>Be someone less embarrassing
You are now Aldurin, again,
>Check status on distribution
You already have Scalis scoped out to be a distributor and are almost ready to go in for the kill.
>Go in for the kill
Not yet, you still have another candidate to interrogate. You have a good feeling about giving Caoway distribution rights, too.
>Do it then!! DO IT!!
technopathicalAnomaly [TA] began trolling melancholicChumly [MC]
TA: sO AbOUt thIs gAmE I fOUnd . . .
TA: I'm tOO jUdgEmEntAl tO trUst EnOUgh trOlls wIth thIs
TA: sO I wAnt yOU tO dEEm whO Is wOrthY
TA: dO yOU wAnt In?
MC: /)on't really have much of a choice now /)o I?
TA: I nArrOwEd It dOwn tO yOU Or zEb
TA: cOnsIdEr It An Act Of gOOd wIll I chOsE yOU
MC: G\oo/) will towardS\ whom?
MC: S\hit, I'm already reG\rettinG\ doinG\ thiS\.
TA: yOU wOn't rEgrEt It
TA: At wOrst yOU'll gEt tO wAtch yOUr EnEmIEs dIE
TA: At bEst yOU'll gEt thE UltImAtE OnE-Up AgAInst thEm
MC: I really /)on't care about that.
MC: The only perS\on I ever truly wanted to kill iS\ already in troll Davy Jone'S\ laundryblock.
TA: I EnvY thE fAct thAt yOUr EnEmIEs ArE AlrEAdY dEAd
TA: bUt thAt's nOt rEAllY thE pOInt
TA: this is dead serious
TA: like "no quirk" serious
TA: there's some scary coding shit in this game
TA: it draws a shitload of power from what appear to be sub-dimensional singularities
TA: at least that's how the translator program says it
TA: whatever this thing does, I'm definitely not gonna miss out
TA: also Alternia will be destroyed when we start the game, so it's best to join just to stay alive
MC: Fuck, that'S\ whatS\ G\oing to happen?
MC: I coul/) have /just told me that from the beG\inninG\.
TA: I'm not going to ask what that means right now
TA: what I want you to do is find seven other trolls that you trust enough to come along with us
TA: I'll have someone else find six others
TA: that'll make an even 16, which should be optimal for a session of this
TA: if you don't want to choose I'll just give this to Zebrek and he can pass it out to any troll he wants
TA: are you up for this?
MC: Not like I have anythinG\ better to do.
MC: /just S\end me the data and I'll find S\ome playerS\.
MC: Luckily, we live on a planet full of pS\ychotic children /)eeply immerS\ed in /)ea/)ly roleplaying G\ameS\.
TA: don't make me have second thoughts about this
technopathicalAnomaly sent melancholicChumly file "Sgrub_remastered.texe" and file "Not_dying_in_Sgrub_for_assholes_v0.01.ttxt"
TA: hAvE A gOOd dAY
MC: /)oubt it.
TA: whAtEvEr wOrks
technopathicalAnomaly [TA] ceased trolling melancholicChumly [MC]
That went pretty well. At least now you know that other trolls are willing to participate.
Shit, the lights are flickering again. You need to tell your lusus to stop using so much power for whatever he's building, or he better build a third reactor to compensate for it.
>Be someone else.