View Full Version : The Wing Wong strikes back!
Cloud Strife
03-28-2005, 04:14 AM
Kuroude7: YOU!!!!!11!!one!!!!1shift+1!!
Delirious treat: Yes, me again. Funny how that works out. :p
Kuroude7: And I can't believe I just typed noobspeak... >_<
Delirious treat: *saves*
Kuroude7: NO! D:
Kuroude7: Blackmail! T.T
Kuroude7: I'll... give you a bunny!
Delirious treat: oO
... okay, that'll do.
Wing Wong (
The public demands more Wing Wong! (
03-28-2005, 06:23 AM
Awwww, BUNNY!
03-28-2005, 12:02 PM
Wow. 0.0 that is cool
03-28-2005, 12:14 PM
It's got nothing on the dancing Kirby.
<('.'<) (>'.')> <('.'<) (>'.')> <('.'<) (>'.')>
Back to chatlogs now.
03-28-2005, 01:28 PM
Novasol: *notices that people are using the rolls of tape and free USPS boxes to make furniture*
Novasol: with a little creativity this might solve my furniture problem >_>
Amy: XD
Novasol: get a couch cover, some pillows, and nobody would know the difference >_>
Amy: *cracks up*
Novasol: I'm being totally serious here.
Novasol: Maybe 20 bucks in pillows and I could make a kickass couch
Novasol: use a hot glue gun to attach the pillows in place
Novasol: tape the boxes together liberally for a sturdy base
Amy: i can't tell you how hard i'm laughing
Novasol: Classy, elegant, and cheap
03-28-2005, 02:36 PM
Not so sure about classy or elegant. Cheap though!
And those kirbies have nothing on boxing kirby. (>X.x)p o--(-.-Q)
Red Mage Black
03-28-2005, 04:48 PM
(\__/) (\__/) My Bunny army shall rise up and smite all who oppose
(='.'=) (='.'=) me.
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03-28-2005, 05:04 PM
Oh for fuck's sake don't spam. That's pushing it, man.
03-28-2005, 05:18 PM
But boxing kirby's got nothing on dueling kirbys!
<( '.' )>Oxxx}:::::::::::::::::::> <( '\/' )>
Winner!_____________________Ded loser
And yeah, that bunny is kickass.
Red Mage Black
03-28-2005, 05:19 PM
I'm finished and saying that the Kirby's win. Once and for all.
03-29-2005, 06:41 PM
Sometimes the members of NPF just sit around and talk about fruit.
Delirious treat: Why is it I get even less sleep when I'm on semester break?
Elmin Amaur: And why is the clown's will eating you?
spaceychick2003: can't type is more like it
Sasami Android: Because Oranges rock.
Sasami Android: ....what? They do.
RickZarber: Hmm. I've the opposite problem.
spaceychick2003: Or rocks orange.....
Maxis2K: tangermelons keep Clone's at bay
Delirious treat: Meister no likey the oranges.
Maxis2K: clowns!
Maxis2K: GAH!
Maxis2K: H
spaceychick2003: i nothing type right for ingleesh sucketh
Sasami Android: Maxis, you crack me up.
Elmin Amaur: Incoming!!!
Sasami Android: And can you not like oranges?!
Maxis2K: -_-
spaceychick2003: *hides under desk*
Elmin Amaur: *Dives away from the entrance*
clollieman: Oranges?
Delirious treat: Oranges make me angry. YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M ANGRY!
Elmin Amaur: invite must not have worked.
RickZarber: Look out, he's Mod'ing out!
clollieman: :DDD
Delirious treat: *blows up a random orange* Okay, that's better.
Sasami Android: IT'S KIM POSSIBLE!
spaceychick2003: *uses ray of frost on orange*
LethargyMan hat den Raum betreten.
Delirious treat: But seriously.
LethargyMan: Hello
spaceychick2003: Kim Possible is kool!
Delirious treat: I avoid the little buggers.
Elmin Amaur: No you won't Kim Possible!
Sasami Android: *gasp* NOt the Oranges!
Elmin Amaur: You'll have to kick my ass instead!!!
Delirious treat: Now, tangerines...
clollieman: o_O
Sasami Android: Suck
Sasami Android: *hates tangerines*
Maxis2K: tangerMELONS!
Elmin Amaur: I hate all forms of citrus.
spaceychick2003: CECTARINES!!!
Sasami Android: You are spacey? WHY DIDN'T YOU SEND ME A POSTCARD THEN?!
Delirious treat: At least they're easy to detect.
spaceychick2003: *NECTARINES
Sasami Android: ....those are good.
LethargyMan: Pummelos rock
Delirious treat: You can smell someone eating tangerines across the whole room. Then you can go over and bum some.
Maxis2K: I love this
clollieman: Aw, I was likin' the sound of them Cectarines. :{{{
Maxis2K: anyone played Suikoden III?
Delirious treat: Unless you hate them, in which case you're screwed.
Elmin Amaur: Heh, too much citrus in this state.
Sasami Android: *raises hand*
Maxis2K: heh, I'm in a strategy battle
Delirious treat: Also, nectarines are too juicy for my taste.
Sasami Android: For real?
Maxis2K: ...I made Cecile able to take on everybody in the councils army -_-
Sasami Android: NICE.
Maxis2K: its pathetic
Delirious treat: Whenever I eat one the neighbours from below knock on my door and complain about the wet spots on their ceiling.
03-29-2005, 09:11 PM
NPF'ers are the epitome of high society:
DruidofUndeath: What I want to know is who determined what words became swear words
Elmin Amaur: You lobster-back!
Sasami Android: why am I being given gifts/
RickZarber: fudgemonkies....
LethargyMan: Humbug!
DruidofUndeath: Up yours elephant toenail clipping
LethargyMan: Mee Crob
Elmin Amaur: Why does the sun rise SA?
DruidofUndeath: *gasp*
DruidofUndeath: The worst of the swears!
RickZarber: nah
LethargyMan: Indeed
RickZarber: that'd be BELGUIM!
RickZarber: crap, shocked y'all into silence...
DruidofUndeath: Ni!
RickZarber: *twitch*
03-29-2005, 11:50 PM
Kufu Reaper: Puns = teh sucks.
DruidofUndeath: You=teh sucks
DruidofUndeath: Puns=win
Sasami Android: Puns = Chair
Sasami Android: Chair pwns.
DruidofUndeath: Fire pwns chair
Kufu Reaper: Water pwns fire.
DruidofUndeath: Fire and water pwn each other
Maxis2K: wind p0wnz water
DruidofUndeath: Thus steam pwns all
Mysterious1711: Electricity pwns all
Darthlord Ragnos: Blackholes Pwn all
Sasami Android: Leaving chair intact, thus still pwning all.
DruidofUndeath: Blackholes suck
DruidofUndeath: Eunechs pwn chair
Kufu Reaper: *pokes Druid in the brian*
Elmin Amaur: EA=pwned
Darthlord Ragnos: No such thing as a suck in science
DruidofUndeath: Not the Brian!
Maxis2K: Quazars own Black Holes
Sasami Android: Yes, the brian.
Kufu Reaper: Yep.
Kufu Reaper: I went there.
Maxis2K: because Quazars are colliding Galaxies that form giant black holes
Kufu Reaper: Eat me.
DruidofUndeath: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Darthlord Ragnos: Quazars are blackholes
LethargyMan: aieee!
Sasami Android: Fancy pwns ordinary
Darthlord Ragnos: With stuff around them
Maxis2K: like I said
Sasami Android: so, since it has a fancier pwns.
Darthlord Ragnos: Blackholes can't pwn themselves
Kufu Reaper: Oooooh.
Sasami Android: THey can too. =P
DruidofUndeath: Why not? I can pwn myself
DruidofUndeath: *pwns self*
Maxis2K: a bigger black hole can absorb a smaller one
Darthlord Ragnos: I was talking in general
Sasami Android: Heh, okies.
DruidofUndeath: Hypothetical pwns general
Darthlord Ragnos: One group of things can't pwn itself
Sasami Android: I can pwn things.
Darthlord Ragnos: Do I need to break out M theory?
Kufu Reaper: God pwns Black holes. (I did it agian! ARRGH!)
Mysterious1711: My left hand pwns my right hand
Kufu Reaper: At what?
Kufu Reaper: >.o
DruidofUndeath: pwning himself
Mysterious1711: Stuff
Darthlord Ragnos: M theory pwns god.
Kufu Reaper: Dare I ask it...
Kufu Reaper: M theory?
Sasami Android: Don't...
Maxis2K: the human mind p0wnz all
Cloud Strife
03-30-2005, 05:10 AM
Krylo Killian has entered the room.
Kuroude7: Yo.
Sasami Android: Heya, nothing really goin on.
Kuroude7: Yup.
Krylo Killian: Cloud made me come back..
Kuroude7: I just felt like dragging you in here. =p
Krylo Killian: I feel like a bitch now
Kuroude7: Heh heh heh heh heh.
Sasami Android: Cloud....Krylo is your bitch? 0_O
Kuroude7: Holy shit, Krylo's my bitch! XD
Drake Chaser: I should write a song entitled "I'm my own bitch"
Kuroude7: O_o
Krylo Killian: ...Is Cloud going to pimp slap me and make me suck his cock now?
Kuroude7: No, I'm going to pimp you out to the forumsers, bitch! *pimp slaps*
Sasami Android: *saves*
Sasami Android: *prints Tabloids*
Krylo Killian: Which forumers?
Kuroude7: Oh, you know, those forumers. You know the ones...
Krylo Killian: No I don't. If I did, I wouldn't ask
Kuroude7: *pimp slaps* No questioning!
Krylo Killian: Bah... screw this. I quit. Lycan, I'm your bitch now.
Kuroude7: Damn.
03-30-2005, 05:29 AM
and after that:
Sasami Android: Whose bitch am I then?
Kuroude7: Dibs!
krylokillian: You can come join Lycan's stable.
Sasami Android: But Lycan doesnt' like me...
krylokillian: We could be roomies!
krylokillian: I'll knock him around 'til he agrees.
Sasami Android: Well...ask Lycan what he thinks.
krylokillian: Lycan!
Lycanthrope: I go away for three minutes and find myself a pimp? No no no. this doesn't go.
2:05 AM
Sasami Android: See? he hates me...
krylokillian: *kicks Lycan in the balls*
krylokillian: Try again
Lycanthrope: You see, I'm not flamboyant nor charismatic enough to be a pimp and-- *oof*
Kuroude7: ... Ouch, role reversal.
Lycanthrope: *stiffens*
Lycanthrope: *in higher voice* that was uncalled for
krylokillian: *grabs Lycan's ear and yanks it down by his mouth* Right... so me and SA are your bitches now... ok.
Kuroude7: o_O
Lycanthrope: ....okay....
03-30-2005, 06:35 PM
Anime Ben2003: cheater
Krylo Killian: Cheater's always win.
Krylo Killian: Cheaters*
Anime Ben2003: *puts bunny ears on krylo* *will get slapped latr
Krylo Killian: bah
Krylo Killian: Oooohh... bunny ears!
Anime Ben2003: maybe not
Krylo Killian: *strokes them lovingly*
Anime Ben2003: *run away
Krylo Killian: Think I can run faster and jump farther now? Like in Majora's Mask?
Anime Ben2003: no this is an old dying bunny
Krylo Killian: Bah.
Krylo Killian: Well, at least they're still fashionable.
Anime Ben2003: humbug
Anime Ben2003: true that
Cloud Strife
03-31-2005, 09:49 PM
Starring (In order of appearance) Apathy Man, DruidoftheDead, and me, Cloud Strife.
LethargyMan: whoa....did I really spell it "thurst"
LethargyMan: I'm off today
DruidofUndeath: So it seems
DruidofUndeath: But we have the spiky haired spell check here
DruidofUndeath: So never fear!
DruidofUndeath: He can correct full sentences with a wave of his hand
DruidofUndeath: Locate a thesaurus in a single bound
Kuroude7: Heh heh heh...
Kuroude7: I like it, Druid.
DruidofUndeath: He can dodge leetspeak like the wind
DruidofUndeath: Beware typos, you're time has come!
Kuroude7: *your ¬¬
04-01-2005, 10:53 AM
Waiting... = Me
Cloud Strife = duh
[02:17:24 AM] Waiting...: i just got done mircowaving dice lol
[02:17:37 AM] Cloud Strife: Wow...someone's bored.
[02:17:53 AM] Waiting...: yea, no kidding
[02:18:28 AM] Waiting...: they are so hot lol
[02:18:36 AM] Cloud Strife: I'll bet.
[02:19:32 AM] Waiting...: my d4 half exploded
[02:19:42 AM] Cloud Strife: o_O
[02:20:40 AM] Waiting...: yea, it was aahsome
04-01-2005, 11:37 PM
[20:52] Friend: So basically you just said if I randomly grabbed you and raped you in the ass, you would enjoy it?
[20:52] VA Ninja75: yep
[20:52] Friend: Just checking
04-02-2005, 10:57 AM
crazyman06883: :P
nuklearshiney: :B
crazyman06883: oh
crazyman06883: well
crazyman06883: :B
crazyman06883: there
crazyman06883: mine is so much cooler
crazyman06883: :B
nuklearshiney: negative, the superiority of mine cannot be measured by conventional methods
crazyman06883: ya huh
crazyman06883: :B SHAZAM!
(note: mine was way cooler cuz it was bigger ad red, while his was tiny and black. :p )
04-03-2005, 06:29 PM
PixiStik01: I have a picture of stitch grabbing my ass. x.x
ViktorVonRussia: Please, share it.
GreatMedicNigel: *rar* Hugs Pixi*
ViktorVonRussia: The picture, I mean.
Elmin Amaur: I wanna see the pic!
Elmin Amaur: =P
PixiStik01: lol. It's not on my comp.
RickZarber: that would be a funny camwhore's pic... hehe
PixiStik01: It's in my picture box.
ViktorVonRussia: Dang.
Elmin Amaur: Awww
PixiStik01: The magic kingdom castle is in the background and everything.
PixiStik01: lol.
Elmin Amaur: Heh.
RickZarber: haha. Fun for the whole family!
Elmin Amaur: Hmm...I need to get a job at Disney :P
RickZarber: I sense an impending lawsuit...
ViktorVonRussia: My friend worked at Universal Studios for awhile.
ViktorVonRussia: Nothing exciting happened.
LethargyMan: That's a fantastic story
Cloud Strife
04-07-2005, 02:44 AM
Kuroude7: A vulture boards an airplane, carrying two dead raccoons. The stewardess looks at him and says, "I'm sorry, sir, only one carrion allowed per passenger."
Kuroude7: *rim shot*
Kuroude7: >_> <_< >_>
Maxis2K: why does the vulture need an airplane....
Maxis2K: oh, I GET IT! :P
Kuroude7: *thud*
And much later...
PixiStik01: I want a present, dammit!
Elmin Amaur: I have a present for ya.
Elmin Amaur: ^_~
Maxis2K: lol
PixiStik01: ... No, I will not suck your cock.
PixiStik01: Bastard. :smack:
Elmin Amaur: ...that...w...b...*smacked*
Maxis2K: 'open your moth and close you're eyes, and you'll get a BIG surprise'
Maxis2K: wow..."somebody stop me!" -The Mask
Elmin Amaur: I wasn't serious!
Maxis2K: what...and I am?
Elmin Amaur: No, you shut up.
Elmin Amaur: :P
Maxis2K: quiet or I'll start exiting chat and coming back in a ton
Elmin Amaur: Oh yea?
Darthlord Ragnos: Copy paste
PixiStik01: Get maxis there to give you a bj, if you want.
Maxis2K: YEAH
Maxis2K: NO!
PixiStik01: See, he's begging for it.
04-07-2005, 04:57 AM
Maxis2K: I like boobies
PixiStik01: So go eat lots and grow a pair.
Maxis2K: ....eww
04-07-2005, 10:23 PM
spark0138 is The Mirror Emporer.
spark0138: Heh..the gnomes and the pig. ^^;
QueenQeeko: lol
QueenQeeko: It's true
QueenQeeko: In the garden, a gnome and a pig
spark0138: ...a little man lives in your garden or it's just a decoration?
QueenQeeko: Decoration :P
spark0138: Thank god. o_O
04-07-2005, 10:41 PM
i hafta say that the pictures with keyboards thing has come quite a long way from this
O<-< to this
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Bob The Mercenary
04-09-2005, 12:47 AM
Darthlord Ragnos: Yum Spanish Rice.
Darthlord Ragnos: I went and grabbed some left overs
Darthlord Ragnos: She went off somewhere
Darthlord Ragnos: Probably playing HL 2
Darthlord Ragnos: Later
Darthlord Ragnos: I need 54 more
Darthlord Ragnos: Due it just because everyone else does
Darthlord Ragnos has left the room.
Elmin Amaur: ...
BobtheMercenary: um...
Elmin Amaur: Does anyone else understand what just happened here?
ViktorVonRussia: Not I.
BobtheMercenary: something about 54 spanish women?
Elmin Amaur: No, he said spanish rice.
Elmin Amaur: That means they're half asian too.
BobtheMercenary: 54 spanish women playing HL 2?
04-09-2005, 06:11 AM
I know what happened. Trillian is stupid and when I'm lagging it just throws what ever I send where it's supposed to be but only for me. Everyone else sees it show up like 1/2 an hour later. This is also the origin of the quote in Elmin's sig.
Bob The Mercenary
04-09-2005, 12:47 PM
Oh, for a second I thought you pimped Spanish geeks.
04-10-2005, 04:20 AM
Was I the one you guys were talking about? The one who went off to play HL 2? haha.
04-10-2005, 11:40 PM
CelesJessa87: actually, I'm headed to bed
CelesJessa87: night night y'all
RickZarber: night
Kneumatic Pnight: see ya
Elmin Amaur: Good night mistress.
CelesJessa87: Never forget me! *disappears rather undramatically*
CelesJessa87 has left the room.
Elmin Amaur: Forget who?
04-11-2005, 04:46 PM
I'm not usually as tired as i used to get and thus some of the craziness that corrupted Chicago has returned, and he's a mild example of it.
Delirious treat is Meister
QueenQeeko: Rawr
Delirious treat: Rawr?
QueenQeeko: *chibi leap-launch and chews on his head*
Delirious treat: Seeing as you're the cat and I'm the pikachu, I should probably be very concerned.
QueenQeeko: *is only a big as a softball right now* I AM TEH MEISTER'S OWN JINGLE KITTY!
Delirious treat: Awww. ^_^
QueenQeeko: *walks around his head* Nmrearh!!
Delirious treat: Hee hee. That tickles.
QueenQeeko: *poke*
Delirious treat: You know where that ends. *pokes back*
QueenQeeko: *pokes again*
Delirious treat: *re-pokes*
QueenQeeko: *counter poke*
Delirious treat: *poke impact move* [/soul calibur reference]
QueenQeeko: Gah! *dies and tumbles off of his head*
Delirious treat: *catches and casts Life*
QueenQeeko: O_o
QueenQeeko: *looks up at him and chews his wrist* Mrrr mrr mrrrrrr
Delirious treat: I'm just that quick. *pets teh kitty*
QueenQeeko: ^_^
And here is a scared bunny.
(They're gonna EAT MEH!!)
(> <)
04-11-2005, 10:32 PM
Novasol: You there. I demand you cheer me up.
Novasol: NOW.
pointblanket: *does a jig*
Novasol: *flicks pennies at you*
pointblanket: *tips his hat*
Novasol: Well, that did make me laugh.
pointblanket: ok, that'll be 10 bucks, buddy.
Novasol: Sure, you can have that right after I pull a chimera out of my ass and fly it all the way to Narnia on my way to a ski trip in Hell.
pointblanket: woo!
pointblanket: *goes to spend the 10 bucks he doesn't have*
Bob The Mercenary
04-12-2005, 10:46 AM
BobtheMercenary: my girl dog humps my leg daily
Krylo Killian: She likes you
Andreek M has entered the room.
Anime Ben2003: breed her child bob
Krylo Killian: likes you!
BobtheMercenary: well, she sleeps in my bed every night
Anime Ben2003: woah
Sasami Android: .....
BobtheMercenary: at the foot of course
Anime Ben2003: **cover ears**
Anime Ben2003: hi andreek
Andreek M: to whom does this conversation pertain?
Krylo Killian: Hey, did you know that Bob fucks his dog?
Andreek M: hi
Andreek M: I rather doubt that
BobtheMercenary: I have to kick her awake whenever she has a nightmare
Anime Ben2003: he said it himself
Krylo Killian: He sleeps with her every night
BobtheMercenary: annoys me to death
Andreek M: at the foot
Krylo Killian: Yah, when they're done.
Krylo Killian: That just makes him insensitive. Won't even spoon her when they're done.
BobtheMercenary: then we have a smoke, she likes virginia slims
Sasami Android: *hides from chat*
Anime Ben2003: cover ears of SA
Anime Ben2003: ohhh ** **
BobtheMercenary: actually, I have something to tell you guys, but you have to swear not to tell my dog
Anime Ben2003: your cheating on her aren't you
Elmin Amaur: You have found a boyfriend
Anime Ben2003: gosh bob
Anime Ben2003: your mean
BobtheMercenary: I...for a while I've been having an affair with a golden retriever
Anime Ben2003: I knew it
Mysterious1711: Monster!
Anime Ben2003: why not a collie
Anime Ben2003: or a doxen
clollieman: *mass Jerry Springer-ésque bleepage*
BobtheMercenary: Hey! She's a knockout!
Krylo Killian: Golden Retrievers have much nicer hind quarters.
Andreek M: O_o
Krylo Killian: And I'm going to assume Bob does it 'doggy style'
Anime Ben2003: let's talk about
Anime Ben2003: something else
04-12-2005, 12:32 PM
When was that Bob? I vaguely remember it, but it wasn't recently...
Bob The Mercenary
04-12-2005, 01:40 PM
I was bored before class today so I went rummaging through the folder I have of saved AIM 8-bit chats. When I found that one I was like "how did I not post this one?" I think it was from one or two months ago.
04-15-2005, 02:55 PM
I really couldn't resist. ^^;; I'm the lightbulb person and the other is Osterbaum.
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
And I'm a bit toxcicated. By alcohol
I'ma lightbulb! says:
Okay, why have you been drinking?
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
Cause I had some beer
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
You can't let it go to waste
I'ma lightbulb! says:
-_- You sound just like shiney
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
I do? Sweet
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
Shiney is awsome after all
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
Though he is a dumbass
I'ma lightbulb! says:
Oh really? How can you be awesome and a dumbass at the same time?
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
J.O.E.L = Jokseenkin Oikkuileva Eläinlääkäri ja Lurjus says:
You just be like shiney
04-17-2005, 04:39 AM
Almost forgot to post this...
Delirious treat: Zzzzz...
Kuroude7: *grins mischeviously*
RickZarber: Sneak poke?
Kuroude7: Something like that.... *grins, goes half neko*
RickZarber: O.o
Kuroude7: *sneaks up behind the couch*
RickZarber: That's rather disturbing...
Kuroude7: (Heeheehee. :P)
Kuroude7: *pounces over the couch, lands on Meister* WAAAAAAKE UUUUP! XD
Delirious treat: Zzzzz... *stirs* no more Swedish dancers, please...
Kuroude7: o_O
RickZarber: O.o
RickZarber: hehehe
Kuroude7: *jumps up real high, then lands on Meister again, claws first* ^_^
Delirious treat: ... all the glasses... zzz...
RickZarber: Hmm. Quite a sound sleeper.
Kuroude7: *leans close and whispers in his ear* All your base are belong to us.
Delirious treat: zzzzzzig...
Mysterious1711: Shove a tic tac up his urethra
RickZarber: O.o
RickZarber: Owie
Kuroude7: O_o
Kuroude7: o-O
Kuroude7: *moves mouth back into place* o_O
RickZarber: *takes away mysterious's tic tacs*
Kuroude7: Um... how 'bout you do it.
Kuroude7: Heh, or not. :P
Mysterious1711: Aww
Kuroude7: *To Meister* You have no chance make your time.
Darthlord Ragnos: back
RickZarber: You can only have them back if you promise they won't find their way to Meister's nether-regions. ;-)
RickZarber: ...Or anyone else's, for that matter.
Mysterious1711: How bout a Listerine Enema?
Kuroude7: o_O O_o
Kuroude7: o¯O O¯o
RickZarber: I'm stayin' away from that one...
Kuroude7: As am I. o_O
Kneumatic Pnight: =b d=
RickZarber: Messy and painful...
Kneumatic Pnight: =p q=
Darthlord Ragnos: Sounds pleasant
RickZarber: Hehe... a tingling cleaning sensation...
Kuroude7: XD
batgirlsprodegy2 has left the room.
Kuroude7: Aw.
RickZarber: The idea of the Listerine Enema must have been too frightening...
Delirious treat: o_~
Delirious treat: *blink blink*
Delirious treat: What's for breakfast and why do I have the overwhelming urge to hit ebay for a Zero Wing cart?
RickZarber: Well, tic tacs to the first question, KuroNeko to the second
RickZarber: :P
Kuroude7: Heh!
Kuroude7: Black Cat? Where, Rick?
Kuroude7: =P
RickZarber: *shrug*
Delirious treat: I'm sorta glad it's not the other way around.
Kuroude7: ?
RickZarber: Hmm... Tic Tacs as hypnotic suggestion implements... I'll have to look into that.
Delirious treat: Not that "tic tacs to the second question" would've made a lot of sense...
Delirious treat: ... but if it had been "KuroNeko to the first" I think I would've had to miss breakfast.
RickZarber: Too bad. Hot Nekoburgers are my specialty!
BobtheMercenary has entered the room.
Kuroude7: o_o
Kuroude7: I will NOT be a catburger! ><
Kuroude7: Oh, hello Bob.
BobtheMercenary: mmmm...burger
Kuroude7: O_o
BobtheMercenary: actually, I am starving
RickZarber: Don't worry, you're safe.
Kuroude7: *immediately goes back to human*
RickZarber: Hey bob
Delirious treat: Tictacburger.
Kuroude7: XD
BobtheMercenary: hello
Delirious treat: *opens a random door* Gentlemen, we have a kitchen.
Kuroude7: Heh heh heh, that even fits.
Delirious treat: *snitches the tic tacs and strolls into the kitchen, closing the door*
Kuroude7: o_o
RickZarber: Whee! I'll fire up the wok. Someone get me a kitten!
Kuroude7: NO!
Kuroude7: No cats... ><
BobtheMercenary: jeebus!
RickZarber: Hehehe
Kuroude7: Well, flat cats, maybe. :P
Kuroude7: In a single or in a stack, it's both good. XD
BobtheMercenary: I'll have a short stack of tabbies
RickZarber: Flat... cats... you say... Stacked...
RickZarber: *scribbles down new recipe*
Kuroude7: It's a roadkill cafe reference.
RickZarber: Heh. I remember those
Delirious treat: *a loud boom is heard*
Kuroude7: Amtrak Elk, anyone? :P
Kuroude7: What the? o_O
BobtheMercenary: *jumps*
Delirious treat: *emerges slightly sooty with a tictacburger* Gentlemen, we had a kitchen.
RickZarber: Oh dear - Meister's discovered the horrible secret of Tic Tacs
Kuroude7: O_o
BobtheMercenary: ...
RickZarber: Nooooo! Now I'll never get to cook my world famous neko burger!
Delirious treat: Probably needs some cleaning up back there. Good burger though.
Delirious treat: Fresh and hot.
Delirious treat: Well, mainly fresh, really.
RickZarber: Grrr... I WILL have my burger! Cloud, transform, now!
RickZarber: :P
Delirious treat: *closes the door* Give the nanobots some time to reboot the kitchen...
RickZarber: Ooh... nanobots... fancy...
Delirious treat: Well, nanobot. But he's a quick one.
Kuroude7: *cracks knuckles* I think not, Rick...
Kuroude7: :P
RickZarber: Fine, I'll have to do this the old fashioned way
RickZarber: Heeeere kit-ty kit-ty kit-ty...
BobtheMercenary: *a gorgeous catgirl walks over to Bob*
RickZarber: *strikes out blindly with a frying pan*
BobtheMercenary: *protects his catgirl*
RickZarber: *hits Bob's shin instead*
BobtheMercenary: o_O Argh!
RickZarber: *sees the catgirl*
BobtheMercenary: *takes out his shotgun*
RickZarber: Bweuagh! Can't eat something sentient!
Delirious treat: Hypothetical question, if someone were to throw a bigger quantity of catnip in the room right about now...
Kuroude7: It would be a bad idea. ¬¬
RickZarber: It would attract pre---more cats?
Delirious treat: Bad... or good?
Kuroude7: Bad.
Darthlord Ragnos: *throws hypercatnip(tm) into the room*
Kuroude7: Good thing I'm not in cat mode. ^_^
Darthlord Ragnos: Hypercatnip is about 12 billion times more powerfull thatn cat nip
RickZarber: That's a lot of times!
Mysterious1711: Wrong, funny
Kuroude7: Eh?
Kuroude7: Oh.
Mysterious1711: And lag
Darthlord Ragnos: You should try my hypercaffine.
RickZarber: Well, nothing's happened yet... though I'm not sure where Bob and his catgirl went off to...
RickZarber: *shudder*
Mysterious1711: Plenty of lag
Delirious treat: Or his hyperhyper.
Darthlord Ragnos: It'll remove you from this plane of exsitance
BobtheMercenary: *opens door* someone call me?
RickZarber: Sweeeet
BobtheMercenary: no? *slams door*
RickZarber: *shudder*
Delirious treat: ... what's he doing in the former kitchen?
(Please note that I do not, in fact, eat cats, nor do I condone such an action outside of an appropriate sociological setting.)
Bob The Mercenary
04-17-2005, 05:46 AM
The birth of a legend...or something.
BobtheMercenary: whoa! Cloud's b-day today! o_O
go ganon go: yes, yes it is
clollieman: Cloud's b-day? o_O
go ganon go: omg! how many times have we said that?
go ganon go: lol
go ganon go: you people need to pay attention ;-)
PixiStik01: OMG, cloud's birthday!?
PixiStik01: =p
go ganon go: OMG!! ITS CLOUDS BDAY!!! WTF!!!????!?!? LOL!111!! ^_^
PixiStik01: .. That was a joke. x.x.
go ganon go: haha
BobtheMercenary: rofl
go ganon go: everybody, i have some news
PixiStik01: :buys cloud a stripper:
BobtheMercenary: you're pregnant
go ganon go: today is, in fact, clouds b-day
go ganon go: and im preagnent
PixiStik01: You got me pregnant?
PixiStik01: You got your mom pregnant?
BobtheMercenary: ...
clollieman: You got pregnant with an IM?
PixiStik01: Whoosh.
BobtheMercenary: Everybody! Ganon got his mom pregnant!
go ganon go: haha, trojans are no good for cyber ;-)
go ganon go: doh! my bad
PixiStik01: Who wants to be pixie's babies father?
PixiStik01: =p
go ganon go: sure, im game
go ganon go: ;-)
BobtheMercenary: haha, I'm almost choking on my oatmeal (don't ask why I'm having oatmeal at this hour)
PixiStik01: Sweet. :has sex with ganon and becomes pregnant:
PixiStik01: :gets big:
PixiStik01: :pops out a baby:
PixiStik01: :gets normal size again:
go ganon go: w00t!, im a daddy!
PixiStik01: Look, a baby!
BobtheMercenary: Waaaaaaa!
go ganon go: what should we name it?
clollieman: Jesus tits!
clollieman: I mean, Bob!
PixiStik01: Dead if it keeps crying like that.
BobtheMercenary: *hushes*
go ganon go: lets name her bob
PixiStik01: Good baby.
go ganon go: ;-)
GreatMedicNigel: This video is sad,
PixiStik01: kk. ^^ Bob the female.
clollieman: Video?
BobtheMercenary: oO
go ganon go: how much do you suppose we can get for her?
go ganon go: im sure someplace buys babies
clollieman: $20
BobtheMercenary: I liked the womb better
clollieman: Dante: Video?
PixiStik01: Who wants to buy a baby?
GreatMedicNigel: ME!
GreatMedicNigel: I want a daughter!
PixiStik01: How much?
GreatMedicNigel: Uhm.
BobtheMercenary: you''re hawking me...
clollieman: $20!
GreatMedicNigel: I'll pay THIRTY DOLLARS!
PixiStik01: :shrugs: I'm a bad mother.
clollieman: $45!
go ganon go: and im a bad father
go ganon go: and im broke
go ganon go: i could use the money
go ganon go: so out you go
GreatMedicNigel: I'm a good daddy.
go ganon go: so far its upto 45
GreatMedicNigel: I love my baby very much!
BobtheMercenary: *drools*
go ganon go: do i hear 50?
GreatMedicNigel: ...very much.
PixiStik01: 50?
GreatMedicNigel: *grins lewdly*
GreatMedicNigel: 60 DOLLAH!
go ganon go: i hear 60!
clollieman: $75.50!
PixiStik01: Do I hear 100?
go ganon go: 75.50 to the man in the yellow hat
GreatMedicNigel: $75.51!
clollieman: DAMMIT.
BobtheMercenary: Don't let Dante have me, he wants to do lewd acts to me!
GreatMedicNigel: Or $100, what the hell.
GreatMedicNigel: $10'000 even.
go ganon go: 100! to the man in the gray underware
GreatMedicNigel: I'll see you and raise a hundred times. :p
BobtheMercenary: lewd lewd acts!
clollieman: Jesus tits. We have a weiner. :B
PixiStik01: 10,000.. Sold to the man named nigel! :hands bob to dante:
GreatMedicNigel: Woohoo!
go ganon go: yay!
go ganon go: have fun at your new home, bob
GreatMedicNigel: *grins down at Bob*
PixiStik01: :gives ganon half the money for being the father:
go ganon go: w00t
BobtheMercenary: ...
go ganon go: i just made 5,000
PixiStik01: :skips off to buy some new clothes:
GreatMedicNigel: *dresses Bob up and feeds her*
go ganon go: * buys a new comp*
PixiStik01: I would buy a new comp, but, oh wait, I JUST BOUGHT ONE! YAYE!
go ganon go: w00t
go ganon go: mine sucks, but now im getting a good oen
go ganon go: one
BobtheMercenary: If I had proper motor reflexes this would probably be an opportune time to slit my wrist
go ganon go: yea, but you dont
go ganon go: so, sucks to be you
Delirious treat: My comp is alright, but I need a new hard drive. The old one's filled with Invader Zim.
go ganon go: you get to grow up with dante ^^
GreatMedicNigel: *raises Bob into a beautiful and deadly assassin capable of killing 20 men with a hairpin... and looking good after that*
BobtheMercenary: ...okay I'll take that
go ganon go: one of my HDs broke in this one
go ganon go: *fathers bobs children, never letting her on that i was her real father*
PixiStik01: :buys lots of sexy clothes and video games with my 5000:
Delirious treat: Not that that's necessarily a bad state for a hard drive, mind you. Quite the opposite.
GreatMedicNigel: BITCH. Only I am allowed to commit incest with Bob.
go ganon go: uh oh, cought!
GreatMedicNigel: "Dante's gonna spank your butt, spank you on the butt!"
BobtheMercenary: ...I could kill you with a hairpin.
04-17-2005, 12:48 PM
[12:44] Novasol33: SPICY FOOD IS TEH SUCK.
[12:44] Giant Wang Clip: correction
[12:44] Giant Wang Clip: you are teh suck
[12:44] Novasol33: Lies.
