Original-recipe Master, particularly as portrayed by Roger Delgado, is (a) a completely different character in several important ways from New Who's Dancing Master, and (b) so fucking awesome. If you don't mind the slower pace and oldschool special effects of classic Who, go check out some of his stories, like "The Sea Devils" and "The Daemons". He might well be one of my favoritest villains ever.
Y'know, I've actually considered checking out the rest of New Who that isn't Rose-infested. If Martha's even a tiny bit less irritating than Rose and Ten, I expect it'd be worth watching.
I also hope to dip my toe into Moff-Who, but after RTD it'd better be awesome. Like, nachos-and-sex awesome.
Hey, are you still online? If so, if I were to hypothetically send you a poem to critique via PM, could you offer your thoughts on it? Generally speaking, I trust your literary judgment better than most.