person! British people cant say "gasoline" on British shows! This is a serious, legitimate complaint ofmany people.
Also releases were sycronised this season, US and UK got the show at the same time. Highest US audience ever for season premiere, lowest UK premiere Though they scheduled it at a ridiculous time.
04-27-2011, 02:44 AM
And prequel is totally lame.
What the freak is "prequel," in this context?
And: terrific episode, except maybe with a weak cliffhanger. I actually like both River Song and Rory now, goshdarnit, and that just ain't right.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-27-2011, 02:58 AM
By prequel I meant premiere clearly. Obviously.
River annoys me She is played well by the actress and achieves what she is going for but the whole overaching secret targedy, I know what's coming schtick is just annoying. I want to punch her and be like, "Just tell us what you know"
04-27-2011, 04:05 AM
I think they've wanted to do that a couple times in the show to.
Then she just goes "Spoilers!"
04-27-2011, 04:10 AM
To be fair, didn't they only play it as tragedy this episode? I only remember it being played as a gag before that (even her death.)
Professor Smarmiarty
04-27-2011, 04:38 AM
It does look like they are going down that road, what with the whole open up to rory scene. I defineatly think we are going to find out about River this season. I've got a nagging feeling it will be totally lame though. NO idea why, just a hunch.
The Artist Formerly Known as Hawk
04-27-2011, 06:23 AM
It was an ok episode. Silence are just Weeping Angels in reverse, but it seems like everything they're doing is some sort of massive setup for the entire season, which may be a good plot hook, can't really say yet.
But yeah The Doctors "death" isn't final, they'd never be stupid enough to ever really kill him off for good.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-27-2011, 07:09 AM
WMG: River Song explodes the Tardis. She knows how it works better than the Doctor. She knows where the explode and take out time and space button is.
04-27-2011, 09:47 AM
I actually really enjoyed the last episode, and I'm curious to see as to what happens next. I'm a bit curious though, where did you guys get the name ''Silence'' people? Was it in the episode that just aired? I think I might've misheard that part.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-27-2011, 10:22 AM
I don't think it was in the episode. I read it in publicity material before the show aired and in reviews of the show. They've confirmed that the invsibly aliens are called "The Silence" but it not mentioned in the show yet, mostly because only Amy has really seen them.
04-27-2011, 11:49 AM
Not to mention it was alluded to all through the last season.
04-29-2011, 07:07 PM
But yeah The Doctors "death" isn't final, they'd never be stupid enough to ever really kill him off for good.
I can't decide if it was brave of them to write themselves into a corner like that, or just very very stupid.
But I am still loving every minute of this show. I am re-watching series 5 now and it's pretty great how quickly Matt Smith grew into this role.
I can't decide if it was brave of them to write themselves into a corner like that, or just very very stupid.
I'm thinking the Doctor dying here will be like the whole "Silence will fall" from last season, where the plot thread isn't actually fully resolved until a later season.
The Sevenshot Kid
04-29-2011, 08:16 PM
I'm thinking the Doctor dying here will be like the whole "Silence will fall" from last season, where the plot thread isn't actually fully resolved until a later season.
Keep in mind that the season is being split in half so it'll probably be resolved in the second half.
04-29-2011, 08:20 PM
What the freak is "prequel," in this context?
And: terrific episode, except maybe with a weak cliffhanger. I actually like both River Song and Rory now, goshdarnit, and that just ain't right.
River Song was always great, Rory remains lame. Although he's better than Amy, although that ain't saying much.
EDIT: Get rid of both of them, bring back Donna.
River Song was always great, Rory remains lame. Although he's better than Amy, although that ain't saying much.
I actually like Rory's lameness. I think he's a good foil for the rest of the cast.
EDIT: Get rid of both of them, bring back Donna.
I see no problem with this.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-30-2011, 02:42 AM
I also agree. Even if only to give her a nice sendoff after the assfucking she got last time we saw her.
04-30-2011, 02:57 AM
I actually like Rory's lameness. I think he's a good foil for the rest of the cast.
Seconded. This season they seem interested in playing up the lameness, rather than having it just be a byproduct of the continual Rory-Doctor comparison. I think it makes for good deadpan humor, him just being kind of sedate and rolling with the insanity.
Why not just add Donna without removing anyone else, since River Song is probably not going to be around forever? Just Donna shouting at every other character, forever.
The Artist Formerly Known as Hawk
04-30-2011, 12:56 PM
I hated Donna. But then I never liked Catherine Tate even before she was on the show either.
But anyway, todays ep; really odd start. Didn't quite get what was with the whole sealed black chamber thing and pretending to hunt everyone down. There didn't seem to be any purpose to it plotwise and at first I thought maybe I'd missed something. It got better though, nice way to defeat the Silence in the end too.
And Amy's maybe/maybe not (read; definately) pregnant (with a Timelord baby?). Interesting.
Professor Smarmiarty
04-30-2011, 01:03 PM
The Sevenshot Kid
04-30-2011, 09:51 PM
I swear to God we better find out who that little girl is this season or I'm going to get frustrated. I have an idea of who she is but it seems a little too obvious for Moffat.