[12:45] Novasol33: I AM teh suck, but for entirely different reasons.
[12:46] Novasol33: And through the power of selective quoting, I'm going to regret having said that.
[12:46] Giant Wang Clip: Oh yes.
04-18-2005, 07:21 PM
Oh hey! My technical pen/pacer case spins!
*flicks case* WHEE! SPINNING!
Aw, it stopped. :{{{
QueenQeeko says:
*ignores case*
*also, is not sleep deprived. honest™!*
Cloud Strife
04-19-2005, 05:35 AM
Sleep deprivation at its best. :B
Kuroude7: I go in for the drug test tomorrow.
clollieman: Drug test? o_O
Kuroude7: Got a job.
clollieman: Ah
GreatMedicNigel: What job?
Kuroude7: Eh, I'm a CST as a PC help hotline.
Kuroude7: Customer Service. :B
clollieman: Wow, best job of the lot. I mean, apart from Tech Support. :B
Kuroude7: I'm both. :B
clollieman: Can I have your life? I'll pay you with the sex slaves I hired for free!
Kuroude7: O_o
Kuroude7: o_O
clollieman: What? :B
Kuroude7: Sorry, I like my life currently, what with having all three Next gen systems in this household...
Kuroude7: AND Halo 2.
Kuroude7: AND SSBM.
Kuroude7: AND FFVII. :B
clollieman: Bah. Greedy game-hogging entertainment slave.
Kuroude7: Better than being a sex slave, I s'pose. :B
clollieman: But, wouldn't you rather be a greedy game-hogging entertainment slave WITH sex slaves at your service? Eh? Ehhh? :B
Kuroude7: Nah.
Kuroude7: They'd take away from game time. :B
clollieman: Dante, would you take away from game time? Would Pixi? Ganon?
GreatMedicNigel: Probably not...
GreatMedicNigel: I'd do Cloud doggy style while playing SSBM with him.
Kuroude7: o_O O_o
Kuroude7: o¯O O¯o
clollieman: There y`go, Cl--... Cloud! You still get to play your... uhm... I can't finish that sentence. :B
Kuroude7: I think it's a good thing that you can't. :B
clollieman: W3 L0V3 J00, S3XU4L C0NT3NT! <|
Bob The Mercenary
04-21-2005, 08:31 AM
Who said something about sleep deprivation? =P
BobtheMercenary: McDonalds breakfast! XD
Kuroude7: OMG YAY! :DDD
BobtheMercenary: OMFG what should I get!?
Kuroude7: XD
BobtheMercenary: ORANGE JUICE!!!
Kuroude7: That'd be a good idea, methinks. :B
BobtheMercenary: I'll share my orange juice with you.
Kuroude7: OMG YAY! :DDD
04-22-2005, 07:44 PM
Justine: *pokes*
Krylo: *molests*
Justine: :/
Justine: *counter-molest*
Krylo: *orgasm*
Justine: *counter-orgams?*
Justine: XD
Krylo: hot
Justine: by that I mean
Justine: I ruined your organs
Justine: ^orgasm
Krylo: I think we just had really really lame cyber sex.
Justine: Let's not do that again.
Krylo: kay... but can I have bragging rights?
Justine: no
Justine: what's the point of bragging if it was really lame anyways?
Krylo: Well... I won't mention that part
Justine: "I raped a minor!"
Justine: "^_^"
Justine: XD
Krylo: bwaha!
Justine: "Why don't you guys think that's cool? ;_;"
04-24-2005, 04:31 PM
Sasami Android: Hm, gotta go in 15 minutes.
Elmin Amaur: Aww
Maxis2K: dan
Maxis2K: damn*
Elmin Amaur: That means I have ta bug other people until miss CJ comes on.
Sasami Android: Gomen ne...library closes at 5pm.
Elmin Amaur: Tell the library to shove it.
Elmin Amaur: :p
Maxis2K: looks like I'll be going to eat in 15 then -_-
Sasami Android: I would like to, but the library doesn't like it when I do that. =P
Elmin Amaur: Donate an old book or two, the library will forgive ya.
Sasami Android: Right.
Elmin Amaur: What? That's what I'd do.
Sasami Android: I mean, they wouldn't forgive me if I said shove it. =P
Delirious treat: "Hey, you can take your opening times and shove them. And here's two moldy books from the dumpster. Money's tight, but take it as an offering of peace nonetheless."
Delirious treat: "Aren't those from our dumpster?"
Elmin Amaur: "Nope"
Elmin Amaur: "From the library across town's dumpster."
Delirious treat: "Hm, fine then. Ted, get me the timetable. I shall have to shove it now."
Elmin Amaur: "Yes ma'am."
Elmin Amaur: *Waddle waddle waddle*
Delirious treat: "And fetch some lubricant as well, lest the act of shoving be unnecessarily painful."
Sasami Android: 0_O
Elmin Amaur: "the stuff you keep in the top drawer?"
Elmin Amaur: *Returns with large plastic sign and some elmer's glue*
Elmin Amaur: These?
Elmin Amaur: "Whoops, that's not the lubricant."
Elmin Amaur: *Reaches into pocket and pulls out some carmex*
Delirious treat: "I was just going to point that out. Oh well, we mustn't keep that generous young lady waiting. Hand it over."
Elmin Amaur: "Will this do?
Elmin Amaur: *Hands it over*
Delirious treat: "And also put these books on the shelf. You know, the one where we keep all the moldy books."
Elmin Amaur: "Right'o."
Elmin Amaur: *Waddles off*
Delirious treat: "They should be suited nicely between The Scarlet Letter and Beowulf."
04-26-2005, 02:14 PM
Me: I wonder where my deoderant is. I feel.. persperanty.
Meg: LOL for some reason that is funny.
Me: lol, glad I can make you laugh.
Meg: e.e'
Me: <3
Meg: <3
Me: It would be spelled perspiranty, huh?
Meg: Nope.
Me: And deodorant*
Meg: It's not the right word in any way. Sweaty is the word.
Meg: lol
Me: Bah, I like perspiranty more!
Meg: Pff.
Me: Pfffft.
Me: I can so make up my own words if I wish.
Meg: lol okie dokie.
Me: I wonder if the pope starts getting perspiranty while out on his popely duties. ^.~
Meg: LOL
This stems from a conversation I had with my mom about the pope. I was annoyed with how much they were talking about it, so was talking to my mom and said popely duties because I didn't know what it was called. My mom got a kick out of it.
04-26-2005, 04:39 PM
Kneumatic Pnight: Okay, someone asked me this today, so I thought I'd get your guys' take on it.
Kneumatic Pnight: Is it bad if you pee and it smells like new car smell?
Sasami Android: .....yes.
Kneumatic Pnight: I say it is... unless you've eaten a new car recently.
Kneumatic Pnight: But...
Kneumatic Pnight: In what way?
Sasami Android: As in, why do they care anyways?
Kneumatic Pnight: He claimed it happened to him.
Sasami Android: Okay?
Delirious treat: Well... what did he eat?
Kneumatic Pnight: I don't know.
Kneumatic Pnight: I asked him if he'd eaten a new car... and he asked me if I knew how stupid that question sounded.
Kneumatic Pnight: So, I said he was an idiot for having New Car pee.
Kneumatic Pnight: It went downhill from there.
04-26-2005, 05:05 PM
crazyman06883: IDLELAND! WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE!....later anyway
Mysterious1711: Hi, yo, and hello
crazyman06883: waddup?
Mysterious1711: Nothing here
crazyman06883: noooo
crazyman06883: i wil create the chat myself!
crazyman06883: hello
Sasami Android: Buh?
crazyman06883: how are you pat?
crazyman06883: im good
Sasami Android: Oh god no.
crazyman06883: and u?
crazyman06883: IM SUPER, THANX FOR ASKING!
Kneumatic Pnight: Well, he IS crazy.
Kneumatic Pnight: =P
crazyman06883: *is out to the south park tune*
crazyman06883: woooohoooo
crazyman06883: lolololololo
crazyman06883: YOUR SOOO FUNNY PATRAT!!!!
crazyman06883: I NOSE!!!!11
crazyman06883: OLOLOLOLOLOLOlolO
crazyman06883: lool
crazyman06883: olo
crazyman06883: sigh*
crazyman06883: well its been fun patrat
crazyman06883: yes
crazyman06883: it has
crazyman06883: .....
crazyman06883: LETS MAKE OUT!
crazyman06883: OK!
Sasami Android: ........
Sasami Android: You must be destroyed.
crazyman06883: *makes out with patrat*
Sasami Android: *just...leaves*
crazyman06883: i love you patrat! YOUR SO HOT!
Kneumatic Pnight: Is there something wrong with me that I actually find that funny?
crazyman06883: *pushes patrat away*
crazyman06883: DUDE! DONT BE GAY!
crazyman06883: SHIT! SRY
Delirious treat: FF7 playing buddy has been away for a few minutes. Guess it was the right code. Sleep safely, world, your heroes are on the watch.
crazyman06883: really?
crazyman06883: really?
Delirious treat: And collecting materia like there's no tomorrow. Greedy hogs.
crazyman06883: WOW!
crazyman06883: WOW!
crazyman06883: STOP COPYING ME BITCH!
crazyman06883: STOP BEING GAY!
crazyman06883: STFU!
crazyman06883: NO U!
crazyman06883: GAHHH!!!
crazyman06883: GGRRRR
Kneumatic Pnight: IIt's not funny anymore.
Kneumatic Pnight: Shut your stupid face, stupid!
crazyman06883: *strangles patrat*
Delirious treat: Alright, you two, cut it or we'll do the Black Belt method on ya.
crazyman06883: o.o
crazyman06883: o.o
crazyman06883: well, he started it
crazyman06883: DID NOT!
crazyman06883: YEAH HUH!
crazyman06883: NUH UH!
crazyman06883: *ignores patrat*
crazyman06883: *ignores also
Delirious treat: That's. It. *casts stone on one of the Patrats*
crazyman06883: O.O
crazyman06883: AHAHAHHA!
crazyman06883: LOSER!
Kneumatic Pnight: *uses Mirari to cast it on the other*
crazyman06883: o.o
Kneumatic Pnight: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha!!
Delirious treat: Hm, a new twist there.
crazyman06883: o.o
crazyman06883: O.O
Kneumatic Pnight: Now... how does one cast Stone to Mud again?
crazyman06883: o.o /O.O
Delirious treat: We could make him a golem. Two golems in fact.
crazyman06883: k im done
crazyman06883: :P
Cloud Strife
04-27-2005, 04:48 AM
A little background to this. At about 5:30ish AM yesterday, I sent out a random PM to a few people, including Thaumaturge. It was this:
This random poke brought to you by Sleep Deprivation™! Available in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, except where prohibited by law.
... Yeah, I'm tired. :p
CloudThe following is the result of that PM.ArsThaumaturgis: *Checks his PMs*
ArsThaumaturgis: *casts Thaumaturge's Invisible Poker on Cloud, warded against
Kuroude7: Oi! *slices poker in half*
ArsThaumaturgis: Hey, you poked me first!
Kuroude7: I know, but I was sleep deprived then! :P
ArsThaumaturgis: Nevertheless :P
Kuroude7: ... So? :P
ArsThaumaturgis: So what? :P
Kuroude7: So... I dunno. :B
ArsThaumaturgis: AHA! You admit defeat!
ArsThaumaturgis: *booming voice* I AM VICTORIOUS!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Kuroude7: I just said I didn't know. That's not admitting defeat, that's
admitting that I'm too tired to know why I do the things I do.
ArsThaumaturgis: No, you had no answer to my question, therefore I AM
VICTORIOUS! *clash of thunder* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Kuroude7: Great! What'd you win?
ArsThaumaturgis: *blink*
ArsThaumaturgis: Uh...
ArsThaumaturgis: I don't know... ^_^
04-27-2005, 05:10 AM
I'm pissed off because the clone battles piss me off.
GreatMedicNigel (5:53:59 PM): It's you!
ArsThaumaturgis (5:54:08 PM): It is?
ArsThaumaturgis (5:54:11 PM): *checks*
ArsThaumaturgis (5:54:22 PM): AAAAAAHHH!!!!
ArsThaumaturgis (5:54:23 PM): *tries to run away from himself*
ArsThaumaturgis (5:54:28 PM): *it doesn't really work*
ArsThaumaturgis (5:54:33 PM): ^_^
GreatMedicNigel (5:56:38 PM): Damn. *takes out the Blades of Chaos* It's gotten really bad. We'll have to operate.
ArsThaumaturgis (5:56:52 PM): o_0
ArsThaumaturgis (5:56:52 PM): Um...
ArsThaumaturgis (5:56:52 PM): But...
ArsThaumaturgis (5:57:00 PM): Can't we talk this over? *sheepish grin*
GreatMedicNigel (5:57:50 PM): Nope. You've got traces of Thaum in you. Very, very bad.
ArsThaumaturgis (5:59:06 PM): AAAAAHHH!!!
*tries to run away from himself again, and ends up meeting himself coming the other way. The resulting catastophic tear in the fabric of reality fuses him with himself, making him whole again*
There, no need for blades! :P
GreatMedicNigel (6:00:18 PM): I'm afraid not... Now there's even more Thaum in your system... Have I told you what Kratos does when he grabs an undead soldier with the circle button?
ArsThaumaturgis (6:00:35 PM): Nope, I don't think so...
GreatMedicNigel (6:01:45 PM): Well ,first he raises the guy up by the lapels, then pounds him in the chest a few times, then slams him into the ground and stabs him repeatedly, dislodging red orbs.
GreatMedicNigel (6:02:01 PM): Since you're infected with T.H.A.U.M., we'll have to be a bit more forceful.
ArsThaumaturgis (6:02:25 PM): *blink*
Umm... Can't we talk about this like civilised people...?
GreatMedicNigel (6:02:48 PM): This *is* being civilized. Would you like to know the alternative? ^_^
ArsThaumaturgis (6:03:00 PM): Um... All right...?
GreatMedicNigel (6:04:18 PM): We could always tear you apart, hope the Thaum flows out, and then stitch you together again. This method is a guaranteed cure. However, patient survival is not so guaranteed.
ArsThaumaturgis (6:06:13 PM): ...
ArsThaumaturgis (6:06:13 PM): Um...
ArsThaumaturgis (6:06:13 PM): *runs away*
GreatMedicNigel (6:06:45 PM): Kekeke
Cloud Strife
05-02-2005, 12:36 AM
Elmin Amaur: Woman boobies are much better than man boobies.
LethargyMan: I am ApathyMan and I approve that message.
05-04-2005, 11:36 AM
Me, BlackMageGirl and madhatter fooling around. I think you can work out which is which.Justine *sick* says:
*pokes everyone with special poking stick*
Justine *sick* says:
*coughs SARS onto everyone*
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
So that's where it's gone to.
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
What, the SARS? 0_O
Justine *sick* says:
that SARS
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
... the poking stick.
Justine *sick* says:
Justine *sick* says:
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
The SARZ poking stick!!??!
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
*runs around screaming*
Justine *sick* says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
Is that like the edgy, modern version of the sickness?
Justine *sick* says:
Justine *sick* says:
it's in style
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
Justine *sick* says:
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
*cue commercial with young people snowboarding on a warm summer day*
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
Justine *sick* says:
Justine *sick* says:
*cue rip, slip, brush, ahhh commerical*
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
*cue the anguished scream and dying scene*
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
*with music by Blink 182*
Justine *sick* says:
*cue another screaming scene*
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
And then... "X-ARZ!"
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
And posters all over town.
Justine *sick* says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
"X-ARZ! - your parents will hate it!"
Justine *sick* says:
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
(I'm so going to get in trouble for laughing so much... XD )
Justine *sick* says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
"X-ARZ! - forget nilk!"
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
"Nilk is for guys who keep their balls in their purses!" XD
Justine *sick* says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
"X-ARZ is for guys who keep other guys' balls in their purses!"
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
Of course the ! is part of the name. What was I thinking?
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
You weren't.
Justine *sick* says:
with ten times the caffeinne of a regular coffee!
Justine *sick* says:
makes Jolt look mild!
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
And double the cholesterol! So your heart can FEEL the burn!
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
"Guaranteed 80% sugar!"
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
(What is this product made up of anymore? 0_O )
Justine *sick* says:
"Side effects may include diabetes"
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
Pure, unaltered edginess.
I loves me my Invader Zim, yes I does! says:
"Now with free snorting straw!"
Justine *sick* says:
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
That's not the last you've heard of the stuff, trust me.
Cloud Strife
05-11-2005, 04:07 AM
I was going through some old chatlogs, and I found this:
BlackMageGirl: *pokes*
Cloud Strife: *pokes back*
BlackMageGirl: *pokes again*
Cloud Strife: *does the same*
BlackMageGirl: *ditto*
Cloud Strife: *likewise*
BlackMageGirl: *copies*
Cloud Strife: *emulates*
BlackMageGirl: *dopplegangs*
Cloud Strife: *mirrors*
BlackMageGirl: *reflects*
Cloud Strife: *does what she just did*
BlackMageGirl: *does what he just did*
Cloud Strife: *repeats the motion*
BlackMageGirl: *shadows his movement*
Cloud Strife: *...pokes her* =P
BlackMageGirl: *pokes back* =P
05-11-2005, 07:43 AM
clollieman: *totally not high on happy brain juices* D:
ArsThaumaturgis: :P
ArsThaumaturgis: *pause*
ArsThaumaturgis: *evil grin*
ArsThaumaturgis: *freezes Chicago, then uses a small wormhole spell
to access his brain and pour happy chemicals into hte appropriate places,
closing the wormhole and unfreezing Chicago afterwards*
Nothing like good deeds by evil means ^_^
clollieman: Aw, my happy brain juices. Sad face. :(
ArsThaumaturgis: No no, I added happy juices to your brain :P
clollieman: Oh.
Yeah, well, I'm a corporate penguin. :B
neostephanos says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Hi! I have NO idea why I said that! :D
neostephanos says:
Yes. I've been on a silly high.
EDIT:ArsThaumaturgis: What are you looking at?
clollieman: I'm not! I'm staring at a forum! It's boring as all hell,
and I like it! :D
ArsThaumaturgis: *laughing* Oh dear, oh dear - Chicago, just be glad
that I don't comment about the sort of minds that are amused by such things :P
clollieman: What, people that are amused by small things? I say,
gimme a phonebook! With the brain juices I've got flowing at the
moment, I'll laugh at the phonebook for hours! :D
clollieman: I'm so very simple minded! :D
ArsThaumaturgis: *laughs* Hey, you said it, not me :P
clollieman: *turns on nearby torch*
*giggles like a child and turns it off again* XD
ArsThaumaturgis: *laughs* *gives him a piece of paper with "Please Turn
Over" written on both sides* :P
clollieman: Ooh!
clollieman: *turns page over*
clollieman: *turns page over*
clollieman: *turns page over*
clollieman: *turns page over*
clollieman: *turns page over*
clollieman: ...
*turns page over*
clollieman: I don't like this page. :{
05-11-2005, 02:37 PM
Rarr! sanoo:
So you are still hanging out with that douchebag?
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? sanoo:
*takes aspirin* Something like that.
Rarr! sanoo:
Rarr! sanoo:
But remember...
Rarr! sanoo:
When you're done...
Rarr! sanoo:
I'm right here waiting baby
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? sanoo:
*groans* That's so cheesy...
Rarr! sanoo:
Whatever you say baby
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? sanoo:
Gah! I'm about to die from teh cheesiness...
Rarr! sanoo:
Ok baby
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? sanoo:
Rarr! sanoo:
Yay! ^^
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? sanoo:
*auto-revives* Meanie.
Rarr! sanoo:
Well I do my best
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? sanoo:
That's your best? I hate to see your worst! =P
Rarr! sanoo:
You should see my wurst
Atleast Meister should get the last line.
05-12-2005, 11:54 PM
GreatMedicNigel (12:49:49 PM): Are there people in your school who go without underwear?
CelesJessa87 (12:50:06 PM): uh, not that I know of, but I wouldn't be suprised
GreatMedicNigel (12:50:13 PM): Why not?
GreatMedicNigel (12:50:20 PM): Are you one of them =3
CelesJessa87 (12:51:08 PM): of course
Dammit, she made me put this in :(
CelesJessa87 (12:51:09 PM): not
05-13-2005, 04:49 AM
Here Lies Link: Can't sleep.
ArsThaumaturgis: Oh dear... what's the matter?
Here Lies Link: Nothing. I'm just hyper and not tired.
Here Lies Link: And it's 4:30 AM.
ArsThaumaturgis: Ah...
ArsThaumaturgis: *pause*
ArsThaumaturgis: *hits him over the head with a hammer* Feeling sleepy yet? :P
Here Lies Link: Nahh. Immune to hammers.
ArsThaumaturgis: Hmmm...
ArsThaumaturgis: *hits him over the head with a meteor* Any good? :P
Here Lies Link: Nahh... Meteors are just like big hammers.
Here Lies Link: Big Flaming hammers.
ArsThaumaturgis: Hmmm... So you're immune to all blunt force trauma?
Here Lies Link: Yup!
ArsThaumaturgis: Hmm...
How about trepanning?
Here Lies Link: Hrmm....
Here Lies Link: Bit like a pointy hammer, eh?
ArsThaumaturgis: Well, basically the idea is to drive a spike into your skull, opening a hole to let the "evil spirits" out ^_^
Here Lies Link: I'm saying pointy hammer.
ArsThaumaturgis: :P
ArsThaumaturgis: It's piercing damage, not impact!
Here Lies Link: Either way. It's like a pointy hammer.
Here Lies Link: I win.
ArsThaumaturgis: *glare*
ArsThaumaturgis: So you're immune to all damage?
Here Lies Link: As long as I can some way relate it to a hammer, then yes.
ArsThaumaturgis: -_-
*mutters* bards...
*takes a saw to CT's head* This is nothing like a hammer! HA! :P
Here Lies Link: It's like a serratted hammer that you use for slicing.
Here Lies Link: Try as you might, EVERYTHING is a hammer to me!
ArsThaumaturgis: *growls, teleports to a neighbouring universe, and destroys the one containing CT* :P
Here Lies Link: Hey! You disintegrated my hammer!
05-13-2005, 01:34 PM
Hmph, I'm not even included, and Meister said he was going to post a conversation that I coincidentally took part in!
Well, he hasn't posted on here since then, I shall an evil, obsessive baboon. An evil, obsessive baboon with Black Magic!
05-13-2005, 03:00 PM
Um... does MSN log chats automatically?
Cloud Strife
05-13-2005, 04:25 PM
He's posted here now. :P
And yes, it does, if you select the option for it to do so. I believe it's in the General tab, under options, in the tools menu.
...[/Tech Support] My job is taking over my life... T_T
05-13-2005, 09:58 PM
CelesJessa87: there was a tornado sighting right before we left for home
CelesJessa87: we were trying to get home before the storm hit us or else we'd have to wait until 8 to leave
Krylo Killian: ohh...
CelesJessa87: so I was freaked ^^ heh
Krylo Killian: Mother nature almost blew you...
Krylo Killian: hot
CelesJessa87: O_o
CelesJessa87: it's still kinda storming out, but not as bad
Krylo Killian: she was all like "Let me taste your delicate flower, Celes" and then you closed your legs and blushed and were all like "Alas, I cannot, for I am a virgin, and I don't dig on chicks!"
CelesJessa87: O_o
CelesJessa87: *disturbed seymoure face*
Krylo Killian: *snicker*
CelesJessa87: *still disturbed seymour face*
CelesJessa87: that's the most disturbing reference to mother nature I have ever heard
Apparently I made new strides in disturbing references to mother nature, so this had to be posted.
05-13-2005, 10:01 PM
Justine says:
I'll serenade you instead!
Justine says:
The living may not hear them... their voices may fall upon deaf ears... But rest assured, the dead are NOT silent... - The Sorrow says:
The living may not hear them... their voices may fall upon deaf ears... But rest assured, the dead are NOT silent... - The Sorrow says:
I get to be Juliet for once!
Justine says:
*very bad singer*
Justine says:
Justine says:
The living may not hear them... their voices may fall upon deaf ears... But rest assured, the dead are NOT silent... - The Sorrow says:
ARG MY EARS *dies*
Justine says:
Justine says:
*takes your vial and drinks from it*
Justine says:
*dies as well*
Justine says:
oh wow
Justine says:
that sound so pevrertedf
Justine says:
Justine says:
I menat as in the vial in the play R & J
Cloud Strife
05-14-2005, 02:49 AM
Neko Cloud says:
*at SN* o_O
Neko Cloud says:
Thinking green, are we?
What makes you say that?
Neko Cloud says:
Oh, I dunno... call it a hunch. :P
*shrugs and eats her green toffee apple (green apple with green toffee!)*
Neko Cloud says:
Neko Cloud says:
Erm, nothing, nothing. You can just go back to eating your green toffee apple, I'm not planning anything. Nope, not a thing I'm planning.
Neko Cloud says:
<_< >_> <_<
You go near that Wing Wong thread and I'll...
Neko Cloud says:
o_O Yes'm! I mean, No ma'am! O_o
Neko Cloud says:
*bites off a piece of a coaster*
Neko Cloud says:
*spits it out and eats her green toffee apple*
Neko Cloud says:
*puts on scholarly outfit, complete with monacle* I believe the term they use nowadays is 'meep'.
*points the toffee apple at him* Do you like GREEN???
Neko Cloud says:
<.< >.> <.< Maaaaaaaybe...
You too GOOD for green ARE YOU?? O_o
Neko Cloud says:
No ma'am! *stands at attention* o_O
*sits back and licks at the green toffee* Good.
Neko Cloud says:
*stomach growls while standing at attention*
At ease
Neko Cloud says:
... *at ease*
Neko Cloud says:
... *eyes green toffee apple* <_< >_> <_<
Want a bite?
Neko Cloud says:
Please? ^_^
*hands him the toffee apple and picks up her bowl of chicken and green vegeatbles*
Neko Cloud says:
Yay! Thank you! ^_^ *takes a huge bite out of the toffee apple* Mmm... toffee...
Ain't it gweat? :3
Neko Cloud says:
Yup! X3
Neko Cloud says:
*stops suddenly*
Neko Cloud says:
*trembles* ......!
Neko Cloud says:
*rumble rumble rumble rumble POIT!*
Neko Cloud says:
Neko Cloud says:
Neko Cloud says:
*beholds it*
And to think my father thought it was strange when I didn't pick up the red toffee apple.
Neko Cloud says:
Heh heh heh.
Neko Cloud says:
Greeeeeen... X333
05-14-2005, 06:20 AM
And yes, it does, if you select the option for it to do so. I believe it's in the General tab, under options, in the tools menu.
Weeeeell, let's hope I did that at some point.
05-14-2005, 12:03 PM
[22:29] GreatMedicNigel: Predator is landing on Earth and looking for a date, but his unique odor, skull accessories, and general lack of tact and subtlety scare off all potential partners.
[22:29] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: Raaaar garrr graaaaagh (Translation: Oh woe is me, for I am a mighty yautja hunter but I am unable to procure anything in the way of feminine companionship)
[22:29] ArsThaumaturgis: (Oh dear... :P)
[22:30] GreatMedicNigel: Human: Oh poor Mr. Predator, have you tried being nice?
[22:30] ArsThaumaturgis: o_0
I see...
[22:30] ArsThaumaturgis: Go on...
[22:31] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: Groooaaaargh? Gagah dugh gugargkhh? (Translation: Nice? You mean as in saying "May I?" before grabbing someone by the head and snapping his spine across a convenient railing?)
[22:32] GreatMedicNigel: Human: Oh dear, it seems we'll have a lot of work to do...
[22:32] GreatMedicNigel: (Later, in Predator Grooming 101)
[22:33] GreatMedicNigel: Human: Now, Mr. Predator, we do not rip off people's heads when they offend us. It is impolite-
[22:34] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: ROOOOOOAAARGGHHH! GRAAARGH GAKGH GAH! (Translation: Nonsense! How dare you insult my culture!)
[22:34] GreatMedicNigel: *Predator seizes the Human by the head and crushes his skull like an eggshell*
[22:34] GreatMedicNigel: Human 2: That's the sixth one this week...
[22:35] ArsThaumaturgis: (*laughing and enjoying this narrative very much* ^_^)
[22:35] GreatMedicNigel: (A few weeks later...)
[22:36] GreatMedicNigel: (Predator is dressed up in a natty tuxedo, except for the facemask, which he never takes off because he needs it to analyze potential mates)
[22:37] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: *fiddles with his mask controls, plays back a recorded voice sample* My hovercraft is full of eels.
[22:37] GreatMedicNigel: Woman: *...wha?
[22:38] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: *slightly agitated - this is not going to plan - fiddles again* Drop your panties Sir William, I cannot wait till lunchtime.
[22:38] GreatMedicNigel: Woman: The hell you say?
[22:38] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: *Really losing his cool now, the flower dropping out of his buttonhole* You great poof.
[22:39] GreatMedicNigel: Woman: Shit man, and here I was thinking I was going to go out with you. Whatever! *stalks off*
[22:39] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: *reaches out to her, desperately trying to find the correct responses* My nipples explode with delight!
[22:40] GreatMedicNigel: (She walks off - Predator is crestfallen. Then he gets up. The sky darkens. Thunder crashes. Storm clouds fill the heavens.) He takes his mask off, and lets out a primal roar.)
[22:41] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHHH! (Translation: YOU STUPID HUMAN!!!!!!)
[22:41] GreatMedicNigel: (Meanwhile, back at the Predator Grooming School...)
[22:41] GreatMedicNigel: Human 1: Well, I wonder how Predator is going to do?
[22:41] GreatMedicNigel: Human 2: He'll kick ass, he's a quick learner.
[22:42] GreatMedicNigel: Human 1: But how will he talk to the girls?
[22:42] GreatMedicNigel: Human 2: Oh, i got Jean-Claude to record him some romantic voice samples for his Vocal Mimicry unit, don't worry.
[22:43] GreatMedicNigel: Human1: Oh. Then what's this thing here marked, "Predator Voice Samples?"
[22:43] GreatMedicNigel: Human2: *blanches* Predator Voice Samples?
[22:43] GreatMedicNigel: Human 1: Yeah, it says that right here.
[22:44] GreatMedicNigel: Human 2: *turns deathly white* I think... I think I gave him the wrong sound files...
[22:44] GreatMedicNigel: Human 1:What did you give him?
[22:44] GreatMedicNigel: Human 2: I think I gave him some recordings from the Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook Sketch by Monty Python...
[22:45] GreatMedicNigel: Human 1: Oh shit. We'd better run.
[22:45] GreatMedicNigel: (The Predator's primal roar rings through the city, and suddenly the door is kicked in, revealing a VERY angry Predator)
[22:45] GreatMedicNigel: Human 2: Too late.
[22:45] GreatMedicNigel: (A few hours later...)
[22:46] GreatMedicNigel: Predator: Grakagh graaak gargakh (Screw this dating shit, I'd rather hunt them than hump them)
[22:46] GreatMedicNigel: (Predator exits, leaving a couple of skinned corpses hanging from the ceiling)
Cloud Strife
05-15-2005, 05:21 AM
Cloud - Simple Man says:
*teh poke*
*teh aughz0rz* D:
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Cloud - Simple Man says:
HI! :D
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Cloud - Simple Man says:
*clears throat and puts on scholarly outfit, complete with monacle. Assumes
a british accent* Oh my, I do believe I got carried away there, old chap.
Jolly good!
Cloud - Simple Man says:
So! How are you? :D
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Quite well, thank you. You?
Awesome. And silly. :D
EDIT: Later...
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Hast thou seen doth fabled 'green' conversation?
Green. Qeeko green? I haven't, so it'd explain something. o_O
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Yesh. <Links>
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Green... X333
Cloud - Simple Man says:
*eats green apple toffee*
Cloud - Simple Man says:
Cloud - Simple Man says:
*ahem* Right... moving on...
Cloud - Simple Man says:
05-16-2005, 03:33 PM
That would be me and BlackMageGirl! in a matrixy sorta mood.
Washi-sensei says:
The agents would be the mods, of course. =P
Washi-sensei says:
"Agent shiney"
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
You? An agent?
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
I can't imagine you as an agent...
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
It's like, imagining me dressed up in a skimpy outfit.
What do you do when you're at a loss for words? says:
....actually, that's probably a bad example. -_-
Bob The Mercenary
05-17-2005, 09:37 PM
MrViewtiful: What'd I miss?
spark0138: Everything.
MrViewtiful: besides that
spark0138: Nothing?
GreatMedicNigel: Right, what is everyone's opinion on homosexuality?
BobtheMercenary: it's gay
MrViewtiful: *rimshot*
Oh, and this just happened...
BobtheMercenary: Just want to let you know...I hate you honey. ^_^
MrViewtiful: I hate your mom
MrViewtiful: j/k :P
BobtheMercenary: I hated your mom last night
MrViewtiful: in bed
MrViewtiful: after 11
BobtheMercenary: I hated all over your mom
spark0138: No, in bed after 2 am.
MrViewtiful: 11 am
spark0138: 2 pm it is then.
MrViewtiful: cause Bob can do it whenever he wants
BobtheMercenary: I'm special ^^
spark0138: Bob does a good job hating your mom. I have video evidence.
BobtheMercenary: I'm a masterhater
MrViewtiful: enough about my mother
spark0138: Don't you wanna see the video?
BobtheMercenary: ya know, I don't masterhate enough.
spark0138: Yeah, me neither. I try in the shower and every waking moment, but it's never enough.
BobtheMercenary: I usually end up hating my keyboard
spark0138: Yeah. I usually end up hating my dog.
BobtheMercenary: sometimes I hate all over my bed
GreatMedicNigel: Hating all over it, you mean.
spark0138: Then hating my door.
GreatMedicNigel: Yay for delayed rsponses.
BobtheMercenary: then, eventually, my hands are filled with hate
spark0138: My room is flooded with hate at the end of the day.
spark0138: And yet it's not enough.
BobtheMercenary: no amount of hating can quench my thirst
spark0138: Yes. You must hate on everyone!
BobtheMercenary: Everyone must face our hate!
GreatMedicNigel: Mmm, may I taste yours?
BobtheMercenary: Wow, this makes me think about the phrase "I hate you" all differently now
spark0138: Mine? NO FREE SAMPLES!
BobtheMercenary: maybe all those bullies just wanted to have sex with me.
BobtheMercenary: and my mom was just acting angry when all she really wanted was sex from my dad!
spark0138: Yeah. ..does this mean my sister wants to make sweet sweet love to my brother?
GreatMedicNigel has left the room.
BobtheMercenary: *has a completely new outlook on life*
spark0138: Imagine what hitting someone implies!
05-18-2005, 01:53 PM
Washi-sensei says:
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
Washi-sensei says:
^_^ ^_^
Washi-sensei says:
Washi-sensei says:
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
Okay, ^^
Washi-sensei says:
Ingestable organic matter, or something far more sinister?
Washi-sensei says:
Only one man is brave enough to find out.
Washi-sensei says:
Steve Irwin.
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
So, you're Steve Irwin now?
Washi-sensei says:
"Crikey! What a bloody huge steak!"
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
You should change your SN to that. =P
Washi-sensei says:
I just realized something.
Washi-sensei says:
Steve Irwin walks around in the wilderness poking everything that crosses his path.
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
Not too smart, yanno.
Washi-sensei says:
Especially in Australia.
