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Unread 11-09-2010, 11:43 PM   #49
Strike the Earth!
Arcanum's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Posts: 3,185
Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was. Arcanum would dive into a lake to save a drowning girl from a sinking car, without even stopping to think about how dangerous it was.

>Be someone else, quick

You are now Rektek. This is very unfortunate for you because he just finished reorganizing the instruments in his PERCUSSION ROOM based on drum diameter and sound preference. Needless to say it was very exciting and you totally missed out.

Oh well, what do you want to do now?

> Resist urge to re-reorganize the instruments in the PERCUSSION ROOM

You just barely manage to resist the urge to re-reorganize the percussion room. However you do make a mental note to come back in an hour and make sure it's still organized in a satisfying way.

> Check on Memo

You return to your respite block and check the memo you posted earlier.

Show Pesterlog
eloquentOrchestrator [EO] RIGHT NOW opened public linear bulletin board Musical Rumpus Dance Party
EO RIGHT NOW opened memo on board Musical Rumpus Dance Party
EO: | Right looks like this | is all set up | I fig-ured we | should start one of | these lit-tle things | e-ven-tua-ly |
EO: | So why not get | star-ted talk-ing | to each oth-er | be-fore jump-ing | right in-to this | brand new game thing |
EO: | What was the name? |
EO: | Oh yeah SGRUB right? |
EO: | T-A is it | you who's wor-king | on ma-king it? | I know you love | your com-pu-ters |
EO: | Well an-y-way | I can't wait to | start play-ing with | all of you guys |
EO: | Uh-oh I can | hear my lu-sus | get-ting up-set |
EO: | Be back real soon |

technopathicalAnomaly [TA] responded to memo right now

[TA] mAn, I wIsh I wAs thE OnE tO mAkE It
[TA] I fOUnd It In sOmE rEtArdEd frOg tEmplE
[TA] thIs thIng Is thE fUckIng hOlY grAIl Of mY lIfE's pUrsUIts

halcyonCoils [HC] responded to memo.

HC: Thiss issn't gonna be some lame Role Playing Game iss it?
HC: Not a fan.
HC: What exactly iss the objective?

antipathicHopper [AH] responded to memo.

AH: That is an ex[e|_|_ent questi[]n, whi[h s[]rt []f ^^akes n[] sense.
AH: [[]nsidering the fa[t that even for du^^basses y[]u pe[]p|_e g[] ab[]ve and bey[]nd the [a|_|_ []f stupidity.

absentPsychologist [AP] responded to memo.

AP: And the, hopper. Continues his petty...universal hate thing.

AH: It's n[]t ^^y fault that ^^[]st []f the universe is ^^y kis^^esis.

AP: If...I said it. Once I've, said it FOREVER. You get one. ONE. 1.

AH: I have []ne. It just happens to be a|_|_ []f [reati[]n.

HC: Hmph. Sso grumpy.

AP: You, spend. Your day typing...with one arm.

AH: I d[]n't even want t[] kn[]w what y[]u're d[]ing with the []ther []ne.

AP: was, still attached. I'd tell you, anyway.

AH: ^^ust be []ne he|_|_ []f a p[]werfap if it tears y[]ur ar^^ []ff.
AH: But then again, y[]u d[] have t[] [[]^^pensate f[] the fa[t that n[]thing else wi|_|_ ever hate y[]ur s[]rry ass.

HC: Ew. >:(

AP: Ditto. .-.

AH: It's n[]t |_ike I'^^ saying anything that isn't a universa|_|_y kn[]wn fa[t.

AP: See, why you. Don't actually, have a kismesis. There is no, direction. To...your hate. You just spew it, and hope you hit something. Desperate for, it to. back.

HC: Oh my isss thiss really gonna turn into romance clussterfuck central I jusst wanna know what this game is about.

AH: Quiet, ha|_, the big grubs are ta|_king.
AH: And AP, I've a|_ways meant to ask...

HC: >:O

AH: Is it y[]ur Psych[]|_[]gist that's absent, []r just y[]ur th[]ughtn[]de?
AH: G[]dda^^n, I'^^ fu[king hi|_ari[]us. Y[]u're so |_u[ky t[] kn[]w ^^e.

HC: Yess I am possitively rolling.

AH: []bvi[]us|_y. I'd be sh[][ked if y[]u weren't.

AP: It always. Comes back, to the quadrants. You'll...see. Even in, this game. It will.

