Conversation Between Solid Snake and Magic_Marker
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
It occurs to me after googling there is no official Drinking game for MLP:FIS, since you have demonstrated both love of mood enhancing drinks and their combination in regards with MLP:FIS I humbly request we, over skype determine and test out a ruleset.
We could become internet famous if it becomes widely adopted (which it totally will)
Yo snakey, hows that history of NPF comin' along?
You think you've got it rough, I'm at work and can't click on MY OWN PROFILE!
...Man, it didn't take very long for me to instantly regret clicking on your user profile.
(Particularly when I'm in a public coffee house browsing NPF. I'm pretty sure the people behind my laptop are now thoroughly convinced I'm into Link yaoi.)
...NonCon, stop corrupting everyone with your silly shenanigans!