It's been a kind of.. "eye opening" week? I had a virus again that knocked my comp out of commission so it took me awhile to get it back up and running. Now I'm only using my laptop to get online, and it doesn't have any IM programs on it (though I'm going to get Trillian and AIM and YIM and MSN again, I just haven't gotten around to it yet). During the time spent away from the comp I had one of those "talks" with the folks and I'm probably going to go look for some part-time work somewhere so I can get some extra money coming in the door. HIKYM will still go on, but the art won't be the same (just line work from now on, I don't have the time or energy to work so hard on stuff I don't get paid that much for anymore :P ). Also while the computer was down I got to messing with my room again and have a lot of stuff piled up in stacks all over the floor I'm sorting through, and it's keeping me occupied!
I should be on again soon though, don't worry
(probably in a day or so).