AH: []h, here we g[].
AH: Y[]u [an [[]^^p|_ai

antipathicHopper [AH] ceased trolling

antipathicHopper [AH] responded to memo

AH: W[]w. The sheer f[]r[e []f ^^y hate just ^^ade ^^y huskt[]p [rash.
AH: I d[]n't re^^e^^ber what I was saying, but I'^^ sure that it w[]uld have utter|_y ruined y[]ur shit.

HC: I believe you two were going on about quadrantss..

AH: Ah, right. That ^^a|_e B[]vine fe[es.
AH: Anyway, AP, y[]u [an bit[h a|_|_ y[]u want ab[]ut h[]w I hate everything t[] ^^ake up f[]r ^^y tr[]ub|_e in finding a kis^^esis, but that d[]esn't [hange the fa[t that you d[] the sa^^e thing when it [[]^^es to being a ^^[]rai|_.

AP: Morails, aren't limited. By numbers... The <> is free. To be, spread to...any who. Need, direction.
AP: And you, all do.

AH: the []n|_y dire[ti[]ns I need are t[] the nearest medi[, s[] I kn[]w where t[] send y[]u after I've finished ki[king y[]ur pr[]tein [hute.

HC: Ssomething tellss me that it will be interessting attemtping to interact with you lot asss a team..

AP: I, look forward. To it Hal. I bet it, will be fun.

AH: Yeah, right. Just stay []ut []f ^^y way...

AP: You need, my auspistice. Hopper, admit it...

HC: He won't admit it.

AH: I ad^^it that y[]ur inane b|_ather is pissing ^^e []ff even ^^[]re than usua|_.

AP: Close enough... ._.

AH: {>:(

HC: Progressss!

AH: Whatever. I'^^ []ut. If I have t[] read any ^^[]re []f this [rap t[]night, I'|_|_ exp|_[]de in a sh[]wer []f hate.

AH: S[]^^e[]ne let ^^e kn[]w when we find []ut ^^[]re ab[]ut this ga^^e y[]u ja[kasses [an't st[]p jizzing y[]urse|_ves []ver.

HC: >:(

AP: Hal, jizz?

HC: I'm not ssure but it ssoundss like ssomething that iss.. not appropriate to be talking about in the pressence of a lady.

AH: When tw[] tr[]|_|_s rea|_|_y hate ea[h []ther....

AP: Oh. The...incestuous slurry. You, were right Hal.

AH: first ti^^e f[]r everything...

HC: Hilariousss. I ssee what you are trying to imply.
HC: That I am never right.
HC. Very clever, yess.

AP: The sarcasm is, killing me...inside.

AH: n[]t fast en[]ugh. {>:D

AP: I...have to tend, to my lusus now. I think...he wants the, other arm.
AP: Bye._.

absentPsychologist [AP] ceased trolling

AH: Anyway, |_ike I said ear|_ier, I'^^ []ut. Need s[]^^e rest; after a|_|_, I have a |_[]t []f hating t[] d[].

anitpathicHopper [AH] ceased trolling

HC: Well if everyone elsse took off then I guessss I'll get going too.
HC: I'm ssure I can find ssomething to do other than sstare at an empty memo all night.
HC: If anyone hearss anything elsse about thiss alleged game, do let me know~

halcyonCoils [HC] ceased trolling

omnipotentOmnivore [OO] responded to memo.

OO: oh hey you guysh are talking about the shgrub game?
OO: that'sh cool. oh hey guessh what me and my lushush found in the woodsh today under a rock? there were all theshe crunchy lil bugsh, like a whole family with adultsh and larvae and eggsh and shome big dead onesh too that the lil bite-shized onesh were crawlin all over. the dead onesh were a bit too dry for my tastesh, but i bet they would have been really good if i had been able to make an au jous out of the larvae! but nommington, my lushush, kind of ate the only shauchepan i brought with. ]:( we're shtill working on that problem. he'sh sho shilly.
OO: you guysh should come over for a shnack one day! i could show you all the yummy reschipesh i've been inventing!

OO: uh oh, nommington ish trying to eat my trollton brown poshter again!! ]:-O i gotta go! shee ya later!

omnipotentOmnivore [OO] ceased trolling

antipathicHopper [AH] responded to memo

AH: What the he|_|_, [][]? Is there anything y[]u w[]n't sh[]ve d[]wn y[]ur pr[]tein [hute?
AH: I ^^ean, da^^n. It's s[]rt []f [reepy.
AH: I guess n[] []ne e|_se is here right n[]w.
AH: I swear, if y[]u pai|_heads are a|_|_ p|_aying this game with[]ut me, I'|_|_ be pissed.

antipathicHopper [AH] ceased trolling

omnipotentOmnivore [OO] responded to memo

OO: hoppy you are jusht mad that my life hash a purposhe.
OO: don't worry; i know you'll find shomething you're good at shomeday!! ]:-) jusht keep
OO: trying!

antipathicHopper [AH] responded to memo

AH: {>:|
AH: ^^y |_ife t[]ta|_|_y has a purp[]se.
AH: ^^aking the rest []f y[]u bu|_ge|_[]vers ^^iserab|_e.
AH: S[], d[] we kn[]w anything ab[]ut this ga^^e yet?