04-30-2011, 11:33 PM
.... The Silence are the aliens?
EDIT: Ohshit Female Time Lord.
Totally banking on her being a future villain. Or River. Would explain both characters having water names.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-01-2011, 04:25 AM
She is totally Amy's child, the one the silence stole and seen in the photos and the one seen in the spacesuit.
One thing really annoyed me though, why didnt they go and try and save spacesuit child? They just kind of eemed to forget about her by end of the episode. And the Doctor loves saving children, he always saves the child.
She is totally Amy's child, the one the silence stole and seen in the photos and the one seen in the spacesuit.
Yeah, I know.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-01-2011, 04:41 AM
Another thing in the episode was we saw the console thing that we saw in the "Lodger" and James Corden who wsa the fat man in that episode is on to do another episode which means that is going to be connected somehow. I didn't see that coming, it seemed a little throwaway episode at the time.
Also the whole "Silence will fall" catchphrase- doesn't that mean they will lose? It totally does.
E: Also on the whole River is Amy's baby thing. WHile this is a good idea I guarantee if this was the case Moffat would have put some hidden references to it in earlier dialogue. I can't think of any of the top of my head though I may be missing some. But no way would he let that slide.
I think one of my favorite things from this episode, other than the memory blanks which was pretty cool, was the Doctor telling Nixon not to trust anyone and to record all his conversations. It was pretty lolarious.
EDIT: Next episode looks shitty. Between pirates, mermaids, and "oh look pond is being a pirate" I have low expectations.
05-02-2011, 01:52 AM
Using Nixon as a psychic paper substitute for the duration of the episode was pretty hilarious.
Poor, poor Nixon.
I think I liked this episode even more than the previous one, after the rather confusing start. I had kind of a dubious moment when Romo was building the cell and the Doctor starts describing it in a way that was very remindful of the way he described the Pandorica, without any acknowledgement of that at all... but then it turns out it was his idea, and he can very well inspire himself from past plots if he likes, can't he?
05-02-2011, 01:46 PM
That was probably exactly as likable as you could make Nixon in a story and not make me furious about it.
I like that the Doctor has gotten over his ridiculous thing about pretty much straight-up killing people (or not-people, or whatever).
River Song - still awesome. Rory Pond - still a hapless dope, but very slightly likably so.
Karen Gillan - still totally incapable of convincingly pretending to give a shit about Arthur Darvill.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-02-2011, 02:53 PM
Cause she is secretely in love with the Doctor! Haven't you read all my fanfics!
05-02-2011, 02:58 PM
Cause she is secretely in love with the Doctor! Haven't you read all my fanfics!
I don't know what all you're talking about doctors but Karen Gillen is pretty much 100% all over Matt Smith.
Wants to hit that so hard she'd break it in half
Professor Smarmiarty
05-02-2011, 03:39 PM
I don't know who this Matt Smith person is. I think you are in the wrong thread Sir
05-02-2011, 06:13 PM
In those episodes, I got little Rory/Pond chemistry, but also no Doctor/Pond chemistry and a surprising amount of Doctor/Song chemistry.
Unfortunately, old timehead there at the end indicates that we're not quite done with the stupid love triangle plot, so that might still be an issue.
05-02-2011, 08:36 PM
So anyone remember that female Doctor clone from way back on that terraforming planet thing? The one that was all militant and we thought died but then regenerated when no one was looking? Yeah what the hell happened to her and why do we suddenly have another possible Doctor child running around instead?
The Sevenshot Kid
05-02-2011, 08:48 PM
So anyone remember that female Doctor clone from way back on that terraforming planet thing? The one that was all militant and we thought died but then regenerated when no one was looking? Yeah what the hell happened to her and why do we suddenly have another possible Doctor child running around instead?
If I recall, Moffat was the one that made them cut out her death. Now it makes sense.
So anyone remember that female Doctor clone from way back on that terraforming planet thing? The one that was all militant and we thought died but then regenerated when no one was looking? Yeah what the hell happened to her and why do we suddenly have another possible Doctor child running around instead?
I don't know what you're talking about.
05-03-2011, 08:22 AM
You know, The Doctor's Daughter?
You see there were clones and it was all set to be a fuuuuturistic Romeo and Juliet with a man-clone falling in love with a fish-clone except that didn't happen at all.
Instead then was clones fighting clones but no clones loving clones. And their magical clone-mo-tron made what the Doctor has always dreaded: his opposite sex clone. Or 'daughter' if you will.
There were no Donna clones because that would have been messy. They could have made Martha clones too but no-one cares about Martha.
Anyway she died for some reason and then the Doctor menaced someone with a gun and it was very ineffectually dramatic although that music was pretty great and I hope they use it somewhere else when it's suitable.
And then the war was only a week long!
And Jenny lived happily ever after.
The end!
You know, The Doctor's Daughter?
05-06-2011, 12:57 AM
05-06-2011, 02:46 AM
So yeah little girl timelord, or at least partial timelord. Neat.
