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Unread 12-10-2010, 12:10 PM   #91
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Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted. Overcast bakes the most delicious cookies you've ever tasted.
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That depends. What do you think of Leraje?


You are Leraje.

You are staring down your husktop, a half empty bottle of faygo on the ground nearby, and a deep desire in your heart that can only be quenched by your personal addiction.


And so you...wait you're being trolled. This is odd, you're normally the one to do this. You wonder who it is.

>Get trolled by Caoway

Show PesterlogmelancholicChumly [MC] started trolling absentPsychologist [AP]

MC: Ahoy.
MC: TurnS\ out I value my lonG\evity over my comfort.
MC: Oh, an/) S\orry for not contactinG\ you for half a S\weep I G\ueS\S\?

AP: We all...need. A haitus. Every, once in a...while. Your, droning on. About. Romance of a different, style. Did get. Maddening. After a bit.
AP: But why end it, now?

MC: Yeah, it waS\ S\o obnoxiouS\ the way I'/) /juS\t contact you out of the blue an/) talk an/) me/)/)le an/) pro/).
MC: Oh wait, that waS\ you.
MC: But enouG\h about your me/)/)linG\ an/) inability to un/)erS\tan/) true romance.
MC: Can I aS\S\ume you alrea/)y know about the G\ame /)erpah has put toG\ether?

AP: Ah yes, the idiot.
AP: Indeed, I have.
AP: Can I extrapolate...that. He has, given. You a copy. And you, knowing. My skill. Are, about to. Ask for my assistance?

MC: Yes, an/) /)on't aS\k me why he /)eci/)e/) to put a FLARP hatinG\ S\ocial recluS\e in charG\ of /)iS\tributinG| it.
AP: I reiterate. Idiot.
MC: S\o can I count you on boar/)?
AP: Of course! How, could I. Pass up, a chance to. Meddle in your. Affairs again?
AP: The game. Is on. Once more. Adventurer.

MC: G\reat.
MC: Now S\ince I'm S\ort of new to the whole
MC: FLARPy swinG\ weapon S\tat-bat thinG\
MC: I nee/) your a/)vice on who to recruite.
MC: Will there be fiG\htinG\? Will we nee/) a muS\ician?
MC: That S\ort of thinG\.

AP: There will, almost. Certainly be. Fighting.
MC: G\oo/), I waS\ a little worrie/) I'/) have to go 600 hourS\ without punchinG\ somethinG\.
MC: Then aG\ain, I /)o remember me mentioninG\ S\trifeS\...
MC: G\ueS\S\ I waS\ worrie/) for nothinG\.

AP: Less, than. Nothing. No proper, troll is complete. Without mindless. Violence.
AP: So a base of. Fighters is. A good idea. We could also. Use some wit. I recommend. Sharl.
AP: He's one crafty fellow.

MC: Crafty iS\ riG\ht. S\on of a G\rub S\ol/) me a S\ho/)/)y taxi/)ermy book.
MC: Twice.

AP: ...he may be craftier than I thought.
AP: We may, also need. A healer sort. Gorrma is a good, filler for that. Spot. Also good in a...scrap.
AP: And I want. Zeb on our team.

AP: Why the glub not?
MC: That moron'S\ a fliG\ht riS\k.
MC: We'll be un/)er attack by
MC: I /)on't know, a fuckinG\ flyinG\ Spi/)er an/) he'll /juS\t be S\tarinG\ off in the opposite /)irection
MC: LookinG\ at the pretty /)ouble rainbow while we all /)ie.
MC: AlS\o, G\lub?

AP: ...a friend. Rubbing off on me.
AP: But Zeb has, untapped. Potential, that can only. Be conflict.
AP: And, if he isn't. On our team...I might not be.

MC: ArrrrrG\h, okay I miG\ht think about maybe conS\i/)ering him.
AP: Good. In response, I know. Some powerful. Muscle...that could. Prove well to us.
AP: Note, get Piron.

MC: Who iS\ Piron?
AP: Oh yeah, you weren't there. When I pushed...her in.
AP: Sharky troll keen to kicking my ass.

MC: S\harky?
MC: Wait, /)oeS\ S\he have a muS\clebeaS\t tail, clawS\, an/) a luS\uS\ the S\ize of a whale?

AP: Close, but smaller. Lusus.
MC: S\eeme/) biG\G\er at the time...
AP: Maybe, it is big. But she will. Ruin someone's, day in a...strife.
MC: Okay, now I /)efinitely think I know her.
AP: Good, get her. She will do well.
MC: Yeah but I'm not S\ure S\he'/) want to be on the S\ame team aS\ me.
MC: When I met her, I waS\ kin/) of a /jerk and we ha/) a S\trife.

AP: Sounds. Like. You.
AP: Still, just try. If all else. Fails, I'll do it.

