06-29-2011, 11:12 AM
*This may or may not be an actual statement of beliefs that the author of said thread actually feels about the particular subject (especially thinking of TMNT and Ducktails and the like), however, given the nature of what this thread is about, it works. Also, apologies for the bad English.
Now that disclaimers (or may not (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMsW3d2J74k)**) be established to everyone's specifications...
So, earlier today I was, in my own inscrutable way, creating a playlist made of various numbers from some good musicals on Youtube, while listening (don't we all) to film-scores (some of which are, in fact, musicals), and the orchestral cover (by OminousVoice) passed through my mind.
That got me thinking (a dangerous pastime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDr_0n_7WSE)).
Thundercats: the Musical
Dudes! Seriously! Thundercats: the Musical! WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN DONE YET. It'd be like a combination of Thundercats, Cats, and Lion King on Broadway! I am a genius (or a mad man, it's hard to say sometimes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM1uMuJviLo))!
Anyway: discuss.
**Note: be aware, that I have not actually heard this song, as of this posting (although I almost certainly have later), however it's the best fit I could find for the wishy-washiness displayed above.
Now that disclaimers (or may not (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMsW3d2J74k)**) be established to everyone's specifications...
So, earlier today I was, in my own inscrutable way, creating a playlist made of various numbers from some good musicals on Youtube, while listening (don't we all) to film-scores (some of which are, in fact, musicals), and the orchestral cover (by OminousVoice) passed through my mind.
That got me thinking (a dangerous pastime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDr_0n_7WSE)).
Thundercats: the Musical
Dudes! Seriously! Thundercats: the Musical! WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN DONE YET. It'd be like a combination of Thundercats, Cats, and Lion King on Broadway! I am a genius (or a mad man, it's hard to say sometimes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM1uMuJviLo))!
Anyway: discuss.
**Note: be aware, that I have not actually heard this song, as of this posting (although I almost certainly have later), however it's the best fit I could find for the wishy-washiness displayed above.