She could have a permanent your Enforcer. But no, I'm not allowing her to function as a PC like Pierce is. 'Cause then Impact and Charlotte would want that, and then even Renny and Matthias would want it, and I'd have to grant that because, hey, it's unfair for just one person to get it. Next thing you know, there'll be a main formation with thirteen units in it, ten of them with Enforcer support.
Try that and I'll kill the RP right now. You can run it yourself.
So sayeth the GM. Jerk.
'Sides, what're you gonna do with her in the formation? Talk to her? The whole battle? Gawd, the conversations...
Pierce: "Sophia, I have something very important to ask you."
Sophia: "Of course, Pierce."
Pierce: "Would you by chance have any Gray Poupon?" *giggle snort*
Sophia: "Armored, can a character attack herself?"
Armored: "Sure, I attack myself all the time."
Last edited by Astral Harmony; 08-19-2010 at 10:12 PM.