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Unread 05-15-2010, 09:20 AM   #18
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Posts: 664
Naqel is reputed to be..repu..tational. Yes.

Since it picks up fast, I might as well jump the wagon while there's still place in it.

Name: Akhil San'jay
Side: Dark
Race: Demon
Age: Young looking Adult
Appearance: A huge(18ft long) cobra snake with a pair of weak looking arms growing where its "hood" starts. Looks a bit more like a humanoid thanks to the fact that he moves up-right most of the time(head floating at around 6ft) and wears a simple maroon robe. His scales have a pleasant honey color with ebony lines outlining the eyes and also forming a spiral pattern on his hood and back.
Weapons: Nothing.
Special Skills:
-Hypnotizing Gaze: By looking directly in the enemy eyes San'jay can confuse or distract them. While short lived, the effect usually lasts long enough to launch a vicious bite. Weak minded targets will be distracted for a longer time.

-Venom Fang: He has venom fangs, quite big ones. He also can wrap his mouth around quite big things. Immediate effects include numbed muscles and blurred vision. After an amount of time(24h-48h) based on how deep was the bite and how big and healthy was the subject, heart stops beating and death occurs.
-Venom Spit: Alternatively San'jay can launch a small stream of pressured poison in an attempt to render the enemy blind. If the attack dosen't make it to the enemy eyes, it's pretty much useless. If consumed, spit poison has a laxative effect(it also has no color and a fairly weak smell, so it's easy to mistake with dirty water, or miss it in another drink).

History: He used to be a servant to one of Talkatz's less important subordinates, having a boring life of running errands and kidnapping meals for his master. His superiors died somewhere along the way, so he got a new job.
Extra: He ssspeaksss in a ssspeciffic fashshion. Shasahshasha.

Last edited by Naqel; 05-17-2010 at 10:06 AM. Reason: brough up to date
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