And to the bring back Donna comment -- fuck no. She was terrible.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-06-2011, 02:48 AM
Donna was good because unlike all the other companions of the new series she didnt' spend her whole time making droopy eyes at him.
05-06-2011, 08:47 AM
Donna was annoying, and almost the episode after she'd finally seemed to grow out of it they erase her memories so we're back to square one.
At times I just wish we could go a series without the companion proving to somehow gain super time powers or be a SUPER SPECIAL CHOOSEN BY DESTINY or part timelord or whatever the fuck keeps happening (Looking into the heart of the tardis, touching the doctors dismembered hand)
Martha Jones I kinda liked. she stayed human and was fully aware of how destructive the Doctor's existence was.
05-07-2011, 07:53 AM
So wait, let me guess this straight.
The Doctor commited genocide on the Secret Conspiracy Aliens even though they didn't really do especially much in the way of evil on screen?
I mean seriously, he's tried to save bigger assholes.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-07-2011, 09:47 AM
It's not as much genocide more starting a revolution.
And why would they erase memories unless they doing very evil things. It's the same as the invisibility superpower- anybody using that is up to no good.
Also, they killed some people and kidnapped a little girl.
Plus, I think the starting a revolution thing was mostly just to get them to leave.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-07-2011, 10:00 AM
Yeah if the occupied people start shooting back at you and you stay around and all die I don't think you got much claim to being oppressed.
05-07-2011, 11:52 AM
They need to goddamn stop using the same goddamn regeneration sequence. Yes, it was a good effect the first time, and I can accept the Master's regeneration mirroring the Doctor's, but for fuck sakes, do something different. Number 2 spent like five minutes tripping balls! Number 3 got a magical space monk! Number 4 merged with a second incarnation of himself which was spawned by that very regeneration happening in the future! We have been shown and told that almost anything can happen to bring about or as a result of a Time Lord regnerating, so STOP BEING SO FUCKING BORING!
Edit: As far as the Doctor causing a revolution... well, it's pretty in line with stuff he's done in past incarnations. I mean Number 7 was committing genocide every other Thursday.
The Artist Formerly Known as Hawk
05-07-2011, 01:03 PM
That episode wasn't as lame as I'd imagined. I mean really, there are few things that don't work better with pirates, especially when they later go on to become space pirates.
Any theories as to who that women Amy keeps seeing is yet?
Professor Smarmiarty
05-07-2011, 01:07 PM
I'm pretty liberal with my use of genocide (world war 2 allied powers? Check! Israel? Check! ) and even I would never call that genocide. What the fuck dudes.
As for today's episode nice to have a filler episode not oging on about big serious story arcs apart from the short bit at the end.
Hard to fuck up pirates.
As for eyepatch lady I reckon she is like time midwife for time baby.
05-07-2011, 01:11 PM
I only called what number 7 did genocide, and his shit totally was.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-07-2011, 02:01 PM
80s immunity
05-07-2011, 06:09 PM
I hope that whatever their evil plan was gets expanded on more, 'cause otherwise it's gonna seem like they were a largely benign organism living in symbiosis with us that didn't really need to be killed. I mean, yeah we saw a few shitty things they did, but is that representative of the entire species, just the leadership, just a small group, or what? They are populating the entire planet, after all. Maybe most of them were just hanging out? They can't possibly have been draining our resources that much, otherwise like, the whole discipline of statistics would be plagued with memory problems.
Maybe I wasn't paying attention. Do they eat people to survive or something? I guess they could be the reason for stuff like Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Given that their plan had to do with Amy's daughter, possibly the Doctor's death, and that last season referenced them pretty blatantly fairly often, I'm gonna guess they'll get expanded on in some way.
Also, this episode was a lot better than I expected.
05-07-2011, 11:53 PM
Also, this episode was a lot better than I expected. |
What the pirates? Bleh.
05-09-2011, 12:39 PM
I hope that whatever their evil plan was gets expanded on more, 'cause otherwise it's gonna seem like they were a largely benign organism living in symbiosis with us that didn't really need to be killed. I mean, yeah we saw a few shitty things they did, but is that representative of the entire species, just the leadership, just a small group, or what? They are populating the entire planet, after all. Maybe most of them were just hanging out? They can't possibly have been draining our resources that much, otherwise like, the whole discipline of statistics would be plagued with memory problems.
Maybe I wasn't paying attention. Do they eat people to survive or something? I guess they could be the reason for stuff like Alzheimer's and Dementia.
They did try to destroy the universe via sabotaged TARDIS
and by try to, I mean, succeeded!
05-09-2011, 09:46 PM
It seems to me that it is becoming a "let's almost kill Rory in every episode" thing.
05-09-2011, 10:49 PM
Finally got around to watching it, it was pretty good.
Felt a bit fillery though.
The Sevenshot Kid
05-14-2011, 10:20 PM
How the hell didn't I figure out that the title was referring to he TARDIS?
Professor Smarmiarty
05-15-2011, 04:30 AM
What happens when he tries to consumate? Bigger on the inside after all.