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
Washi-sensei says:
Someday they'll discover a toad whose entire digestive system is based on nitroglycerine and that will indirectly be the end of him.
He who would pun would pick a pocket says:
Post that in Wing Wong, now.
Washi-sensei says:
The East Australian Detonation Toad.
Washi-sensei says:
Bufo Explodus.
05-23-2005, 02:20 PM
Funny how many-a Wing Wong revolves around or stars BMG...
Melfice zegt:
Green Valkyrie, at your service. So what do you need me for? Hey, how are ya?
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
Are you calling me a hulking beefy muscle-bound warrior? =P
Melfice zegt:
Hey, I'm just playing on what's in your screenname. But we could switch it around. You be the Valkyrie.
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
Yay! I'm scantly clad!
Melfice zegt:
Yay! I'm so muscled it can only be because of an overdose of steroids!
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
You can't lift your hands above your waist! Yay!
Melfice zegt:
Who needs 'em above waist, really? Everything good is below it. ^_^ Okay, that's enough of that for today, agreed?
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
That's just awesome.
Melfice zegt:
Thank you. That's what finals do to you. ^_^
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
Finals make you like that? =P
Melfice zegt:
Yup. Need to vent the tension. plus my standard crazyness...
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
Oh, so you vent tension by talking to a girl? =P
Melfice zegt:
Sort of... Yeah. Especially if it's you. Rawr, baby, rawr!
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
Yeah, everyone wants a piece of BMG! *rolls eyes and grins*
Melfice zegt:
You better believe it!
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
*shakes head and grins* I was so kidding.
Melfice zegt:
I wasn't... Oh, wait, I was.
"Blue Warrior needs Green Valkyrie badly" zegt:
05-24-2005, 05:44 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about Melfice... >.> and Mom were talking about bitorrent...
MasterO'Magic says:
MasterO'Magic says:
My bittorent thingy...
MasterO'Magic says:
It says its "hash checking" one of my files.
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
MasterO'Magic says:
Strange, no?
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Certainly odd...
MasterO'Magic says:
maybe its checking to see if its creators were on hash when they made it?
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
MasterO'Magic says:
Whoo! It got alot of what I thought I'd lost back!
MasterO'Magic says:
Hash checking is gooooood, man.
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
That' awesome...
Edit: This is what me and SephirothSama talk about on a daily basis...(The Mamba and Dynamite are rides in an amusement parks, we had to ride the Dynamite to calculate the physics of it for school.)
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Nothing much. I'm jus' chillin. =P
SephirothSama says:
It's a rainin' here
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
"It's raining men, Hallaluah it's raining men!"
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
That was the first thing that came to mind. I'm in DDR withdrawel.
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Ever since the pad has been busted...*sniff*
SephirothSama says:
I can't believe that thing is busted
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Hey, if you saw how my brother stomps on it, believe it to be busted.
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
His feet are like sledgehammers on it.
SephirothSama says:
(minus the ])
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
I was gonna say... It seems like it shoulda lasted longer than that... but you guys prolly beat on it 24-7, lol
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Yeah, that too...I still say it's my brother's fault!
SephirothSama says:
flog him! just kidding, I just felt like saying that
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Hehehe, flog him...
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
(It's my recent avatar on NPF)
SephirothSama says:
(Yep! I know!)
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
(It's purtyful ^_^)
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
(parenthesis are fun!)
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
(The problem is choice!)
SephirothSama says:
OMGosh! Guess what! (ERGO!)
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
WHAT?? (I created the Matrix)
SephirothSama says:
I got a laptop for a graduation present! (uh... ERGO!)
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
You suck. (Shopping is Fun!)
SephirothSama says:
But you know what that means don'cha? (ERGO!)
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
YES!!!! (Uh, ERGO?)
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
I DON'T KNOW!!! (ERGO for breakfast!)
SephirothSama says:
OK! I'LL TELL YOU! (ERGO for lunch!)
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
OKAY! (ERGO for suppertime!)
SephirothSama says:
UM......(ERGO for a midnight snack!)
SephirothSama says:
SephirothSama says:
not really. You can use it too XD
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
I'll have wireless internet by then!
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
Ya know how we have that one joke? The joke about sucking the energy out of the streetlights?
SephirothSama says:
I took it to a bigger scale the other day
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
Ya... It was on monday... I went to work at around 3 and we're supposed to knock on teh back door and someone will let us in....
SephirothSama says:
As soon as I knocked on the door... a mean AS SOON AS, the lights above me flickered and went out!
SephirothSama says:
I knocked out the whole grid of the area!
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
All the shops down by twin creek! From that McDonalds to the BurgerKing!
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
That is freakin awesome.
SephirothSama says:
And it was out for an hour and a half! lol
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Dude, I need to learn how to do that.
SephirothSama says:
I thought it was hilarious!
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Like when our Chi combines and creates chaos in favor for us?
SephirothSama says:
We had to close down until the power came back on, so I was working in the dark for an hourand 1/2
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
That was fucking awesome, that one time...
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
"Oh darn, the Dynamite is closed."
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
", who wants to ride the Mamba?"
SephirothSama says:
SephirothSama says:
That WAS awesome!!
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
I know!
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
We win lots!!! Forever and ever!
SephirothSama says:
I can imagine it...As if it were an anime...
SephirothSama says:
We stand side by side, striking an awesome pose, then something giant behind us like a skyscraper or something EXPLODES and comes crashing to the ground in balls of flame!
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
YES! Then we would shout "I DIDN'T DO IT!!!"
SephirothSama says:
And run around flailing our arms and torching things!
SephirothSama says:
And air horns blare!!!
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
*sounds air horns* EEEEEEEERrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
SephirothSama says:
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
*trying to stop laughing*
SephirothSama says:
We "involuntarily" Destroy an entire city, lol
SephirothSama says:
With Chi and Flamage!
SephirothSama says:
And when everything it burnt to the ground, we're still running around and screaming "We didn't do it!"
SephirothSama says:
ANd then the camera zooms out and a chunk of the earth blows off
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
SephirothSama says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
SephirothSama says:
SephirothSama says:
Cloud Strife
06-01-2005, 07:46 AM
Cloud - Modems suck. ¬_¬ says:
I'm talking with Nikose right now.
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
So am I. *shrugs*
Cloud - Modems suck. ¬_¬ says:
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
He talks to me a lot though...
Cloud - Modems suck. ¬_¬ says:
*nods* He just recently contacted me.
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Oh noes! Is no one safe from the Nikose!!?? =O
Cloud - Modems suck. ¬_¬ says:
He is contacting us one at a time to take us all out!!! =O
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Nuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! =O
Cloud - Modems suck. ¬_¬ says:
... To dinner and a movie. XD
You are what I was, carressed by a dandelion says:
Cloud - Modems suck. ¬_¬ says:
It takes a lot to get me to go to bed... :B
Kuroude7: I'm off to bed, Thaum. G'night, go well.
ArsThaumaturgis: Are you really going to bed this time, or is this another hoax? :P
Kuroude7: I"m going to bed this time. :P
Kuroude7: No, wait.
ArsThaumaturgis: *hand to face*
ArsThaumaturgis: >_<
Kuroude7: ... Yeah, I'm going to... go to bed. XP
Kuroude7: XD
ArsThaumaturgis: *rolls eyes*
ArsThaumaturgis: Well, then, goodnight, go well, and sleep well, Cloud - I'll catch you around ^_^
Kuroude7: You'll never catch me! Muaha! *runs off*
Kuroude7: *... into a net*
Kuroude7: Well, shoot. :B
Kuroude7: Yeah, ANYway... >.>
Kuroude7: G'night... ^^;;
ArsThaumaturgis: >_<
ArsThaumaturgis: *pushes him to his bed* Go :P
Kuroude7: Oof! Heeeey... that was meeeeaan... :P
Kuroude7: XD
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles* Well, I am evil :P
Kuroude7: I am so sleep-stoned...
ArsThaumaturgis: Heh, so you are :P
ArsThaumaturgis: Now go, to sweet dreams of a new day (or night, given your bed-time) ahead! ^_^
Kuroude7: Thanks. ^^
Kuroude7: G'night.
Kuroude7: Seriously. I'm going this time.
Kuroude7: I'm not going to hang around this time, no sir. Not me.
Kuroude7: <_< >_> <_<
ArsThaumaturgis: *casts Sleep on Cloud and haas done with it* :P
Kuroude7: *has a ribbon equipped* Immune to all status effects. :B
ArsThaumaturgis: *hits Cloud over the head with Cat's hammer* Not that one, I'm sure :P
Kuroude7: X_x
ArsThaumaturgis: *picks up the now-unconscious Cloud, puts him in bed, and disconnects his computer from the 'net*
06-01-2005, 07:51 AM
In reply to Cloud's second log, just up there ^
Cloud says:
All right, so I didn't go to bed yet. <.< But I'm about to. >.> Just had to post this first:
Cloud says:
2nd part of it.
QueenQeeko says:
Bed. Now. Go.
Cloud says:
Yes'm. ^^
06-03-2005, 03:53 PM
I was mucking around on Gaia, when a random IM pops up. Right after the last line of this, I blocked the person.
FlAvOrFlAv830: Hello Are you there?
Here Lies Link: Yes.
FlAvOrFlAv830: hi i saw u on gaia and i was wondering if u could spare some gold because im new adn dont have anything and i wanna get stuff like urs! liek a awesome guitar and those slippers lol
Here Lies Link: Nahh.
Here Lies Link: I actually only have 768 gold.
Here Lies Link: There is a trick to getting gold fast on Gaia though.
Here Lies Link: You can hit 2 buttons and instantly get 5k.
FlAvOrFlAv830: what buttons
Here Lies Link: Hold alt and press the f4 button.
FlAvOrFlAv830: did u do it?
Here Lies Link: Yeah. I've done it before.
Here Lies Link: You can only do it a few times before the system catches you.
Here Lies Link: You'll know it does when your window suddenly closes.
Here Lies Link: That's when you know that they're watching your account from then on.
FlAvOrFlAv830: but does it shut down ur computer?
Here Lies Link: No. Just closes your browser.
FlAvOrFlAv830: well how many times can u do it in one day?
Here Lies Link: It depends. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Here Lies Link: Just try it.
FlAvOrFlAv830: k i did?
Here Lies Link: And what happened?
FlAvOrFlAv830: websites closed
FlAvOrFlAv830: nothing happened tho
Here Lies Link: That means they know you tried it.
Here Lies Link: They're watching your account now and you'll get gold a lot more slowly.
Here Lies Link: And if anyone trades to you, you won't get the items or gold.
FlAvOrFlAv830: -.-
Here Lies Link: Sucks, doesn't it?
FlAvOrFlAv830: u new that was gonna happen ho lol
Here Lies Link: Sucks to be you.
Here Lies Link: I gotta go now.
Bob The Mercenary
06-04-2005, 01:44 AM
The Godly Me: do you even have the logo that i made for you?
The Godly Me: why not use that?
The Godly Me: for something!?
BobtheMercenary: I will
The Godly Me: no you won't!
The Godly Me: *paranoid pointing*
BobtheMercenary: yes I will! *throws a tantrum*
The Godly Me: no you won't *eats a baby*
BobtheMercenary: yes I will! *skins a kitten*
The Godly Me: no you won't *skins the skinless kitten*
BobtheMercenary: yes I will! *decapitates the twice-skinned kitten*
The Godly Me: i doubt it *skins skinless headless kitten's heart*
BobtheMercenary: *looks at the mass of kitten* I told you we have to be less messy when we do this
The Godly Me: no we don't *skins another kitten and grins*
BobtheMercenary: *makes a coat out of the kitten skins to protect himself from kitten blood*
The Godly Me: *injects bob the mercenary with kitten blood*
BobtheMercenary: o_O
BobtheMercenary: *skins self*
The Godly Me: *drinks heartily*
BobtheMercenary: *dies*
The Godly Me: *dances*
06-07-2005, 10:46 PM
(22:41:05) BobtheMercenary: CelesJessa87CelesJessa87: It is my duty to remind otehrs of their ice cream
(22:41:24) CelesJessa87: heh
(22:42:23) BobtheMercenary: okay, so the site is down
(22:43:04) CelesJessa87: NPF?
(22:43:18) Austinexe: thats what i would do if i was in that occupation
06-09-2005, 06:22 AM
This is what happens when Chicago and I end up with no-one to talk to but each other...
ArsThaumaturgis: *SNIGGER*
Meister: "Chicago... yes. Typical. And by 'typical' I mean 'extraordinarily odd and I'm typing this from the floor.'"
clollieman: lol, yeah. I didn't know that was typical. ^^``
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles* Well, each to their own, you know - it's not for us to judge (us especially, I'd say ^_^;;; )
clollieman: Heh. Ehhhh. :B
ArsThaumaturgis: *doesn't see new posts*
*pokes Chicago as a result*
clollieman: D:
clollieman: *pokified*
ArsThaumaturgis: <_<
*evil grin*
clollieman: o_O
ArsThaumaturgis: *casts his latest spell: Thaumaturge's Giant Poker from the Sky - a combination of the Invisible Poker and Meteor, which creates an enormous poking hand above the target, and causes it to fall on said target from a great height*
clollieman: *blorp!*
\ X
ArsThaumaturgis: *SNIGGER*
ArsThaumaturgis: *laughs*
ArsThaumaturgis: I likes my new spell ^_^
clollieman: It cause many agony and killing! :D
clollieman: And kill language! :D
ArsThaumaturgis: I know - isn't it fun? ^_^
clollieman: Yesh. I speak good normal now. :3
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles* fair enough ^_^
clollieman: <_<
*pokes you with a spoon*
ArsThaumaturgis: *turns the spoon into a viper*
clollieman: *pokes you with a viper* D:
ArsThaumaturgis: *gets bitten*
OW!! That backfired... ^_^;;;
clollieman: Yeh. :B
*pokes you with spoon of healing and thinks nothing more of it*
ArsThaumaturgis: Thanks ^_^;
clollieman: Hehe
ArsThaumaturgis: *pause*
Aaaannd... I'm out of things to talk about. You? ^_^;;;;
clollieman: Yesh, I too also at loss of conversationalism. O_o``
ArsThaumaturgis: *thinks* Well, we could talk about the weather...
clollieman: Naw. All I've got on that is "The moon is very small and I don't know where it is in the sky! :D"
ArsThaumaturgis: o_0
All right, then, how about... uh... cats! Yes, cats. Very cute ^_^
clollieman: *snicker*
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles*
Well, you come up with some idea, then! :P
ArsThaumaturgis: *ideas*
ArsThaumaturgis: *glares at the letter 's'*
clollieman: :B
clollieman: *thinks*
clollieman: I KNOW!!!!!!!!!
clollieman: Potatoes.
ArsThaumaturgis: ...
Well, I'm willing to give it a shot if you are... ^_^;;;
clollieman: Eeehehe, yesh.
Demon potatoes.
With lazer guns.
From the moon. O_o
ArsThaumaturgis: AAAAAAHH!!
*runs around in circles, screaming in terror*
ArsThaumaturgis: *screeches to a halt*
ArsThaumaturgis: Hang on...
ArsThaumaturgis: *obliterates them all in one blast*
All done ^_^
clollieman: o_O
ArsThaumaturgis: ^_^
clollieman: Those poor demon moon potatoes. T-T
clollieman: *makes out with the remains*
*urk* They not very tasty. XP
ArsThaumaturgis: >_<
ArsThaumaturgis: No, I would imagine not :P
clollieman: :B
clollieman: :D
clollieman: Well, just be thankful that I haven't made out with you, again. Yet. :B
clollieman: *is very cruel and mean and such a kidder :D*
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles* Good point. ^_^;;
ArsThaumaturgis: And you are :P
clollieman: :D
*pokes your nose* HONK. :B
ArsThaumaturgis: o_0
*pokes your nose* KABOOM! :P
clollieman: O_o
clollieman: *explodes*
clollieman: *with organs*
ArsThaumaturgis: *snigger*
ArsThaumaturgis: *catches some of the organs for use in dark rituals*
clollieman: Aw, my organs. I mean--*splatter and incohierent blood noises*
ArsThaumaturgis: *SNIGGER*
ArsThaumaturgis: *thinks* Well, you're one of the only two people around to talk to, so I suppose I should put you back together...
*fits the various organs into place nd gives Chicago a healing potion*
clollieman: *reforms*
clollieman: O_o
clollieman: -_-
clollieman: O_o
clollieman: Hi! o_O
ArsThaumaturgis: Hi ^_^
clollieman: ...Who the heck would have a stock of urine for sale? o_O
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles* I have no idea. Someone very thirsty? ^_^;
clollieman: ...
...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwww. :B
ArsThaumaturgis: *SNIGGER*
ArsThaumaturgis: *laughs*
clollieman: That is one really weird person. :D
ArsThaumaturgis: Indeed ^_^;;
clollieman: Eee
clollieman: ^^`
clollieman: *enter key not shift key :-(*
ArsThaumaturgis: *SNIGGER*
ArsThaumaturgis: The Enter key striketh! ^_^
clollieman: I no like enter key. :{{{
ArsThaumaturgis: Er... Well, it helps when sending messages :P
clollieman: :B
clollieman: Doesn't help when typing. :B
ArsThaumaturgis: Well, it does, when used in combinatio with the shift key :P
ArsThaumaturgis: *combination*
clollieman: lol
clollieman: Combinatio... Sounds latin!
ArsThaumaturgis: Yes... and vaguely dirty, too... ^_^;;;
clollieman: "When used in combinatio with the shift key."
Wow. You're right. It sounds Sexy™!
ArsThaumaturgis: Well... that depends on your preferences - I didn't know that you were into keyboard stuff, Chicago :P
clollieman: Mmm-mmm! Hot hand on key action! Hoo boy oh golly gee, it sounds sexy to me!
clollieman: :B
ArsThaumaturgis: Yeees... I would... :P
clollieman: You would sound sexy?
clollieman: You are sexy!
ArsThaumaturgis: GAH!
I meant you would >_<
ArsThaumaturgis: *glares at his traitorous hands*
clollieman: I would sound sexy!
ArsThaumaturgis: You would think it was sexy :P
*makes out with thaum nowz0rz :D*
ArsThaumaturgis: GAAAAH!!!
ArsThaumaturgis: *panics and meteors Chicago*
ArsThaumaturgis: *snigger*
ArsThaumaturgis: You know, you're one of the few people who can't take a meteor in their stride - Dante eats them, DB is powerful enough to deal with them, Krylo is immortal, etc...
clollieman: I'm the only bastard that doesn't think to godmod my way out of 'em, eh? :B
clollieman: *just called himself a bastard :D*
ArsThaumaturgis: *chuckles* Exactly ^_^
ArsThaumaturgis: Indeed ^_^
clollieman: :D
clollieman: Wait. :|
clollieman: :B
ArsThaumaturgis: *snigger*
ArsThaumaturgis: You know, we could own the Wing Wong thread with this conversation alone ^_^
clollieman: Totally. ^^
clollieman: Should we?
ArsThaumaturgis: Why not? ^_^
ArsThaumaturgis: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
And soon, we shall RULE THE WING WONG THREAD!
clollieman: Hooray!
*plans to turn everyone into a sex slave* >:3
ArsThaumaturgis: *blink* *blink*
*edges away from Chicago and activates several protective amulets*
clollieman: Aw. :{
*scratches off "Hooded variety" from The List™*
ArsThaumaturgis: *SNIGGER*
Bob The Mercenary
06-09-2005, 07:00 AM
*bows before Thaumaturge and Chicago* What is thy bidding, my masters?
06-09-2005, 07:52 AM
*bows before Thaumaturge and Chicago* What is thy bidding, my masters?
You must post much in this thread, so that it shall be a sacrifice to us, your masters!
06-09-2005, 02:00 PM
This makes me giggle. (it's sad when you make yourself giggle)
CelesJessa87: oh yeah, I think I almost remember you saying something about that
Kuroude7: Perhaps in the chat room a while back.
CelesJessa87: perhaps
CelesJessa87: OR I'm just psychic
Kuroude7: :o
Kuroude7: :P
CelesJessa87: *twilight zone music plays*
Kuroude7: Heehee.
CelesJessa87: *twilight zone music cuts off abruptly and is replaced with techno* What the? Someone taped over my recording...
Nikose Tyris
06-11-2005, 09:06 PM
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
anywho other then u hateing me because i get to see batman before everyone else and possibly getting fitred because of soemone else whats new
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
nothin. I am trying to find a good sprite for you, so we can have an epic sprite battle.
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
that would be fun especially since Danath has hp and AC up the wazoo because of his epicness
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
I can still win
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
um how is nikose supposed to win if he cant touch Danath
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Can Danath touch Nikose? can you make sprite comics? I will be the one making it... also, you have cool spell effects
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
Danath be cool in general
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
cha being up the wazoo as well
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
Danaths big toe is prettyer then nikose
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*draws a sword* take that back, bitch
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
*counterspells the drawign of the sword*
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
but... you... but... clouds... *explodes*
today is tomorrows yesterday says:
Danath wins again
Dahling Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
this should be stickied... I had to scroll down pretty far to find it.
06-12-2005, 04:34 PM
QueenQeeko: WAFFLES!
LethargyMan: BACON!
QueenQeeko: YESH!
LethargyMan: !!
QueenQeeko: How're you? ^_^
LethargyMan: Mediocre
LethargyMan: TO THE MAX!
LethargyMan: How are you?
QueenQeeko: Eating waffles with bacon to come later. ^^
LethargyMan: Always the good combo
QueenQeeko: Hell yeah
QueenQeeko: Even better, I poured cream on these waffles X3
LethargyMan: Whoa
LethargyMan: You're serious about these babies
QueenQeeko: Hell yeah!
QueenQeeko: Cream sugary goodness!
QueenQeeko: X3
LethargyMan: A queen deserves no less
QueenQeeko: Even though the queen rarely gets waffles
LethargyMan: I'm sure any queen could pull some strings to get some waffles
LethargyMan: such as smuggle them through the jester's hat
LethargyMan: or other piece of clothing...
QueenQeeko: Heh, nah, i just rarely want them.
QueenQeeko: If I had 'em all the time they'd be less special
LethargyMan: True, true
QueenQeeko: Eggs and bacon on a toasted sandwich....
QueenQeeko: XD
LethargyMan: I never reall got into that whole "egg" fad
QueenQeeko: GASP
QueenQeeko: Blasphemy!
LethargyMan: LIES!
LethargyMan: I am no blasphemer!
QueenQeeko: Oh, really? My mistake then.
LethargyMan: Indeed
LethargyMan: But if you must know...
LethargyMan: I just lied to you
LethargyMan: I am a blasphemer
LethargyMan: EGGS ARE EVIL!
LethargyMan: They are forged from the bowels of satan himself
LethargyMan: assuming that Satan is indeed a chicken
LethargyMan: to that... I'm not too sure...
QueenQeeko: Are you calling me a chicken..? o_=
QueenQeeko: Satan = Chaos
QueenQeeko: Qeeko = Chaos
QueenQeeko: Qeeko = Satan
LethargyMan: I question your math!
LethargyMan: Satan wouldn't be chaos
LethargyMan: He has a method for everything
LethargyMan: ... unless your referring to something as being "Chaotic Evil"
QueenQeeko: Very possibly
LethargyMan: I've always learned that in precise algebra, you shouldn't drop the "Evil"
LethargyMan: In the American Public School system... mind you
LethargyMan: but nonetheless
QueenQeeko: But public school is evil itself
QueenQeeko: Would you believe anything they told you?
LethargyMan: Because I like evil things
LethargyMan: except eggs
QueenQeeko: Heh
06-12-2005, 06:10 PM
loyal2nes: Why apologize? Not like your internet connection being bad is anything new...
JMPTHEGREAT1: sorry for the....
JMPTHEGREAT1: previous
JMPTHEGREAT1: statements
JMPTHEGREAT1: meant it as a joke...
loyal2nes: Ah. S'arright.
JMPTHEGREAT1: I feel bad
JMPTHEGREAT1: I know what will make me feel better!
JMPTHEGREAT1: *goes to get some cake*
JMPTHEGREAT1: my brothers birthday was today
JMPTHEGREAT1: cake is left over!
JMPTHEGREAT1: mwahahaha!
loyal2nes: Congrats for him. <3 Cake... Vanilla or chocolate icing?
loyal2nes: <3
JMPTHEGREAT1: Chocolate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vanilla
loyal2nes: Not with icing!
JMPTHEGREAT1: blah blah blah
JMPTHEGREAT1: I am what you would call a
JMPTHEGREAT1: "Chocoholic"
loyal2nes: <_<
JMPTHEGREAT1: Whats with the look?
JMPTHEGREAT1: I like chocolate?
loyal2nes: >_>
JMPTHEGREAT1: So what if I can't live without chocolate
JMPTHEGREAT1: whats the big deal?
JMPTHEGREAT1: I am off to get some cake!
JMPTHEGREAT1: Back in 1 minute
loyal2nes: You may want to cut back on it... Make yourself less hyper and, consquently, less annoying...
JMPTHEGREAT1: but.....I can't live without it!
loyal2nes: *Smack* *Shakes you* BREAK FREE, MAN! YOU CAN DO IT!!
JMPTHEGREAT1: I can't break free!
JMPTHEGREAT1: I cant break free because there is nothing to break free from!
loyal2nes: *Shakes harder* YOU CAN DO IT!!! I KNOW YOU CAN! I'LL BREAK YOU FREE IF IT'S THE LAST THING I (make you) DO!!
JMPTHEGREAT1: Wait, what was that last part?
JMPTHEGREAT1: And this cake is GREAT!
loyal2nes: ...YOU FOOL!!! *Super-ultra smack o' break-freeing*
JMPTHEGREAT1: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!!!1!111 1!!!!!shift+1!
loyal2nes: <_<
loyal2nes: *Casts Silence*
JMPTHEGREAT1: Mmmm!mhmhmHM!HmhM!HmmM!M
JMPTHEGREAT1: mums da word
JMPTHEGREAT1: *eats chocolate*
loyal2nes: *Had switched Silence with Duct Tape-over-the-mouth by accident*
JMPTHEGREAT1: (noooooo!)
loyal2nes: Oh well. Still broke you free of the cake... Forcibly.
loyal2nes: After all, can't eat cake with duct tape over the mouth, can you?
JMPTHEGREAT1: but I am eating somehow
JMPTHEGREAT1: it is vanilla
JMPTHEGREAT1: with the layers of strawberry
loyal2nes: ...
JMPTHEGREAT1: I love it!
loyal2nes: <_<
loyal2nes: >_>
loyal2nes: GIMME SOME!
JMPTHEGREAT1: *breaks off an atom of it and gives it to you*
loyal2nes: ._.
loyal2nes: >_<
JMPTHEGREAT1: it must suck not to have any
loyal2nes: *Cry*
loyal2nes: *Cries out of spite*
JMPTHEGREAT1: *gives you a real piece of the cake*
loyal2nes: *Goes to make something to eat, because this talk of cake is maki-* YAY!
loyal2nes: *Merrily eats*
JMPTHEGREAT1: ^_^The fellow I was speaking to is more casually known as g4m3rz. Normally when he IMs me, it's rather annoying (Mostly because he almost always does so when I'm in the middle of Red Alert 2 or Runescape), but this one was actually pretty good.
...It's alright to post it here, right?
The Argent Lord
06-12-2005, 10:05 PM
<oniiesu> BUTTSEX!
<ApathyMan> Buttsex?
<RavenWolf> I don't get it. *and fortunatley never will*
<ApathyMan> You don't get Buttsex?
<Terras> Hey Guys!
<Terras> >.>
<Whomper> o.O;
<RavenWolf> ApathyMan: I don't RECIEVE Buttsex, no, if that's what your asking.
<ApathyMan> Ahh
<ApathyMan> Maybe I should have said "understand" instead of "get"
<RavenWolf> Although, being sans girlfriend for going on two years now, I haven't got much of anything at all recently...
<NPC> No entry permitted.
<Terras> How fitting...
<Terras> Buttsex... No entry permitted.
06-13-2005, 06:08 AM
Crazy Shu... Buttsex always goes before icecream. Understandable, cause after buttsex you will need the icecream.
A short greeting between me and Chicago:
The Entertainer sanoo:
·$,(255,153,000)·$0·# CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,1·$(253,202,000) I AM KIM POSSIBLE :·&·&DDD ·$,0·$0 sanoo:
The Entertainer sanoo:
Wassup my assie?
The Entertainer sanoo:
I mean aussie
The Entertainer sanoo:
Damn that was a bad typo
Nikose Tyris
06-13-2005, 07:08 PM
[20:58] nikosetyris1: I can fly
[20:58] Come again?
[20:58] nikosetyris1: I can fly. learning to land, however
[20:59] Is the hard part, right?
[20:59] nikosetyris1: it is indeed. *nods gravely* have you made any sprites lately? ((My apprentice just called me))
[21:01] Ah... um... about that... I'm extremely lazy. Don't worry, I've at least picked out which sprites I'm going to edit. Do Cecil (FFIV) and Dancer Reina (FFV) sound okay?
[21:01] nikosetyris1: LOL yuppers
[21:01] Okay then.
[21:03] About that flying thing... Did you perhaps mean a model airplane of some sort? Or a kite?
[21:03] nikosetyris1: also; I am working on a new sprite comic. and no, I meant throwing myself off my roof.
Yeah... remind me to NOT do that again. My arm STILL hurts...
Cloud Strife
06-16-2005, 01:26 AM
Kuroude says:
Canis Lupus says:
What are you licking my face for?
Canis Lupus says:
Kuroude says:
Because I want to. O_O
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Kuroude says:
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
*Is revived as a wolf*
Kuroude says:
Muahaha! Now I can take Oster's place as the evil guy!
Canis Lupus says:
Kuroude says:
Aw. T_T
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Your laughter was small
Canis Lupus says:
Canis Lupus says:
Not good
Kuroude says:
Kuroude says:
Kuroude says:
Canis Lupus says:
Kuroude says:
Good. ^^
Canis Lupus says:
You need more exclamation marks still
Kuroude says:
I mean... evil. >.>
Canis Lupus says:
Kuroude says:
Canis Lupus says:
Kuroude says:
... OkayI'mdonewiththatnow. >_> <_< >_>
06-19-2005, 04:28 AM
Me and Funka play fetch.
QueenQeeko - SOoO is under reconstruction. says:
Erick says:
I'm not really the petting type I think, I'm more of a *toss a frisbee* kind of guy.
Erick says:
or maybe scratch behind the ears...
QueenQeeko - SOoO is under reconstruction. says:
*tosses a frisbee*
Erick says:
*catches in teeth*
QueenQeeko - SOoO is under reconstruction. says:
Erick says:
Erick says:
ok, now that was just rediculous! >_<
QueenQeeko - SOoO is under reconstruction. says:
QueenQeeko - SOoO is under reconstruction. says:
And it's going in wingwong
Nikose Tyris
06-19-2005, 11:38 AM
[12:25] nikosetyris1: hello mammothtnak
[12:25] mammothtank_x: Ah. Cool.
[12:25] nikosetyris1: is this the same mammothtnak I know?
[12:25] nikosetyris1: mammothtank
[12:25] nikosetyris1: there we go
[12:25] mammothtank_x: Yes, as long as you spell my name correctly.
[12:26] nikosetyris1: do you have the other mamothtank account, or did I just add someone new?
[12:27] nikosetyris1: yay.
[12:27] nikosetyris1: I fixed something
[12:27] mammothtank_x: Cool. Now my name appears as "mammothtank_x." Whatever you did, it asked me if I wanted to be added to your list, and it worked.
[12:28] nikosetyris1: I fixed it for you. I had to use great amounts of internet magic.
[12:28] nikosetyris1: and stay of the hentai shit. you should know better.
[12:28] mammothtank_x: What?
[12:28] nikosetyris1: um... nothing... I didn't backdoor your computer to fix your name... *thows glitter in your face* AMNESIA DUST!
[12:29] mammothtank_x: *wipes glitter out of eyes* What the hell? What are you doing?
[12:30] nikosetyris1: *runs away*
[12:31] mammothtank_x: *hops in tank and gives chase* Get back here, you!
[12:32] nikosetyris1: Shit! Must... speed... up! *switches on his rogue class ability from world of warcraft, and uses his speed boost*
[12:34] mammothtank_x: *talking to himself* How the hell did he do that?
[12:36] nikosetyris1: *casts haste on himself* yay for multiclassing!!!
06-19-2005, 12:22 PM
The Hair Ninja sanoo:
Mer. sanoo:
The Hair Ninja sanoo:
Mer. sanoo:
How are you talking to me?
The Hair Ninja sanoo:
Mer. sanoo:
I'm not logged in.....
The Hair Ninja sanoo:
Mer. sanoo:
Cloud Strife
06-20-2005, 01:25 AM
Austinexe: hi
Kuroude7: Yo.
Austinexe: How art thou?
Kuroude7: I am fine. And thine own health?
Austinexe: 77/600
06-20-2005, 06:23 AM
I am myself, Ninja Detective is Demon with a Glass Hand.
Ninja Detective says:
It's too quiet. The lawn gnomes are up to something ...
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
Ninja Detective says:
Ninja Detective says:
*hands Emily a shovel*
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
*takes shovel and runs out to the gardens*
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
*sounds of breaking ceramic things*
Ninja Detective says:
*smiles and shakes his head, sitting down on the couch*
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
*comes back looking pleased with herself if a little paranoid*
Ninja Detective says:
*is wearing a large red hat and has seemed to have grown a long, white beard*
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
QueenQeeko - Only a Plank Between says:
*raises shovel....*
06-24-2005, 05:18 PM
The mirrorgirl is BlackMageGirl, Washi-Sensei is mahself.
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
*plays with Bob*
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
Bob is my new sugar ant pet, in case you were wondering. ^^
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 sagt:
Sugar ant?
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 sagt:
What, can you sprinkle it on cereal or something?
Washi-sensei sagt:
Technically yes.
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
Yes, if you like a little protein with your cereal.
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
Oh no!
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
Bob's gone!
Krylo sagt:
Krylo sagt:
Krylo sagt:
chocolate covered ant is a delicacy
Krylo sagt:
in some parts of the world...
Krylo sagt:
and... I've always wanted to try it...
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
Nooooooooooo! You ate Bob??
Krylo sagt:
Even when the mirror is whole, it still looks shattered. sagt:
*teary eyes* But Bob was my friend...
Krylo sagt:
He died surrounded by things he loved.
Krylo sagt:
...well, only one thing, really.
Krylo sagt:
And I'm not sure if he loved it, but I'd assume that, as a sugar ant, he would...
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 sagt:
He loved being eaten?
Krylo sagt:
you know, as that it was chocolate and all.
06-30-2005, 05:35 PM
I'm the evil clothes person, and Chicago is, obviously, Chicago.
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Oh, and I got a new nametag from my job. ^_^
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Apparently, I'm now Ron Christensen and I specialize in small engines. And I'm a board member, though of what I don't know. =/
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
That's... odd. You're Ron, now?
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
I speacialize in deh speciallly smallish engines! And I head the board of some members that go there every non-other day!
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Yeah, and I didn't even need a college degree!!!! : D
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
YAYZ! I gets a trophie for not being the person I was being until 10 minutes ago, then I had to leave!!! : D
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
Hoshit : O
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
And you can do it too! *points dramatically*
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
I CANZ?????//////////backslashkey
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
You make Credible Lulk sad. :{
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Hm...I know! *gives a nametag with "Ron" on it* There you go!
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Now I want cookies...