MC: ThiS\ iS\ G\oinG\ to be huG\e pain.
MC: I'll probably S\ave her for laS\t then.
MC: Oh, I S\houl/) recruit TerG\um aS\ well.

AP: That...may, not go well.
MC: But he haS\ S\o much /)irectionleS\S\ hate an/) rage.
MC: We /juS\t nee/) to S\teer him.

AP: He doesn't. Like me. Kinda like Glissa. But she is...worse.
AP: If you can, convince him. I'm all. For it though.

MC: Okay, you, me, S\harl, G\orrma, Piron, Tergum, and Zeb (pen/)inG\)
AP: Also. Going to invite...a secret. Weapon.
MC: CominG\ from you, that makeS\ me unneaS\y.
MC: But that /)oeS\ make eiG\ht playerS\.
MC: I'll G\o an/) G\et everybo/)y on boar/).
MC: Then I'll
MC: G\ive me a minute.
MC: ThiS\ G\ui/)e iS\ the moS\t infuriatinG\ thinG\ I've ever rea/).
MC: It outriG\ht tol/) me to lock my lipS\ with it'S\ poop/)eck.

AP: Don't trust. Guides yet. The game is new...the guides will be. Shit.
MC: Yeah, but it /)i/) S\ay they we have to S\et up a chain of clientS\ an/) S\erverS\.
MC: S\erverS\ are apparently in control of the client'S\ enviroment.
MC: They manipulate it an/) help G\et the client into
MC: S\omethinG\ calle/) an incipiS\phere?

AP: Don't get...too ahead. Of yourself. We don't, know. How much. Of this shit is. Game Jargon. It'll make, more sense. Later.
MC: It S\eemS\ like that function iS\ our ticket off thiS\ /)oome/) rock.
AP: Doomed?
MC: /)erpah /)i/)n't tell you?
MC: He waS\ G\oinG\ over the G\ame co/)e or whatever the /jarG\on for that iS\.
MC: S\omething in it in/)icate/) that the planet iS\ G\oinG\ to be /)eS\troye/).

AP: ...then why. Play?
MC: Well, it's G\oinG\ to happen whether or not we play.
MC: TakinG\ part iS\ the only chance we have to S\urvive.

AP: Dammit. I knew that...idiot. Would be, the one. To doom us all.
MC: Actually he may have /juS\t S\ave/) uS\.
MC: It'S\ not like he S\ummone/) S\ome S\tupi/) S\pace rockS\ to kill uS\.
MC: I mean, who /)oeS\ that?

AP: It. Sounds like...his brand of. Idiocy.
AP: But if, you say. So.

MC: Okay, beS\t G\et your affairS\ in order then.
MC: I'll contact everyone an/) then S\et up a memo to /)eci/)e what order we do thiS\ in.
MC: But firS\T, I'm G\oinG\ to G\o G\et my boat.
MC: I hope there'S\ oceanS\ where we're G\oinG\.

AP: Not. Much. Choice. Now.
MC: Here'S\ the G\ame an/) the G\ui/)e.
melancholicChumly sent absentPsycologist file "Sgrub_remastered.texe" and "Not_dying_in_sgrub_for_assholes_v.0.01.ttxt".
AP: Will get to. Installing...
AP: Bye._.

MC: No, belay that!
MC: I'm not quite rea/)y on thiS\ en/).
MC: Oh S\hit, there'S another curse/) craS\h noiS\e.
MC: I thouG\ht I waS\ /)one with that.

AP: What. More...could you. Need?
MC: I S\till haven't cut up the lor/)whale half I /jettiS\one/) onto my front lawn.
AP: More of. This ocean life...reaper. Nonsense.
MC: No, weir/) time S\hit.
MC: Apparently we're about to be hit by a perfect S\torm of S\imiliar occuranceS\.

AP: ...okay explain. No typing quirk. What do you mean by weird time shit?
MC: It iS\n't that important.
MC: BeS\i/)eS\, I'm pretty S\ure you'll fin/) out firS\t han/) when I S\tart the memo.

AP: We are all fucking doomed.
AP: Anything else?

MC: Oh yeah.
MC: If you ever hear S\omething like two metal containerS\ beinG\ clanG\e/) toG\ether.
MC: AbS\con/) or S\omethinG\.

AP: Wut.
MC: I'm /juS\t paS\S\inG\ on a meS\S\aG\e.
AP: Alright. I'm off.
AP: Bye._.

MC: AlriG\ht, talk to you in a bit.

melancholicChumly [MC] stopped trolling absentPsychologist [AP]

Well this just got a lot less fun. You're going to need some time to contemplate this. It was just a game before, but shit most definitely just got real.

>Be someone else.
Time to bust out the glow sticks!
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