05-15-2011, 05:06 AM
I feel like a human incarnation of the TARDIS would be a bigger deal than this episode made it out to be, especially thinking back to the end of series one with the whole 'Bad Wolf' arc. Also it was somewhat of an odd title considering how prominent the River Song character has become.
Also: What was up with bringing back an Ood and then not doing anything important at all with him? Major tease!
Overall it was an okay episode but I was expecting a lot more from Neil Gaimen. It was like he cobbled together the worst parts from 'Neverwhere' and stuck it in a Doctor Who script.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-15-2011, 05:28 AM
Had some cracker lines.
05-15-2011, 01:13 PM
Overall it was an okay episode but I was expecting a lot more from Neil Gaimen. It was like he cobbled together the worst parts from 'Neverwhere' and stuck it in a Doctor Who script.
There were parts of the episode that were so Gaimanney that they practically bled over into being Tim Burtonsey.
Which is to say there were a bunch of moments where I really, really wanted to slap somebody.
After the terrrible characters died, the Tardis stopped speaking gibberish and the Doctor stopped being an idiot it shaped up into a pretty decent story, even if it's one that doesn't make any sense relative to anything else (and I'm fairly sure directly contradicts specifically stated things!) in Doctor Who, which of course I suppose it is the prerogative of Doctor Who to do.
05-15-2011, 04:07 PM
I liked it, although one thing that did bother me was the presence of the ood. Any time the ood have ever been seen it was either foretelling death, or as a slave. This one seemed to be possessed or enslaved, but unlike any other time the oods have been found to be slaves, nothing was really done about it. In fact he was wiped out completely, a casualty, which seemed odd since the doctor was usually quite upset about their slavery. Or was that just the tenth doctor? The Eleventh seems damn right apathetic in comparison.
05-15-2011, 09:31 PM
lol @ Tim Burtonsey
even if it's one that doesn't make any sense relative to anything else (and I'm fairly sure directly contradicts specifically stated things!) in Doctor Who, which of course I suppose it is the prerogative of Doctor Who to do.
I realize that this has been the status quo for the Doctor Who 'continuity' since before the new series, but this episode pushed my tolerance for such things a little more than I liked.
05-16-2011, 07:40 PM
Also it was somewhat of an odd title considering how prominent the River Song character has become.
To be perfectly honest, I liked this just because it showed a bit of the Doctor being honest-to-god attracted to someone(thing), which helps me file away all these human floozies under "women misinterpretting the Doctor's affection for them."
As far as continuity goes, this isn't even close to the level of disrespect Doctor Who has been known to show continuity. Do they even give an explanation for how the Daleks and Cybermen keep coming back anymore? Time Lords have flipped between being a species unto themselves and an engineered super-class within a species (which I've always felt makes more sense) numerous times. Sarah Jane initial reaction to meeting the Doctor again in her first appearance makes no sense because she met a future incarnation of his after they parted ways in the first place, so she knew he was safe and sound (and she wasn't too terribly irritated about it either. I think they even had a goodbye). The Doctor already met the guy all concepts of Satan were based on ages ago (I'm pretty sure I remember the Brigadier punching him).
Doctor Who doesn't give a fuck about continuity. And anyway, this actually makes sense - the Doctor got to spend a day with his dream woman, and he's not even really in much of a relationship with River Song from his perspective yet. Besides, why would human concepts like monogamy apply to him anyway? A Time Lord's life is like, the least suited to monogamy - it could be a hundred years from his perspective before he even SEES River Song again.
Anyway, title makes perfect sense. River Song is at best like, the equivalent of a girl you date for a year or two from the Doctor's perspective. The TARDIS bas been with him for a good six or seven hundred years, and will probably die with him.
Edit: How did I get Sarah Jane confused with Susan Foreman?
05-16-2011, 07:55 PM
Kinda sad that it took that "Behind the scenes" bit to explain what the hell is going on.
and is it just me, or does this season seem a bit on the dark side?
05-17-2011, 01:57 AM
Hey, look, two episodes after the Doctor and Rory have themselves a vaguely unsettling conversation about Rory's mind, an opportunity to show Rory's mind itself (when presumably the HOUSDIS was screwing with it) onscreen was passed up. And also a version of Rory driven mad by waiting a thousand years was shown.
I wonder if the show is trying to tell us something about Rory's mind.
The Eleventh seems damn right apathetic in comparison.
Just like the time when he dismissed looking for a kidnapped and lose, superstrong girl as boring!
05-17-2011, 02:31 AM
I actually found it kind of hilarious when the Doctor was like "Well that's another Ood I failed to save." Really it's about time we get a Doctor that accepts that he really can't save everyone every time and there is no point in crying over spilled milk.
Also, as per the River Song thing the interaction between the Doctor and the human TARDIS seemed an awfully lot like the interactions between the Doctor and River. I've yet to decide what that means. The clue at the end if I remember it right seemed pretty obviously to be about River in any event.
05-17-2011, 03:24 AM
I actually found it kind of hilarious when the Doctor was like "Well that's another Ood I failed to save." Really it's about time we get a Doctor that accepts that he really can't save everyone every time and there is no point in crying over spilled milk.
