Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
10-04-2012 06:25 PM
You broke my 0 visitor message streak D:...also...I hadn't noticed this thing until today :V
02-12-2012 10:57 PM
RO, I'm around - if you want to talk, I'm around.
I just want to say my feelings go out to you. Despite what you may say sometimes, I think your a pretty decent guy.
If you're older than me you're older than quite a few members. Like Fenris.
Ocelot what do you think of my LP? If you comment before Solid Snake I will serve you. LOL.
I usually run with a Batman naming schema that frequently gets messed around, but my name on Steam is all one word MiraiGen.
I'm so witty and original!