Conversation Between Mirai Gen and Kim
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 28 of 28
So it was written; so it shall be.
Actually that would make a fine Let's Play, though it would be a bit long.
I totally approve.
Would Lufia 2 make a good LP? I keep hearing you talk about how good it is, but I've never played it.
Super Mario RPG? I dunno, its hard to think of games you haven't played that would be good LPs, since there's so many.
I dunno. I think it'd be fun to go into a game I haven't played before, and just run with it. I doubt my ability to pull off the whole 'Frustrated Gamer' thing well.
Not really as I was wondering the same thing myself. I would do IWBTG but I already beat it and it lacks the oomph without keyboard-shattering frustration and screaming.
Are you thinking more controller-shatering rages or here's a game I like and I'mma tell you about it?
So, I'm trying to pick a game to do a video LP for, since Ogre Battle just does not work for that sort of thing. Got any recommends?