View Full Version : iPod Troubles - How Do I Delete Or Disassociate An iPod From A Computer?

11-17-2012, 10:27 PM
So a few weeks ago, I jumped on the iPod bandwagon and tried to work everything out. Seemed to go okay. I was using iTunes on my laptop.

Then, my laptop got a virus, so I sent it to the shop.

But I needed to charge it, and all I had was a USB cord. I plugged it into my mom's Mac, and apparently Apple is a steaming pile of shither iTunes synced to my iPod and won't recognize her iPod.

How do I fix it so that everything goes back to normal?

Fucking Apple fucknuggets.

11-18-2012, 06:27 AM
Part of the problem here is that you didn't check your ipod when you connected it, and so it went through the whole "sync" spiel when you weren't looking, and it's always a good idea to set the "sync" to manual, or on prompt on any installation of Itunes, because this sort of thing happens so many times it's not funny. Itunes really needs to open up to more than one phone/ipod in the modern era of media! Not every homestead has a personal pc for every user!

Strange though, that it didn't pause the sync asking about unloading the stuff currently on your ipod, and also that it won't access your mum's phone, because it was already synced to HER Ipod, and if the logic here is true then it shouldn't have recognized your ipod.

So this is likely one of those errors of old Itunes installs or old IOS installs. Also, USB wall plugins, they are good things, or turning off Itunes before connecting a new device.

For starters, try restarting your computer and then reconnecting your mom's ipod, if all goes well it should try and sync with her ipod again, and the not recognize thing is just a typical Itunes error that makes it slow to notice that a different device is plugged in.

AS for your phone, try connecting it to a lappytop or something without itunes installed, and perhaps with one of those third party ipod manager stuffs, which are typically not as guarded as Iphones, or spend $5 on a wall charger to keep it going until you get your own lappytop back to resync.

11-18-2012, 04:57 PM
Pyros' wall charger suggestion is probly the least headachey opyion.

Otherwise headaches are a built in feature with the product specs.