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Unread 01-28-2011, 09:12 PM   #23
Bard The 5th LW
Feelin' Super!
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Join Date: May 2009
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Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Bard The 5th LW can see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

>Be someone who is as fast as they think they are

You are now Nasryl, and you were not fast enough.

You are currently screaming at a corpse the second time today, once again demanding that they don't die on you. The operating table is covered in the lemon shaded blood of your lusus as you attempt a belayed surgery on limited time. This is met with no success, and the makeshift RAINBOW TICKER shows that her heartrate is steadily dropping. You're running low on time!

>Be past Nasryl

You rewind about 15 minutes after Nasryl answered the Team Rocket memo. Currently, you are waiting in the LOBBY of your hospital, also called the ANTE-MORGUE by some residents on Alternia. At this moment, you are waiting for a report from your Lusus (and Nurse) Cathara. It is at this stage that she usually prepares the body in your ACTUAL MORGUE that you have located in the back of the building.

Why isn't she done by now? The patient's lusus will arrive soon! Oh Jegus... is she eating the corpse? It wouldn't be the first time that the greedy scavenger did it. Some doctors might allow their nurse/mortician to devour a deceased patient's mangled corpse, but you'll be damned if you tolerate that kind of conduct!

You quickly slam open the door and barge into the ACTUAL MORGUE, to find your lusus hovering over the corpse.

"Cathara! Again!?"

There is no response. You take another couple of steps forward, and shake Cathara violently to get her attention. You find that she is hacking, and asphyxiating due to a shard of SHRAPNEL you failed to remove from the corpse!

>Nasryl: Operate

That's precisely what you did! Now your at the operating table, Cathara's dying, and blood is everywhere! How... HOW does she even have this much blood! You can barely even tell that the sleeves of your doctor's outfit were once white!

>Put her down

NO! NEVER! You will not succumb to the ease of a mercy kill! You are a medical expert in training! How can you expect to be taken seriously if all your patients DIE?! You will persevere.


We jump ahead to the future to find that you have failed. Her heartbeat is gone, and even the dead reflexes are fading. You have failed your duties as a doctor again.

>Nasryl: Brood

He seems to be doing that just fine without your help. How about we move on to someone else? How about Glissa! Where has she been?

>Glissa: Get trolled

While you are relaxing in front of your CAFFINATED BEVERAGE SLAB, you find that Trollian is going off. Using your husktop, you find that it is... Zebrek? What could he want? You have a feeling this discussion will bring bad news.

View Pesterlog-- spectacularhellion [SH] began trolling bathorysIllustrator [BI] --
SH: hiiii gliissaaaaaaaaaa whats up how are you im your server player have you heard
BI: What
BI: Please juste repeat this for me.
BI: My think pan must have misprocessed somethinge.

SH: ummm hi how are you caoway said i was your server
BI: Caowaye?
BI: That really figures.
BI: I suppose there isn'te room for alteratione?

SH: i dont know i guess youd have to ask caoway but why do you want to change i dont mind being your server youre pretty cool!
BI: ?
BI: Do you really thinke so?

SH: yeah i do youre really smart and you have a lot of cool things and you can breathe underwater thats really cool
BI: I guesse thats nice of you to say.
BI: So whate do you know about this game? I read a little bit of Aldurins guide, but I don't wante to give him the satisfactione of readinge it all.
BI: Woulde never have thought he coulde be so rude.

SH: i didnt read it all either but what i know is that i connect to you and then put some stuff in your hive and we activate it and you go into the middle!
BI: The middle?
BI: It seemse thate we are both in the dark.
BI: How about I connecte to someone else firste so we know what to do?
BI: Whate do you thinke of that proposal?

SH: awwww come on i wanted to start playing now ill read the whole guide if we start playing now i promise!
BI: Juste please be patient.
BI: I'd rather have an idea of whate is going to happen before jumping into thingse.
BI: I can connexte to Piron, and then to you once things are cleared up.
BI: I have a feelinge the guide won't be very helpful.

SH: =
SH: okaaaaaaayy =:'(

BI: Good
BI: I thinke.
BI: I'm sure you can find somethinge to occupy yourselfe in the meantime.
BI: Righte?

SH: ok sure ill find something to do maybe ill play with twinkleberry for a while
SH: so glissa how have you beeeeeeennnnn

BI: I've been welle.
BI: Nothinge out of the ordinary. I thinke.
BI: Its mostly quiete out here.
BI: I hesitate to ask.
BI: But how have you beene?

SH: im good thanks for asking!
SH: playing games with my toys and twinkleberry said i had to organize my collection which wasnt so good but he says i have to every once in a while and i found something for gorrma in there so i guess it was good in the end
SH: hey glissa can i come over and look at your stuff once we start playing can i can i can i

BI: If the possibility is opene, then I guess I can let you looke at some of my thingse.
BI: As longe as you're careful. I've... heard of that incident with Scalis.

SH: that was different i couldnt find the load gaper who makes a library with impossible architecture anyway and i didnt know it was his book and i apologized and im so sorry itll never happen again!
BI: That is quite
BI: I am at a losse for description.
BI: How aboute I personally give you the tour when the time comes?

SH: ok that would be nice
BI: Excellente.
BI: I thinke I have somethinge to go checke on right now. Is there anything else you want to say before I go?

SH: oh!
SH: i think i have a package i wonder what it is im gonna go get it okay talk to you later glissa bye have fun

-- spectacularHellion [SH] ceased trolling bathorysIllustrator [BI] --

Look at that, it was bad news. You will have to rely on Zebrek to aid you along. At least he seems to have his heart in it.

One thing is for certain, Caoway is going to have to put all of his soul into that CRUSTACEAN FORGIVENESS DANCE if he wants to survive this game.

Its right about now that you should visit your lusus for the day. He is certainly still patrolling the hive. If you head to the roof, you may be able to catch him.

>Glissa: Ascend to the top floor

Its a large hive, that is a long climb. Much too long for your feeble legs to cover in one post. How about we hand off the torch to someone else?

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