·$,(255,153,000)·# ·$0CHICAGO·#¤·#lollie ·$,0 says:
*gives you cookies*
Clothes are evil. Period. says:
Bob The Mercenary
07-04-2005, 09:58 PM
BobtheMercenary: anyone see that asteroid get a new asshole punched in it?
LethargyMan: Yes I did
LethargyMan: Fucking comet
LethargyMan: It deserved it
LethargyMan: That comet knows what happens when you mess with America!
BobtheMercenary: Yeah!
LethargyMan: YEAH!
Kneumatic Pnight: ...
BobtheMercenary: USA! USA! USA!
Kneumatic Pnight: You're both freaks.
Archmage DB: For the record, that Asteroid had weapons of mass destruction
Austinexe: what asteroid
Archmage DB: and supported terrorist causes. That bitch.
LethargyMan: Terrorists, your game is through... 'cuz now you have to answer to...
07-04-2005, 10:08 PM
Archmage DB: You know, there's a viagra for women now?
Archmage DB: I want to know why it isn't being bought en masse, and filtered into the clouds...
LethargyMan: Because nobody has taken the initiative yet
LethargyMan: YOU do it
Archmage DB: Well, ClanBOB mentioned it.
Archmage DB: ...we Bobs are smart.
Archmage DB: Lethargy? You awake?
LethargyMan: Nope
Archmage DB: I was going to say...after you run for office, can you pump this magic arousal drug for women into the clouds?
Archmage DB: My job doesn't pay nearly enough
LethargyMan: Hmm...
BobtheMercenary: My dog just shat on my carpet and I had to clean it, but I have returned now.
Archmage DB: think about it...
LethargyMan: I'd definately get reelected for that
Archmage DB: "Oh, Lethargy, you're SOOO handsome, and we haven't had sex in god-knows-how-long due to our formerly chaste attitudes!" - your fangirls, aroused by this chemical.
Archmage DB: Think on that quote.
LethargyMan: *thinks about it*
Archmage DB: Cogitate and masticate
LethargyMan: Sounds like a plan!
Archmage DB: I said, "Think and chew", by the way.
Archmage DB: Then, it's settled.
Archmage DB: I kill your political rivals, you enact my plan
LethargyMan: It's a deal
Archmage DB: *shakes hands*
LethargyMan: *shakes hands*
BobtheMercenary: oh my god
LethargyMan: What does YOUR god have to say?
BobtheMercenary: get this, some lady in Russia is suing the U.S. for blowing a chunk out of it
BobtheMercenary: the asteroid I mean
LethargyMan: There's only one thing to do...
BobtheMercenary: she is claiming that the US space agency's bombardment of the Tempel 1 comet will upset her horoscope and violates her spiritual rights. What a freaking nut job
LethargyMan: You have to carpet bomb Russia
Archmage DB: Link me.
BobtheMercenary: my friend just told me, I'll ask her for the link
Archmage DB: and we already have to bomb Russia
BobtheMercenary: she's seeking 300 million in compensation
LethargyMan: This just makes it more imperitive
LethargyMan: *imperative
07-06-2005, 03:09 AM
Yay! Wing Wong!
pauljg04: and you are?
Archmage DB: Sephy...
DanielleSephy: who?
Archmage DB: look over here, please?
Kneumatic Pnight: Whaa?
Archmage DB: *stripteases Danielle*
DanielleSephy: *is afraid to look*
Kneumatic Pnight: Uhh...
DanielleSephy: *doesn't look*
pauljg04: *looks at DB
Kneumatic Pnight: << >>
Kneumatic Pnight: *the power of satan compells you*
Archmage DB: *teleports right in front of her* ^_^
Archmage DB: *shakes dat ass*
DanielleSephy: *dissapears*
pauljg04: watches scene from chair with tea and crimpets
DanielleSephy: crimpets?
Kneumatic Pnight: Oh yeah, he's enjoying the show DB.
DanielleSephy: Ewwwwwwwwww
Archmage DB: I have a magical vanishing ass
Archmage DB: EWWW!
Archmage DB: KP, that's it, I'm NEVER going naked AGAIN!
Kneumatic Pnight: ...
Archmage DB: *puts on all clothes and a coat*
Kneumatic Pnight: Mission: accomplished!
Archmage DB: >_<
Cloud Strife
07-06-2005, 05:05 AM
Cloud says:
*pokes your chess pieces*
Thaumaturge says:
*glares and puts them back in place*
Cloud says:
:D *pokes them again* XD
Thaumaturge says:
*glares and glues them in place*
No, wait...
Nikose Tyris
07-06-2005, 12:19 PM
this is why they don't let me out of the cage...
[12:32:20 PM] Alex: OMG! ALIENS ARE ATTACKING!!!!
[12:32:26 PM] Alex: *runs around in a circle*
[12:32:31 PM] FenrisWolf: o_O
[12:32:42 PM] Alex: *waving arms frantically*
[12:33:47 PM] Alex: o_0\
[12:33:51 PM] Alex: CRAZY!
[12:34:04 PM] FenrisWolf: *backs away slowly*
[12:34:11 PM] FenrisWolf: *bursts into run*
[12:34:25 PM] Alex: COME BNACK! I'M AN DOCTOR!
[12:34:30 PM] Alex: *chases you*
[12:34:43 PM] FenrisWolf: I feel violated...
[12:34:44 PM] Alex: *stops, Screaming* THERE'S A SPOON IN MAH EAR!
[12:34:49 PM] Alex: *giggles*
[12:47:28 PM] Alex: mofug
[12:47:41 PM] FenrisWolf: WTF is wrong with you?
[12:47:56 PM] Alex: I'm insane
*runs off and plays with a string*
07-06-2005, 04:00 PM
Typical Star Wars conversation between myself and Stephanos. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
just wait till the next 'special edition' DVDs of Star Wars, where when Luke refuses to join the dark side, Palpatain's other potential Sith comes to fight him: Jar Jat Binks! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says: mean Palpatine's MASTER, right? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Yes, you remember (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I would of also of had Mon Calamari instead of Gungans in the prequal films>_>
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says: wanna make the Mon Calmari look like idiots by having Jar-Jar be related to Akbar? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
No no, make him a prisinor who escaped from them or something =P
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
*laugh* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Or better yet write him out (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I would of also of had one sith apprentice threw out the prequal films instead of one new on per film =/ (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*new one
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
nah, then people might LIKE them and want them to not die (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says: (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I would also of had Anakin be about Lukes age and already be a starfighter piolet
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
I'd have included more fanservice
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Twi'lek DOA-style volleyball (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
And no pod racing
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
True, and no fucking "He's da only hooman who can podrace, 'cause he's ANNIE!" (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
also absoultly no mention of Midiclorinans (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Instead he should of said magic points or force mojo >_> (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Also (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Vader: I am your father.
Luke(Sarcastic): Oh yeah. And Leia is my sister.
Vader: Hey! That's right! And I even built C-3PO.
C-3PO: Luke! I am your brother!
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Force Mojo...better than Midichlorians! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
How could as slave afford a pod racer and a droid anyway?
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
...I thought he built them from scrap? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
VADER: Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
LUKE: Ok I’ll bite, what happened to my father?
VADER: Well he was this really happy go lucky kid on Tatooine, he was always nice and polite to every one he met, and tried to help when ever he could. Then one day Obi-Wan found him and took him to the Jedi temple. Fifteen years later he was killing younglings and choking his pregnant wife.
LUKE: So what you are trying to say is….
VADER: Yes Luke, the Jedi order is what happened to your father.
LUKE: So all this stuff Yoda has been teaching me is….
VADER: Yoda is still alive? What about Mace?
LUKE: Mace who?
MACE: Mace Windu, of course I am still alive, I just got my hand cut off by this bloke and fell in to an abyss. We all know that’s not dangerous.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
*rolling on floor laughing*
Nikose Tyris
07-08-2005, 12:39 PM
Erick being FUnka Genocide, Alex being Captain Insane-o. gotta love captain insane-o! ((CI is me.))
Erick says:
Alex says:
what is that?
Erick says:
thats "totally rock!"
Erick says:
Erick says:
thats "The Shocker"
Alex says:
Alex says:
good job
Alex says:
Erick says:
thanks! \,,/ O_O \,,/
Alex says:
Erick says:
heh heh *bows*
Alex says:
I keep thinking that those look like vaginas
Erick says:
little camel toe action! w00t! XD
Alex says:
Erick says:
you thought it, I just said it!
Erick says:
you should put that on wing wong
Alex says:
I should
Alex says:
hell, why don't you?
Erick says:
'cause I'm lazy...
Alex says:
I'll do it then
Funka Genocide
07-08-2005, 03:25 PM
Me and VG2K were talking about something, but then it degraded into this.
Erick says:
what part of Canada are you in?
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
boo now
Thunder Dragoon says:
i'm used to it
Thunder Dragoon says:
Erick says:
Alberta eh? is that anywhere near Quebec?
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
Qubec is on the east, Alberta on the west
Erick says:
ah, didn't think so
Thunder Dragoon says:
i guess it really is true that amicans never pay attention to the north
Thunder Dragoon says:
Erick says:
that probably is true, though I think it unfair to judge all Americans based off of one scatterbrained idiot (me) XD
Thunder Dragoon says:
well, your media also kinda proves it, as well as your governement.
Erick says:
true, true
Thunder Dragoon says:
but other than that, you guys can be intelligent
Erick says:
well thanks! @_@
Erick says:
unfortunately I believe there is legislature in the making which will make it illegal to be intelligent in America, its part of an initiative to remove threats to our national security by making sure nobodies smart enough to realize what the fuck is going on. I think its called something like "project go fuck yourself America"
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
that's a definite rofl my waffle
Erick says:
Erick says:
yeah well, all I kow is that if I were president, I'd have an elit eunit of Batman-esque death squad ninjas that I'd call "The Platinum Knights" or something equally menacing, and everytime I needed someone murdred violently in their bedrooms I'd shout out something like "Platinum Knights! Assemble!" and they'd appear from whatever convenient shady area happened to be around at the time.
Thunder Dragoon says:
that would be awesome
Thunder Dragoon says:
maybe then we'd have an effective US
Thunder Dragoon says:
with less dipshits
Erick says:
the path to world peace is assassination squads, why doesn't anyone agree with me?
Thunder Dragoon says:
whou wouldn't?
Thunder Dragoon says:
my stupid microphone won't work
Thunder Dragoon says:
so now it meets mister cheese grater
Erick says:
mr. microphone: "Hello mr. cheese grater! How are you today?"
mr. cheese grater: *looms menacingly*
Thunder Dragoon says:
it's a piece of plastic crap anyways
Thunder Dragoon says:
it's basically a ball on one end with a shiny metal end on the other
Erick says:
Erick says:
how shiny?
Thunder Dragoon says:
shiny enough to be flushed down the toilet
Erick says:
07-08-2005, 03:46 PM
Me and Funka, part 2!
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
we rock
Erick says:
totally. \,,/
Thunder Dragoon says:
and need new hobbies
Erick says:
I've got too many hobbies, I think I need a new life! XD
Thunder Dragoon says:
or a second one
Erick says:
You mean where I gallavant around the world and party with rock stars?
Thunder Dragoon says:
isn't that the 3rd one?
Erick says:
naw, thats my second one. Heh heh, want to hear a story?
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
wow..... best. story. ever.
Erick says:
well, after I met QQ I had to make my way back to a city in Australia named Townsville, on the plane back I sat next to an Australian musician in a band called Dirty Laundry. We were BSing about stuff in general when we hit the worst turbulence I'd ever witnessed, we both sort of looked at eachother and I said "eh, it was a good run" to which he replied, "yeah, I lived" and then we waited patiently for certain doom.
Thunder Dragoon says:
good stuff
Thunder Dragoon says:
i now have 8 people on MSN from the forums
Thunder Dragoon says:
Erick says:
a few flight attendent fell over and people started freaking out, but after about aminute the plan cleared the turbulence and we spent the rest of the flight in relative peace. When we landed we hung out with the rest of his band in a club called The Embassy, where I partied like a rock star for one night.
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
flight attendents give you garbage to eat in coach
Erick says:
not on this flight! they had delicious gourmet sandwiches!
Thunder Dragoon says:
Erick says:
Australian airline food rocks!
Thunder Dragoon says:
as compared to North American
Erick says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
it seems that people on such things as MSN and AIM are more likely to cause mass destruction than on any forum
Erick says:
how so?
Thunder Dragoon says:
we tend to be more random
Erick says:
ah, well I see what you mean
Thunder Dragoon says:
for example: Bob blowing up asteroids with WMD's and QQ beating up garden gnomes with a shovel
Erick says:
she is none too fond of garden gnomes after all!
Thunder Dragoon says:
when opportunity knocks, the gnomes will answer
Thunder Dragoon says:
best line ever
Erick says:
yeah, the opportunity for violent overthrow of human civilization!
Thunder Dragoon says:
or taking out hilary clinton while shes in the bathtub, with a toaster
Thunder Dragoon says:
SIMS style!
Erick says:
oh man, thats just wrong...
Thunder Dragoon says:
no, no, it's justified
Thunder Dragoon says:
bill and monica were meant to be
Cloud Strife
07-09-2005, 02:10 AM
Rikisetsu I am, Ravenstorm the other, he is.
Rikisetsu says:
Gaming. Monday. Here.
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
Rikisetsu says:
All day.
Rikisetsu says:
No joke.
Rikisetsu says:
Gaming/LAN party.
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
cool. I might be out of town that day
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
Rikisetsu says:
Rikisetsu says:
And where is that quote from?
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
Rikisetsu says:
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
homer says it all the time
Rikisetsu says:
He does?
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
yeah he says D'oh more than twice a show
Rikisetsu says:
Rikisetsu says:
...And you will know us by the Trail of Dead. says:
07-09-2005, 03:42 AM
flarecobra: Oh, and I think Brian's hurricane magnatism's coming back.
Cloud Strife: Indeed. D:
flarecobra: Poor guy. Think BellSouth had something to do with it?
Cloud Strife: That must be it... damn BellSouth... *shakes fist menacingly*
flarecobra: Perhaps if we had them put on big red hats and long white beards we could get QQ to destroy them.
Cloud Strife: Don't forget to make the hats pointy!
flarecobra: Of course.
Cloud Strife: *gets to work on the hats and fake beards*
flarecobra: *Goes to round up as meny BellSouth personell she could find*
Cloud Strife: Excellent.
flarecobra: Though can I throw some into the burning dumpster first?
Cloud Strife: Go for it!
flarecobra: *Makes sure that it's extra-hot, chucks in a few, the flames chainging colors briefly after each toss* ooo, purdy.
Cloud Strife: Fancy stuff.
flarecobra: Must be the stuff in their suits.
Cloud Strife: Indeed... probably Arsenic.
flarecobra: Want to knock in a few?
Cloud Strife: Hm... sure!
Cloud Strife: *kicks one in*
flarecobra: *Flames turn green for a second*
Cloud Strife: Ooo!
flarecobra: Too bad we can't get rid of hurricanes this easy.
Cloud Strife: Indeed. *envisions Brian hog-tying Hurricane Dennis and kicking it into a burning Dumpster*
flarecobra: *Laughs at that image*
Cloud Strife: Indeed... that's, like, sprite-worthy.
flarecobra: I think it's more then that.
Cloud Strife: Oh?
flarecobra: Comic worthy!
Cloud Strife: Indeed!
flarecobra: unless you got something better.
Cloud Strife: Heh. Nope, not that I can think of.
flarecobra: So, who'll make the comic?
Cloud Strife: I can't make comics, I don't know how, nor do I have the sprites. X_x
flarecobra: And I'll be gone.....Wait, perhaps we could get one of the others to do it for us?
Cloud Strife: Perhaps... *thinks*
Cloud Strife: Hm. DB is on.
flarecobra: Yep.
Cloud Strife: He might be able to do it.
flarecobra: I'll ask.
Cloud Strife: 'Kay.
flarecobra: He liked the idea.
Cloud Strife: Good, good.
flarecobra: He can't do it. Said he's not skilled enough.
flarecobra: Let's see....QQ perhaps?
Cloud Strife: Dah.
Cloud Strife: Perhaps.
Cloud Strife: She's not online at the moment, though.
flarecobra: Ok. Let's see...who else is good...
Cloud Strife: Chicago... CT...
Cloud Strife: AB...
flarecobra: He might do it.
Cloud Strife: Brian...
Cloud Strife: Indeed.
flarecobra: Hell, if we get Brian to notice it, he might like to do it for a day that he's running late or just wants to skip a comic and put up some filler.
Cloud Strife: Indeed. XD
flarecobra: I think he'd like that idea for the simple fact that he hates both hurricanes and BellSouth.
flarecobra: Then there's Meister and Shiney.
Cloud Strife: Indeed.
flarecobra: Course, I already gave Meister an idea and he has yet to do it yet..
Cloud Strife: We might get Meister to do that one...
flarecobra: Oh,
flarecobra: Oh...
Cloud Strife: Yeah. O_o
flarecobra: .....Nevermind. Stupid idea.
Cloud Strife: ?
Cloud Strife: No, what?
flarecobra: Perhaps if we post that part in the wingwong area, someone might decide to make it.
Cloud Strife: Indeed.
07-10-2005, 05:32 AM
Ah, good old MSN Messenger. Thank god for chatlogs!
Drågöñ§bäñé: Thaum...I destroy planets
Drågöñ§bäñé: with low-cost DnD spells
Drågöñ§bäñé: YOU can't
Drågöñ§bäñé: *shakes the ass*
Drågöñ§bäñé: *shakes it all night*
Stephanos: As Tasadar once said DB
Drågöñ§bäñé: As Megatron once said...
Thaumaturge: *watches DB in bemusement*
Drågöñ§bäñé: "Shut it, Prime."
Stephanos: "Perhaps I don't need to flaunt my power in
such an infintile manner"
Stephanos: =P
Thaumaturge: *snigger*
Stephanos: *pokes all of you*
Thaumaturge: ...
Thaumaturge: *glares at Stephanos*
Thaumaturge: *dramatic pause*
Stephanos: =DDD
CHICAGO¤loll: Wait. Such power is the ass of Dragonsbane?
Stephanos: @_o
Thaumaturge: *casts Thaumaturge's Giant Poke from the
Sky on Stephanos* :P
Drågöñ§bäñé: Yes
Drågöñ§bäñé: My ass is gloriosa
Drågöñ§bäñé: and generosa
Drågöñ§bäñé: and stuff
CHICAGO¤loll: O Deebee, keeper of the mighty ass!
Drågöñ§bäñé: ...shut it, Prime
Then, not long after...
Stephanos: Mind you Beast Wars Megatron was posh and
English =/
Stephanos: and toke bubble baths with a rubber ducky =/
Thaumaturge: o_0
Thaumaturge: Megatron has a rubber ducky? o_0
Stephanos: The beats wars version did
Thaumaturge: Now -there-'s an odd image ^_^
Thaumaturge: *chuckles at the image of big, nasty
Megatron playing with his rubber ducky in
the bath*
Thaumaturge: *splash* *splash* *splash* "What are you
doing, Mr. Quackles?" *squeaking sound from
the rubber ducky* "That's why I love you,
Mr. Quackles!"
*Megatron hugs the rubber ducky*
*from outside* Are you finished in there
yet, sir? I need the loo!
*Megatron looks at his hands* "I'm not
wrinkled yet! Go away!" *throws a
back-scrubber at the door*
Stephanos: @~@
Thaumaturge: The side of Megatron that we so rarely get
to see ^_^
Stephanos: Beast Wars Megatron, diffrent person =P
Thaumaturge: Heheh, so it seems ^_^
Drågöñ§bäñé: More than meets the eye ^_~
Stephanos: @~@
Thaumaturge: *SNIGGER* Indeed! ^_^
CHICAGO¤loll: Please to not be winking suggestively after
a discussion about Megatron. o_O
Stephanos: ^_~
Thaumaturge: *can't resist*
Drågöñ§bäñé: ^_~
Stephanos: XD
CHICAGO¤loll: ...y`all lucky I ain't Sexy Anthro Foxy
Chicago, or y`all be meeting the lips of a
furry! ;D
Thaumaturge: *pause*
Stephanos: @~@
Thaumaturge: *hides behind DB*
CHICAGO¤loll: Win+
Thaumaturge: *meteors Chicago* :P
CHICAGO¤loll: Win- :(
07-11-2005, 11:01 AM
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
A revelation is upon me
Melfice version 2.6 says:
'T is? Care to explain thineself?
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
By combining Transformers and Gundams, I shall create a new breed of super-robots capable of easily conquering the Earth!
Melfice version 2.6 says:
That is verily a masterly plan. I like it!
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
I just need to eliminate the "morals" from the Transformer parts, leaving them as mindlessly loyal as Gundams, while removing the need for emotionally unstable adolescent boys to pilot them.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Autonome, perhaps transformable, robots. Without morals. You would end up taking Decepticon Sparks and reprogramming them, then placing them into Gundam alloy bodies.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
but Megatron could easily beat most Gundams.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
alloy bodies or no, he's Megatron.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
True. Megatron is the most powerfull, semi solo-going, robot out there.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Then you would need the consiousness of a Autobot and reprogram it.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
why an Autobot?
Melfice version 2.6 says:
I don't know. They seem the most logic, seeing as there are only two factions. Autobot and Decepticon. Unless there's a third group I don't know.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
not sure
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Knowing me, I'd pick reprogrammed Decepticons with Autobot loyalty traits implanted
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Ah, that is true. You have those too. *remembers Beast Wars Ravage*
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
then, put some of the heavier Gundam weapons on it.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
take out the angst....and the strange Gundam boys.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Yeah. They sucked. Heero most of all. Yeah, Twin Buster Rifle, bit of upgrading on it, and you have the ultimate weapon. Me likes a lot.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
naw, the kid from Gundam Seed. The whiny one
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Never seen Gundam Seed. It was never broadcasted here.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Who gets manipulated by the redheaded bitch who goes all psychopathic...
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
oh, sorry
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
anyway, he's a complete pansy, and unfit to pilot a mecha
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says: quadrupal (Dual Twin) Upgraded Buster Rifles, some kind of sword...since it's traditional...can we fit a shield on?
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Buster-shield, you know, the one on Deathscythe (Hell). So you have another weapon if things go real bad.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
...and it transforms
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
into a weapon-studded hovertank
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Okay. Works for me. ^^ Though having those Buster-rifles might mean too much of a recoil for a hoovertank. It would be required to land to fire the rifles for better accuresy (sp?).
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
It could have rotatable hoverjets, with fold-up recoil legs.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
I picked hovering because Transformers only shift shape to fly, or go fast. Since they run pretty fast anyway, flying is the only time their ability is really useful.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Yeah. True.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says: personality trait I insist on, however, is that they call humans "meatbags"
Melfice version 2.6 says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Heh. You know you've played too much KOTOR when...
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Yup! ^_^
Bob The Mercenary
07-12-2005, 01:09 AM
I Don't really know the reason for the hostilities between Dragonsbane and pauljg04, I just know that whenever I put them in the same chat room, this happens...
pauljg04: appararate!
Archmage DB: Apparate is for wussies
Archmage DB: Teleport and Gate are for REAL spellcasters
pauljg04: ...they do the SAME thing
Archmage DB: Yes, but in a manlier way!
pauljg04: and thats why its manlier than GATE and Teleport. IT had DANGERS!
Archmage DB: it was about as manly as Elton John getting his nails done at a beauty parlor
Archmage DB: 87 corpses!?
pauljg04: no comment
BobtheMercenary: most lived, thankfully
pauljg04: oh thats good
Archmage DB: ...unlike Paul's sex life
pauljg04: and i have already donated the club to DB who joyfully accepted it
Archmage DB: ...and rammed it up your ass, Paul
pauljg04: all you did was believe and worship her like a god
pauljg04: a FALSE god i might add
Archmage DB:, that's YOUR job, peon
Archmage DB: and do not question Celes
Archmage DB: or I will execute you with righteous fury
Archmage DB: ...and a large pine tree, upon which you shall be impaled through the ass.
BobtheMercenary: I don't need vaginas or anuses
pauljg04: ???
EmblemCrusade: Then G-Taste is perfect for ya.
GreatMedicNigel: Neither do I, but i want to penetrate those.
Archmage DB: who doesn't?
EmblemCrusade: (slowly raises hand)
Archmage DB: ...why NOT?
EmblemCrusade: Oh, wait. I thought you were talking about Paul.
pauljg04: ...why must you throw me into it?
Archmage DB: Hey! It's that recording I made of Paul's mother and...eww...what is this thing?
EmblemCrusade: 'Cause DB loves you?
Archmage DB: Loves to hurt you
pauljg04: ....we all know that people only hurt the ones they love
EmblemCrusade: God knows I do.
Archmage DB: No, we love the ones we love
Archmage DB: ...I just love the act of inflicting pain on you
Archmage DB: No, you have a vibrator
pauljg04: nope.
pauljg04: gave it to Micheal
Archmage DB: To use on you.
pauljg04: wrong micheal pally
EmblemCrusade: "Pally?"
Archmage DB: You gave it to Micheal Crook
pauljg04: nope
Archmage DB: and he used it on you
pauljg04: Jordan
Archmage DB: while you moaned and whimpered
Archmage DB: You are an absolute imbecile
Archmage DB: I piss upon the woman who bore you in her womb!
Archmage DB: This is almost enough to make me support abortion
Archmage DB: to prevent more of you from ever being born
07-13-2005, 04:14 AM
A rather stupid AIM prank...
neostephanos: hello!
Archmage DB: Who are you?
neostephanos: o.o
Archmage DB: ...and why are you messaging this computer? The man is DEAD, you idiot! Besides, the contact isn't supposed to take place for another half-hour...
neostephanos: ahh
neostephanos: okies
Archmage DB: ARE Pipe, aren't you?
neostephanos: who knows in this crazy world
Archmage DB: ...shit, the boss is gonna kill me
neostephanos: yup ^_~
Funka Genocide
07-13-2005, 05:10 AM
6.5?! the hell?! says:
so I've decided to be an international assassin, and I'll use the secret identity of an Abercrombie and Fitch model to hide my activities, what do you think?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I'm thinkin' "I'm gonna need a dictionary to figure this one out"
6.5?! the hell?! says:
well, its quite simple, you see I pretend to be a male model (after extensive plastic surgery and personal training of course) while I kill people for money.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
6.5?! the hell?! says:
except with free clothes!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
But, what about the pedestrians? They won't need their clothes.
Y`know, unless they're zombies.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
zombies aren't really all that modest you know.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
What if they're Brittish zombies? The Brittish are always modest!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
no, thats "stoic"
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
" 'ello there, good sir. Mind if I give your arm a tidbit of a nibble?"
6.5?! the hell?! says:
they shall bear the burden of undeath with dignity and restraint!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Dibs on Baby Zombie!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
what about Michael Jackson though? I guess he really wasn't a group now that I think abouit it...
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Heh. Naw, the music industry needs to revive the Spice Girls in a whole new way... THE LIVING IMPARED WAY! WITH TEETH AND GNAWING!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
I guess you'd just call all of them "Zombie Spice"
6.5?! the hell?! says:
it might get confusing
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I was kinda looking forward to Baby, Sporty, Scary, Ginger, and Posh Zombie. :{
6.5?! the hell?! says:
thats a good angle actually...
6.5?! the hell?! says:
Scary Zombie though, kind of redundant eh?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Well, I dunno. Some Zombies aren't all that scary..
6.5?! the hell?! says:
I don't see where your coming from here
6.5?! the hell?! says:
scary= decaying and corpselike, unnatural, hunger for the flesh of the living=zombie
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Scary = mass amount of schoolwork, many tasks, lack of sleep...
Actually, yeah. = Zombie.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
6.5?! the hell?! says:
We need to do something about this Zombie Spice girl thing right away!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
To the Space Helicopter!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
we have one of those?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Naw. We just stea--*coughAHEM* BORROW the one that Sosa and Brian own.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
ah, right. Lets go kill the Zombie SPice Girls then!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
No! We mustn't kill them!
Er, revive them?
6.5?! the hell?! says:
wait... I lost track, are they dead already?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Music Industry-wise, yes. Yes they are.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
I suppose if we reanimate their careers they'd be zombies in the metaphorical sense...
6.5?! the hell?! says:
though really, I did have my hopes up that they'd be the full on, brain munching variety.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
We can still achieve that!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Yes, we... beat them with shovels before a performance!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
how does... we do what now? I don't see.. uhm...
Maybe if we used spatulas?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Or egg whisks
6.5?! the hell?! says:
maybe large tubs of butter
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Skim Milk!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
we can make zombie pancakes!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Oh how dead they'd taste!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
one question though, can you make zombie pancakes?
Thaumaturge says:
Do you mean flat zombies, or reanimated confections?
6.5?! the hell?! says:
more like, pancakes with little bits of zombie in them!
Thaumaturge says:
Hmm... I don't see why not! ^_^
Thaumaturge says:
It would taste horrible, though ^_^;;;;
6.5?! the hell?! says:
the lesson for today, zombie pancakes taste horrible, even if you use real bits of zombie in them.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Whaddabout maple syrup? It makes anything taste good!
6.5?! the hell?! says:
no my friend, I'm afraid not even maple syrup can improve the taste of evil.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
But... you're lying! D:
6.5?! the hell?! says:
it isn't possible! NOOOOO!!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
6.5?! the hell?! says:
Well, maybe its best if we leave the culinary possibilities of necromancy unexplored?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Yeah. No, you're probably right.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
I know, I know, its hard to accept. But I think we should just move on and never speak of this again.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
except you know, on wing wong
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Oh, but of course.
6.5?! the hell?! says:
07-13-2005, 06:31 AM
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
And I'm rather foxy ;D
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
...err, I mean, hordes
FOXY¤lollie says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Oh dear, that came out wrong...
FOXY¤lollie says:
...y... You can keep your zombies. I may be foxy, but
I know what's better. O_o
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
*siccs the zombie whores on Chicago*
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
...Well, if I won't be taking you alive, and seeing as
how your death or capture is inevitable...I WILL have
you dead.
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
Then, you shall become zombie anthro chicago, and
draw for me for ALL ETERNITY!!!
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Sexy Zombie Anthro Chicago?
År¢hmågë Drågöñ§bäñé says:
...that's just wrong
FOXY¤lollie says:
And again!
Funka Genocide says:
you need a hobby!
FOXY¤lollie says:
I know!
But, sleeping is so good. <3
Funka Genocide says:
sleeping is pretty cool, I'll give you that.
Funka Genocide says:
but... what about being awesome?
FOXY¤lollie says:
And sexy!
Funka Genocide says:
yeah! i mean...
FOXY¤lollie says:
Is this a job for... SEXY ANTHRO FOXY CHICAGO?
[Funka Genocide appears to be offline and may not reply.]
07-13-2005, 09:53 AM
Well, I'm Tohru and Fenriswolf is, well, Fenriswolf.
FenrisWolf says:
What's new with you?
"Hello, I'm Tohru. I'm an Onigiri!" says:
Hmm....nothing much, just being the tired me. You?
FenrisWolf says:
Got a new computer.
FenrisWolf says:
Got nothing installed on it, which is why I'm using shitty Windows Messenger.
"Hello, I'm Tohru. I'm an Onigiri!" says:
Ah, I see.
FenrisWolf says:
My dad won't let me install anything. Not even my Printmusic! program.
"Hello, I'm Tohru. I'm an Onigiri!" says:
Waaahaaat?? Why?
FenrisWolf says:
He thinks I'll screw something up
FenrisWolf says:
He's overly paranoid.
"Hello, I'm Tohru. I'm an Onigiri!" says:
You CAN'T screw it up!
FenrisWolf says:
I know.
FenrisWolf says:
So does he, but that doesn't stop him.
"Hello, I'm Tohru. I'm an Onigiri!" says:
I mean, they have it all child-coded just so anyone can download it...
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
Click "next" 7 or 8 times.
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
"Hello, I'm Tohru. I'm an Onigiri!" says:
FenrisWolf says:
07-13-2005, 12:12 PM
My turn to fall out of a chair... ("zegt" = says)
FenrisWolf zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
FenrisWolf zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
FenrisWolf zegt:
How the hell do you spell that?
FenrisWolf zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
I think. I don't speak Japanese.
FenrisWolf zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
07-13-2005, 01:13 PM
And another from that very conversation!
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Be rightg bakc
FenrisWolf says:
Rightg bakc?
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Yeah. It's the new spelling.
FenrisWolf says:
You blow my mind, Melfiec
Melfice version 2.6 says:
I had to type that in a hurry. Sheesh.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
And it's MELFICE!
FenrisWolf says:
I was just kiddign!
Melfice version 2.6 says:
I know.
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
You hurt my feelinsg!
Melfice version 2.6 says:
I am going to hurt you a lot more if you keep typing like that!
FenrisWolf says:
Well... You better get going to whatever you're doing.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
No, it's done already.
FenrisWolf says:
Oh I see
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
I'm done.
FenrisWolf says:
For now.
Melfice version 2.6 says:
*cocks the shotgun* Run piggy, run!
FenrisWolf says:
Cloud Strife
07-14-2005, 01:20 AM
Cloud - Back from vacation says:
Heh heh heh. Win-.
FOXY¤lollie says:
I will get my Win+ again, SOMEDAY!
Cloud - Back from vacation says:
Some day.
FOXY¤lollie says:
Drat. Lose+ :{
07-14-2005, 02:41 PM
A conversation I had with Melfice and Sasuto.
*eye twitch*
Melfice version 2.6 says:
Ya. We did.
FenrisWolf says:
I took Times New Roman, and it looked Identical to me.
*twitch twitch*
FenrisWolf says:
Take an anti-twitch pill.
FenrisWolf says:
Side effects may include:
FenrisWolf says:
*takes pill*
FenrisWolf says:
unable to sleep.
FenrisWolf says:
noob posting.
FenrisWolf says:
and sudden urges to shout Pecola.
.................................................. ....................
*still dead*
Melfice version 2.6 says:
PECOLA!!!! <_< >_> <_<
FenrisWolf says:
FenrisWolf says:
*dead eye twitching*
Nikose Tyris
07-14-2005, 09:16 PM
my brother and I are insane. Alex is me, Danath is Danath. This was the start of our convo.
Alex says:
me brudder! *tackle*
Danath says:
*dodge and watches alex go fly by*
Alex says:
crap! *hits a tree*
Just imagine how bad the rest of it was.
07-15-2005, 12:28 PM
This is me just being weird. I'm Speaker of the dead, and Melfice 2.6 is Melfice.
Funka Genocide
07-19-2005, 07:18 AM
The following conversation took place on the evening of July 19th, I am El Capitan and that strange jumble of symbology is none other than CHICAGO (funny little bastard symbol) lollie.
Sometimes you just can't go back to simpler times...
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Welcome back o_O
El Capitan says:
El Capitan says:
I kills you internet! Kills you with love!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Not before me, y`don't!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*makes out with the internet*
El Capitan says:
ok, I kills Chicago with love too
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*makes out with erick*
El Capitan says:
*explodes with overactive imagination-ness*
El Capitan says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
I think we just crossed "The Line"
El Capitan says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The line, eh?
El Capitan says:
El Capitan says:
but yeah
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
you totally just E-made-out-with me
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I totally did!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
And don't worry, I'll TRY to restrain myself, next time you're 'round this part of the world. ;D
El Capitan says:
this goes on wing wong! I don't think anyone would believe me otherwise!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
world ending! systems collapsing into entropy! dogs and cats living together!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
That last one's happening already. o_o
El Capitan says:
El Capitan says:
save your water and stock up on children! the end is nigh!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Stock up on children? For what cause!
