View Full Version : Blue Screen of Death? Need help

Kyanbu The Legend
03-28-2013, 12:14 AM
So every now and then over the course of the last few months. My PC will Crash (Windows 7 Blue Screen) everytime I put it to sleep while GIMP 2.6 is running.

At first I assumed it was GIMP acting up during sleep. But it seems that it's starting to happen more frequently now then usual. My step dad suspects that it may be the CPU. And I still think I may need to reduce the number of taps open in GIMP (I do it to avoid having to reopen everything. Kinda pointless now though). Yeah tecnically I still have my Windows 7 Laptop to fall back on. But still I'd like to repair my PC and not have to use GIMP 2.8 (I really hate 2.8).

So any ideas on what could be causing my PC to crash?

03-28-2013, 01:18 AM
Look up what the STOP error codes are. That'll generally give a pretty good indication of what's going on and what to fix.

03-28-2013, 01:23 AM
Also, if you haven't already, set your machine up to not automatically restart on failure (as that is the default behavior).

example steps for doing so (http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows7/ht/automatic-restart-windows-7.htm)

By doing that, you have more time to sufficiently jot down / retain information from the BSOD error screen. Then it's much easier to do as Skweeb posts and look up the stop code you are getting. As a result you may have a better idea what exactly is happening (though some hardware issues all give the same general stop code).

Kyanbu The Legend
03-28-2013, 07:17 AM
Okay thank you for the advice everyone. I disabled auto restart. I'll take a picture of the screen as soon as it happens again. Which sadly might not be that long of a wait.

Kyanbu The Legend
04-01-2013, 12:19 PM
Stop Error 0x0000000A

Which seems to be a case of a faulty program or hardware accessing a memory location without authorization.

which means it could be either GIMP 2.6 malfunctioning or my new Netgear wireless adapter. I'm pretty sure it might be the later.