Conversation Between Kim and Daimo Mac, The Blue Light of Hope
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
Very well. Lots of ups and downs, but things are great right now.
I was gonna say something, but you do a better job of disarming Nightshine
You know there is a Viewtiful Joe Anime right? It's not bad, but certainly not the best.
You need to update the GPD link in your sig.
To be perfectly fair, there wasn't much that really made SMRPG special other than it featured Mario characters. I mean, I guess you could go with the whole platforming element, but even then that wasn't done very well due to the whole fucktarded angle everything was at. Plus, the actual turn-based battle system was incredibly shallow.
I thought it was silly and clever. After all, 8-Bit really is just a Final Fantasy fanfiction.