He's not accepting much of anything. (
This may be reading a bit too much into it, but there's a lot of other indications that the 11th Doctor is in fact more self-loathing and depressed than Tennants 10th was supposed to be, and I really hope they address that more this season. 'Vincent and the Doctor' ( seemed to hint that he understood Van Gogh's depression on some level. He's also pretty forgetful and angrier than his last incarnation.
Anyway, that might not really mean anything, but they are interesting traits and considering the two episodes that I linked (as well as this season's opener with the Doctor walking willingly into death) I hope it's something they explore a little more.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-17-2011, 04:16 AM
Do you know what they should explore more? Rory dying. I really fell there are untouched areas of space involving Rory dying.
05-17-2011, 09:17 AM
He's not accepting much of anything. (
This may be reading a bit too much into it, but there's a lot of other indications that the 11th Doctor is in fact more self-loathing and depressed than Tennants 10th was supposed to be, and I really hope they address that more this season. 'Vincent and the Doctor' ( seemed to hint that he understood Van Gogh's depression on some level. He's also pretty forgetful and angrier than his last incarnation.
Anyway, that might not really mean anything, but they are interesting traits and considering the two episodes that I linked (as well as this season's opener with the Doctor walking willingly into death) I hope it's something they explore a little more.
It's possible that it's connected to the environment in which they regenerate. The 10th Doctor was born in the middle of battle, and since then he'd always been rather prone to psychotic rage and wanting to kill everything because he was having a bad day.
In comparison, the 11th was born out of a prologued, sad goodbye resulting from the 10th having to sacrifice himself for another, and his last words were 'I don't want to go'. The 11th was born out of necessity; he was rejected out right.
05-18-2011, 08:55 PM
as a side note, was anyone else somewhat disappointed that, when they mentioned using an Old TARDIS control room, they used 9/10's control room instead of the original "white and circles everywhere" control room from the old series?
Episode was awesome. I'm also pretty cool with them ignoring anything related to Bad Wolf cuz Bad Wolf was duuuuuuuumb. Tardis > River. I also kinda dug the weird nightmare stuff that was happening, even if it didn't really make sense. I just dig stuff like that.
05-21-2011, 07:15 PM
Since I'm running about a week behind, all I have to say is Sexy x Pretty is now my one true pair.
Very entertaining episode.
05-23-2011, 02:42 AM
I just watched The Rebel Flesh. Could the explanation for the first episode be this simple?
Also: still focusing on Rory a lot. I like it, but I still think there might be an ulterior motive.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-23-2011, 02:53 AM
The fan-speculation that Rory is not really here and being held in universe by Amy's love grows stronger and stronger- in Rebel Flesh doctor seems to "forget" Rory at least twice. I hope this is not case, I really do.
I don't think they are going to go the obvious route with the fake doctor. It's too obvious. I think they might fake it out with him though.
Why does anybody need that much acid?
05-23-2011, 02:56 AM
I'm amazed that they haven't mentionned that Rory once was an Auton duplicate yet. Maybe the way he's been acting is an implied reference.
They mentioned it in the second episode. And fake Rory mentions it in Doctor's Wife.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-23-2011, 06:13 AM
He means in reference to the duplicate people in this episode- Rory was once a duplicate person so it particularly relevant here.
Also the Doctor mentions a few times that this is primitive technology- living flesh totally leads to the Nestene.
05-23-2011, 10:23 AM
I don't quite understand why Rory even remembers being an Auton at all if he's the real Rory and not the Roman Auton robot created as a part of the trap for the Doctor.
05-23-2011, 11:02 AM
Why does anybody need that much acid?
I don't quite understand why Rory even remembers being an Auton at all if he's the real Rory and not the Roman Auton robot created as a part of the trap for the Doctor.
It is the way Amy remembered him, as the boy who waited.
That said, this is a pretty Rory-centric season... Or could have been one. Between the fact that Rory's death seems to be a foundation of the universe, the fact that the TARDIS Sexy chose him (as a counterpoint to House choosing Amy to fuck with), and the fact that he probably is the littlest Time Lady's father (who is possibly River)... Now an episode that should by rights have mentioned his time as a Nestene duplicate...
This season is about Amy and the Doc. But it should have been about Rory.
05-23-2011, 02:10 PM
Don't see the issue with that episode not mentioning Rory's time as a Nestene outright. They're clearly showing that he is more sympathetic to the dopplegangers than others, and the connection is pretty easy to make. This is just the case of a show using a bit of subtlety (odds are they'll blow that in the second part). I'm not gonna ask them to tell instead of show.
05-23-2011, 02:35 PM
Love the fact that they hung a lamp shade on the whole Rory dieing thing. I'm not going to mention where it happened because I wonder if anyone else noticed it. The whole thing was pretty quick.
05-24-2011, 11:13 PM
I'm not going to read the latest comments just now because I haven't seen the latest episode of Doctor Who and I'm afraid of being spoiled, so I'll come back and edit this post once I watch it (probably very soon), but for your enjoyement, a friend of mine made this awesome little thing. (
05-25-2011, 12:48 AM
OK that is pretty damn terrific.
