View Full Version : The Walking Dead : 400 days

07-03-2013, 10:25 PM
Fucking... awesome.

It dips points when compared with the previous game, but as a Bridge to season two? This was a masterfully crafted teaser demo.

There ARE some really... really... "zombie movie dumb logic" moments. But those are truly focused on the characters that are earlier in the Zombie apocalypse.

I like that though, the connection between characters is SO tangential, you can miss it if you are not paying attention... until the ending that is.

This has a ton of promise, because even BEFORE you start season two, this game is already promissing to mold your gameplay and story. The one truly annoying thing to me there is that it's payed DLC... i really think they should have released this for free.

I mean, c'mon... it's a teaser trailer with interactive segments. There is some choices and split points here and there... but overall, this is setup for a new full game that would sell even more if they were to just give this awesome demo to the fans. I mean, if you are playing this you already have the previous 5 episodes anyway...

So, anybody else got it? it's worth the price tag.

07-03-2013, 11:23 PM
I didn't think the first game molded very much at all. Actually it seemed pretty "illusion of choice" on the whole. Still really fun for one playthrough, though. I'll probably grab this, and looking forward to Season Two and the rebirth of mainstream adventure games.

07-04-2013, 12:37 AM
I played this new episode twice and there were instances of unique dialogue and even entire new "addons" and removals to certain sequences. Like, very minor stuff.... in one play there was a zombie in a place and in the second it never appeared even thouhg i made the same choices.

So, they are mixing up a bit up there. There is a lot of Illusion of choice indeed. But this one seems to be promissing a bit more for season two though.

...i don't like the new kid though. She is like a Girly-Teenage Kenny.