El Capitan says:
uhm... delicious post apocalyptic cookouts? I hear baby is some good eats!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
or not, eh heh *sweat drop*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
*imagines "baby tacos"*
El Capitan says:
El Capitan says:
why do these images haunt me?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Because I made your imagination explode?
El Capitan says:
oh yeah! so its like a blackhole of death, except for my mind! and with sexiness!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
HAWT @_@
El Capitan says:
El Capitan says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
El Capitan says:
poke poke
El Capitan says:
I think you broke my mind, I'm now relegated to pointless prodding prcedures!
and I'm alliterating!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Hm. I must try to fix this.
*pokey poke poketh poker*
El Capitan says:
too many... bad... jokes!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
El Capitan says:
I think it worked though, I'm probably only as crazy as I was before the "incident"
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The "incident," eh?
El Capitan says:
yes, that is what it shall be referred to as.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Mm, and what if MORE occur?
"Incident 2 - This time, it's... *insert word here*"
El Capitan says:
all the way?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I bite my tongue, but my fingers keep typing! D:
El Capitan says:
07-19-2005, 07:30 AM
My brain juices are all over the place, so I'm a very cruel anthro. Here's what's missing, just for scandalism. :D
FOXY¤lollie says:
I bite my tongue, but my fingers keep typing! D:
El Capitan says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Oy, no apologies. I was laughin'. I just happened to be biting my tongue at the same time. : D
FOXY¤lollie says:
Like, literal biting. : D
El Capitan says:
ah, I see are you ok?
FOXY¤lollie says:
Yeah, wasn't a hard bite. ^^
FOXY¤lollie says:
But enough about my tongue. Whaddabout yours?
El Capitan says:
BWAAK! *falls over*
FOXY¤lollie says:
I'm a horrible person. :(
07-24-2005, 01:15 AM
Now you all may laugh at the daily embarrassments of me: (I'm telling my friend about me taking out the trash at work)
<*CelesJessa> I always have three garbage bags
<*CelesJessa> and one is always too heavy
<*CelesJessa> so I take all of them out via a shopping cart
<*CelesJessa> the dumpster is on a slant
<*chan> heh
<*CelesJessa> so while I was heaving the heavy one into the already full dumpster, the cart, with one more bag in it, rolls away and the transhbag I am handling at the moment falls out of the dumpster as I chase the cart down, cursing.
<*chan> sounds like my work
<*chan> i see you running going "DAAAMMMMMMMMNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!"
<*CelesJessa> pretty much
<*chan> heh
<*CelesJessa> luckily it doesn't roll very far, but it's hard to keep it from rolling while I heave
<*CelesJessa> heh
<*CelesJessa> that sounds wrong
07-27-2005, 04:57 PM
Anyways, whenever I talk to Chicago our conversations go like this:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
*poke poke poke pokity poke*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*poketh`d* oO_
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Ahem. *realigns mouth* o_O
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Woah, I poked you so much that I rearranged your face!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I know! D:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
I'm convinced that you bring out the silly in me =P
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
You're probably right :B
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Actually, I'm mostly left. =P
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Yeah, I just punned! What now!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I'll die a hideously painful death and do a crazy dead person dance!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*dies a hideously painful death and does a crazy dead person dance*
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Ooooooh, me too!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
*does what he just did*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Fanceh o_O
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
*trips on a bucket and falls* Ooft!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Bad bucket! D<
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
No ice-cream cookie for you, bucket! D:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
*ears perk up* Ice-cream cookie?
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*hands Sasami an ice-cream cookie*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
OMG it's in my hand!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
....wait, in my hand?? 0_O
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says: your hand's grasp!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Yay!*clenches the ice-cream cookie, squishing it*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Ice-cream cookie is smaller now...*looking at hand*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Actually, I think ice-cream cookie is bigger. What with it going everywhere and all...
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
*gasp* Ice-cream cookie is trying to take over the weerold!
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
We shall now serve the ice-cream cookie, the one thing that beat even DB and Thaumaturge to world domination!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Unless this is a NILK ice-cream cookie. D:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
*looks at ice-cream cookie suspiciously* I can't taste it to find out, I'm
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
That leaves you to find out! *points at Chicago*
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*is pointed at* GASP! Mee?
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
....yyyyY`okay! *eats cookie*
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
It tastes like floor and chocolate. D:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Wait, wasn't I supposed to eat it originally? 0_O
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Wait. Yeah. o_O
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#?·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy says:
Yay, cookie! *eats cookie*
Edit: Woah, I'm accessing from a Mac right now and the code box appears empty. Just another point in how much Macs suck. =P Just a joke guys, don't get offended of you're a mac lover.
Bob The Mercenary
07-27-2005, 05:27 PM
Carrnevil9: I have no High speed connection! I need one for WoW!
BobtheMercenary: Aw, is it on it's way?
Carrnevil9: That is correct commander. And He will be most displeased when he arrives. I am here to put you back on schedule.
BobtheMercenary: I already have the men working as fast as they can.
Carrnevil9: ^_^
Carrnevil9: I hope so commander for your sake.
Carrnevil9: WoW is not as forgiving as I am
BobtheMercenary: Yes, my lord.
07-28-2005, 01:41 PM
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy= BMG!
Melfice version 2.6 = Melfice. <== That's me. ^_^
"zegt" = says (I'm Dutch and all...)
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy zegt:
Okay! ^_^
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy zegt:
Wait, what if it isn't okay? What then!!?!?! =O
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
*gasp!* Then... we're DOOOMED! Yes! Dooomed with three o's!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy zegt:
Okay! Except it isn't okay since Dooomed has three O's!
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
That's right! Except right would sometimes be associated with okay, which would mean it isn't because of the three O'd Dooomed!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy zegt:
if that's right, then what's left?
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
The only thing left would be right, I guess. But that's wrong, because... And then...
I think my brain tied itself in a knot...
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy zegt:
Brain knotage! =O
Melfice version 2.6 zegt:
See what happens!? That's what happens when Okay isn't Okay anymore!
The Olive Girl!....or Smuggy zegt:
I know!
07-29-2005, 05:26 PM
And now for another episode of the "Meister and BlackMageGirl and madhatter and Chicago - show"
Washi-sensei says: <-- plushie ^_^
Madhatter™ says:
Madhatter™ says:
I saw that lareday
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
*huggles Meister plushie*
Madhatter™ says:
tis cute
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
^_^ I'm keeping him!
Washi-sensei says:
'tis indeed.
Washi-sensei says:
*is kept* oO
Madhatter™ says:
oh wait
Madhatter™ says:
wrong plushie
Madhatter™ says:
I haven't seen it.
Madhatter™ says:
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
Yay! Now we can play together, eat together, and do everything together! </little girl>
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
Wow. That'll be one lucky plushie once she's in her "legal" years.
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
(Actually, I am. 0_O )
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
I was commenting on the </little girl> bit. XD
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
(Hehe, I know)
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
I actually do that with my Vivi doll.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
The Awesome Chair-Weilding Martini Woman of Doom! says:
Sorry, I just had to say that. Hehehehehe.
·$,(210,117,020)·$0 ·#FOXY·#¤·#lollie·# ·$,0 says:
*purge the mind of bad thoughts, PURGE THE MIND D:*
Washi-sensei says:
Wing Wong. No way around it.
Madhatter™ says:
what an interesting bunch you are
Madhatter™ says:
I thnk I'm going to back awya now
07-29-2005, 11:23 PM
Maxis2K: only a human has ever consideredhimself to be more than a human
Maxis2K: but ofcourse, he was still a human
Krylo Killian: How about superman?
Maxis2K: notreal
Krylo Killian: he's not human AND he considers himself a 'super-man'
Krylo Killian: Superman is TOTALLY real!
Krylo Killian: stop crushing my dreams!
Krylo Killian: YOU BASTARD!
Maxis2K: he's also in a wheelchair
Archmage DB: Krylo wants Superman
Krylo Killian: First the tooth fairy... then Santa Clause, and now superman!?
MnkyPuma: I thought he was dead
RickZarber: They buried him in his wheelchair?
Nikosetyris1: Meister is superman. heh.
Kneumatic Pnight: No he's not.
Archmage DB: and the stork does NOT deliver babies, Krylo.
Archmage DB: it EATS them!
Krylo Killian: OH MY GOD!
Kneumatic Pnight: Cool.
Krylo Killian: wait.
Krylo Killian: back up...
Krylo Killian: there we go.
Archmage DB: better
07-29-2005, 11:44 PM
Part of a conversation between myself, and Nikose.
Nikosetyris1: what you armed with?
Archmage DB: I AM a weapon.
Nikosetyris1: no, YOU are a tool.
Nikosetyris1: *giggles* sorry, it was such an open shot
Archmage DB: I HAVE a mighty tool!
Nikosetyris1: *shifty eyes* bought that power drill?
Archmage DB: MIGHT call it a power drill.
Nikosetyris1: ...oh, you sick bastard.
Archmage DB: ...I, however, call it a state-of-the-art, custom-made Black & Decker Drillmaster 5000
Archmage DB: With a high-density bit, and unbelievably fast rotation.
Nikosetyris1: damn you and you're understanding that teenage boys think only about sexual innuendo
Archmage DB: My wisdom is greater than yours
Archmage DB: I'm Wing-Wonging this last bit
Bob The Mercenary
07-29-2005, 11:47 PM
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
Bob the Mercenary says:
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
just trying to jump-start you, you became sedintary
Bob the Mercenary says:
my brain tends to turn to mashed potatoes after long periods of non-use.
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
quick, what's the square root of a carrot?
Bob the Mercenary says:!
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
Bob the Mercenary says:
aw D: What is it?
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
it's pie.
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
or pi
Bob the Mercenary says:
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
ok, what's the square root of pi?
Bob the Mercenary says:
I don't know, tell me >_O
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
Bob the Mercenary says: never been so confused in my life
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
at least it got you thinking some
Bob the Mercenary says:
it poured gravy on my mashed potato brains
Capital Barbie Yankee Bitch says:
07-31-2005, 07:19 AM
[23:13] LethargyMan: My website is still down
[23:13] LethargyMan: Because it's so awesome
[23:13] mammothtank x: I thought it had something to do with bandwidth. Not that it isn't awesome.
[23:13] LethargyMan: Oh - they just say it's the bandwidth
[23:14] LethargyMan: But Freewebs doesn't want to admit to its awesomeness
[23:14] mammothtank x: Riiiiiiight.
[23:14] LethargyMan: It's a conspiracy that I cannot explain
Who else thinks this thread should be sticky?
07-31-2005, 07:56 AM
*raises hand*
Red Fighter 1073
07-31-2005, 07:46 PM
im rushilums1073 and staizer is liantoman..
rushilums1073: comp is all screwed up!
Liantoman: lol
Liantoman: too much porn huh/
rushilums1073: the AIM box is all prettiful!! everything is all yellow and purple and red!
rushilums1073: ..actually yah i think so!
Liantoman: lol
rushilums1073: like when i open the AIM box..a streak a blue or yellow follows it!
rushilums1073: its so much fun that im gonna keep doing it!
rushilums1073: *james brown jumps in and yells "I FEEL GOOD!" *
Liantoman: gah!
rushilums1073: AHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rushilums1073: *waves arms wildy in the air*
Liantoman: *raises eyebrow*
Captain: ok, women and children exit this computer first!
Me: SCREW THAT! ME FIRST! *jumps in boat*
Liantoman: why are you in a computer?
rushilums1073: ...ummm i really have no idea! i heard they sell free cookies on..umm its sunday right??
Liantoman: yup
07-31-2005, 09:23 PM
(23:03:43) Krylo Killian: cum stain.
(23:03:53) Nikosetyris1: Dickhead.
(23:04:02) Krylo Killian: Does that mean that you're a pile of my vomit?
07-31-2005, 09:26 PM
*shudders in horror*
08-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Another episode of Two German Slackers Theater.
Meister: You could test whether a fine beer mist burns
Eisengiesser: I do have beer
Eisengiesser: and a candle
Eisengiesser: But I can't produce a decent mist
Meister: Don't you have a plant mister or something?
Eisengiesser: Just a bottle of Febreeze
Meister: If you empty that and refill it with beer for the moment...
Eisengiesser: I can proudly claim that I'm feeling so silly right now as to actually do that
Meister: Rinse it well afterwards though, or the beer residue and Febreeze will end up cancelling each other out
Meister: So?
Eisengiesser: Doesn't burn
Eisengiesser: but now my apartment smells of beer
Meister: a) it does anyway
Meister: and b) you knew it would and don't try and tell me otherwise
Cloud Strife
08-02-2005, 06:04 AM
Cloud says: Now, for old times' sake...
Cloud says: *stretches*
Cloud says: *limbers up*
Cloud says: *breathing exercises*
Thaumaturge says: o_0
Uh oh...
Thaumaturge says: *Starts to edge away*
Cloud says: *grin*
Cloud says: Aaand....
Thaumaturge says: *runs*
Cloud says: *POKE!*
Thaumaturge says: *screeches to a halt*
*casts Thaumaturge's Giant Poke from the Sky on Cloud*
Cloud says: *Giant Poke from the Sky impales itself on main hair spike, and
runs away crying*
Cloud says: *shrugs* Should've known better.
Cloud says: *Giant Poke from the Sky comes back with its mother*
Cloud says: o_0
Cloud says: Oh dear.
Cloud says: GPftS's mother: *Glares*
Cloud says: GPftS's mother: *POKE!*
Cloud says: DX
Thaumaturge says: *SNIGGER*
Thaumaturge says: And -that's- what -you- get
Thaumaturge says: *laughing*
Cloud says: *within self-made crater*
Cloud says: *twitch* Ow... @_@
08-03-2005, 02:50 PM
[SephirothSama] says... 0/\/\6!! l=l_l11 /\/\3+/-\l /-\l(l-l3/\/\!5+ l20(l<5!!!!!!!!!!!! XD says:
[SephirothSama] says... 0/\/\6!! l=l_l11 /\/\3+/-\l /-\l(l-l3/\/\!5+ l20(l<5!!!!!!!!!!!! XD says:
If you EVER! need help with something, ask me and I'll try to help ^^
[SephirothSama] says... 0/\/\6!! l=l_l11 /\/\3+/-\l /-\l(l-l3/\/\!5+ l20(l<5!!!!!!!!!!!! XD says:
I'd be offended and have to kill you if you didn't ^^
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
XD Thanks.
08-03-2005, 05:07 PM
Thunder Dragoon says:
just read your newest comic
Thunder Dragoon says:
i have a place!
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
You do indeed.
Thunder Dragoon says:
so it's now the Kitty crew, eh?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
I have absolutely no idea what it is.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Probably has no name.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Right now, the comic is just writing itself.
Thunder Dragoon says:
pretty much
Thunder Dragoon says:
you ever heard of RPGMaker?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
the title is pretty self explanitory
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Indeed it is.
Thunder Dragoon says:
you make your own actual RPG (on PC or PS2) and then you and your friends can play the game
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Sounds complicated.
Thunder Dragoon says:
yeah, me and a friend of mine are making an RPG
Thunder Dragoon says:
were trying to make it sweeter than FF
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
You will fail, you know that?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Nothing is sweeter than FF.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Other than FF mixed with honey.
Thunder Dragoon says:
oh, just watch
Thunder Dragoon says:
with my brains for RPG's around the world, and with my friends knowledge of RPGMaker, we will be pimpin;
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
"Next week, on MTV: Pimp my RPG!"
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
you know, CT still needs to do my song
Thunder Dragoon says:
he's been putting it off for a year now
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Like your sprites?
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
yes i do
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
No, I meant Like how your sprites took a year?
Thunder Dragoon says:
oh, yeah
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
He's waiting for July 11th.
Thunder Dragoon says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Thunder Dragoon says:
CT and I have always been friends
08-04-2005, 10:36 PM
This is Me, Dragonsbane, BMG, and Meister: (one post edited to protect the innocent aka me) Terribly sorry about the length. This is the latest in a line of BMG worship by DB and I. :)
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Hello, O Great One!
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Hello, O Goddess!
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*Worships, then huggles, then resumes worshipping O Great One!*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*snugglehugs and worships*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
O Goddess...I have made many blood sacrifices to you!
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
*is worshiped, then hugged, then worshipped again, then hugged again, then worshipped..?*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
I depopulated an entire Star Trek convention to achieve the necessary virgins!
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
That wouldn't take long.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Dragonsbane has something to ask you, O Great One.
The hangers are out to get me!!1! says:!
Um, ask away.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Are blood sacrifices acceptable unto you?
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
For I have slain many infidels in Your name.
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Well...since it is the time of the month...I guess so. But afterwards I won't accept them.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
You mean...Your time of the month?
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
The time of the Lunar Agression Amongst Females?
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
For Sasami the Destroyer Cometh!!!
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
And how is O Goddess today?
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*declares holy war*
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
I'm doing pretty good, though I'm quite tired.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
I see.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
I have a question I humbly request you answer.
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Alright, ask away.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
What is your holy symbol?
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
I'll have to think on that one.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*slaughters heathens, and builds a mountain of their skulls, and a well-cushioned, reclining throne of bones for Sasami to sit upon*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Is it the chair?
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
the flower?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Does she really need two thrones?
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
But, she can only use one.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
The bones to make the second one could make a carpet.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Or something.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
But, would you make her carry her chair upon her back?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*reconsiders, and makes the bone throne into a mighty statue of Sasami's glory and beauty*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
That's the spirit.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
I love you guys. ^_^
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*Is loved*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
My life has meaning!
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
boom-chaka-laka-laka hoom-chaka-laka-laka hoom-chaka-laka-laka BOOM!
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Shall I invite Meister, O Great One?
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Washi-sensei has been added to the conversation.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*huggles Sasami*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
My life now has meaning too ^_^
Washi-sensei says:
*huggles Sasami, too*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Well, if it isn't the German moderator. Originally: Well, if it isn't my favorite mod.
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
*is huggled by everyone* 0_O
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*huggles O Great One as well*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*snuggles Sasami, the Great Goddess*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
I still think that word is creepy...
Washi-sensei says:
Washi-sensei says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Yes, when used as a verb.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
smuggle snuggle
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
It makes me think of smothering, for some reason o_O
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
*is smothered?* 0_O
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
because your mother tried to kill you by squeezing you too hard as a child, Fenris.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*prys DB off of O Goddess*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*goes back to huggling*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Give her some air.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*gives air*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Please forgive DB, O Great One, he is just excited.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
I must slay more heathens for you, O Great One!
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Um, sure.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Just make sure they don't bleed on me.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
I just went to the cleaners.
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Yeah, I don't like too much blood splashed around. 0_<
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
What may I do for O Great One today?
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*writes down the commandment*
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
*kills the heathens as bloodlessly as possible*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
What a commandment is "When maiming people, try to be clean about it?"
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Sounds like the 11th commandment to me...
Washi-sensei says:
A hitman priest?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
I'm her more fanatic priest
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Hey, Wolfwood is one.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
True, that.
Washi-sensei says:
You sit a guy down on the altar and sneak up with a wire...
Washi-sensei says:
While an acolyte distracts him.
Washi-sensei says:
"Hey, look over there! Full moon tonight!"
Washi-sensei says:
"Yes, quite - URGH!"
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
I was using vampires.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
But, it wouldn't surprise me if something like that became mainstream...
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Why does this sound like you have experience in this area Meister? 0_O
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
...actually, a vampiric sword that drains blood
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
He does ^_^
Washi-sensei says:
Beats me, I only ever played the Hitman 2 demo...
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Washi-sensei says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Ooh, sorry, I wasn't supposed to tell anybody...
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Meister a killer?
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Oopsie ^_^'
Washi-sensei says:
Fenris, look. Full moon tonight.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Shall I stab him with the vampiric sword of sacrifice?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*goes werewolf*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Washi-sensei says:
Note to self.
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*starts to chase Meister*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
*is shocked by invisible collar*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
Washi-sensei says:
Check at least the more obvious flaws in my plans.
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
*takes collar off of Fenris*
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
What, you want me to kill Meister now?
FenrisWolf-Property of BMG! says:
I'd leave that thing back on until the night is over :P
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Washi-sensei says:
*hides wire behind back and looks very innocent*
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Meister, stop killing people and I'll keeps Fenris's collar on.
The hangers are out to get me!!1!! says:
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Washi-sensei says:
Yes ma'am.
She did, however take the collar off. Later. Much later.
Blarg, I forgot to thank Cloud Strife for telling me how to use the Code box.
08-08-2005, 03:37 PM
How to have a proper battle of no real common sense. (BTW, it's me and Oster).
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: TOMATO WAR
Thunder Dragoon says: <squish!>
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: BAM
Thunder Dragoon says: ow!
Thunder Dragoon says: that got me in the spleen!
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: It did?
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: OH NOES
Thunder Dragoon says: as long as it wasn't my appendix
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: Indeed
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: DIE
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: /me dies
Thunder Dragoon says: oh crap!
Thunder Dragoon says: phnx dwn!
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: RARR
Thunder Dragoon says: shit
Thunder Dragoon says: *pulls out the fire spells*
Thunder Dragoon says: fire enhanced tomato!
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: OHMYGODIMONFIRE!!!
Thunder Dragoon says: dammit
Thunder Dragoon says: water!
Thunder Dragoon says: omg, he has prune fingers now!
Thunder Dragoon says: get this man a medic!
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: OHMYGODITBURNS
Thunder Dragoon says: ice!
Thunder Dragoon says: heal!
Thunder Dragoon says: ol repth!
Thunder Dragoon says: bucket of apples!
Kurotsuchi Mayuri says: Plums!
08-11-2005, 04:00 PM
Okies, I'm Sasami. Mooble is MoM, Justine is madhatter, and Aizen is Osterbaum.
We were talking about a Condom Man costume I came across at my work (which is at the Salvation Army) and this developed.
Aizen Sousuke says:
I don't doubt that
Mooble Marble says:
Doubt what?
The great goddess Sasami? says:
My minion! *huggles* ^_^
The great goddess Sasami? says:
But yeah, I would have to send it to him meself.
Justine says:
her minion wants tp be condom man?
Mooble Marble says:
Mooble Marble says:
Justine says:
It's your destiny, MoM
Aizen Sousuke says:
Yes he does
Mooble Marble says:
o.0 I'll fight it.
Mooble Marble says:
That'd be soo....
Mooble Marble says:
The great goddess Sasami? says:
I certainly hope so. I cant' say that my minion is "condom man". 0_O
Mooble Marble says:
I guess I'd never want for a condom....
Mooble Marble says:
'course, that's not likely to happen anyway XP
Aizen Sousuke says:
You want the condom costume
Justine says:
especially in that costume
Aizen Sousuke says:
You need the condom costume
Justine says:
you can be a hero
Justine says:
saving people form STDs
Justine says:
and pregnancy
Justine says:
but only if you team up with Pill Man
Mooble Marble says:
Aizen Sousuke says:
Pill Man can be your sidekick
Mooble Marble says:
No thanks. For the hero thing, that is.
The great goddess Sasami? says:
Wouldn't it be Pill woman?
Aizen Sousuke says:
I want to add you people to my friends
Mooble Marble says:
Aizen Sousuke says:
Justine says:
go ahead
The great goddess Sasami? says:
My sn is lilymage
Justine says:
or pill woman
Justine says:
Justine says:
I'm _jamanda_
Mooble Marble says:
I don't have Live Journal. Eat me.
The great goddess Sasami? says:
Um, no.
Justine says:
No thanks
Aizen Sousuke says:
Sure I'll eat you
Mooble Marble says:
..... Shouldn't have said that right after a condom man convo....
08-11-2005, 08:52 PM
This is what happens when you go away for a month or so:
[20:31] archmagedb: ...this is weird. I've forgotten your name on the forums.
[20:32] archmagedb: Remind me?
[20:32] archmagedb: I SHOULD know this!
[21:21] Darthlord Ragnos: Really you should
[21:24] archmagedb: yup
[21:24] Darthlord Ragnos: 1/2 my name from the forum is in my SN
[21:25] archmagedb: Yes, Darth something
[21:25] Darthlord Ragnos: Rather something darth
[21:26] archmagedb: I am confused
[21:26] Darthlord Ragnos: Then my job is done.
[21:29] Darthlord Ragnos: Man I go away for a summer and everyone forgets about me.
[21:30] archmagedb: GIVE ME YOUR NAME, and all shall be well.
[21:30] archmagedb: Sithlord?
[21:30] archmagedb: Bob the Happy Dark Jedi?
[21:31] Darthlord Ragnos: The first one contained the 1st 1/2 of my forum name.
[21:31] archmagedb: sithdarth?
[21:31] Darthlord Ragnos: Remember anything yet?
[21:31] archmagedb: nope
[21:32] Darthlord Ragnos: You just said it and you still don't remember me, guess that goes to show how forgetable I am.
[21:33] archmagedb: oh, yeah, Sithdarth
[21:33] archmagedb: NOW I remember
[21:33] Darthlord Ragnos: *thwack*
[21:33] archmagedb: *blocks with Lightsabre*
[21:33] Darthlord Ragnos: *mental thwack*
[21:33] archmagedb: *Force concentration*
[21:34] Darthlord Ragnos: *vaporises his bodie turning it into pure energy, while hugging DB*
[21:34] Darthlord Ragnos: body*
[21:35] archmagedb: *absorbs the energy, and uses it to destroy several cities*
[21:35] archmagedb: hugging...weird...
[21:35] archmagedb: At an end, your reign is!
[21:35] Darthlord Ragnos: *takes over DB's body as an force spirit*
[21:37] archmagedb: *meditates, kicking the spirit out* Like Kun, you have become
[21:38] Darthlord Ragnos: *destroys the planet with his new supership he just thought off that some how was completed in record time and was conviently in orbit*
[21:39] archmagedb: *is already on the ship, killing the crew, and hijacking it*
[21:40] Darthlord Ragnos: *hit the self destruct button that instanly destroys the ships because everyone know lackies are replacable and heros always disable self destruct timers at 1 second*
[21:40] archmagedb: *indeed disables it, a second before the button is hit*
[21:41] Darthlord Ragnos: *which then enables the secondary system the very nanosecond the main one is disabled causing the ship to explode retrohistorically 1 second.*
[21:42] Darthlord Ragnos: (Yes that means the ship blew up the second before I hit the button*
[21:42] archmagedb: *goes back in time and stops the ship from ever being built*
[21:42] archmagedb: Strike me down, and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine
[21:43] Darthlord Ragnos: *strikes DB up like a band*
[21:43] archmagedb: *is upstruck*
[21:44] Darthlord Ragnos: There I have negated your powers by striking you up instead of down. (and we just made a rather good spoof story)
[21:44] archmagedb: yup
[21:45] Darthlord Ragnos: Thus ends a productive session of well what ever that was.
[21:46] archmagedb: Yes
Bob The Mercenary
08-12-2005, 11:03 PM
This is a chat I just had with someone called b0nethugz238, we were talking about NP a second before, then I idled for a bit and came back to continue chatting...this ensued...
b0nethugz238: please talk, i'll be good lol
BobtheMercenary: heheh, what's your screen name in the forum?
b0nethugz238: my name is andy
BobtheMercenary: oooohhh
b0nethugz238: hmmm, what do u want to talk about?
b0nethugz238: hello? i just want to talk to u for a bit
b0nethugz238: :-P
BobtheMercenary: heheh, about?
b0nethugz238: really?
BobtheMercenary: wait, is this that friggin' AIM prank thing?
b0nethugz238: y?
BobtheMercenary: ...I feel...mocked
b0nethugz238: i dont beleive u lol
BobtheMercenary: well...I don't believe
b0nethugz238: i just went for a run so i'm all sweaty now, gross lol
BobtheMercenary: let's have sex
b0nethugz238: mummm... no
BobtheMercenary: I like sweaty men
b0nethugz238: i dont beleive u lol
BobtheMercenary: oh yeah? watch...*bangs a sweaty man*
b0nethugz238: alrighty
BobtheMercenary: still sweaty, or have you showered, oh sexy internet script
b0nethugz238: lol ;-)
BobtheMercenary: what is the matrix?
b0nethugz238: im not sure... somehow u got on my buddy list
BobtheMercenary: I'm thoroughly confuzzled now, are you still the AIM prank, or am I talking to a carbon-based lifeform
b0nethugz238: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com
BobtheMercenary: wow...I am...surprised...*acts surprised*
b0nethugz238 signed off at 11:59:48 PM.
08-15-2005, 08:13 PM
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
and rednecks kick ass, they're all Republican. They're what the Republican party sent into the South to take over.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
...sort of.
Thaumaturge says:
*nods and smiles* ^_^;;;
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
No, that's not true
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Just seeing how much you know
Thaumaturge says:
I thought that it sounded a bit off, but bear in mind that I know fairly little about America - mainly what I've seen on TV and heard from others.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Jeff Foxworthy and John Stewart are the only two you need to hear from.
Thaumaturge says:
Um... Is the former a comedian? The other rings a faint bell, but I don't quite know...
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
he's a comedian, but an accurate one.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
and John Stewart is a trusted newscaster.
Thaumaturge says:
Aaah, fair enough.
Thaumaturge says:
More trustworthy than Captain Planet, I hope
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil says:
Very much so.
Thaumaturge says:
*chuckles* Good good ^_^
Mr. Viewtiful
08-15-2005, 10:47 PM
Kneumatic Pnight: I think you're all freaks.
Kneumatic Pnight: No, I KNOW you're all freaks.
MrViewtiful: you know nohing!
Kneumatic Pnight: I AM the truth!
MrViewtiful: YOU WISH
Kneumatic Pnight: I don't have to wish!
MrViewtiful: YOU CAN'T
Kneumatic Pnight: THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!
Kneumatic Pnight: NOT THINK, KNOW!
Kneumatic Pnight: Also, yes it is.
Kneumatic Pnight: Becasue I've lost interest.
LethargyMan: True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing
Kneumatic Pnight: AS you're boring and repetative.
MrViewtiful: pft.
MrViewtiful: you wish.
Kneumatic Pnight: See?
MrViewtiful: *rimshot*
Bob The Mercenary
08-16-2005, 09:21 PM
pauljg04 has entered the room.
madmuffin398: OMFG A GUY
pauljg04 has left the room.
BobtheMercenary: ...
Kneumatic Pnight: ...
Cloud Strife
08-19-2005, 11:40 PM
You have just entered room "chat8bit."
batgirlsprodegy2 has entered the room.
GreatMedicNigel has entered the room.
Kuroude7: Hey y'all.
batgirlsprodegy2: Cloud1 *glomp*
madmuffin398: I'm here, clouyd
Krylo Killian: I was already here, Cloud.
madmuffin398: dunno why you invited me
Kneumatic Pnight: So was I.
Krylo Killian: Silly man.
Kuroude7: Then how'd you get the invite?
Elmin Amaur: Cloud, why did I get an invite?
GreatMedicNigel: Joto da, anta joto!
Kneumatic Pnight: Who knows?
Krylo Killian: We're gods.
Kneumatic Pnight: i'll go with that.
08-20-2005, 10:25 PM
TheDarkNight0333 is Captain Switzerland
TheDarkNight0333: Phil said he was talking to you on AIM. Where are you?
davemikemc: Mexico
TheDarkNight0333: I feel sorry for you.
davemikemc: yeah, it's freezing
TheDarkNight0333: Why is your screenname 'dave'mikemc
TheDarkNight0333: Why dave?
TheDarkNight0333: Wait, freezing?
TheDarkNight0333: I thought it was hot in mexico
davemikemc: nope!
TheDarkNight0333: Huh.
TheDarkNight0333: ou learn something new every day
davemikemc: just never know these things till you visit
TheDarkNight0333: Its cold as hell in swizerland
TheDarkNight0333: *switzerland
davemikemc: I'd bet
TheDarkNight0333: Yeah, especially during winter.
davemikemc: but it's not winter yet
TheDarkNight0333: Why are you in mexico anyway?
TheDarkNight0333: Is all of the tv in spanish?
davemikemc: most of it, but there is a channel in chinese
TheDarkNight0333: that's strange
TheDarkNight0333: you still there?
davemikemc: yup
TheDarkNight0333: ¿Usted habla español bien?
davemikemc: non
08-21-2005, 02:31 PM
Washi-sensei = Meister
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right = BMG!
Aizen Sousuke = Osterbaum
everyone calm down and sip your latte! = Funka Genocide
Washi-sensei zegt:
*reels in*
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
C'mere, you buggers! =P
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Good day, everybody.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
What's up?
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Cloud zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
*modem noises*
Cloud zegt:
GAH! *runs*
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
0_o o_0
What's wrong?
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
That has to be the most annoying sound of all...
Washi-sensei zegt:
*pokes BMG* You.
Washi-sensei zegt:
Cloud zegt:
Modems... *shudder*
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
I wouldn't know. My modem is quite silent. ^_^
Washi-sensei zegt:
It's all camouflage.
Washi-sensei zegt:
Acoustis camouflage.
Washi-sensei zegt:
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. heeft het gesprek verlaten.
Cloud zegt:
I'md DSL Techinical Support... how do you think I'd react to modems?! D:
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. is aan het gesprek toegevoegd.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
That work?
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. zegt:
Fine, invite them in it then. =P
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Ah, right.
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. heeft het gesprek verlaten.
Cloud zegt:
Heya BM-
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Where'd she run off to!?
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Like I know!
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Doesen't matter
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Sez you!
Cloud zegt:
You should. You're a BMGhist. =P
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Says I
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
And proud of it! =P
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Hey, Oster, I've been looking into Kendo a bit, and I've become quite interested. Alas, they do not teach Kendo in my hometown... Which sucks.
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. is aan het gesprek toegevoegd.
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. zegt:
AI didn't even get the window!
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Now. Let's. See. If. It. Works. This. Time...
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. heeft het gesprek verlaten.
Archmage Dragonsbane: Loveable Evil is aan het gesprek toegevoegd.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
It doesn't. Apparently...
Marshmallow woman of joy? Right. is aan het gesprek toegevoegd.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
What are you guys trying to do over there?
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Keep her in here...
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Breaking the MSN, it would seem.
Washi-sensei zegt:
I have duct tape.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Crazy Glue?
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Could work...
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Velcro might do in a pinch...
Washi-sensei zegt:
Rope. A stapler. Nails.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
PSI powers.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Static electricity?
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
In a pinch.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Perhaps you shouldn't invite her anymore
Washi-sensei zegt:
No Oster. No rubbing jokes.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Have somebody grab her ankles?
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Who do you take me for?
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
And I wouldn't know
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Uh... You?
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
But Melfice,
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Kendo rules.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
Indeed it does. Therefor I'm planning on looking in nearby towns.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
What I said
Cloud zegt:
And MSN Sucks. :B
Cloud zegt:
But not as much as AOL.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Better than windows or Web Messenger...
Cloud zegt:
I wasn't talking about messenger.
Cloud zegt:
Just MSN in general.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
As is displayed by our local MageGirl...
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I go to the next city for Kendo
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
From Vantaa to Helsinki
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Well, it is run by a greedy corporation...
Melfice version 2.6 -- Bargain Hunter, level: 5. zegt:
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
'Tis the American way...
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
I recon so.
