You are now Aldurin, again.
You've pretty much gotten the game compiled, but you'll need to figure out a distribution strategy. You figure you give two sets to two different trolls to distribute to who they want. But you'll need to determine who first. And not just outright ask them.
>Troll a candidate, but be discreet about your intentions
technopathicalAnomaly [TA] began trolling pandorasArchivist [PA]
TA: hOw's lIfE?
PA: Our team of FAUNA-MOPHRES has sudeecced in derstoying the alien brideeng ground!
PA: No, wait.
PA: That was a book. My apigelois.
TA: nO bIg dEAl
TA: I stIll cOnsIdEr yOU cOOlEr thAn thE OthEr clOwns wE kEEp In tOUch wIth
PA: I beviele that calls for thanks.
PA: Thuogh I must say, I quisteon your cocnept of 'cool'.
PA: Unsels you have sundedly become enrancted by the mastejy of liretature?
TA: I'vE dOnE crEAtIvE wrItIng
TA: It jUst cOmEs As A mIx Of sOUnd, vIsIOn And wOrds
TA: gAmEs EssEntIAllY
TA: bUt I dOn't UsE It tO fUck Off lIkE mOst trOlls dO
TA: It's OnE Of mY Arts
PA: To quote Troll Roger Ebert, "games can never be art".
PA: But I may be sweyad by covicning agumerent.
PA: The Library can be a boring place ineded.
TA: At lEAst thErE Is ImpOrtAnt knOwlEdgE kEpt thErE
TA: trOll cUltUrE hAs mOvEd AwAy frOm thAt
TA: I AlwAys thrOw A pOsItIvE mOrAl In mY wOrks
TA: tO trY tO drAg OUr cUltUrE bAck tO dEEp thInkIng
PA: Indeed.
PA: Do you think you can be susseccful?
TA: OnlY tO A cErtAIn dEgrEE
TA: OnlY wIth thOsE trOlls thAt nEEd A nUdgE
TA: OthErs wOUld dIE bEfOrE thEY lEft thEIr lIttlE wOrld Of vApId And shAllOw plAyIng
PA: You minusterdand me.
PA: I was enriquing whether you are in any way quilafeid for such an udternaking?
TA: I thInk thE mAIn qUAlIfIcAtIOn Is wIllIng tO trY And lEArn
TA: I UsEd tO bElIEvE I cOUld chAngE EvErYOnE's vIEw Of thE wOrld
TA: gIvE thEm AnOthEr pErspEctIvE tO cOnsIdEr
TA: bUt I'vE lEArnEd thAt It dOEsn't ApplY tO EvErYOnE
TA: I stIll trY, thOUgh And It fEEls gOOd tO knOw thAt I'm dOIng sOmEthIng
PA: What exalcty it is you are doing renaim to be seen.
PA: I have invulantirily mezorimed saveral mellinnia of troll hitsory.
PA: Whetaver the troll perpecstive is, it has sevred us well.
TA; It hAs fOr mIlItArY And sUrvIvAl pUrpOsEs
TA: bUt I'm fOcUsIng On EnlIghtEnmEnt
TA: As lAmE As thAt sOUnds, thErE Is mErIt In thErE
TA: bUt whAt dO yOU thInk? shOUld wE prOgrEss In OnlY OnE dIrEctIOn Or cOnsIdEr thE OthEr rOAds?
PA: You really shuold get back to wrinitg craevilety.
PA: Write down those thuoghts you have.
PA: In fact, send them to me!
PA: I wuold gladly achrive them.
PA: Probably under aisle 72.3
PA: Right next to volume 3 of "WHAT IF SHELVES WERE NOT SHELVES".
PA: Serouisly, what kind of quisteon is that awynay?
TA: I'll gEt An AnswEr OUt Of yOU At sOmE pOInt
technopathicalAnomaly [TA] ceased trolling pandorasArchivist [PA]
Well that gave you some hope. The only archivist of all of the trolls and he dodges a question on intellectual enlightenment. And he is probably one of the better choices still. You'll have to ponder this, maybe confide with your lusus.