Conversation Between Krylo and Solid Snake
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
02-15-2011 08:40 PM
Only if my introduction, and perhaps entire arc, consists entirely of punching Nikose in the face.
Krylo, let's be honest.
There is no way an NPF webcomic could possibly be written without including your badass, skull-faced self acting all Deadpool, hunting down Fifthfiends, and pining over Vriskas.
...Thus, I am officially asking for your permission to include your (former) avatar in my webcomic.
My sincere apologies for toning down your truly batshit insane psychopathic mannerisms in the history thread and all, but I figured an honest biography of your life would result in contemporary readers scoffing that half the stories about you couldn't possibly be true.