Conversation Between h4x.m4g3 and Possum Knight
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Oh I get that White Glint in 4A was you from 4, but the story of 4 itself was told badly. I got that you were defending/working for Anatolia but never why Anatolia was so important or who exactly the narrator was in reference then you other then guessing him to be your main employer/contact. I didn't realize the guy at the end was Joshua O'Brien, gotta play it again.
It's just I couldn't understand anything in 4 other then fight this guy, defend this, and above all else defend Anatolia, the nation you are a citizen of/reside in.
The story of Armored Core 4/FA is pretty halfway done, but if you keep an close eye out it starts to make sense. The last guy in Armored core 4 you fight is Joshua O'Brian, the owner of White Glint in 4. In For Answer the YOU in 4 is the pilot in For Answer's White Glint the " Ghost of Rayoleonard" (which is the company you worked for in the last game that died) So you're basically fighting you lol.
I would have spoiler posted this in the forums, but I'm not quite sure how to use spoiler text yet.