05-25-2011, 12:49 AM
Bobbey, brofist your friend for me.
Don't see the issue with that episode not mentioning Rory's time as a Nestene outright. They're clearly showing that he is more sympathetic to the dopplegangers than others, and the connection is pretty easy to make. This is just the case of a show using a bit of subtlety (odds are they'll blow that in the second part). I'm not gonna ask them to tell instead of show.
Subtlety? Are we watching the same show here?
No, they held out on the parallels between Nestene Rory and the almost people (sick band name alert!) because the almost people are primitive Autons. That's the big reveal in the next episode.
05-27-2011, 12:25 PM
Bobbey, tell your friend it is imperitive that he place a flashing 'Press Start' icon in at the end of that segment.
Professor Smarmiarty
05-28-2011, 05:36 PM
What the fuck. That's like an episode I right- spend the whole episode banging in one message then completely reverse it at the end. Hilarious.
Revising Ocelot
05-28-2011, 06:36 PM
What the fuck. That's like an episode I right- spend the whole episode banging in one message then completely reverse it at the end. Hilarious.
Think that was because the Gangers in the first episode had true independence due to the solar storm. Before that, they were essentially the Reals acting through them. FleshAmy didn't have that independence, and RealAmy was basically acting through her totally unaware while she's stuck in... wherever, save for Eyepatch Lady peeking in occasionally. Doctor had to destroy FleshAmy to restore proper consciousness to RealAmy, hence the final scene. Yes it does contradict the lesson given in this two-parter, but at least it has what I believe is a reasonable explanation. They'll probably explain it themselves next episode.
Speaking of which, I thought A Good Man Goes To War was after the break, but it's apparently next week?
05-28-2011, 07:12 PM
They're doing a "Recap Marathon" here for some reason.
05-28-2011, 08:26 PM
I liked it. The complete surprise at the end which kinda throws you for a loop is something that doesn't happen much these days, especially with the internet and spoilers and all, so it was a nice change of pace. It was cool that retrospectively I could sort of piece it together but the parts I'm not sure about are what bring me back for the next episode. It's good television.
Although what's with the two sonic screwdrivers? Did I miss something or is that to be filed under 'to be explained'?
Professor Smarmiarty
05-29-2011, 03:31 AM
Think that was because the Gangers in the first episode had true independence due to the solar storm. Before that, they were essentially the Reals acting through them. FleshAmy didn't have that independence, and RealAmy was basically acting through her totally unaware while she's stuck in... wherever, save for Eyepatch Lady peeking in occasionally. Doctor had to destroy FleshAmy to restore proper consciousness to RealAmy, hence the final scene. Yes it does contradict the lesson given in this two-parter, but at least it has what I believe is a reasonable explanation. They'll probably explain it themselves next episode.
Speaking of which, I thought A Good Man Goes To War was after the break, but it's apparently next week?
I got that, it still torpedoes the lessons that we learnt. You can do whatever you want as long as there is no solar storm!
The Sevenshot Kid
05-30-2011, 07:19 PM
This is pretty random and I don't know if this has been brought up before, but holy shit, Rory is older than the Doctor. He lived for 2,000 years and the Doctor ain't even seen 1,000 yet. That's... odd.
05-30-2011, 07:26 PM
I got that, it still torpedoes the lessons that we learnt. You can do whatever you want as long as there is no solar storm!
I thought the lesson was that no matter the source or form sentient life is important, and the end sort of felt like if the episode had been about the value of AI, and then at the end the Doctor tossed a regular ole remote controlled car out the window.
Yeah, the two are the same kind of thing, but one is intelligent and one isn't. There's a distinction.
05-30-2011, 08:55 PM
This is pretty random and I don't know if this has been brought up before, but holy shit, Rory is older than the Doctor. He lived for 2,000 years and the Doctor ain't even seen 1,000 yet. That's... odd.
Maybe? The Doctor's been incredibly... flaky about his age. ('s_age)
Professor Smarmiarty
05-31-2011, 02:28 AM
I thought the lesson was that no matter the source or form sentient life is important, and the end sort of felt like if the episode had been about the value of AI, and then at the end the Doctor tossed a regular ole remote controlled car out the window.
Yeah, the two are the same kind of thing, but one is intelligent and one isn't. There's a distinction.
The company were lambasted for their use of the flesh- for melting away their surrogates which were the same remote-controlled car in this case. The guys at the end went to stop the company using this flesh. There was tak of remembering being melted.
Amy clone was the same as all the doppelgangers the factory guys were using before they becae sentient. And the entire two parter was about how those doppelgangers were just used and discarded like nothing.
05-31-2011, 02:45 PM
There was tak of remembering being melted.
Ostensibly, this was only becuase the 'drivers' remembered, as they were often still awake in the ganger body while the ganger 'died'.
On the two sonic screwdrivers: At first I thought that it was becuase the flesh mimics literally everything even clothing and maybe also a sonic screwdriver? But then I remembered that the two Doctors traded one screwdriver back a forth a couple times which would be pointless if there were two so I don't know. But the TARDIS generates a Sonic Screwdriver anytime the Doctor needs one so I'm assuming he pulled it from the colsole once they were back in the TARDIS.