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
FenrisWolf-Loyal BMGhist zegt:
Nice name, Melfice.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Here the water goes the american way
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Thank you Fenris.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
And I am actually working on it right now.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! is aan het gesprek toegevoegd.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Yo, Funka.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Who invited him?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Not me.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Me neither.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
you got a rpoblem with that Oster? huh?! XD
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
He has a problem with everything =P
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Including kittens...
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I invited him
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Wh. Ee.
Cloud heeft het gesprek verlaten.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
The Spikey-haired one has left us!
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I bet he got fired
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Oh Noes!
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
no more job for you CLoud! ha!
Washi-sensei zegt:
Maybe he's on break and he was so happy he just ran away from everything.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Perhaps. Probably.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
oh wait, thats probably a good thing
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
into the street heedless of consequence!
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
flapping his arms madly while making odd, guttural noises.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Be sure to look out for traffic...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
hes an odd one that Cloud!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Greetings, Gentlemen.
All your traffic are belong to us.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
sorry, but come one man?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
come on
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Yeah, that joke's been done to death.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
I am...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
we need something vitally comedic, alive with humor!
Washi-sensei zegt:
Like slipping on a banana peel?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Duct tape?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
you must try harder! there is no defeat only temporary setbacks and strange rashes of indeterminate origins!
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
<_< >_> <_<
My traffic! The cars! They do nothing!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
I have no traffic problems.
Washi-sensei zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
there are worlds of unexplored funnies out there!
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
ah, I am lost now,
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Yeah, me too.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Who knows.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
flatrate what?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
We've already been over that.
Washi-sensei zegt:
Flatrate you glad I didn't say dial-up?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
and then there was silence most abundant...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
*chirp chirp*
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
*cricket cricket cricket*
Washi-sensei zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
NO! Stand still!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Their vision is based on movement!
08-21-2005, 02:40 PM
Part two!
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
I don't think any of have the prerequisite skill to be a ninja.
Washi-sensei zegt:
I think that's dinosaurs.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
maybe a bumbling ninja like side kick?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
With Febreeze?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
dinosaurs were never ninjas, they didn't have the technology.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
It's a special future-ninja.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
future dino ninja that smells nice?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
The Claw!
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Piri : DDDD
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
deodorize your dino ninja today with extreme Febreze family pack size!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Piri is a word for extacy
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Good for it.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
You are easily amused, Finnish one.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
hes always out to sea! even on land!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
The amusement is strong in this one.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Yeah, I think we lost BMG...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
adrift on a wave of drug induced euphoria...
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
*looks under the couch* Sasami?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
much like professional football players at half time!
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I updated my lj
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
You are? Cool.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
I once saw a man shoot himself in the toe with a 9mm pistol...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
You make Vader sad!
Washi-sensei zegt:
*sings* I shot a man in the foot just to watch him limp...
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Heh. Cool.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Good for you.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Write a book about it =P.
Washi-sensei zegt:
Meh. There's only one good title I could give it and that kinda gives away the ending.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
it was strange because his gun was still holstered and it somehow just went off, shot right through the bottom and pierced his foot. He just stood there saying "I didn't do anything"
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Good god no.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Too bright!
Washi-sensei zegt:
Actually he probably wasn't.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Yet, not quite bright enough. ^_^
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
thatll make you listen up ya punks!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Oh ha ha.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
you should heed well my words of wisdom, wherever they may be!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
I'm waiting for the movie to come out...
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
you are a dirty punk though
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
I are confuzzled...
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
You are? Good for you.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I'm punkish
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
punked out punkish punksters?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
These are not the droids you're looking for.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
stop that
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Fine... killjoy...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
or else...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Or else... kittens?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
Ill write a sonnet in mind numbing yellow!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Good for you.
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
and it will be phrased in the language of pain!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
Suddenly I want some lemon ice cream.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
I hope you've all learned your lesson
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
that hurt me more than it hurt you
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
and so on and so forth
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
It had to hurt you more.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
I Felt fine.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
So nyah!
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
so how go things then? still keeping irt real there Mesiter?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Any Cat-attacks as of late?
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Heh. Cat attacks?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
is DB here too?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
I accidentally invited him, honestly.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
He tends to vanish for long periods of time...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
oi! DB! look at me!
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
He wont
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
He's away.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
hes most likely baking cookies, but you didn't hjear that from me!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
Hear what from you?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
I think he's washing his kilt, personally.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
08-21-2005, 02:41 PM
Melfice got permission to double post from Meistah.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
He bakes cookies
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
And makes tee
Washi-sensei zegt:
While wearing it!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
A cooking-kilt?
Washi-sensei zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Kinda useless...
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
He's actually a woman
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
That sentence is SO wrong....
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
not a very attractive one mind you
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
HE's actually a WOMAN.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Just no.
Washi-sensei zegt:
How's it useless?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
What's the kilt going to do?
Washi-sensei zegt:
Keep hot fat from his jinglies.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
One word: PANTS!
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
but he doesn't have jinglies, seeing as he is actually a hse
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
and its not a kilt, its just a skirt
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
with a plaid print on it
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Jingly bells, jingly bells, jingly all the way!
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
kind of punkish you know?
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Melfice version 2.6 -- Working on becoming 2.7! zegt:
No. Just no, Fenris.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
you no know?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
something random!
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
A PHWEE! Don't you know what that is? You guys know nothing.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
That can be taken so many wrong levels, Melfice...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
I know, Fenris. I know.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Who's wing-wonging this?
Washi-sensei zegt:
We'd have to wing wong everything...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
We do have to wing wong everything...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
'Tis what makes the world go round.
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
Indeed. I'm willing to post it. If no-one else will.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Transform and uh, do, uh, something... yeah.
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
"Roll out!" would be the correct phrase,
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
awhee, bwhee, cwhee, dwhee, ewhee, fwhee, gwhee, hwhee...
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Will I be in Wing Wong?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Washi-sensei zegt:
Do the Decepticon jets also roll out?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
They do have to roll on the ground before they start to fly.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Unless they're like harriers...
Washi-sensei zegt:
"Decepticons, transform and... fly out!"
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
what if they have VTOL
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
It doesn't have the same ring to it.
Washi-sensei zegt:
And then the speedboats come along "*sigh*... transform and swim out!"
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Then its:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Or rather no
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Decepticons: Transform and hover out!
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Become my LJ friends
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Labotomy John?
Washi-sensei zegt:
And after that, Beast Wars and he just goes "Transform and... oh, sod it, you're just doing it to annoy me now."
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I hate you
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
We hate you too, Oster =P
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
you have too much hate
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
let it go my son
Cloud is aan het gesprek toegevoegd.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
wait, Im not your father right?
Cloud zegt:
No, you're not.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Who invited this guy?
Cloud zegt:
Hey-hey, version 2.7 is out!
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
Query: Would you meatbags like it if I post the conversation up to now into Wing Wong?
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
hey Cloud! how was traffic, which I assume you were playing in until recently and may still be embroiled in?
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Answer: Who cares?
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
I love HK-47
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
And yes, 2.7 is released.
Cloud zegt:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
We meatbags have no opinion one way or the other.
Washi-sensei zegt:
I doubt it would fit.
Cloud zegt:
Traffic is hell.
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Comment: Die meatbags
Cloud zegt:
Like my status says, I'm on the phone.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
and it smells funny up close...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
traffic I mean, not your phone
Cloud zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
though I cant be sure really
Cloud zegt:
Especially with the wildfires...
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
what does your phone smell like?
Melfice version 2.7 -- Melfice's headgear is quite horny, no? zegt:
Statement: Then I will post it right now. Please refresh your browsers in about 5 to 10 minutes.
Cloud zegt:
I don't know, it's a headset. :B
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Mine smells like lilacs.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Aizen Sousuke zegt:
Statement: I hate you all.
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
so it smells like your ears then...
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
everyone calm down and sip your latte! zegt:
but Oster, we love you!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise zegt:
Since when do my ears smell like lilacs?
The rest of the convo from Melfice.
Bob The Mercenary
08-21-2005, 09:39 PM
locomotlvelung: well, don't think about that ass tooooo much, you'll forget the face
BobtheMercenary: oh I won't forget the face
BobtheMercenary: oh, and in order to seduce her, I will take advantage of her more geekier aspects
locomotlvelung: wow man, you've been planning a battle strategy haven't you?
BobtheMercenary: I'm going to pre-order FF: Advent Children
BobtheMercenary: and invite her to watch it
BobtheMercenary: then we'll have sex
locomotlvelung: step one: ingenious for us all
locomotlvelung: step two: good as well
locomotlvelung: ...but dude...the next thing you said was like...step 200000
locomotlvelung: where are all the steps in between?
BobtheMercenary: ya dating and such? Oh, I think my dog ate those pages out of the manual
locomotlvelung: :-)
BobtheMercenary: man...I will bone her before we're out of college
BobtheMercenary: and you're going to help me
locomotlvelung: HAHAHA!
locomotlvelung: well under moral conditions, I can't call it "helping Rob get laid" but, sure, I'll give you sound advice, unless I get the hots for her, then I'll silently undermine your every plan
BobtheMercenary: with your charm and my wang, we will be unstoppable
BobtheMercenary: if she accepts, you can get sloppy seconds
locomotlvelung: HAHAHAHA!
locomotlvelung: again
locomotlvelung: for moral reasons, I have to pretend I'm not helping you get laid, so thanks but no thanks for the offer :-)
locomotlvelung: however, like I said, I could betray you ;-)
locomotlvelung: I don't remember what she looks like
BobtheMercenary: she's the one with the blinding light of radiance eminating from her figure, and a beauty one could only describe as god-like. A true wonder of the heavens to behold. That should be enough for you to single her out in a crowd.
locomotlvelung: hahaha, dude
locomotlvelung: you just described what lust looks like
locomotlvelung: not what SHE looks like
BobtheMercenary: she looks like lust
locomotlvelung: *sigh*
08-23-2005, 09:43 AM
Bob the Mercenary says: responded to pet peeves
Nicholas says: oooh
Nicholas says: checking
Bob the Mercenary says: you might like them, nick
Carrnevil9 says: Mind linking?
Bob the Mercenary says:
Nicholas says: 32 FTW!!!
Bob the Mercenary says: ftw?
Carrnevil9 says: Actually, I have a liscense plate with FTW on it
Carrnevil9 says: F the world
Nicholas says: they arent endowed with an attractive figure, but they must have enormous breasts
Nicholas says: for the win
Bob the Mercenary says: haha
Carrnevil9 says: "Bouncy" :note
Bob the Mercenary says: you like my new avatar?
Nicholas says: *whimpers* but I like enormous breasts
Carrnevil9 says: I'm looking at you, Taki.
Carrnevil9 says: So fitting.
Bob the Mercenary says: but...but you were the one always talking smack to my anime honies, nick
Nicholas says: don't get me started on SC 2
Carrnevil9 says: Oh yeah
Carrnevil9 says: Rubber. Freaking. Band. ADD IT!
Nicholas says: no, i said enormous, not OMFG THEY'RE BIGGER THAN MY CAR!
Nicholas says: adding trev
Bob the Mercenary says: haha
Carrnevil9 says: And a lot faster too.
Nicholas says: that too
Bob the Mercenary says:
trevor, when I return to blc, I will email you a possible storyline for our comic
Carrnevil9 says: Umm, I got one.
Carrnevil9 says: But OK.
Bob the Mercenary says: ah, just consider combining mine with yours
Nicholas says: does it involve enormous breasts?
Bob the Mercenary says: it could if you want
Carrnevil9 says: I'm hving trouble assembling it. It has breast jokes
Nicholas says: Good deal
Carrnevil9 says: As in, lego people Nic
Nicholas says: you can have breasts and legos
Carrnevil9 says: "Plastic", "flat chested"
Nicholas says: you can have breasts with anything
Carrnevil9 says: Yes Nick. Even animals
Nicholas says: ok, not that
Nicholas says: i'm not that sick
Carrnevil9 says: ^_~
Bob the Mercenary says: going take a shower
Nicholas says: well, maybe just a little
Bob the Mercenary says: I feel nasty
Carrnevil9 says: Hehe!
Carrnevil9 says: Mind pollution!
Bob the Mercenary says: blarg! bbl
Nicholas says: are you gonna wash your enormous breastessess, Rob?
Bob the Mercenary says:
08-23-2005, 12:45 PM
BMG! is a total flirt, I'm a sensei and Fenris is Vader.
Total flirt, hehe says:
Anyways, I gotta get going.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise says:
Washi-sensei says:
That's one way to put it, I suppose.
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise says:
Washi-sensei says:
See ya!
Total flirt, hehe says:
Bye bye!
Washi-sensei says:
*goodbye huggle and poke*
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise says:
Try to get back on today!
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise says:
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise says:
*goodbye whistle*
Total flirt, hehe says:
*snorts and leaves*
FenrisWolf-Lord Vader in Disguise says:
Total flirt, hehe has left the conversation.
Washi-sensei says:
*goodbye hip thrusts* Oh, wait.
Bob The Mercenary
08-23-2005, 02:48 PM
BobtheMercenary: U!
The Godly Me: I!
BobtheMercenary: E!
The Godly Me: A! and O!
BobtheMercenary: Y!
The Godly Me: ONLY SOMETIMES!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!ONE
BobtheMercenary: I think we just performed the first ever l33t Sesame Street
The Godly Me: hahahaha!
BobtheMercenary: Hey kids! It's time for the Cookie h4XX0r!!!1!
The Godly Me: exactly
Cloud Strife
08-23-2005, 09:33 PM
CelesJessa87 has entered the room.
Kuroude7: Hey Celes!
CelesJessa87: Howdy ya'll, long time no see (for some of you)
Kufu Reaper: Heya
EmblemCrusade: (bows formally)
CelesJessa87: how has everyone else been?
Kuroude7: Pretty good. Busy, though.
Kufu Reaper: *shrug* so - so.
Kneumatic Pnight: INCANDESCENT!!
EmblemCrusade: We must continue the Mayflower RP! Otherwise, Olivia and Claire
will never have their lesbian 69!
Kneumatic Pnight: ...
Kufu Reaper: 0.o
Kneumatic Pnight: ......
Kufu Reaper: o.0
EmblemCrusade: ...?
Kuroude7: O_o
Bob The Mercenary
08-24-2005, 12:33 AM
BobtheMercenary: >_>
BobtheMercenary: <_<
davemikemc: -_0
davemikemc: >.<
Kuroude7: ?
davemikemc: DEATH!
davemikemc: empty?
Kuroude7: Where?! <_< >_>
davemikemc: noodle
Kuroude7: Chicken?
davemikemc: phil knows... he knows...
I'll have to ask him.
Cloud Strife
08-24-2005, 04:36 AM
Cloud says:
Wink of a fox? Oh noes! D:
FOXY¤lollie says:
That is correct! >;D
Cloud says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
But wait, you are not afraid? HAX D:
Cloud says:
Nope. Just disturbed slightly. D:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Then it is I, Sexy Anthro Foxy Chicago, who must fix this situation. FOXY MAKEOUT D:
Cloud says:
Oh noes! *flees*
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
*howl* ;o;
Cloud says:
*feels bad and comes back*
FOXY¤lollie says:
*stops instantly* :3
Cloud says:
Yay, no more howling. ^_^
FOXY¤lollie says:
Yay, Kuroude Neko in poking reach. :3
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
D: *is poked'd* Meow, FOXY¤lollie poked me. I poke back. *pokes*
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
Meow. =^_^=
Neko Kuroude says:
Y'know, there is an oriental pro poker player with an odd name...
Neko Kuroude says:
The guy's name, surprisingly enough, is Wing Wong.
Washi-sensei says:
Neko Kuroude says:
Wow, I haven't seen anyone pull that move since Michael Jackson's music video 'Annie'.
Washi-sensei says:
I can't decide whether to crack a joke about VG Cats or our thread first.
Neko Kuroude says:
08-24-2005, 06:42 AM
Indepth coverage!
Neko Kuroude says:
I'm up at 2:35 in the morning. o_o
FOXY¤lollie says:
Ooh, "Up Late With Kuroude Neko™" eh?
Neko Kuroude says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Pouncing's been a recent trend of mine, so forgive me if I get yeh.
Unprovoked reflex. ^^```
Neko Kuroude says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
Gah! *is pounced*
Neko Kuroude says:
*stomach growls* o_o'
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
*IRL* <<;
FOXY¤lollie says:
...Kuroude Neko hungreh, eh? XD
Neko Kuroude says:
Yesh. I haven't had a thing to eat for about... 14 hours.
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
*shrugs* I've gone longer.
FOXY¤lollie says:
Oh good, nice to know you can survive long enough. :B
Neko Kuroude says:
Neko Kuroude says:
... Long enough for what? o_O'
FOXY¤lollie says:
That depends. ;D
Neko Kuroude says:
... o_ov
FOXY¤lollie says:
XD Sorry. ^^`
Neko Kuroude says:
That's... okay... I'm just easily shocked due to hunger/late night-ness-ness...
ness... thingy.
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Well! Better make the most of it!
Neko Kuroude says:
Oh dear. o_o
FOXY¤lollie says:
*wink wink, nudge nudge, poke poke*
Neko Kuroude says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
*splat thud sad face* ;-;
Neko Kuroude says:
*feels bad again*
FOXY¤lollie says:
*recover* Yuu dodgeded Foxy pouce. D:
FOXY¤lollie says:
...pounce. D:
Neko Kuroude says:
Well, I do have cat-like reflexes...
FOXY¤lollie says:
Aha, well then.
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
o_O A-buh?
FOXY¤lollie says:
A mix between a glomp and a pounce.*:3
Neko Kuroude says:
Ah. Well then.
Neko Kuroude says:
*ahem* Oof!
Neko Kuroude says:
*is glounced*
Neko Kuroude says:
Gasp! A literate thread in the Chatterbox on Gaia? o_O
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
No, it's a good thing... >.>
FOXY¤lollie says:
I know, I just can't grasp the concept of that. Blows my mind.
Neko Kuroude says:
Woot! I shocked you this time! =DDD
FOXY¤lollie says:
I know!
Neko Kuroude says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
*is glounced*
*blinks* O_o've just blown me again!
Neko Kuroude says:
I'm on a roll!
Neko Kuroude says:
... Well, actually, I'm on a Foxy.
FOXY¤lollie says:
*drum hit, cymbal*
Neko Kuroude says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Wait a second. YOU're on ME.
The trend spreads. :D
Neko Kuroude says:
Eh? What trend? o_o
FOXY¤lollie says:
I dunno, but it's sexy nonetheless!
Neko Kuroude says:
Hooray sexiness! o_o
FOXY¤lollie says:
Yes. Up with sexy anthroism!
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
*thinks about that sentence*
...that doesn't... I don't mean... *mind break* o_O
Neko Kuroude says:
*decides not to think about that sentence and thusly avoids the mind break*
FOXY¤lollie says:
Hawt. O_o
Neko Kuroude says:
*Now mind break* x_X
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
...wait. You're still on me. o_O
Neko Kuroude says:
With a broken mind, no less.
FOXY¤lollie says:
Aha. Would this be a good time for Foxy to take advantage of this comedically
timed situation?
Neko Kuroude says:
Depends. What are you taking advantage of? o_o
FOXY¤lollie says:
Your broken mind and Sexy Anthro Neko-ness, of course. ;D
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Kuroude says:
Neko Kuroude runs away!
FOXY¤lollie says:
Hax`d. ;-;* Credit to Funka for the origin of such a mix!
Also, this:
Lothar Hex says:
Lothar Hex says:
Lothar Hex says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Qeeko says:
This heart attack feels like internet text.
Funka Genocide
08-27-2005, 09:39 AM
Funka: is anybody hooooome? XD
Shiney: only john
Funka: there is no Dana, only Zul!
Funka: XD
Shiney: there is no life, only
Funka: what the fuck is that?
Shiney: turn your speakers on
Funka: yeah, I did, its all a bunch of nonesesical hilarity spoken by someone with an unidentifiable accent! XD
Shiney: =)
Funka: nonsensical...
Shiney: is your lord and master
Funka: oh... kay?
Shiney: you love
Funka: I do? no, I don't think...
Shiney: cherish feel the smoothness of it's embrace. flows like a river of calm.
Funka: are you... ok?
Shiney: is like the rolling ocean. you go up. you go down. it will calm you and everything will be allright.
Funka: one time I went to, and then I didn't do anything else ever again...
Shiney: you will never experience the joy of life like you do at
Funka:the unpossible is possible, maybe!
Shiney: at
Cloud Strife
08-29-2005, 04:34 PM
Kuroude7 and Cloud is me, Here Lies Link is CT, and Washi-sensei is Meister.
Kuroude7 (2:12:56 AM): Well well, has our hero returned?
Here Lies Link is away at 2:13:07 AM.
Cloud - Rest in Peace, Mr. Meyer says:
<_< >_>
Washi-sensei says:
*dodges like crazy*
Cloud - Rest in Peace, Mr. Meyer says:
*blinks, then sits back and watches amusedly*
Washi-sensei says:
*stops* Ahem.
Washi-sensei says:
No one saw that.
08-29-2005, 05:27 PM
Well, I was told to post this, so here it be :P
Nikose Isaias Tyris
look out! THE NINJA'S COME! ... wait, we're wizards. just blast em.
Mooble Marble
Naw, ninjas are cool
Just let 'em pass by not even knowing we're here
Nikose Isaias Tyris
okay. *invisiblity and silence spell*
Mooble Marble
*sinks into the ground*
Nikose Isaias Tyris
your method was cooler. *silenced, so it was actually telepathic
Mooble Marble
Nikose Isaias Tyris
that's irritating, since I couldn't see it.
Mooble Marble
See what?
Nikose Isaias Tyris
see you nod
Mooble Marble
Nikose Isaias Tyris
Mooble Marble
Nikose Isaias Tyris
EVIL bastard!
Mooble Marble
Cloud Strife
08-30-2005, 02:52 AM
Kuroude7: I just went through the entirety of the camwhore threads for no particular reason.
Kneumatic Pnight: Uhh... good for you... why are you telling me?
Kuroude7: *shrugs* No particular reason.
08-30-2005, 08:23 AM
QittyQeeko says:
Your soul is mine!
FOXY¤lollie says:
I have no soul. :(
QittyQeeko says:
Yes you do, but it's mine ^^
FOXY¤lollie says:
Exactly. It's now YOUR soul, so technically, I don't have a soul. :D
QittyQeeko says:
But you still have it
FOXY¤lollie says:
But it's yours.
QittyQeeko says:
Only in ownership
QittyQeeko says:
You still HAVE it
FOXY¤lollie says:
So, wait, I have your soul?
FOXY¤lollie says:
QittyQeeko says:
Not really
QittyQeeko says:
You have your soul that belongs to me
FOXY¤lollie says:
So, I don't have a soul?
QittyQeeko says:
Think of it the same way how people live in a house they don't own
QittyQeeko says:
Y'know, morgages and rent
FOXY¤lollie says:
I'm renting a soul?
QittyQeeko says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
But it's not my soul?
Or it is, but you own it. So it's still not my soul.
QittyQeeko says:
The item is Matthew Lee Davis' soul, which is owned by Emily Cheng-Kew Allom
FOXY¤lollie says:
You own my soul?
QittyQeeko says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
I have no soul. :(
Bob The Mercenary
08-31-2005, 05:43 PM
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
i kill you
Bob the Mercenary says:
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
that worked well
Bob the Mercenary says:
*final attack revive*
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
Bob the Mercenary says:
*imitates Inuyasha* Bwahahaha! Fool, that was only my first form!
Bob the Mercenary says:
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
haha, thats DBZ....
Bob the Mercenary says:
oh yeah
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
Bob the Mercenary says:
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
Bob the Mercenary says:
Bob the Mercenary says:
*pant pant wheeze*
Bob the Mercenary says:
callbacks or fantasy football? such a dilema says:
09-01-2005, 09:39 PM
I'm Alex, FYI.
[20:34] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: I see you.
[20:34] Alex: Eep! *hides inside tank*
[20:34] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: XD
[20:34] Alex: *opens hatch slightly and looks around*
[20:35] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: *Is standing on tank*
[20:35] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Uh.
[20:35] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Telegram for mister Mammothtank?
[20:35] Alex: A telegram? For me?
[20:35] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: *nods*
[20:35] Alex: *reads telegram*
[20:35] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: *Runs like hell*
[20:36] Alex: This won't end well.
[20:36] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Not for me.
[20:36] Alex: (So what did it say?)
[20:36] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: That's for you to know.
[20:37] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: (Make up something)
[20:37] Alex: (I hate making things up. I hate thinking)
[20:37] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Heh.
[20:37] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: (Just pretend)
[20:38] Alex: Okay. Um...
[20:38] Alex: ...
[20:38] Alex: ...
[20:38] Alex: ...kaboom?
[20:38] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: ...
[20:38] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: ...
[20:38] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: ...ow?
[20:39] Alex: ...this is lame.
[20:39] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: ...yup.
[20:39] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Okay...
[20:39] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: I know!
[20:39] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: [hyper]
[20:39] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Eat epilepsy!
[20:39] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: *does the insane dance*
[20:39] Alex: Gack!
[20:40] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!:
[20:40] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: There, did that get it off your screen?
[20:40] Alex: Yes.
[20:40] FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum!: Okay.
[20:40] Alex: I should WingWong that.
09-01-2005, 09:41 PM
Tsk tsk tsk. He forgot part two.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Alex says:
<_< >_> What?
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
I don't know!
Alex says:
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
*Does the lemur dance*
Alex says:
0.o The whuh?
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Alex says:
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
I have no idea.
Alex says:
Neither do I.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
And it shows.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Alex says:
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Adding conversation.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
We've been quiet.
Alex says:
Well... I couldn't think of anything else to say.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Me neither.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Alex says:
Then get some flaming squirrel repellent.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Why didn't I think of that?
Alex says:
Because flaming squirrels were eating your tongue.
FenrisWolf-Yippee! I have a forum! says:
Boredom rules all.
Red Fighter 1073
09-01-2005, 10:03 PM
BobtheMercenary (10:56:49 PM): Hamburgers beat hotdogs in almost every way.
rushilums1073 (10:56:55 PM): ...
mammothtank x (10:56:58 PM): ???
rushilums1073 (10:57:04 PM): hot dogs rock hard
pauljg04 (10:57:06 PM): YES!
BobtheMercenary (10:57:13 PM): exactly, hot dogs are rock hard
pauljg04 (10:57:13 PM): hes in!
rushilums1073 (10:57:18 PM): lol
rushilums1073 (10:57:42 PM): then why are they so squishy and flexible??
CHAOSRedScar (10:57:48 PM): Not mine
BobtheMercenary (10:57:51 PM): only when they're not aroused
Kneumatic Pnight (10:57:56 PM): ...
rushilums1073 (10:58:10 PM): when are these hot dogs aroused??
BobtheMercenary (10:58:19 PM): when put in someone's mouth
BobtheMercenary (10:58:34 PM): or in between someone's buns
rushilums1073 (10:58:40 PM): i thought it was when it was put INSIDE the buns
rushilums1073 (10:58:43 PM): yes, the buns
rushilums1073 (10:58:54 PM): haha, celes is here..
mammothtank x (10:58:54 PM): Okay... stop that right now.
mammothtank x (10:59:07 PM): Quick! Run, Celes!
rushilums1073 (10:59:14 PM): i wonder what she's thinking right now..
BobtheMercenary (10:59:24 PM): she's probably having a hotdog
Elmin Amaur (10:59:24 PM): Probably: "Man, they're dumb."
Kneumatic Pnight (10:59:28 PM): You're all freaks.
Kneumatic Pnight (10:59:42 PM): ...probably a combination of the two.
rushilums1073 (10:59:48 PM): bob, that sounds like a pretty accurate idea
Kneumatic Pnight (11:00:00 PM): Either that or she's thinking about ice cream.
CHAOSRedScar (11:00:03 PM): Do I want to know how the burgers get aroused?
mammothtank x (11:00:14 PM): No.
CHAOSRedScar (11:00:29 PM): ok
rushilums1073 (11:00:31 PM): but me and bob will tell you anyway
rushilums1073 (11:00:48 PM): get ready..
CHAOSRedScar (11:00:50 PM): ok-dokie
CHAOSRedScar (11:00:59 PM): Wait let me get my helmet
CHAOSRedScar (11:01:06 PM): K' ready
rushilums1073 (11:01:13 PM): umm bob, a little help?? i cant quite think of anything
BobtheMercenary (11:01:42 PM): you put the pointy end in and it should start right up
BobtheMercenary (11:01:46 PM): ...shit
BobtheMercenary (11:01:49 PM): wrong screen
rushilums1073 (11:02:02 PM): lets see, the hot dog spurts mustard onto the burger
rushilums1073 (11:02:23 PM): if you know what i mean
wow, me and bob are really disgusting..
Inbred Chocobo
09-02-2005, 06:31 PM
My first IM conversation with Fenriswolf.
npfenriswolf: For English Class today, we had to write a short story in a group.
npfenriswolf: My group wrote a story about Mutant Zombie Squirels.
npfenriswolf: We called it:
npfenriswolf: How to make a B-Movie in 20 minutes or less
npfenriswolf: It was originally going to be:
npfenriswolf: Flaming Zombie Squirels with no eyes and Herpes.
npfenriswolf: But, we decided that might be a tad inapropriate.
inbred_choc: Did it shoot Herpes out of its eyes?
npfenriswolf: Hmm...
npfenriswolf: I
npfenriswolf: *I'll have to ask Max.
npfenriswolf: And I hate it when I hit the enter key instead of the apostrophe key.
inbred_choc: Because if you didn't, you failed the honor of the Mutant Zombie Squirrel
npfenriswolf: Aw.
inbred_choc: Your Mutant Zombie Squirrel must always have a completely unrelated power
inbred_choc: Like the last one I had, it could convince fish to riverdance.
npfenriswolf: XD
npfenriswolf: Nice.
npfenriswolf: You should WingWong that.
inbred_choc: Maybe I should, now I just gotta figure out how
npfenriswolf: Select the text, and copy it.
npfenriswolf: Then paste it into a post.
inbred_choc: Maybe I should just get a Mutant Zombie Squirrel with the power to help me with IM
npfenriswolf: Heh.
Cloud Strife
09-03-2005, 02:15 AM
Queen Qeeko says:
Kuroude - Modems Suck. ¬_¬ says:
Queen Qeeko says:
*wanders where the C came from but decides to go with it*
Kuroude - Modems Suck. ¬_¬ says:
*wonders if it has anything to do with Pocky* <_< >_>
Queen Qeeko says:
*it doesn't*
Kuroude - Modems Suck. ¬_¬ says:
*Aw :{*
09-03-2005, 05:14 AM
I am me. Fujiwara Taiki is Osterbaum.
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
Fujiwara Taiki says:
Fujiwara Taiki says:
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
*gives you cake*
Fujiwara Taiki says:
Fujiwara Taiki says:
So if I get cake for dacing... I wonder
Fujiwara Taiki says:
*dances striptease*
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
*gives cake and cookies*
Fujiwara Taiki says:
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
*... and money *
Fujiwara Taiki says:
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
Qeeko - *yawns and curls into a ball* says:
Strippers need money :3
Fujiwara Taiki says:
I should do this more often
09-04-2005, 09:57 PM
npfenriswolf (7:13:10 PM): Parenthesis look weird in that font.
inbred_choc (7:13:21 PM): yeah it does, but whatever
npfenriswolf (7:13:27 PM): Heh.
inbred_choc (7:13:55 PM): you will just have to get over that fact, because it aint changing
npfenriswolf (7:14:12 PM): Okay.
npfenriswolf (7:14:20 PM): I'm fine with that.
inbred_choc (7:14:36 PM): oh you are? Fine then, ruin my fun!
npfenriswolf (7:14:45 PM): Okay.
npfenriswolf (7:14:51 PM): No problem.
inbred_choc (7:15:25 PM): well whatever... now ummmmm........I was going to say something.....
npfenriswolf (7:15:41 PM): Okay.
npfenriswolf (7:16:01 PM): You do that.
npfenriswolf (7:16:39 PM): Have fun.
npfenriswolf (7:16:58 PM): Isn't it hard to have an angry fit at somebody who doesn't care?
inbred_choc (7:17:09 PM): YES!
npfenriswolf (7:17:14 PM): Okay.
npfenriswolf (7:17:17 PM): Whatever.
inbred_choc (7:17:21 PM): Care damnit! I command you!
npfenriswolf (7:17:29 PM): Meh.
inbred_choc (7:18:15 PM): *Uses command vision to command fenris to care*
npfenriswolf (7:18:26 PM): Okay.
npfenriswolf (7:18:32 PM): You have fun with that.
inbred_choc (7:18:50 PM): Fuck it
npfenriswolf (7:19:01 PM): (Eye roll smiley not available here)
inbred_choc (7:19:22 PM): You!!!!1 GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!1111111oneoneoneoneone
npfenriswolf (7:19:31 PM): (Eyebrow raise smiley not available here)
inbred_choc (7:19:40 PM): *dies*
npfenriswolf (7:19:51 PM): (Sleep smiley not available here)
inbred_choc (7:20:09 PM): *still dead*
npfenriswolf (7:20:29 PM): (Yawn smiley not available here)
inbred_choc (7:20:54 PM): you and your emotioncons will rue the day they cross me!!! *goes back to being dead*
npfenriswolf (7:21:10 PM): (Sigh smiley not available here)
09-04-2005, 11:29 PM
Here Lies Link: Yes.
Here Lies Link: Yes it was.
Sasami Android: Okay/ *goes to the left and runs into a wall*
Here Lies Link: Oh yeah.
Here Lies Link: There's that.
Sasami Android: *falls over on her back* @@ Oro...?
Here Lies Link: The wall. It's new.
Sasami Android: A new wall?
Sasami Android: No wonder it's shiny...
Here Lies Link: Yes.
Here Lies Link: Not to mention, it's made of glass.
Sasami Android: *blinks* Why is there a glass wall here?
Here Lies Link: Why not?
Sasami Android: 'cause then I wouldn't have to fear walking into it.
Here Lies Link: You don't have to fear it. Just anytime you go to the left, spray windex in front of you. If it mists down to the ground, you're fine. If it stays suspended in air, you already did half the work and you might as well grab the paper towels.
Sasami Android: So I have to overcome my fear of glass walls by cleaning them?
Here Lies Link: Yes.
Here Lies Link: And keeping then shiny.
Sasami Android: Now I'm the glass wall cleaning lady? @@
Here Lies Link: Only if you insist upon going left.
Sasami Android: What happens if I go right?
Here Lies Link: Well.
Here Lies Link: There's a glass wall over there, too.
Sasami Android: *stops going right* Oh dear...what about forward?
Here Lies Link: Glass wall.
Sasami Android: And back...?
Here Lies Link: Clear plastic wall.
Sasami Android: WHAT MIME PUT ME IN THIS BOX!!!1!!
Here Lies Link: That one. *points up*
Sasami Android: *looks up* A birdy?
Here Lies Link: Yes.
Sasami Android: Stupid Cecil birdy! You never gave me free beer and now you lock me in glass boxes!
Here Lies Link: It happens that way sometimes.
Sasami Android: Wait, this happens to you too?
Here Lies Link: No.
Here Lies Link: Never to me.
Sasami Android: Well, that's just grea-*passes out from lack of oxygen*
Here Lies Link: Funny.
Here Lies Link: There's no glass above you.
Here Lies Link: Just open sky.
Sasami Android: *blinks*
Sasami Android: *takes off the oxygen mask she was wearing* You could've told me that.
