Conversation Between Krylo and tacticslion
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Thanks! It looks good! I've actually caught all the way up (I originally skipped that part, reading the text, guessing at the shots from context and going on ahead) and am enjoying the LP quite a bit. Very interesting characterizations... so, thanks! I know it's hard work... and it's appreciated.
Edit: I forgot: where did you get your avatar? It's neat to see someone else reads Eyeshield 21, but why the cyber-death-skull? Just curious, 'cause it's interesting. And: thanks for linking to Sailor Nothing. Fascinating story, even if I never liked 'Moon. (I recognize it's not a fan fiction, but the similarities are too large to ignore the heavy influence: effectively they did good and interesting things with bad source material).
05-20-2009 10:15 AM
Oh, sorry about that. I moved all my images to a new folder (for organizational purposes), and went through and edited the location for the files, but I must have missed that post. It probably sucked, anyway, but I'll go fix it.
Edit: Should be fixed now. Lemme know if there's any other issues.
Krylo, on page 24 of your Let's Play (Fallout 3), post # 232, all of the images are "moved or deleted" according to the photobucket image. I just found and started following, but unfortunately... there's nothing to follow at that point! Just as an FYI.