05-31-2011, 04:24 PM
On the two sonic screwdrivers: At first I thought that it was becuase the flesh mimics literally everything even clothing and maybe also a sonic screwdriver? But then I remembered that the two Doctors traded one screwdriver back a forth a couple times which would be pointless if there were two so I don't know. But the TARDIS generates a Sonic Screwdriver anytime the Doctor needs one so I'm assuming he pulled it from the colsole once they were back in the TARDIS.
He was ridiculously quick about it, but I suppose he wouldn't be the doctor if he couldn't get things done in a hurry.
He was ridicilously quick about it when he did it in the first ep of last season. It's just that that time he was ridiculously quick on-screen.
Professor Smarmiarty
06-04-2011, 01:30 PM
Who predicted that? pretty much everyone.
The best bit of the episode: "The Doctor will be back.... in Let's Kill Hitler". Classic.
Revising Ocelot
06-04-2011, 01:58 PM
It remains to be seen how River ends up in the space suit in episode 1. Yep. Her crime was 'killing a good man' after all, which was mentioned last series.
Professor Smarmiarty
06-04-2011, 02:08 PM
I'm pretty sure the good man is Rory and the Doctor thing is a fakeout. Docotr expressly stated this episode that he wasn't a good man, and River called him out on him not being a good man. And Amy's rant at the beginning about how Rory was the best man in the universe, Rory doing all the fighting and leading a lot of the charge - a good man goes to war was Rory.
And River has pretty consistently been a bit awkward with Rory.
And a child pretty much alwasy thinks of their father as the greatest man they have ever known.
River kills Rory, calling it now.
Agreed that's the most likely thing, though River was meant to kill the Doctor. She still could, though I doubt that's her in the space suit.
EDIT: I also thought for a second that River might be the Doctor. Which would have been hilarious because that would have meant he was laughing about making out with himself.
Professor Smarmiarty
06-04-2011, 05:09 PM
I had that thought as well for a second. Would have been better.
06-04-2011, 08:43 PM
I was honestly kind of figuring that River = amy and rory's daughter was a bit too obvious, and that she was actually Susan, come back after decades of off-screen time. or possibly the doctor's actual biological daughter or some other sort of gallifreyan shenanigans.
06-04-2011, 11:00 PM
Kudos to Moffat and everyone else who decided to go the route that made sense instead of trying to arbitrarily throw the audience for a loop like every other horrible sci-fi show imlookingatyouLOST.
This was a really really good episode.
I had that thought as well for a second. Would have been better.
No, because that would mean River Song would be the next Doctor which would be utterly horrible.
ALSO: The revelation that River Song is part timelord has me wondering about stuff with Forest of the Dead or whatever that two-parter was.
Professor Smarmiarty
06-05-2011, 07:13 AM
If you're thinking about her death and her not regenerating- it is expresly stated in the episode that death inside the machine happened too fast and continually for timelords to regenerate.
As for the episode I really actually didn't like it. It just rellied on plot revelations to keep it going, the intrnal structure of the episode was basically non-existant. And the doctor was supposed to be higher than ever which he wasn't and then fall lower than ever which he also wasn't. He like took over a space station. Doesn't really compare to like restarting the universe. And for falling so low? He got tricked by the enemies? Hardly the first time and some of his past incarnations have reasonable charges of genocide at their feet.
There wasn't even a war.
Then we had random side characters like the gay marines and the marine girl who were just waste of time.
Here is my plothole of the moment: The Doctor has stated multiple times int he new series that he knows he is the last timelord, he would be able to sense if there were any others. So why hasn't he sensed it about River song? Especially when he was right next to her constantly.
And the Tardis seems to do random DNA scans of people- why didn't it pick her up.
Kroze Gamegod
06-05-2011, 07:18 AM
HO-LY SHIT! Look at the name of who posted that first post... Moffat has been planning this since 1995 apparently... (
My mind is blown!
06-05-2011, 09:42 AM
HO-LY SHIT! Look at the name of who posted that first post... Moffat has been planning this since 1995 apparently... (
My mind is blown!
That's a really weird coincidence if that's not real.
Although I'm inclined to think it's faked, since the next comment by a different guy is like 'pity the writers don't think like that'. Seems kinda as though they're intentionally poking fun at it.
06-05-2011, 09:57 AM
This episode seemed like a lot of overkill for something that really shouldn't have been a problem for the Doctor. I liked the whole business about calling in all his favours, but eh, this was a pretty minor foe to be calling them in for. The Doctor regularly trumps guys who do things like eat universes. This army was struggling to prepare its members for psychic paper. I guess the Doctor wanted to make an impression, but none of this really seemed worth calling in all his buddies for. Even when eyepatch lady seemed to get the better of him, I just wasn't really feeling it. I'm not expecting him to press the TARDIS-solves-everything button, but he should still have like ten billion different ways of shitting all over her cornflakes.