Here Lies Link: It was funnier this way.
Sasami Android: *raises an eyebrow* So if I died by getting run over by a car that's actually a tricycle, that would amuse you too?
Here Lies Link: Probably.
09-05-2005, 02:00 PM
Exalted makes me crazy, and Stephanos just happened to be in my way.
Darth Dragonsbane says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*rides to battle* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*charges past, leading a vast army to battle* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Karhamaharmaha! Or something O_o
Darth Dragonsbane says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*burns your village and enslaves your children* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*turns super sayan* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*implodes planet* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*flares anima...also going super saijin*
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*parries the implosion with a daiklave* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*teleports behind you and punches at your head*
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*uses Heavenly Guardian Defense, detecting the blow and dodging far before it hits* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*summons all the positive ki in the universe and concentrates it into an energy ball* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*throws it at you*
Darth Dragonsbane says:
Flawless Pickpocket Technique! *steals it, without being detected, and releases it* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*punches it away*
Darth Dragonsbane says: can't do that. (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Yesshss with such god-modey powers no wonder fights in DBZ lasts for whole series's @~@
Darth Dragonsbane says:
god-modey? (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
I consider the fact that almost all of the characters in the show could destroy planets in a blink of an eye to be godmodeing =P
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*uses a stunt to destroy a planet*
Darth Dragonsbane says:
Hark! The Dragonbloods approach! The Wyld Hunt is coming! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
The who?
Darth Dragonsbane says:
the Wyld Hunt, you fool! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Never heard of them =P
Darth Dragonsbane says: fool! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Not really =/
Darth Dragonsbane says:
Run, if you value your life! (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
*pokes you with a stick*
Darth Dragonsbane says:
*pokes you with a grand daiklave bigger than Cloud's Buster Sword* (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
XD (E-mail Address Not Verified) says:
Darth Dragonsbane says:
I'm WingWonging this
09-05-2005, 06:56 PM
*follows orders and posts agian!*
Mooble Marble
Rapid disconnect!
Fun :DD
Darth Dragonsbane
Fear my awesome powers of computertational transportation!
Mooble Marble
Well, I would. But... if you teleport, that means you're going away.
So nothing to be a feared of.
Darth Dragonsbane
I could teleport into your liver, causing you to explode
...or maybe it would cause ME to explode!
Mooble Marble
@.@ Or maybe some wierd DB/MoM fusion!
Darth Dragonsbane
That controlled all magic!
it would have to wear a hat
Mooble Marble
*nods* maybe two, if it got both heads.
Darth Dragonsbane
No, would only have one
with black eyes and your hat
Mooble Marble
*considers* Yeah, that does sound about right.
What would it wear though? Some reddish, brownish black thing?
Darth Dragonsbane
Mooble Marble
It'd have to keep my shoes though. My shoes are just kool
Darth Dragonsbane
Yes, and you can't see mine under my robes
Mooble Marble
Darth Dragonsbane
...actually, I might be naked under my robes. O_o
Mooble Marble
0.o o.0
09-05-2005, 08:32 PM
loyal2nes: *Rams mirror on your hand*
NPFenris: *Breaks through mirror and strangles Loyal*
NPFenris: Stop using tactics so easy to beat.
NPFenris: Or don't.
NPFenris: I don't care.
loyal2nes: *Flees, leaving your arm stuck through the mirror with deep gashes along it*
NPFenris: Huh?
NPFenris: I strangled you!
NPFenris: How do you run?
NPFenris: *Whatever, Throws shards which stick in Loyal's back*
loyal2nes: When Your arm is through a broken mirror, it's not exactly easy to hold a grip.
NPFenris: It is when I say *strangles*
loyal2nes: I flee anyway.
NPFenris: *Teleports*
NPFenris: *Loyal runs into outstretched fist*
loyal2nes: *Loyal runs THROUGH outstretched fist out of spite*
NPFenris: *I teleport in front of Loyal, enter phase mode, reach through his chest, and grasp his heart. I then exit phase mode, and rip the heart out. He should be dead. He probably isn't, though*
loyal2nes: *Considering how ridiculously god-moddish that was, no, I am not. Again, out of spite*
NPFenris: XD
NPFenris: Hey, my IM motto isn't "Godmod, go!" without a reason behind it.
NPFenris: *Lets him run*
NPFenris: *into the 50 mile deep chasm that wasn't there until I decided it was*
loyal2nes: *Runs over it, Roadrunner-style*
NPFenris: oO
NPFenris: *Whatever*
loyal2nes: Meepmeep!
09-06-2005, 12:32 AM
Kneumatic Pnight: I can take mean people.
Kneumatic Pnight: Just not stupid people.
NPFenris: *Raises hand* I can be both at times.
Kneumatic Pnight: You're both all the time.
NPFenris: Jackass.
Kneumatic Pnight: Which is why I can stand mean people.
NPFenris: I am not generally dumb.
NPFenris: I am actually quite brigth.
NPFenris: Er...
NPFenris: bright...
rippleofthoughts: XD
09-06-2005, 01:44 AM
QueenQeeko says:
What wins out:
A shitty day or a tasty lunch?
FOXY¤lollie says:
Depends. Does the tasty lunch make a shitty day less shitty?
QueenQeeko says:
As much as a tasty lunch can.
FOXY¤lollie says:
Then... tasty lunch. It does good.
Cloud Strife
09-06-2005, 01:55 AM
QueenQeeko says:
Cloud - ... says:
Cloud - ... says:
You okay? o_O
QueenQeeko says:
Lookit all de widdle stars...
Cloud - ... says:
O_o Meep. How many fingers am I holding up?
QueenQeeko says:
You tell me
Cloud - ... says:
Oh, right. >_>
Cloud - ... says:
Stupid internet not showing how many fingers I'm holding up.
QueenQeeko says:
09-07-2005, 05:01 AM
ah crap, I'm no good at maintaining the fury! says:
keeping it real?
CheshireThief says:
You knows it, homie.
ah crap, I'm no good at maintaining the fury! says:
Cloud Strife
09-07-2005, 05:43 AM
Cloud says:
Speaking of comics... I went through the entire archive of Penny Arcade...
Meister says:
Good work.
Cloud says:
Indeed. Now I have no excuse to not get any P-A related jokes. <_<
Meister says:
Unless you forgot the first year or so already.
Cloud says:
Eh. I did go over that a couple nights ago.
Cloud says:
The one I most remember from the first year was the proposal.
Meister says:
Of course.
Cloud says:
Of course. <_<
Meister says:
I remember thinking "Heh, bold move. The comic couldn't have run that
long at that point."
Cloud says:
Cloud says:
I remember thinking, "Awww..." <_<;;
Meister says:
Ahem, yeah. That too.
Cloud says:
This conversation never leaves this window. Deal?
Meister says:
09-07-2005, 10:45 AM
M00nStarL0ve (11:38:26 AM): hey newb
Andreek M (11:38:44 AM): hey. who is this?
M00nStarL0ve (11:39:45 AM): from nuklear
Andreek M (11:40:08 AM): yes, but who?
M00nStarL0ve (11:41:02 AM): this is swordmaster
M00nStarL0ve (11:41:14 AM):
Andreek M (11:41:22 AM): ah
makes perfect sense
anybody know who this actually is?
09-07-2005, 01:39 PM
Unless sword master has two accounts, then that wouldn't be him.
09-07-2005, 02:16 PM
I know, his account is swordmaster number something
Cloud Strife
09-08-2005, 05:51 AM
Neko Cloud says:
*goes to poke, but falls from tiredness*
FOXY¤lollie says:
*stares at the fallen neko*
Neko Cloud says:
*sleeping soundly in chibi neko form*
FOXY¤lollie says:
...*pokes, 'cuz of adorability*
Neko Cloud says:
*dreaming, paws are moving about cutely*
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Cloud says:
*purrs in his sleep*
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
FOXY¤lollie says:
Augh, darn you! D:
Neko Cloud says:
*wakes up* Mew?
FOXY¤lollie says:
*pokes your nose* :B
Neko Cloud says:
*sneezes cutely*
FOXY¤lollie says:
Dang it. XD
Neko Cloud says:
Mew. =^^=
FOXY¤lollie says:
Neko Cloud says:
*jumps up and lands between the fox ears, then nestles down and curls up again*
FOXY¤lollie says:
D... wuh... wubba...
...*just goes with it* o_O
Neko Cloud says:
*kitty-yawns, then puts his head down on his paws, and falls asleep again*
FOXY¤lollie says:
*pets?* XD
Neko Cloud says:
*purrs... cutely*
FOXY¤lollie says:
09-08-2005, 11:21 AM
CheshireThief says:
Hast du deine hausaufgaben gemacht?
Fujiwara Taiki says:
Ich bin ein wienersnitzel
Any German speakers out there should have a slight laugh at that. I know I did.
09-08-2005, 08:40 PM
Never thought I'd be posting here, but this had to be made public.
(Skyshot): How about Phil/Mike/Skyshot cell?
(Phil): yeah, something like that
(Skyshot): Only we abbreviate it.
(Phil): no. not in that order.
09-08-2005, 09:39 PM
(Skyshot) has left the room.
NPFenris: ...
NPFenris: Is he finally dead?
(Phil): I wonder what happened?
(Skyshot) has entered the room.
NPFenris: I guess not...
09-09-2005, 12:05 AM
CrescentEyeDemon: You know what's funny?
QueenQeeko: Lots of things I'm sure
CrescentEyeDemon: ... ... ... I have nothing witty to reply to that with.
QueenQeeko: And that itself is funny
09-09-2005, 01:08 AM
I was kinda bored, and then I saw DB....
Thunder Dragoon: how many fingers and i holding up?
Thunder Dragoon: take a wild guess
Dragonsbane: none, you're typing
TD: kinda correct
TD: i actually had to eat them while stranded on a desert island
TD: where i was stuck with the lord of chaos and a kitty
TD: *pokes*
TD: *pokes wildly*
DB: why didn't you eat the lord of chaos?
TD: well, he first smelled of old brocolli, stewed in marble cheese, plus, he was very scary
DB: what about the kitty?
DB: *casts Insanity*
TD: although i do dislike kitties, it was fluffy wuffy
DB: true, that does make them rather unpalateable
TD: much like David Lee Roth
09-09-2005, 07:00 PM
Lesson learned the hard way: Never mess with Chicago.
[19:06] *** rippleofthoughts has joined the chat.
[19:06] rippleofthoughts: Yo.
[19:06] clollieman: 'ello again. o_O
[19:07] rippleofthoughts: Again?
[19:07] mammothtank x: You came back.
[19:08] rippleofthoughts: Ahh, I didn't think Chicago had been in here last time.
[19:08] clollieman: I'm very invisible. I blame the sky.
[19:09] mammothtank x: I bet I'm less visible than you, Chicago.
[19:09] Darthlord Ragnos: I bet I'm the least visable
[19:09] rippleofthoughts: Nah. I actually noticed Darth and Mammoth.
[19:10] mammothtank x: Um... never mind. 0.o
[19:10] clollieman: 'Kay. ^^
09-09-2005, 08:52 PM
SS teacher on crack - ME sasuto
Johan - Omnishadow
Cytokenisis- Pyros, not pyros nine
Air filled with sorrow.... - Guy from different forum
My SS teacher is on crack says:
The air was filled with tears of sadness and grief, when sorrow sang softly and sweet. says:
is she hot?
My SS teacher is on crack says:
she's 7
Ĵoĥâń ~ śΌטĺş 4 şàŀę | شينرايكو says:
Thats prety off-topic
Ĵoĥâń ~ śΌטĺş 4 şàŀę | شينرايكو says:
That doesen tmatter to him
The air was filled with tears of sadness and grief, when sorrow sang softly and sweet. says:
wooooo..............................<.< >.> so is she a hot 7?
Ĵoĥâń ~ śΌטĺş 4 şàŀę | شينرايكو says:
My SS teacher is on crack says:
.... no
The air was filled with tears of sadness and grief, when sorrow sang softly and sweet. says:
Ĵoĥâń ~ śΌטĺş 4 şàŀę | شينرايكو says:
perv... >.>
My SS teacher is on crack says:
I also have a 18 year old sis, and a 25 year old sis
The air was filled with tears of sadness and grief, when sorrow sang softly and sweet. says:
i j/k i j/k *makes a mark in his list, Sasutos 7 year old sister is not hot*
Cytokinesis says:
she might be in a couple years
Ĵoĥâń ~ śΌטĺş 4 şàŀę | شينرايكو says:
*Disappears so that he can finish the god damn post alredy*
The air was filled with tears of sadness and grief, when sorrow sang softly and sweet. says:
*stares at cyto*.......dammit your right
Cytokinesis says:
i know these thigns
Cloud Strife
09-10-2005, 12:42 AM
Maxis2K: ever wonder something....
Maxis2K: Ganon has...2 mothers
Sasami Android: ...........
rippleofthoughts: ...
Kuroude7: ......
MrViewtiful: ...
Kneumatic Pnight: Well, that explains everything.
Mr. Viewtiful
09-10-2005, 01:31 AM
(edited unrelated lines out for clarity)
MrViewtiful: "The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time." -Sean Connery
MrViewtiful: is this true?
rippleofthoughts: V, it depends on the gift.
Krylo Killian: An unexpected gift of ass sex during church?
rippleofthoughts: And the time.
MrViewtiful: *thud*
Sasami Android: Ew.
rippleofthoughts: As Krylo clearly pointed out.
Bob The Mercenary
09-10-2005, 01:37 AM
MrViewtiful: "The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time." -Sean Connery
Sean Connery's full of crap. :(
09-10-2005, 12:12 PM
SkyshotofExile: The whole fun of Latin is when nobody speaks it.
NPFenris: Yes.
SkyshotofExile: Really, pro maxima doesn't mean all it sounds like.
NPFenris: I hate you for it.
SkyshotofExile: But I like how it sounds.
SkyshotofExile: Is that all you hate me for? Whew.
NPFenris: What does it mean, O annoying one.
NPFenris: Yeah, I'm good like that.
09-10-2005, 12:50 PM
SkyshotofExile: *ties Fenris up with ribbon made from non-existant materials*
SkyshotofExile: There. He's stuck until Ragnarok.
SkyshotofExile: We can torture him freely now.
NPFenris: I'm going to be back here.
Delirious treat: Tied up, but safe from status effects.
For those of you shamefully unfamiliar with Norse mythology, here (
09-10-2005, 01:53 PM
Skyshot M'rnai: Yo.
npfenriswolf: Hi.
Skyshot M'rnai: Ahh! Who are you?
npfenriswolf: :stressed:
npfenriswolf: Not funny.
Skyshot M'rnai: Grumble.
npfenriswolf: What's your problem?
Skyshot M'rnai: Grumble mumble.
npfenriswolf: ¬_¬
Skyshot M'rnai: Grumble mumble bumble.
Skyshot M'rnai: Wait. Bumble?
npfenriswolf: Messenger>Change Profile Picture.
Skyshot M'rnai: Happy?
npfenriswolf: There.
npfenriswolf: That's what I assumed you were talking about.
Skyshot M'rnai: No, I meant your earlier comment.
npfenriswolf: Well...
npfenriswolf: Everybody was acting stupid.
Skyshot M'rnai: Not that one.
Skyshot M'rnai: The one towards the start of this here chat.
npfenriswolf: The AHH thing was just a weird way to greet me...
npfenriswolf: And, the Angry smiley sucks.
Skyshot M'rnai: Well, I didn't recognizey you.
Skyshot M'rnai: How was I supposed to?
Skyshot M'rnai: *recognize
npfenriswolf: What's my E-mail...
Skyshot M'rnai: Could be a coincidence.
npfenriswolf: It's not.
Skyshot M'rnai: But I don't know that.
npfenriswolf: :rolleyes:
Skyshot M'rnai: Well, I don't!
npfenriswolf: For the love of god...
09-10-2005, 04:14 PM
Skyshot: Hmm. I'm using an LCD. What about y'all?
Fenris: Flat-screen.
Fenris: I don't know if it's LCD or not....
Skyshot: Does it create this wierd ripple effect when you touch it?
Fenris: Yeah.
Skyshot: LCD.
Fenris: Whoo.
Skyshot: Or LSD.
Skyshot: Depends.
Fenris: XD
Fenris: Nice.
Fenris: Wingwong that.
Fenris: Now.This was spliced from two different conversations.
09-10-2005, 05:05 PM
NPFenris: Administrating isn't just about other people.
Delirious treat: It's like being a king. You are automatically, not only while sitting on your throne.
Sasami Android: XD
Delirious treat: You come along and people go, hey, here comes the king.
Sasami Android: I thought it said "hitting" for some reason.
SkyshotofExile: Eww.
NPFenris: XD
SkyshotofExile: "So, come here often?"
SkyshotofExile: "I'm always here! You idiot!"
Delirious treat: "Let me sit on your face?"
Sasami Android: 0_O
NPFenris: o_O
rippleofthoughts: That time, I was not at all to blame.
09-10-2005, 09:25 PM
madmuffin398: in heaven, you don't need sex
davemikemc: you don't!?
crazyman06883: ?!!!
GotenFan1: I had no idea Heaven sucked so much
madmuffin398: you get your sex organs ripped out by his divine hand
crazyman06883: lol
davemikemc: what're those guys gonna do with their virgins, play hocky?
Kneumatic Pnight: Divine hand on your sex organs you say?
Kneumatic Pnight: I'm intrigued, tell me more.
crazyman06883: XD
Bob The Mercenary
09-10-2005, 11:18 PM
The Godly Me is one of my friends in NJ.
The Godly Me: hehehe
BobtheMercenary: w00t! I'll drive!
The Godly Me: ok!
BobtheMercenary: heheh, I just appear at your house somehow
The Godly Me: yes...that would a teleporter or something...hehehe...i could teleporter camp, and you could kill me...
The Godly Me: by trying to come through
BobtheMercenary: haha, telefragged!
The Godly Me: yes
BobtheMercenary: I start humping your body
The Godly Me: then i'd have to respawn, and that would be a bitch...but i
The Godly Me: 'd have an assault rifle!
BobtheMercenary: I'd have all your grenades
BobtheMercenary: Fine. *throws a sticky on his face*
The Godly Me: i have time to get my rocket launcher <3
BobtheMercenary: *camps rocket launcher with sniper rifle*
The Godly Me: ...damn...
The Godly Me: CLOAK!
BobtheMercenary: Fuck!
09-11-2005, 05:49 PM
I was talking to CT about his next song when...
NPFenris: Well, tell me when ya finish, as I will stop bugging you about...
NPFenris: NOW!~
NPFenris: *NOW!
NPFenris: >_>
The worst time to make a typo, ever.
I was talking to Meister...
NPFenris: YOU!
Delirious treat: Yep.
NPFenris: 'Kay.
NPFenris: Glad we established that fact.
Delirious treat: About time, too, I was starting to have doubts.
NPFenris: XD
09-11-2005, 09:03 PM
Sasami Android: So what's up?
LethargyMan: Killing
Sasami Android: Why killing?
LethargyMan: With Kindness!
Kneumatic Pnight: ...
Kneumatic Pnight: I can't think of anything clever... or stupid...
Kneumatic Pnight: So... nothing.
mammothtank x: So shatter then KP.
LethargyMan: I stuff so many cute stuffed animals into someone's room while they sleep, and thus suffocate.
LethargyMan: Because I care about them SO MUCH!
Sasami Android: ....0_O
Kneumatic Pnight: I think that's the creepiest way to kill someone, EVER.
mammothtank x: Seconded.
Sasami Android: Sold
Red Fighter 1073
09-12-2005, 04:29 PM
FYI: we are talking about why i picked the number i have in my username..
rushilums1073:its actually meant to be pronounced ten-seventy three
SkyshotofExile: Does it mean anything?
rushilums1073: my two favorite numbers
SkyshotofExile: Ah.
SkyshotofExile: 73 because of varied mythological connections with perfection?
SkyshotofExile: I mean, in the individual digits.
SkyshotofExile: 7 and 3.
rushilums1073: what the...?? anyway, it was my jersey number for my very first football season..but that works too i guess
SkyshotofExile: Oh.
rushilums1073: lol
SkyshotofExile: Well, in various mythologies, 7 and 3 are associated with various forms of perfection.
rushilums1073: hmm, i should write that down
BobtheMercenary: w00t!
rushilums1073: sounds cool enough
SkyshotofExile: Particularly, 3 for emphasis and 7 for perfection.
a little bit later..
NPFenris: Skyshot, you're nerdom never ceases to amaze me. =P
09-13-2005, 05:34 PM
Sasami Android: OMG, guys...according to my boss, my name is Venessa and I work at the Ankeny store. -_-
Sasami Android: I want some of whatever he's smoking.
BobtheMercenary: OMG HI!
NPFenris: o_O
Sasami Android: Yeah, also told me that I was the "Tender Heart" of the store.
NPFenris: He's probably smoking whatever the people behind Katamari Damacy were...
NPFenris: O_O
NPFenris: "Tender Heart"?
Sasami Android: "Tender Heart"
NPFenris: You're nice enough, but...
BobtheMercenary: He's thinking of cooking your heart
NPFenris: I wouldnt' say that.
NPFenris: *wouldn't
Sasami Android: I wouldn't be surprised.
BobtheMercenary: it's making me hungry all of a sudden
NPFenris: You're brutally honest.
NPFenris: o_O
Sasami Android: This guy is on some serious drugs.
Sasami Android: YOU CAN'T EAT MY HEART!
NPFenris: *Backs away from Bob*
NPFenris: *Hides*
Sasami Android: ....well, you can, but NO BBQ!
BobtheMercenary: *Bob imagines Fenris' head as a giant steak*
NPFenris: o_O
NPFenris: O_O
BobtheMercenary: *drools*
NPFenris: O_O
Sasami Android: Hey!
NPFenris: *Shrieks with fear*
Sasami Android: You can only eat my heart, not Fenris's!
NPFenris: What?
NPFenris: You mustn't...
NPFenris: o_O
BobtheMercenary: ...
NPFenris: *Takes notes*
BobtheMercenary: Kay! ^^
NPFenris: *Muttering to self*
Sasami Android: Yay!
NPFenris: Prone... to... bits... of... insanity... Got it.
BobtheMercenary: *lurches towards SA in a hungry daze*
NPFenris: *Puts away notebook*
Sasami Android: *pulls out a cookbook labled "Heart to heart cooking" So, what type of sauce would you like? And should it be medium or well done?
NPFenris: O_O
BobtheMercenary: Alfredo please
NPFenris: *Twitches*
NPFenris: This is creepy.
Sasami Android: *nods* Alfredo coming up!
BobtheMercenary: ooh! ooh! With mashed potatoes and broccoli!
NPFenris: This sounds like the plot of a B-Movie...
Sasami Android: *cooks some meat labled "SA's Heart"* Sure! Do you want cheese on your broccoli?
NPFenris: You're heartless?
NPFenris: o_O
Sasami Android: *shrugs* On occasion.
NPFenris: *Wonders how nice she'd be if she had a heart*
BobtheMercenary: naw, just salt, pepper, olive oil, etc...
Sasami Android: *adds teh ingrediants, then GIVES Bob her HEART*
BobtheMercenary: dun dun DUNNN!
NPFenris: ...
NPFenris: *Turns away*
crazyman06883 has entered the room.
Sasami Android: Now you officially have my heart. Eat up!
crazyman06883: :D
NPFenris: o_O
BobtheMercenary: *munch* *smack* *chew*
NPFenris: O_O
NPFenris: *Faints*
BobtheMercenary: This aorta is really tasty
Sasami Android: ^_^ I'm not called a Tender Heart for nothing!
NPFenris: *Collapses*
crazyman06883: eww
BobtheMercenary: oooh...seconds
BobtheMercenary: <_<
BobtheMercenary: >_>
BobtheMercenary: *lurches towards Fenris*
Sasami Android: *bops him on the head* No no no, not his.
NPFenris: *Is unconscious*
BobtheMercenary: aw
Sasami Android: Now I must Wing Wong this.
09-15-2005, 03:13 PM
Me and Oster Being druggies
The Hair Ninja says:
The Hair Ninja says:
The Hair Ninja says:
The Hair Ninja says:
And more importantly...
The Hair Ninja says:
,,,, ... what?
The Hair Ninja says:
Gimme those drugs!
... *gives drugs*
The Hair Ninja says:
What drugs...?
I donnu
it might be in f--king austria?
or in f--k australia
The Hair Ninja says:
The Hair Ninja says:
Not where
... I dunno
The Hair Ninja says:
You suck
The Hair Ninja says:
Some dealer you are
take the heroine
.. I mean flour
The Hair Ninja says:
I don't want to : I
.... *keeps heroine for self*
The Hair Ninja says:
I don't buy heroine!
The Hair Ninja says:
Nor flour!
*hordes all of the perscription drugs as well
The Hair Ninja says:
The Hair Ninja says:
It sucks
*gives viagra to all but oster*
The Hair Ninja says:
Who else is there?
do you deem that wing wong worthy??
The Hair Ninja says:
Almost yes
The Hair Ninja says:
Mike McC
09-15-2005, 07:05 PM
I was told to do this. These are rather long, so I'ma external link. Stare into the subliminal for as long as you can.
#1 (
#2 (
09-15-2005, 09:25 PM
MnkyPuma: bout time
Andreek M: veni
Andreek M: *hugs everybody hello*
kneumaticpnight: *beats the crap out of him*
Andreek M: *is unaffected due to (some long explanation that nobody pays any attention to)*
MnkyPuma: yay! my mission is a success for once!
MnkyPuma: hax!
Andreek M: what was your mission?
kneumaticpnight: *but I counter that with (a bunch of star trek esque incomprehensible pseudo-technical jargon)*
MnkyPuma: to get you in here so that KP could beat you up
Andreek M: *uses the deflector array*
kneumaticpnight: *compensates all borg like*
Andreek M: *escapes via dues ex machina*
Andreek M: deus ex machina rather
MnkyPuma: I want you to watch this, because I'm going to link everything at rethergood eventually.
kneumaticpnight: *counters it with actual godly powers (from being Silly Kitty's god)*
Andreek M: *prays to BMG! for protection*
kneumaticpnight: *gets bored about halfway through and leaves*
kneumaticpnight: Pheh, BMG... sure, SHE can save you from me...
Andreek M: from the looks of things, she prefers subtle
this line here because otherwise I can't edit it to put in the quote tags
09-16-2005, 07:50 AM
...I don't know what, but it's kinky!
Funka Genocide says:
I saw the new nintendo controller earlier today, for some reason it didn't
make a very big impact on me. XD
I mean, I love Nintendo, and I love the new controller, but it really just
slipped over the surface. heh heh
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Ah yes, the remote-joystick
Funka Genocide says:
I think its great, it has motion sensor technology.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Puts a bit of a stop on dating sims for the Revolution though, don't it? I
mean, what with having to use both hands to use the controller and all. XD
Funka Genocide says:
oh, that was good... that was real good. XD
Funka Genocide says:
thats comic material!
Funka Genocide says:
a few more elements, a depressing looking dork in a Star Wars T-shirt whos a
few pounds past huge and a glowing screen, a look of utter dissatisfaction as
he looks at his new dating sim game and the two part controler.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
That. That's just.
Ouch. XD
Stephanos says:
Nintendo's new console's controller
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I've seen ^^
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
It's definately weird
Stephanos says:
WTF were they thinking O_o
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Remote-Joystick, foo'!
Stephanos says:
It's like their trying to kill off all third party support O_o
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
That, and the dating-sim genre. For Revolution, at least!
Stephanos says:
It's a control pad designed to make button bashing impossible
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
And eliminate masturbation during gameplay.
What? You've gotta use both hands for the remote!
Stephanos says:
Ah but it has a built in rumble pak so It'll come in handy for the ladies O_o
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Stephanos says:
Ah but it has a built in rumble pak so It'll come in handy for the ladies O_o
Funka Genocide says:
I had actually noted the shape...
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
It seems sex sells on a whole new level, these days. o_O
Funka Genocide says:
we need to communicate these possibilities to the head honchos at Nintendo!
There are fortunes to be made!
Funka Genocide says:
also, lude video tapes to distribute on the internet!
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I wish I never pointed out the dating-sim thing. XD
Funka Genocide says:
the wheels are all ready in motion! XD
09-16-2005, 10:33 PM
NPFenris: *Yayes! hugs her*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back*
NPFenris: *hugs back AGAIN!*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back even MORE*
NPFenris: *gasp!*
NPFenris: *hugs back STILL!*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back uberly*
NPFenris: *Manages to hold onto life this time*
NPFenris: *Hugs back CONTINUED!*
CelesJessa87: *Hugs back, the trilogy!*
NPFenris: *Hugs back, the remake*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back the prequil*
NPFenris: *hugs back the spinoff*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the parody*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the director's cut*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the limited edition*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the never-before-seen in theaters*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, in 3-D!*
NPFenris: *hugs back, in IMAX*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back with surround sound!*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the DVD release*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the unedited version*
NPFenris: *hugs back, only-available through this special offer*
NPFenris: *call within 10 minutes to get another one free*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back the T.V edited version*
NPFenris: *hugs back the documentary*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, based on a true story*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the blooper reel*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the cartoon*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the In-flight movie*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back begins*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the blockbuster*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the new release*
NPFenris: *hugs back, buy one get one free!*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the musical*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the broadway hit*
CelesJessa87: *hugs back, the storybook*
NPFenris: *hugs back, the I can't come up with anything*
NPFenris: *You win*
NPFenris: *Hugs back, the conceding gesture*
NPFenris: =D
CelesJessa87: ^^
NPFenris: *Hugs back, the "I'm WingWonging this"*
09-16-2005, 10:38 PM
I shit on you people and inject you with my fart bubbles. This reminds me of all those times I smoked hash. Only I had they were a bit less trippy than this. Good read though but why are you posting like that?
09-16-2005, 11:13 PM
I shit on you people and inject you with my fart bubbles.
Beg your pardon?
I hope that's just an odd way of expressing yourself.
09-16-2005, 11:50 PM
I couldn't resist posting this:
RickZarber: Man... I love 8BT. I don't think there has been an episode that has failed to make me actually laugh out loud for months... maybe longer...
LethargyMan: I actually haven't read the last few episodes
LethargyMan: I should get back on track
RickZarber: Indeed
Krylo Killian: No.
RickZarber: No?
Krylo Killian: You should commit seppuku for being a member of the 8-bit forums without actually reading the comic.
LethargyMan: I'm half way there!
Krylo Killian: SEPPUKU!
Krylo Killian: It is the only way to put right the disgrace upon your family's honor.
LethargyMan: I know...
LethargyMan: Damn it!
LethargyMan: I forgot to plug the toaster in!
RickZarber: *eyebrow raise*
Krylo Killian: That's not seppuku.
LethargyMan: Wait... why don't I just drop the laptop in?
LethargyMan: It's close!
Krylo Killian: Seppuku is ritual suicide by disembowlment.
Krylo Killian: No it isn't!
LethargyMan: IT'S CLOSE!
Krylo Killian: it's not ritualistic and there's no disembowlment!
Krylo Killian: it's not close!
LethargyMan: It's cliche! Does that count?
Krylo Killian: no.
LethargyMan: Well I disagree!
LethargyMan: I won't let the facts get in the way of MY ritualistic suicide!
LethargyMan: Bah! Now I don't even wanna do it anymore!
Krylo Killian: it's not ritualistic if you don't do it right.
LethargyMan: Good job, Krylo!
Krylo Killian: Shut up and stick a knife in your stomach.
LethargyMan: But the knives are in the kitchen, and that would require walking
LethargyMan: Bah, I'll just use these nailclippers
LethargyMan: ...
LethargyMan: this might take a while
Krylo Killian: You're ruining seppuku.
Krylo Killian: I hate you.
Krylo Killian: Rick, disembowl Lethargy.
LethargyMan: *eviscerates Rick*
LethargyMan: Too slow
Krylo Killian: Why can't you just do that to yourself!?
LethargyMan: It's funner to kill other people, I suppose.
Krylo Killian: *pulls out sawed-off 8 gauge and shoots Lethargy in the the stomach with buck shot, disembowling him* THERE!
LethargyMan: Ritualistic Euthanasia?
LethargyMan: Meh, whatever works
Krylo Killian: No. I just got tired of you screwing it up and decided to kill you painfully.
LethargyMan: I was getting somewhere with those nailclippers by the way
LethargyMan: Way to ruin my progress...
Krylo Killian: Oh just shut up and die slowly.
LethargyMan: Will do!
09-17-2005, 12:21 AM
I actually find you people to be the odd ones. It doesn't bother me though because sometimes weird can be good. I have to wonder why people make fun of weirdos with that being the case.
09-17-2005, 02:17 PM
Dude, this is a thread where folks post the silliness that occurs in 9-out-of-10 AIM or MSN Messenger conversations (Or IRC, YIM, or whatever other chat clients there are. :p). Y'know, chatlogs. They post 'em here to make people laugh. Which they succeed at doing. Trust me, if you think this is odd, you have seen precisely nothing of the good-ole' NuklearPower Forums.
09-17-2005, 10:55 PM
I must say that posting your ridiculous conversations which most likely started with a comment about your non-existant sex life seems very odd to me. It's highly irregular.
09-17-2005, 11:04 PM
I must say that flooding our board from your pathetic little 'flamer' community, which I can only imagine is some sort of game for you, is rather irregular as well.
Truth be told, I looked around that site, and you know, I've seen better flamers in AOL kid chat rooms. Really you've done nothing to improve my view of your supposed 'artistic' flaming here. Nothing but the same things I've been seeing on the internet for years.
You're amateurish, pathetic, immature, and mostly unintelligent. Of course, your entire board will be getting banned now.
09-18-2005, 06:28 AM
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
*falls over*
QueenQeeko says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I totally changed from train to boat then, didn't I?
QueenQeeko says:
QueenQeeko says:
I need to be more famous... says:
my boat doesn't really toot so much as honk.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Wouldn't that be a goose?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
That's like saying "I HAD A RIDE ON A PONY! TWEEET"
QueenQeeko says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Yep. I'm over-stimulated. Damn twain, what yuu do for meh? Nuffin', dat's what. Gwowl, I'm sca'wy. 7:
QueenQeeko says:
QueenQeeko says:
*laughing so fucking hard*
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Damn. I've gotta take train rides more often...
WIV MAH VIDEO CAM'WA! V'WOOM, V'WOOOOOM. *flies the camera around like a kid with a toy car*
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
*goose-walks somewhere*
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
*somewhere being wall*
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Hello wall!
I need to be more famous... says:
duck, duck, goose?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
*goose-chases you* D:
I need to be more famous... says:
but goose bite...
*runs away screaming*
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
*goose-walk* D:
I need to be more famous... says:
the mental image of this is almost potent enough to injure me with laughter!
09-19-2005, 12:50 AM
NPFenris: *Spins around on a unicycle*
Here Lies Link: *Knows that the unicycle is illusionary*
NPFenris: Damn.
NPFenris: How did you know?
Here Lies Link: ESP.
NPFenris: Damn.
Here Lies Link: Comes free with the rest of my cable.
09-19-2005, 11:10 PM
Okay, so maybe not too secret...
MnkyPuma: chris, where'd the name "rick zarber" come from?
RickZarber: It's a character I played in our first feature-length movie
MnkyPuma: oh. that's disappointing
RickZarber: heh
RickZarber: What were you hoping for?
Elmin Amaur: An epic tale of love.
Elmin Amaur: And cheese fries.