OO: no, i shtill have no idea what we're doin. ]:-(
OO: but i'll bring shnacks if we get hungry!!
OO: and i know how you feel about eating bugsh, shince your lushush is a big yummy
OO: mantish and all that, sho i'll avoid anything with thoshe ingredientsh.

AH: Fantasti[. I appre[iate y[]ur [[]nsiderati[]n.
AH: Th[]ugh I d[]ubt Strize wi|_|_ take we|_|_ t[] being [a|_|_ed "yu^^^^y..."

OO: you are welcome!
OO: oh, that'sh right. i'll try and remember not to ushe that language around him!
OO: it wouldn't be very niche.
OO: even though it'sh true!!! ]:-) bugsh are crunchy and delicioush!

AH: {:|
AH: If y[]u say s[].

OO: don't knock it until you've tried it, hoppy. ]:-)
OO: well, I gotta go. time to feed nommington again!

omnipotentOmnivore [OO] has ceased trolling

AH: I need t[] |_eave as we|_|_.
AH: Ti^^e t[] feed... ^^yse|_f, I guess.

antipathicHopper [AH] has ceased trolling

pandorasArchvist [PA] responded to memo

PA: What is this I haer atoub a game?
PA: And why was I not envitid eirlaer?

technopathicalAnomaly [TA] responded to memo

TA: yOU wErE InvItEd, bUt yOU wErEn't pAyIng AttEntIOn
TA: At lEAst thAt's whAt I hEArd

PA: I have been bysu.
PA: My dicsussoin on the lief and times of Troll Jegus is amlost colmepte.
PA: Aslo, there has been a stnarge persnece in Raeding hall 3

TA: ExcUsEs, ExcUsEs . . .

spectacularHellion [SH] responded to memo

SH: what the fuck is goin on here
SH: are you guys talking about the game
SH: i bet itll be sweet and a lot of fun
SH: kinda like this game i was playing with my toys the other time so sweet
SH: see nocturnal wingedrat vigilante was investigating the murder of baron von tuskerfangs and the clues led him to the trollsters hideout and he was like the jig is up and trollster was like fuuuuuuuu and wingedrat punched him but then doc squid burst in through the roof hes like a real squid you know how can squids talk anyway how can so many things like dragons talk how can we talk
SH: man do you think therell be things that talk in the game i hope so that would be fun like giant ogre cat things that talk or like little shelled thingies hey hey do you think therell be little shelled thingies in the game i have some plushies of them so i hope so but i forget what theyre called does any of you know what theyre called its probably something silly
SH: where was i oh right wingedrat knocked out doc squid and then i tripped on something and knocked my head and fell unsconscious so i guess it wasnt that great a game but it sure was fun while it lasted and anyway i bet this game will be lots more fun dont you think

PA: I am not sure wtah I tkinh.

TA: I dOn't fUckIng cArE spEc
TA: I hOpE yOU gOt brAIn dAmAgE

SH: nah i feel fine how about you

TA: fInE, sAy, hAvE yOU lOst An Arm?

SH: uh no why would i lose an arm why did you lose an arm have you found it would you like me to help you look

TA: nEvEr mInd, I'll tAlk tO yOU whEn I mAkE A rObOtIc brAIn InstEAd

SH: whoa dude youre making a robot brain cool where are you going to put it are you gonna build a robot for it is it going to be big i bet its going to be big

TA: shUt Up bEfOrE I jAm It In yOUr EAr

PA: I duobt taht woudl be pissoble or, for that matetr, sinatiry.

TA: I'd lEt hIm kEEp It, I'll gEt It On vIdEO whEn I dO It

SH: dont you mean my auricular sponge clot

PA: Oh spot bieng so valgur. It is 'aer' when in pilote campony.

TA: scrEw It, I'm gOnnA shOvE It Up hIs Ass And dEtOnAtE It InstEAd

SH: :(

PA: If that deos teak pcale, do sned me the vodie, would you?
PA: It muts be airchved.

TA: wIth plEAsUrE . . .