06-05-2011, 10:08 AM
I mean if as soon as they recover the baby I, moron Earthling start going "uh so they're gonna check if he's a plasticbabby, right?" then the Doctor, alien supergenius, really should have had some idea long before then that it might have been a plasticbabby.
EDIT: I kind of like to imagine that Eyepatch is like, the great great great great great great great granddaughter of Harriet Jones.
EDIT: I also kind of lolled at the bit about how they pulled it off "without spilling a drop of blood". Uh, you mean except for those soldiers who the headless dudes killed? (I'll be charitable and not count the headlesses who got killed because come on, that obviously ain't living.)
EDIT: I did enjoy how the villain was the Space Catholic Church.
Kroze Gamegod
06-05-2011, 10:45 AM
That's a really weird coincidence if that's not real.
Although I'm inclined to think it's faked, since the next comment by a different guy is like 'pity the writers don't think like that'. Seems kinda as though they're intentionally poking fun at it.
Actually it seems that its 100% legit looking at all the rest of his posts he made at that time with that profile.... It really is moffat! ( CB_VxyxpnJ_Fw)
06-05-2011, 10:58 AM
But you know I'd be remiss if I didn't say that the Sontaran nurse was the best thing ever.
I will say that although I liked this episode, for what they said would happen the Doctor should have kicked a whole lot more ass, and characters we actually knew and cared about should have died.
EDIT: I was really surprised Rory didn't get a "Me too" line during the Sontaran death scene where he's like, "I'm a nurse."
06-05-2011, 11:15 AM
EDIT: I was really surprised Rory didn't get a "Me too" line during the Sontaran death scene where he's like, "I'm a nurse."
oh god this is going to bother me forever
edit: I'm gonna rewatch this episode a year from now and be waiting for that line and then when it doesn't happen I'll be all what the fuck and then remember that it never actually happened at all
god dammit
I do like the number of ways they're setting up for Rory's death though. Having him encounter characters like him who later die. The ganger of Jennifer, for example, and then the Sontaran warrior/nurse. They also keep fake killing him off, which I can't help but feel is an attempt to make us assume he'll totally be coming back so when he doesn't it feels like more of a dick move. There've been a lot more "Pond talking about the Doctor no wait she meant Rory" fakeouts, that also play into the idea that the Song's murder victim is actually Rory despite there being stuff to make us think it'll be the Doctor.
Professor Smarmiarty
06-05-2011, 11:38 AM
Forget the Sontaran nurse, I want a spin off series of interspecies victorian lesbian crimesolving duo.
06-05-2011, 06:09 PM
Forget the Sontaran nurse
One day we will meet on the field of battle and I will have the pleasure of crushing the life out of your worthless human body.
06-05-2011, 06:31 PM
I was really surprised Rory didn't get a "Me too" line during the Sontaran death scene where he's like, "I'm a nurse."
Seriously! And I mean, come on! The Doctor as, uh, A Doctor (or possibly 'Warrior'!) and Rory the Centurion as a Nurse? Rory's second-fiddling to The Doctor has been a (not-so) subtle thread running through the whole Matt Smith era. Guess they don't want to beat it to death, but still kind of felt weird for him not to bring it up.
06-05-2011, 09:08 PM
I do like the number of ways they're setting up for Rory's death though. Having him encounter characters like him who later die. The ganger of Jennifer, for example, and then the Sontaran warrior/nurse. They also keep fake killing him off, which I can't help but feel is an attempt to make us assume he'll totally be coming back so when he doesn't it feels like more of a dick move. There've been a lot more "Pond talking about the Doctor no wait she meant Rory" fakeouts, that also play into the idea that the Song's murder victim is actually Rory despite there being stuff to make us think it'll be the Doctor.
Dear goodness I could see that actually happening.
Forget the Sontaran nurse, I want a spin off series of interspecies victorian lesbian crimesolving duo.
I'd probably be better than Torchwood.
Actually it seems that its 100% legit looking at all the rest of his posts he made at that time with that profile.... It really is moffat! ( CB_VxyxpnJ_Fw)
The only way to know is to get on twitter and ask him...any one got a twitter account?
06-05-2011, 09:16 PM
I honestly don't feel a hugely compelling need to question the proposition that a guy who became the showrunner for Doctor Who was on Usenet in 1995 having opinions on Doctor Who.
Dear goodness I could see that actually happening.
I've seen people elsewhere say that even if Rory did die again he'd just get better again, which I feel lends credit to my idea that Moffat's doing the Rory death fakeouts to make us assume a fakeout with Rory's actual death.
06-06-2011, 03:26 PM
I honestly don't feel a hugely compelling need to question the proposition that a guy who became the showrunner for Doctor Who was on Usenet in 1995 having opinions on Doctor Who.
Well, I don't have much else to do until September...
Pip Boy
06-12-2011, 11:55 PM
Just finished season 5 myself, and my conclusion is that The Doctor is a magical time traveling space troll.
Bard The 5th LW
06-13-2011, 12:16 AM
So I watched like the last 15 minutes or so of a recent episode now that I have BBC. I don't know why there were 2 Doctors but it kinda looked cool so I might read up on some recaps or something.
A little something for the upcoming Torchwood thing.
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