MnkyPuma: multiple paragraphs
Kneumatic Pnight: Cheese fries rock.
EmblemCrusade: A space hero's crusade against the ultimate evil.
MnkyPuma: and lies stacked on lies
Azetheros: Something deep and moving
EmblemCrusade: Like a bowel movement?
Elmin Amaur: Like bowels.
Elmin Amaur: Heh.
Azetheros: Exactly!
Deathosaurus Wrecks
09-19-2005, 11:28 PM
taken from a conversation i had with a friend of mine:
[23:18] Pinstripewilly42: spiders though, you have to find them and kill them before they sneak into your bedding and lay thier hellspawn
[23:18] iluvdanser14: ewwww
[23:18] iluvdanser14: don't do that
[23:18] iluvdanser14: lol
[23:18] iluvdanser14: i'm all creepy crawly now
[23:18] Pinstripewilly42: waiting for you to slip into your sheets, naked and defenseless before striking with thier furry fangs and segmented legs
[23:19] Pinstripewilly42: fucking spiders
[23:19] iluvdanser14: TOOMMM!
[23:20] Pinstripewilly42: what? writing that didn't make me happy either
[23:20] iluvdanser14: btw: naked? sorry. it's a gir tee and boxer shorts lol.
[23:20] iluvdanser14: then stop
[23:20] iluvdanser14: haha
[23:20] Pinstripewilly42: but we must be prepared for thier skittering and crawling treachery
09-20-2005, 05:42 AM
CheshireThief says:
Before QQ's computer 'sloded, she asked me why you were on Laptopfriend.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Because Laptopfriend doesn't crash like Monsieur Computerbox
CheshireThief says:
But I made sweet love to Monsieur Computerbox!
CheshireThief says:
I call him DesktopFriend.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
That is why Monsieur Computerbox crashes.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CheshireThief says:
No! It can't be true!
CheshireThief says:
Sorry about the lovestains. :(
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I was wondering why Monsieur Computerbox had an extra screw inside him.
CheshireThief says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Face full of forum Wing Wong?
CheshireThief says:
Mayhaps it shall be so! I know Monsieur Computerbox got a face full of Wing
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Well, a drive full.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
...Ohh. So THAT's why I'm out of space!
CheshireThief says:
Would you like a face full of wingwong?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
...nnNot this month, but thanks for the offer. ^^
CheshireThief says:
It's good for reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CheshireThief says:
I can put it in a jar and save it for later for you!
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CheshireThief says:
Or I could freeze it with a stick in it, and you could have a wingwong-cicle!
CheshireThief says:
Monsiuer Computerbox likes it.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Neither I nor Monsieur Computerbox are going to take up Bukkake. O_o
CheshireThief says:
But what about bukkake as an artform?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
...that. That doesn't.
No. o_O
CheshireThief says:
It's the gift that keeps giving!
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
No! O_o
CheshireThief says:
Delivered right to your house!
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
NO! o_O
CheshireThief says:
In a plain, brown paper box, discreetly labeled!
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Why are you still suggesting it!? O_o
CheshireThief says:
I changed subjects.
CheshireThief says:
I was talking about the latest DVD all the kids are talking about.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
What, "Super Happy Fun Time With Bukkake™"? o_O
CheshireThief says:
How did you know?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I have a little brother. All the kids are talking about it, and he just can't
shut up.
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
Did you know that it has spawned an entire franchise of sequals, and also a
CheshireThief says:
Want to buy some lint?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
Then what DO you want to buy?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I... you, but... when the... and...
CheshireThief says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
With all my might!
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Coincidently, I have no might.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
So I shall not take up bukkake.
CheshireThief says:
Want to buy some might?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Get AWAY from me! o_O
CheshireThief says:
It just might be the mightiest might that you might ever have the mighty
pleasure of seeing, it might.
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Why are you still typing? O_o
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
CheshireThief says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I have never been so happy in all my life.
A very strange pleasure indeed, a`yup-yup!
09-20-2005, 04:26 PM
crazyman06883: *stabs loyal*
loyal2nes: *Counter-stabs*
crazyman06883: o.o
crazyman06883: >.<
crazyman06883: *dies*
loyal2nes: *Prods corpse*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
KittyKat10371: *stabs Patrat*
crazyman06883: >.<
crazyman06883: *dies*
loyal2nes: :D
crazyman06883: *respawns*
loyal2nes: *Sticks a knife in the respawn point*
crazyman06883: ....
loyal2nes: *Stabs*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: D:<
crazyman06883: *respawns*
loyal2nes: >=3
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
KittyKat10371: O_O
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns* MAKE IT STOOOOOPPP
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
crazyman06883: *respawns*
KittyKat10371: *kicks away the knife*
crazyman06883: *respawns*o_O;;
09-20-2005, 04:37 PM
I have only one response to that, but unfortunately the image is too large and imageshack hates me.
check back here later to see if imageshack likes me again yet
09-21-2005, 02:44 AM
Sasami Android: Ånd the other person IMing me is gone. Now I'm all alone!
Kuroude7: Aw. D:
Sasami Android: Å...what the hell?
Sasami Android: That's messed up.
Kuroude7: Go Macs go.
Sasami Android: Å
Kuroude7: You found Oster's Swedish laugh! XD
Sasami Android: Hehe.
Sasami Android: HÅHÅHÅHÅ!
Sasami Android: Ouch, that lowered my intelligence. 0_<
Kuroude7: xD
Cloud Strife
09-21-2005, 06:46 AM
Kuroude7: Anyway, I'm done with my phone call and it's 4:38 am, so...
clollieman: You are sleeping? O_o
Kuroude7: Yes. I am sleeping right now. o_O
clollieman: Wow. For a sleeping person, you are a very good typer.
Kuroude7: I know! It's my best quality. ^^
clollieman: Talent, Cloud. Typing in your sleep is a talent!
Kuroude7: That too. Remember, I'm asleep, I can't think so well.
clollieman: Ah
Kuroude7: Yup! =3
clollieman: :3 :D
09-21-2005, 11:47 PM
Krylo Killian: And they're HOT!
Elmin Amaur: Wait, how old are you?
MnkyPuma: not really
Krylo Killian: Look at the ass on that one.
Krylo Killian: Get laid and that not really will go away. I don't know why...
Krylo Killian: but it does.
MnkyPuma: yeah, I suppose it would
Krylo Killian: It's like, one minute you're all "Meh, she's alright" and then it's all "...I'd hit it with a mac truck!"
Krylo Killian: The more you get the more you need...
Krylo Killian: And the women know this...
Krylo Killian: and they use it...
Elmin Amaur: The more you need the less you get.
Krylo Killian: They use it to control you!
MnkyPuma: then I'll keep my nerdly powers
Krylo Killian: And before you know it, you're theirs... and not in the sexy way...
Krylo Killian: well... in the sexy way too...
Krylo Killian: but not as often as you'd like...
MnkyPuma: but not always in the sexy way
MnkyPuma: yeah
Krylo Killian: God! Why'd I give up my virginity!?
MnkyPuma: because it was a good idea at the time
Krylo Killian: *grabs Celes* Quick! Give me yours!
Elmin Amaur: Doesn't work like that, and you know it.
CelesJessa87: uh no
CelesJessa87: heh
Krylo Killian: Well, yah... but you have to admit that was a pretty good set up, if a bit long.
Cloud Strife
09-22-2005, 02:47 AM
Cloud says:
*tweaks tail* <_<
CheshireThief says:
Cloud says:
Cloud says:
.... *tweaks again*
CheshireThief says:
Cloud says:
Cloud says:
<_< >_> <_< *walks away*
CheshireThief says:
Cloud says:
CheshireThief says:
Cloud says:
Cloud says:
*squirms* Arrrrgh!
CheshireThief says:
Cloud says:
NUUUUUUUUUUUU! *tickles back*
CheshireThief says:
*Is immune.*
Cloud says:
*deep breath*
CheshireThief says:
Cloud says:
*laughing silently* DX XD
CheshireThief says:
*Gnaws on ear, while tickling.*
Cloud says:
o_O *purrs silently*
Cloud says:
CheshireThief says:
*Stabs in eye and walks away.*
Cloud says:
O_< *mouths* MY EYE!
09-22-2005, 03:35 AM
CheshireThief says:
I've been the source of a lot of wingwong recently.
Jarod says:
Yes you have.
Jarod says:
I just realized how horrible that sounds... XD
CheshireThief says:
You've just been wingwonged.
Cloud Strife
09-22-2005, 03:45 AM
Jarod says:
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands jellyside down.
A cat glued to some jelly toast will hover in quantum indecision.
QueenQeeko says:
Jarod says:
I know. O_O
09-23-2005, 08:00 AM
Erick says:
what is it anyways? exactly...
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Well, the group thing is a short 15 second company logo, GRINGO STUDIOS!
It's just some mexican guy saying something, then being stamped and
silowettized. Gotta make it really well done, though. o_O
Erick says:
what the fuck? XD
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
I have no idea either. XD
Erick says:
you know what a gringo is don't you? XD
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
No idea whatsoever. No-one in the group does, it just sounded neat. XD
Erick says:
*falls over laughing... in spanish!*
Erick says:
"ja ja ja ja!"
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
C'mon, tell me what I've been stuck animating! Maybe I can look into
suggesting a better name. o_O
Erick says:
well a gringo is a derogatory name for a white person. XD
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Erick says:
so you guys would be gringos, from a certain perspective. XD
Erick says:
gringo studios... he he
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Darn vocab.
Erick says:
you caught me offguard with that one! XD
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Ah well, it's KINDA fitting. We're only college students!
Erick says:
you guys should do more research, its a good thing you've got a mexican on
your side! XD
they don't have too many Mexicans in Australia do they?
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
...I have no idea!
you're my favorite gringo Matt. XD
CHICAGO¤lollie says:
Aw SHUCKS, Erick. Thankyou. XD
09-24-2005, 08:46 PM
rippleofthoughts (6:43:08 PM): Okay. No more typing in all caps. It kills chats.
Kneumatic Pnight (6:43:18 PM): I CONCUR!
LethargyMan (6:43:21 PM): OK! I TOTALLY AGREE!
Kneumatic Pnight (6:43:27 PM): HA! I WIN!
LethargyMan (6:43:28 PM): Yipes!
mammothtank x (6:43:32 PM): ABSOLUTELY!
loyal2nes (6:43:49 PM): BANDWAGON'D!
LethargyMan (6:43:54 PM): AWESOME!!!
Kneumatic Pnight (6:44:00 PM): AND HOW!
rippleofthoughts (6:44:01 PM): I hate you guys.
09-24-2005, 09:17 PM
[22:02] crazyman06883: Wheee
[22:05] Darthlord Ragnos: Eeehw
[22:12] kneumaticpnight: Heeew!
[22:12] Darthlord Ragnos: weeeh
[22:13] kneumaticpnight: Ehewe
[22:13] Darthlord Ragnos: ewwhe
[22:13] Darthlord Ragnos: ewehe*
[22:14] kneumaticpnight: Hewee
[22:14] Darthlord Ragnos: eeweh
[22:14] kneumaticpnight: Wehee
[22:14] Darthlord Ragnos: eehew
[22:14] kneumaticpnight: Ewhee.
[22:15] Darthlord Ragnos: eehwe
[22:15] kneumaticpnight: Ehwee
[22:16] Darthlord Ragnos: eewhe
[22:16] kneumaticpnight: I think that's all of them.
09-26-2005, 01:19 AM
Neko Cloud says:
*waves all sleep-deprived and hyper-like*
QueenQeeko says:
QueenQeeko says:
*wave?* O_o
Neko Cloud says:
Hiiii! =D
Neko Cloud says:
*bounces off a wall*
QueenQeeko says:
Are you high?
Neko Cloud says:
XD No.
Cloud Strife
09-26-2005, 01:47 AM
Neko Cloud says:
I'm all hyper-like 'cause I haven't had sleep in the past 34 1/2 hours! =D
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
o.@ Why not!?
Neko Cloud says:
Because I'm an insomniac! ^__^
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
Yay!! Krazie Cloud! XD
Neko Cloud says:
Yaye! *bounces off walls*
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
Wheeeee!!! *bounces off walls too*
Neko Cloud says:
*bounce bounce bounce bounce boing!* o_O
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
Neko Cloud says:
'Boing!'?! The hell?! O_o
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
Are you made of, uh.... boingy stuff?
Neko Cloud says:
I don't THINK I am...
Neko Cloud says:
Hm... *pokes random spot* *BOING!*
Neko Cloud says:
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
*pokes self* .... *does nothing* Awww
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
It's all smushy
Neko Cloud says:
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
*flicks head* Dooooooooonnnnnnnnngggggggggggg
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
Hey! That works!
Neko Cloud says:
o_O O_o
Neko Cloud says:
SephirothSama *dying of stress* says:
09-26-2005, 08:31 PM
20051226 [09:12:37 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *hides in shame*
20051326 [09:13:09 PM] sasamiandroid: Gotta go now peeps. I need sleep meself.
20051326 [09:13:17 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: Later
20051326 [09:13:17 PM] loyal2nes: D:
20051326 [09:13:19 PM] KittyKat10371: Bye!
20051326 [09:13:30 PM] sasamiandroid: Laters!
20051326 [09:13:42 PM] *** sasamiandroid has left the chat.
20051426 [09:14:21 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *still hiding in shame*
20051426 [09:14:22 PM] Andreek M: *still a wolf, curls up next to SK instead*
20051426 [09:14:51 PM] loyal2nes: *Would get on with injecting Pat with the whipped cream if he were active and would thus react* :<
20051526 [09:15:00 PM] KittyKat10371: *pats*
20051526 [09:15:08 PM] Andreek M: *wags tail*
20051526 [09:15:33 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *peaks out from underneath Newbs tail then hides again*
20051526 [09:15:50 PM] Krylo Killian: *walks over and stomps on newb's tail*
20051626 [09:16:05 PM] KittyKat10371: O_o
20051626 [09:16:09 PM] Andreek M: *yelps, rips out krylo's jugular, curls up again*
20051626 [09:16:11 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *is now hiding in Krylo's shoe*
20051626 [09:16:16 PM] Krylo Killian: *rams arm down Newb's throat and grabs him by the stomach when he attempts to bite*
20051626 [09:16:22 PM] Krylo Killian: *grabs hard*
20051626 [09:16:49 PM] KittyKat10371: *slides away*
20051626 [09:16:58 PM] Krylo Killian: BAD DOG!
20051726 [09:17:06 PM] loyal2nes: *Does the same* Out of the line of fire...
20051726 [09:17:08 PM] Andreek M: *dissolves away leaving only a jaw which bites through arm, jaw dissolves away, reconstitutes elsewhere*
20051726 [09:17:23 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *Switches to hiding behind SK's ear*
20051726 [09:17:24 PM] Krylo Killian: *regenerates*
20051726 [09:17:33 PM] loyal2nes: ...What are you, a flea?
20051726 [09:17:49 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: About the size of a few of them
20051726 [09:17:57 PM] Andreek M: no, a magical wolf vaguely related to the cheshire cat.
20051726 [09:17:59 PM] KittyKat10371: <.< >.>
20051826 [09:18:02 PM] Andreek M: oh, sithdarth
20051826 [09:18:07 PM] loyal2nes: If you come near me, I'm getting the Raid!...
20051826 [09:18:21 PM] loyal2nes: *Puts on Gasmask for foresight*
20051826 [09:18:56 PM] Andreek M: *wolf head appears next to loyal, howls loudly, dissapears*
20051926 [09:19:10 PM] loyal2nes: ......Well, that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
20051926 [09:19:22 PM] KittyKat10371: *nod*
20051926 [09:19:30 PM] Andreek M: I think that the sound effects department got confused
20051926 [09:19:32 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *is shaken*
20051926 [09:19:41 PM] Andreek M: that should have been a lightning flash
20051926 [09:19:54 PM] loyal2nes: oO?
20052026 [09:20:32 PM] Andreek M: you said that you were getting the raid *duck quacks nearby*
20052026 [09:20:43 PM] Andreek M: accursed sound department!
20052026 [09:20:52 PM] Andreek M: what is that box?
20052026 [09:20:55 PM] loyal2nes: ...*Doesn't get it*
20052126 [09:21:08 PM] Andreek M: it showed up as random after the ! for no reason
20052126 [09:21:25 PM] loyal2nes: *Still doesn't get it* Make sense, dammit.
20052126 [09:21:29 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: That's the cursed Luagh track
20052126 [09:21:40 PM] Andreek M: *thunder rolls*
20052126 [09:21:40 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: Laugh*
20052126 [09:21:53 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *and lighting strikes*
20052226 [09:22:02 PM] Andreek M: that should have been a laugh track! whenever the laugh track is mentioned it gets played!
20052226 [09:22:05 PM] KittyKat10371: O_o
20052226 [09:22:11 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *The storm rolls on*
20052226 [09:22:16 PM] loyal2nes: Okay that's it. *EMP's the SFX Department*
20052226 [09:22:36 PM] mammothtank x: *gets EMP'ed* Hey!
20052226 [09:22:40 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: And I can't remember the rest of that song
20052226 [09:22:46 PM] mammothtank x: This is delicate equipment!
20052226 [09:22:59 PM] loyal2nes: The Sound Effects department. Are you in charge of sound effects?
20052326 [09:23:09 PM] Andreek M: well, I gotta go do math homework
20052326 [09:23:10 PM] mammothtank x: ...maybe?
20052326 [09:23:19 PM] loyal2nes: Well then, fix it. They suck!
20052326 [09:23:43 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *Scratches a bug bite behind SK's ear*
20052326 [09:23:44 PM] mammothtank x: Well, thanks to you, I do have to fix it.
20052326 [09:23:59 PM] mammothtank x: *pulls out wrench and screwdriver*
20052426 [09:24:06 PM] mammothtank x: *grumbles*
20052426 [09:24:10 PM] loyal2nes: Yes, I gave you a good reason to (Or rather, took away any excuse for NOT doing it).
20052426 [09:24:15 PM] KittyKat10371: <.< >.>
20052426 [09:24:23 PM] mammothtank x: *grumbles some more*
20052526 [09:25:02 PM] KittyKat10371: Well, Im going to take a shower.
20052526 [09:25:10 PM] Andreek M: suppose that t hours past midnight, the temperature in miami was C(t)=-(1/6)t^2+4t+10 degrees celcius
20052526 [09:25:13 PM] loyal2nes: Aww... Now the chat will die. D:
20052526 [09:25:23 PM] KittyKat10371: It was already dead.
20052526 [09:25:24 PM] Andreek M: no, now the chat will go scary places
20052526 [09:25:34 PM] mammothtank x: It wasn't quite dead.
20052526 [09:25:40 PM] Andreek M: and wander around to the subject of showers
20052526 [09:25:46 PM] mammothtank x: It was getting better.
20052526 [09:25:52 PM] loyal2nes: There was SOME chat, as opposed to what usually happens when Pat invites the two of us.
20052526 [09:25:57 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *Continues the bug bite scratching*
20052626 [09:26:02 PM] Andreek M: it only stood up because it was nailed on!
20052626 [09:26:24 PM] Andreek M: suppose that t hours past midnight, the temperature in miami was C(t)=-(1/6)t^2+4t+10 degrees celcius
what was the temperature at 2 pm?
20052626 [09:26:27 PM] KittyKat10371: <.< >.>
20052626 [09:26:32 PM] mammothtank x: ô.o Why are you scratching Kitty, Sithdarth?
20052626 [09:26:40 PM] Andreek M: he's a bug
20052626 [09:26:48 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: There is a bug bite behind her ear
20052626 [09:26:54 PM] mammothtank x: ...
20052626 [09:26:56 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: Where I happen to be hiding
20052726 [09:27:06 PM] loyal2nes: *Plucks Darth off of Silly with tweezers*
20052726 [09:27:11 PM] KittyKat10371: ^_^
20052726 [09:27:15 PM] mammothtank x: Then I missed more than I thought.
20052726 [09:27:18 PM] Andreek M: *grumbles* everybody cares about the cat, never about the canine
20052726 [09:27:19 PM] KittyKat10371: Now I shower!
20052726 [09:27:22 PM] loyal2nes: *Flicks 'im off a cliff*
20052726 [09:27:24 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *grows to the size of four elphants*
20052726 [09:27:31 PM] Andreek M: now you splat
20052726 [09:27:31 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: elephants*
20052726 [09:27:36 PM] mammothtank x: Yes.
20052726 [09:27:38 PM] loyal2nes: Great, you just sped your fall to a great speed.
20052726 [09:27:42 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: *Crushes Newb*
20052726 [09:27:43 PM] KittyKat10371: Byes.
20052726 [09:27:46 PM] loyal2nes: Bye. D:
20052726 [09:27:48 PM] mammothtank x: See ya!
20052726 [09:27:49 PM] kneumaticpnight: it wouldn't speed it up.
20052726 [09:27:50 PM] Andreek M: *was elsewhere*
20052726 [09:27:51 PM] Andreek M: bye
20052726 [09:27:54 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: Then loyal
20052726 [09:27:55 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: later
20052826 [09:28:06 PM] Andreek M: so, math homework that makes no sense
20052826 [09:28:10 PM] loyal2nes: I'm at the top of the cliff, you're at the bottom.
20052826 [09:28:16 PM] Andreek M: anyone want to help?
20052826 [09:28:17 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: What makes you think that if I can change my size I can't fly
20052826 [09:28:18 PM] mammothtank x: ...there, it's fixed.
20052826 [09:28:29 PM] *** KittyKat10371 has left the chat.
20052826 [09:28:32 PM] mammothtank x: Now to test it.
20052826 [09:28:35 PM] Andreek M: *laugh track plays*
20052826 [09:28:37 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: pr find a why to fly
20052826 [09:28:38 PM] loyal2nes: The fact that Fleas can't fly.
20052826 [09:28:47 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: I was never a flee
20052826 [09:28:52 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: flea*
20052826 [09:28:54 PM] mammothtank x: That's not an explosion...
20052826 [09:28:59 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: Only the size of a few
20052926 [09:29:07 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: fleas that is
20052926 [09:29:11 PM] mammothtank x: Let me try that again...
20052926 [09:29:13 PM] loyal2nes: How can you crush me if you're the size of a few fleas? :D
20052926 [09:29:19 PM] Andreek M: *wolf howls*
20052926 [09:29:29 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: I gre to the size of several elephants
20052926 [09:29:35 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: grew*
20052926 [09:29:39 PM] mammothtank x: Oh, I give up.
20052926 [09:29:41 PM] Andreek M: *machine explodes*
20052926 [09:29:43 PM] loyal2nes: But you just said you're the size of a few fleas.
20052926 [09:29:48 PM] mammothtank x: YAAAAH!
20052926 [09:29:49 PM] Andreek M: that was an explosion sound!
20052926 [09:29:53 PM] Darthlord Ragnos: I was when I was on Kitty
20052926 [09:29:54 PM] mammothtank x: *goes flying*
20053026 [09:30:08 PM] Andreek M: you were on kitty?
20053026 [09:30:09 PM] mammothtank x: THUD
20053026 [09:30:14 PM] mammothtank x: >.<
20053026 [09:30:15 PM] Andreek M: I'm so telling inbred chocobo
Bob The Mercenary
09-27-2005, 10:26 AM
From World of Warcraft. I'm Drone.
[Guild] [Drone]: I just fell from the zeppelin and died -_-
[Guild] [Grakka]: hah
[Guild] [Draxx]: lmao
[Guild] [Sunjo]: lol
[Guild] [Stormcloud]: Best death of today.
[Guild] [Drone]: Just as it was taking off from UC
[Guild] [Drone]: Took 853 fall damage
[Guild] [Drone]: landed in the cemetary -_-
[Guild] [Sunjo]: lol
[Guild] [Sunjo]: good place to land and die in :)
09-27-2005, 10:03 PM
Emblem Crusade: *puts some newspapers over the suspicious stains on the carpet*
Emblem Crusade: *kneels down near one of the newspaper and reads the comics* Ha ha ha! Oh, Garfield! What WON'T you do for lasanga?
Kneumatic Pnight: Richard Simmons.
Emblem Crusade: ...Good point.
Sasami Android: Nasty.
09-28-2005, 11:34 AM
Gah, Newb! Code tags, man.
09-28-2005, 09:35 PM
CelesJessa87: so I'm like "you should go apologise to her, you shouldn't yell like that, etc etc etc" (I wasn't even being mean about it. ^^;; ) but appearantly he had just been having an aweful day
so he cried
CelesJessa87: I felt really bad. T_T
Sasami Android: Awww....
archmagedb: Awww....
kittykat10371: Aww
archmagedb: aww
Kneumatic Pnight: HA!
kittykat10371: ...
Sasami Android: XD
rushilums1073: you took my line!
Sasami Android: Someone wing wong that.
09-29-2005, 12:38 AM
Kneumatic Pnight: <<
Kneumatic Pnight: >>
Kneumatic Pnight: *bores celes*
Kneumatic Pnight: *with a long story*
NPFenris: <<
NPFenris: >>
NPFenris: Eww...
Elmin Amaur: *Bores CJ*
Elmin Amaur: *With a drill*
NPFenris: o_O
NPFenris: Eww...
NPFenris: And painful...
Kneumatic Pnight: YOU'RE MEAN!!
Elmin Amaur: No I'm not.
Elmin Amaur: It's a plastic drill.
Kneumatic Pnight: Oh.
Kneumatic Pnight: Okay then.
NPFenris: Heh.
Elmin Amaur: Y'know, one of those kiddie toys.
NPFenris: Eww...
Elmin Amaur: I didn't say where I'm boring her.
Elmin Amaur: Get your mind outa that gutter.
NPFenris: It's kinda implied...
NPFenris: I'm going to stop talking now.
Kneumatic Pnight: That's probably for the best.
Elmin Amaur: Now, if I were boring her with a Harry Potter broomstick...
Elmin Amaur: Or an electric tooth brush...
CelesJessa87: you're not allowed to bore me
CelesJessa87: so I'm leaving for the moment, :P I might be back later
NPFenris: Okies!
Elmin Amaur: *Turns off drll*
Kneumatic Pnight: See ya'.
NPFenris: *Hugs goodbye*
NPFenris: What the-
CelesJessa87 has left the room.
Elmin Amaur: Her tits?
NPFenris: No...
NPFenris: The drill...
Elmin Amaur: Oh.
NPFenris: Jeebus.
Kneumatic Pnight: NOOOOOOOO!!!
Elmin Amaur: I thought they looked rather perky.
Elmin Amaur: >.>
Elmin Amaur: <.<
Kneumatic Pnight: It's funny when they jiggle.
NPFenris: ...
NPFenris: Yeah.
Elmin Amaur: Like propellers.
NPFenris: o_O
Kneumatic Pnight: Buzz saw boobs!!
Kneumatic Pnight: Those were the brainchild of DarthZeth.
NPFenris: O_O
Elmin Amaur: DarthZeth has a brain?
Elmin Amaur: >.>
Kneumatic Pnight: Almost.
Elmin Amaur: <.<
Elmin Amaur: <.>
Elmin Amaur: >.<
09-29-2005, 07:17 AM
It's nice to know I'm still topic of conversation even after I leave... I guess.... kinda sorta. ^^;;
09-29-2005, 04:13 PM
This was all in the ACP of The forums Mauve, Skyshot, and I all Administrate.
Skyshot: Mauve Mage! The Evil Emperor Fenris has fallen out of access to the boards! We must take this opportunity to take them over, and thereby the world! And I'm certainly not planning on backstabbing you!
Fenris: Skyshot! I'm a delinquent little fuck who's hell bent on staying in touch!
Mauve: Damn, he's on to us, Skyshot! CODE DELTA! I REPEAT, CODE DELTA! Quick, hide the doomsday device blueprints! Oh, and I'm not planning on reporting your mutinous plots to Fenris when he gets back!
Skyshot: Quick, block his account! We're both admins, we have to be able to do something to him!
Code Delta confirmed and initiated! Repeat, Code Delta confirmed and initiated! Besides, I think he'll notice my mutinous plots for himself when he notices HE NO LONGER HAS ROOT ADMIN POWER! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*does finger thing with lips * blblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblblbl
Mauve: Roger that, Skyshot! Initiating Attack Code 6618B! RELEASE THE MARMOSETS!!
We are maaad with power! Maaaaaaaad, I say! *pushes random buttons, hoping something will explode*
Skyshot: Marmosets? They all exploded a few seconds ago. Will these assorted moogles do?
Mauve: Moogles, you say? *Cackles wickedly* Ah yes, they'll do nicely. *rubs hands together* Time for OPERATION: MOOGLE DROP! I'll get the airplane!
Skyshot: Sure, but I can't pilot it; I have to complete Code Delta. You'll have to fly the thing. By the way, the plane's internal doors got torn off in a tabasco-related accident last week. There's nothing between you and anywhere else in the plane.
Mauve: Ah like the taste a' danger in the mornin'! ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO! MOOGLES HAVE BEEN LOADED INTO CARGO HOLDS! CONTACT!!!
Skyshot: And thus did the moogles run wild over the entire plane, including the cockpit.
Fenris: o_O
Mauve: MOOGLES! MOOGLES EVERYWHERE!! GYAAAHH! GET'EM OFF ME! GET THEM OFF MEEEE!!! *magical bursts of moogley death* DIE, YOU PUFFBALL-HEADED FREAKS OF NATURE! DIE AND BE BURIED-- Oh.. Fenris is back. OH NO! He's back! Quick, hide the evidence of our proposed mutiny and ready the welcoming committee!! *Grins* Hiiii Fenris! We're not planning world domination in your absence! *kicks moogle out of plane*
Fenris: What? You weren't planning world domination? What the fuck good are you then?
Skyshot: What she means is, we weren't planning world domination without you. Clearly. You are still our leader of course. Crown? What crown? This is a...thinking cap. Yes. And that is not your name inscribed on my brand new stabbin' knife. It is for Sirnef. The guy doing it was dyslexic.
Nikose Tyris
10-02-2005, 08:16 PM
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
AH! *runs away*
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
I be Blue
Mammoth Knight says:
Red ownz, yo.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Blue own'z red.
Mammoth Knight says:
Yellow ownz blue.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
no it doesn't; it's also hard to read
Mammoth Knight says:
That's why it ownz blue. See?
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
no, because blue ownz while being cool and easy to read.
Mammoth Knight says:
Yellow still ownz blue though.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
no it doesnt
Mammoth Knight says:
Yes it does!
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
not when I have to Highlight your every sentence just to read it.
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
there we go; gay like you!
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Wait... I just typed in pink...
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*pokes you with a spear*
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
*pokes YOU with a spear*
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*dodges rogueishly*
Mammoth Knight says:
*hits you anyway*
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*kicks you in the shins8
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
don't make me go L33t on you
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris pokes Mammothtank in the eye.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
I don't fear your "l33t" crap! Bring it on!
Mammoth Knight says:
And by the way... ow. >.0
Nikose Isaias Tyris pokes your nose
Nikose Isaias Tyris laughs evil
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
You suck.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
how do I suck?
Mammoth Knight says:
You just do.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
I'm using my l33t skills to send you messages without my name above them!
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
oh, wait... trillian
Mammoth Knight says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
no, Ownzord.
Mammoth Knight says:
Mammoth Knight says:
That's what I meant, of course.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
but it's not what you said. *grins triumphantly*
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Mammoth Knight says:
Y'know, that deserves a Wing Wong, methinks.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
it does.
10-03-2005, 12:21 AM
Sasami Android: *kills macs*
Sasami Android: *and their children*
NPFenris: XD
NPFenris: Grandchildren?
Sasami Android: *And their fuggin childrens childrens PETS*
NPFenris: XD
10-03-2005, 04:51 AM
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
And I was just stolen by CT. 0_O
Erick says:
he's good at stealing stuff.
Erick says:
wouldn't really consider you "stuff" though... hmmm... XD
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
Well I refuse to become.....whatever he's going to do with me!
Erick says:
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
He keeps on tryin to deactivate me!
Erick says:
huh? how?
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
Buh! He married me!
Erick says:
oh dear!
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
And I thought I was gonna marry Meister! XD
Erick says:
me too!
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
You were gonna marry Meister too?
Erick says:
uh, no, I meant... uh...
The epidemy of the anime-esque femme righteous fury! says:
Wing wonged.
Inbred Chocobo
10-03-2005, 10:28 AM
Charmed_angel103 is Silly Kitty
inbred_choc: You will pay!!!!111oneoneonetwo
charmed_angel103: No!!!!!!three!!!!
inbred_choc: (insert rude gesture here)
inbred_choc: take that!
charmed_angel103: *insert another rude gesture here*
charmed_angel103: Ha!
inbred_choc: ack!
inbred_choc: (insert two rude gestures here)
inbred_choc: HAHA!
charmed_angel103: *insert a crying motion here*
charmed_angel103: :'(
inbred_choc: (insert laughing motion here)
charmed_angel103: *insert stabbing motion here*
inbred_choc: (insert knife here, here, and here)
charmed_angel103: *insert bleeding there there and there*
inbred_choc: (insert dead chocobo here)
charmed_angel103: *insert dancing kitty here*
inbred_choc: (insert in wing-wong here)
Nikose Tyris
10-03-2005, 07:50 PM
Red Mage Black says:
I got something to tell you
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Red Mage Black says:
I talked to some girl today after school after school and I told her I had a crush on her. She said she was flattered but she didn't feel the same way. I was kinda crushed for a while but I got over it. She then told me that she thought higher of me for doing that. Now I feel awkward whenever I'm around her now that she knows.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*grins* aw, my prentice has a crush!
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
excuse me, I must post this at the forums
Red Mage Black says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*alignment suddenly drops to CE*
Red Mage Black says:
Chaotic Evil?
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
*grins* well, if I did post it on the forums...
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
but I wouldn't.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
if you paid me.
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
I demand recompense!
Red Mage Black says:
I don't mind, it's not like anybody knows who i really am sides you
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
rats. no moneys for alex.
Red Mage Black says:
So...... post away!
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
damn you! you take the fun out of trying to be a bastard!
Red Mage Black says:
I could send you a penny if that helps
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
I shall rule the world with this penny!
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Red Mage Black says:
no etchings though
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Red Mage Black says:
besides a face of Lincoln
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
Nikose Isaias Tyris says:
no, we have the queen up here
Red Mage Black says:
unless Lincoln gives you powers
Hm? oh yes, I am a monsterous bastard. thank you for noticing.
10-04-2005, 12:20 AM
bellerussian: I kill people with my breasts;-)
Here Lies Link: How? By Suffocating them?
bellerussian: hehe, I could do it
Here Lies Link: What's your SuperHero name? Well-Endowed Stripper Girl?
People are weird.
10-07-2005, 08:59 PM
NPFenris: *huggles*
NPFenris: *A bit too excitedly*
Sasami Android: *huggles back* ^^
Sasami Android: Hehehehe.
NPFenris: I likes it.
Sasami Android: ^_^
Sasami Android: Good thing I"m not wearing a shirt.
NPFenris: Wahaat?
Sasami Android: ....
Sasami Android: *skirt
That's a nasty typo!
Cloud Strife
10-08-2005, 12:48 AM
rippleofthoughts has entered the room.
rippleofthoughts: Shit...don't you guys sleep?
Kneumatic Pnight: No!
Sasami Android: Sleep?
Mysterious1711: Hell no
batgirlsprodegy2: sleep is for the weak
Kuroude7: Totally!
rippleofthoughts: ...
Kuroude7: So, in summation... No. :p
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