PA: Thuough udner wcihh cetogary?
PA: Machenical mulitiation?

TA: jUst plAcE It In mY fIlE
TA: I knOw yOU hAve OnE Of mE

PA: : /
PA: I wuold heav to kool for taht firts.
PA: I appaer to heav maspliced it.
PA: Somewrehe in croidorr 8.

TA: tEll mE, dO yOU hAvE An ElEctrOnIc vErsIOn Of yOUr rEcOrds?

PA: Meer eloctrenics connat hodl the mihgt taht is teh CATOLUGAE

TA: bUt I mAkE fIrEprOOf hArd drIvEs, bOOks ArE flAmmAblE
TA: bIg hOnkIn' 1,000,000 trOllAbYtE hArd drIvEs

PA: My freind...
PA: You sloudh rellay sit dnow wiht a good book oen of thsee dyas.

TA: I dO rEAd bOOks
TA: jUst rEAd trOllbUntU 10.10, mAnUAl fOr gEnIUsEs
TA: twIcE

PA: Yuo heav jtus semmud pu ereyvingth taht is wrong wiht yuo.

TA: I'm crEAtIve And I ApprEcIAtE frEE stUff?

SH: i try to read books sometimes but i just fall asleep

antipathicHopper [AH] responded to memo

AH: What is up, ^^y grubfu[kers?

PA: Grubckufres? Is taht a vilad unsilt?
PA: I do not rebemer sieeng it in the 'LARGE GLOSSARY OF VALID TROLL INSULTS'

TA: hOppEr, dOn't yOU thInk thAt pOkEgrUb: pUsE vErsIOn sUcks?

SH: wassup AH how you doin im fine how about you

AH: [ould be worse, I guess.
AH: and p[]kegrub w[]u|_d su[k |_ess if it weren't for Tr[]|_|_ J[]ey.
AH: S[] mu[h hate.
AH: He's in|_ike.
AH: I d[]n't even kn[]w.
AH: He's in the 100th per[enti|_e of [hute[|_[]ths.
AH: The p[]int I a^^ trying t[] ^^ake is simp|_e:
AH: Fu[k Tr[]|_|_ J[]ey.

TA: yOU'rE gOnnA lOOk lIkE A lOsEr If yOU hAvE a kIsmEsIs wIth A fAkE trOll
TA: And thE ImpErIAl drOnE dOEsn't AccEpt ImAgInAry kIsmEsIs mAtErIAl
TA: bElIEvE mE, I'vE trIEd

PA: Yuo maen, liek, fukc him letirally?
PA: Cuase I fuond semohting in the Finfaction scetion teh eroth day.
PA: I cuold sden ouy an erxcept?

AH: Fu[k the dr[]ne as we|_|_.

SH: yeah man i hate troll joey he sucks you know maybe your kismesis is everything

AH: Pandy, there is n[]thing I hate ^^[]re than fanfi[tion.
AH: Ex[ept, y'kn[]w, everything.
AH: Espe[ia|_|_y y[]u.

TA: kIsmEsIs wIth EvErYthIng Is ImprActIcAl
TA: lOOk At AP
TA: I'm gOnnA hAvE tO IntErvEnE wIth An EmOtIOn chIp Or hE'll prObAblY dIE

AH: i^^pra[ti[a|_ ^^y ass. Y[]u just d[]n't have the bu|_ge f[]r it.
AH: ^^aybe y[]u [[]u|_d invent y[]urse|_f a pair.

PA: Akoy I heav fuond ti. Heer you go.
PA: "Bronze's eyes lit up as he heard the sweet ringing yet again. There was only one troll who called him every 5 minutes to ask how he was. And that troll was in the top fucking percentage of lovers.' He sighed happily as he picked up the LONG DISTANCE COMMUNCATION DEVICE, held it to his ear. 'Joey!'"
PA: Wuold yuo liek more? Theer era over 700 paegs of tihs.

AH: []h dear fu[k N[]
AH: D:>}
AH: I'^^ |_eaving bef[]re ^^y th[]ughtn[]de exp|_[]des fr[]^^ y[]ur shitty fanfi[ti[]n.

antipathicHopper [AH] has ceased trolling

PA: So yuo wuold not liek to ckech uot tihs etim?
PA: Danm

TA: plEAsE rEAd On
TA: I'll cOpY And pAstE fOr hIm lAtEr

PA: I wlil jsut sden mih teh flie.
PA: Perpahs he lliw hancge his mind and ckech uot teh harcdopy.
PA: I heop so.
PA: It si cuasing truoble.

pandorasArchivist [PA] sent antipathicHopper [AH] file "Unevolved Love.trlxt"

TA: UnlIkEllY

PA: Wuold yuo liek it?

