Conversation Between PyrosNine and Raiden
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 25 of 25
It's what you get for having huge ears when you sleep.
Yeah Raiden, the Pyro is the gift of the world, a gentle flower that coincidentally enjoys setting flame on fire.
He also kills spies! He can take James Bond!
Clearly, he is a godsend.
And my life schedule is always busy! Sometimes where I'm taking a nap, there is noise! And I have to find another place to nap! Why, just yesterday, the neighbor started mowing his lawn (at Christmas!) and I had to sleep on his cold, dead body to find some peace and quiet.
Busy life scheduling my ass.
Heh. Didn't notice your friend request due to busy life schedule of sleeping.
Quit pending my friendship and accept it already, bastard!