TA: Afk fOr A mInUtE
TA: hey PA, anything new in the legendary archives?

PA: Tehy tden to ramein uchnaged.

TA: then have you found anything new or know of anyone coming by that might have something
TA: anything regarding any myth is fine

PA: I wlli aks my lusus.
PA: If I canton hepl it.
PA: But I duobt I will fdin anthting new.

TA: sOrrY AbOUt thAt, mY dAmn lUsUs wOn't mAkE hIs Own dAmn AccOUnt

PA: If yuor lusus reiqures infirmaton, I roccemend he calloborate with mien.
PA: I do ton wihs to boceme a massenger.

TA: I'm jUst wOrrIEd hE'll gEt IdEAs And hUrt hImsElf
TA: gOnnA gO

bananaFan [BF] responded to memo

BF: Ook?

TA: do you kow anything on any myths of power, whether small or infathomable?

BF: Ook! Ook-ook.
BF: Ook! Ook!
BF: Ook?

TA: does your keyboard really come with only o, k and punctuation?
TA: because in all of the centuries I've lived, that is the saddest thing ever

BF: Ook. . .

TA: fuck, where's the librarian?
TA: at least I understood what she said

PA: Yuo jsut spoek to teh labriain.
PA: Asaully teh mroe precetpive biengs anderstund him.

TA: if that's the librarian than your whole troll public archives system is a pile of shit

PA: It toko you just an ouhr to raelize taht?

TA: for a moment there I thought your stupid monkey lusus was typing
TA: I see I was mistaken
TA: I apologize for insulting him
TA: what the fuck, someone shot a banana right throught this hive's deflector shield
TA: that thing stops artillery bullets

PA: He deos not liek bieng rerrefed to as the M-word.
PA: Jsut an FYI.

TA: wait, so your stupid lusus "primate" is the retarded librarian?
TA: this just gets better and better

PA: Teh Lirbanian asks me to vinite you to vitis teh LIBRARCHIVARY one dya.
PA: He sah stuj teh pcale for yuo in teh 'EXTINCT SPECIES' achrives.

TA: fuck you and your stupid staffing system
TA: just a moment
TA: what the fuck! you don't have an electronic backup?
TA: this is just great, I can't visit without getting ripped to shreds and you have no networked backup to hack

PA; He raelly deosn't liek teh m-word.
PA: Do yuo konw waht heppaned to teh lats hakcer to ackatt us?

TA: I'm half-monkey, half-hawk, so I didn't know the "m-word" offended him
TA: I ApOlOgIzE fOr mY IdIOt lUsUs, I nEEd tO tIE hIm dOwn Or sOmEthIng
TA: gOnnA tUrn thIs cOmp Off sO hE dOEsn't gEt bAck On

technopathicalAnomaly [TA] ceased responding to memo

SH: sorry i kinda went to get something to drink and i tripped and got knocked out
SH: wow pas lusus is really smart and talks a lot kinda reminds me of

PA: Yuo udsternand it?

SH: huh
SH: oh yeah well not really i heard what it was saying but i didnt really pay attention

PA: I taek bakc waht I siad atoub 'cerpetpnivetess'.
PA: Claerly it is interely rodnam who anderstunds my lusus.

SH: shit i dunno man maybe im really perceptive and dont know it kinda like that movie where the guy used to be a threshecutioner and doesnt know it i liked that movie hey man do you like any movies i bet youd like that one

PA: The uadoivusial achrivse are nto my pirvuew.
PA: You wuold haev to dicsuss taht with my lusus.

SH: sure man ill talk to him later but my lusus is calling me right now i think it wants to play so see ya bye have fun dont start the game without me

spectacularHellion [SH] ceased responding to memo

PA: I slouhd porblaby cintunoe my partols of teh hlals. Teh MANIFESTATIONS haev been rsteless.

pandorasArchvist [PA] ceased responding to memo

eloquentOrchestrator [EO] responded to memo

EO: | Oh wow guys this | real-ly got out | of hand fast here |
EO: | It is lack-ing | so much or-der | I can't stand it |
EO: May-be start a | new me-mo once | the game starts up |

EO banned EVERYONE from responding to memo
EO closed memo


Sweet Jegus! You weren't even gone for that long! So much for a well-ordered discussion about SGRUB. That's the last time you post a memo without strict guidelines. Reading that memo really got you riled up, you should probably go be someone else until you calm down.

POS Almighty has spoken.
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