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Unread 03-02-2011, 02:06 PM   #46
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 1,789
Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them. Token can afford to hire someone to poop for them.


You are now, against all reasoning, Tergum in the distant past of... well, fifty-five minutes before he enters the medium. You have just discovered (and accidentally captchalogued) the corpse of your Lusus, and have managed to put aside that loss for the sake of your friends.

>DP...W55MBHETM Tergum: Check Trollian.

Jegus Christopher on a ONE-WHEELED DEVICE, the notifications! The memo you started is practically exploding, there is somehow another Team Rocket memo, the Fortress memo has a veritable shitton of replies, and you're being trolled by... antipathicHopper? What?

Tergum: Sort that shit out.

You decide it's safe to assume you can close the Team Fortress memo; you've already put your two cents in, and you doubt there's anything worth reading. The first Rocket memo, on the other hand, requires a little more of your time, and a lot more of your patience. You suppose you should compose yourself, and answer.

Future antipathicHopper [FAH] reconnected
FAH: []kay. I'^^ starting t[] think this wh[]|_e "dying |_usus" thing ^^ight be part []f the ga^^e.
FAH: Strize fe|_|_ d[]wn the stairs and i^^pa|_ed hi^^se|_f []n his []wn b|_ade.
FAH: I kn[]w f[]r a fa[t that he w[]u|_dn't n[]r^^a|_|_y d[] s[]^^ething |_ike that.
FAH: It's why ^^y hive is fu|_|_ []f e|_evat[]rs. 
FAH: I warned hi^^ ab[]ut stairs.
FAH: I t[]|_d hi^^.
FAH: S[], basi[a|_|_y, what I'^^ saying is that every[]ne needs t[] be prepared.
FAH: N[]t ru|_ing []ut [[]in[iden[e just yet, but this see^^s a |_itt|_e...
FAH: [[]ntrived, I guess?
FAH: S[] yeah. Fair warning.
FAH: []n a ^^u[h ^^[]re depressing n[]te:
FAH: I've app[]inted Ba|_|_aa ^^y se[[]nd in [[]^^and.
FAH: Be[ause fu[k the rest []f y[]u, that's why.
CTA: yOU'rE jUst pArAnOId, twO cAsEs Of lUsUs mOrtAlItY dOn't mEAn thIs gAmE Is A sUpErnAtUrAl sErIAl kIllEr
CTA: EspEcIAlly sIncE thEy dIEd In wAYs thOUsAnds Of lUsII dIE
FUTURE burlesque Balderdash [FBB] (180:00 hours from now) responded to the memo
FBB: O>o dont mind me STOP
FBB: O>o im just bookmarking this particular section of the memo for future reference STOP
FBB: O>o ie: to show future derpah how full of shit he is STOP
FBB: O>o byebye now STOP
FUTURE burlesqueBalderdash has ceased responding
FAH: Derpah, y[]u'|_|_ [hange y[]ur tune []n[e Herpey dies.
FAH: And []f fu[king [[]urse it's a supernatura|_ seria|_ ki|_|_er!
FAH: Did y[]u f[]rget ab[]ut the rest []f the p|_anet, nu^^bg|_[]bes?
CTA: I'm lEAvIng thE tImE thAt wE stArt In yOUr hAnds (Or cAOwAy, whOEvEr gOEs fIrst)
CTA:  yOU'rE frEE tO stArt An EvAcUAtIOn Of thE plAnEt If yOU rEAllY thInk  EvErYOnE wIll bElIEvE A vIdEO gAmE wIll dEstrOy AltErnIA
FUTURE melancholicChumly [FMC] 134:00 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo
FMC: Evacuation won't /)o any G\oo/).
FMC: The apocolypS\e iS\n't G\oinG\ to happen faS\t enouG\h.
FAH: We|_|_.
FAH: That wasn't []^^in[]us at a|_|_. 
FMC: S\orry, that'S\ turninG\ into a ba/) habit.
FAH: It's fine, I guess.
FAH: S[], sin[e y[]u're here (and further than I a^^), whi[h []ne []f us is g[]ing first?
FMC: If I remember correctly, I S\houl/) be enterinG\ in about 10 minuteS\ from PaS\t /)erpah'S\ perS\pective.
FAH: What. 
FMC: Yeah, biG\ miS\take. I know that now.
FAH: I. 
FAH: Gah. 
FAH: Y[]u stupid s[]nnuva....
FAH: Ha|_f []f ^^y tea^^ hasn't even g[]tten ba[k t[] ^^e yet!
FMC: S\orry, like I S\ai/):
FMC: BiG\ miS\take.
FMC: Everyone'S\ G\oinG\ to G\et in thouG\h, S\o you S\houl/)n't worry too much.
FMC: BeS\i/)eS\, I'm not here to talk to you.
FMC: /)erpah, you S\houl/) really G\o over that G\ame co/)e aG\ain.
FMC: Not riG\ht now thouG\h. You're about to have company.
FMC: S\ee the meS\S\aG\e I alrea/)y left you for more on that.
FMC: S\pecifically, the warninG\ at the bottom.
FAH: Caoway. Just so you know. 
FAH: The next time I see you, I'm punching you.
FAH: In the face.
FMC: That'S\ nice.
FMC: Well, I'm /)one playinG\ thiS\ G\ame of temporal G\rab-nook.
FMC: For now at leaS\t.
FMC: Reztek S\houl/) really be the one /)oinG\ thiS\ S\hit.
FUTURE melancholicChumly [FMC] ceased responding to memo.
FAH: Why sh[]u|_d Rez...
FAH: Whatever, I'|_|_ take his w[]rd f[]r it. 
FAH: Future Reztek, DE^^ERIT. 
FAH: When y[]u read this, g[]... |_[][k y[]urse|_f in a r[][]^^ with Derpah f[]r an h[]ur.
CTA: wAIt, dOn't lOck mE In A rOOm wIth rEztEk
CTA: And whAt dId cAOwAy mEAn bY "cOmpAnY"?
FAH: Fu[k y[]u, A|_durin, I'^^ sure it's at |_EAST 5[]% y[]ur fau|_t. 
FSH: but guys come on we have to save alternia i mean its our planet why wont you do it ok ok fine be that way
FUTURE spectacularHellion has begun holding his breath.
currentpandorasArchivist [CPA] has responded to memo
CPA: What.
CPA: Are you diong?
FUTURE spectacularHellion passed out.
CPA: Thank sweet troll jegus.
CPA: Now...
CPA: Soemdoby, explian.
CPA: What in the name of the the grothermub is giong on?
FAH: We|_|_, if I had t[] hazard a guess...
FAH: I'd say that Zebrek wi|_|_ h[]|_d his breath unti|_ he passes []ut at s[]^^e p[]int in the future.
CTA: jUst hOw lOng hAvE yOU bEEn lOst In yOUr Own hIvE?
CTA: I wAs gOnnA lEt yOU lEAd thIs hAlf Of thE gIg bUt yOU nEvEr AnswErEd
CTA: sO nOw I'll lEt tErgUm mAkE thE pItch On whY yOU shOUld cOnsIdEr thIs tO bE ImpOrtAnt
FAH: Be[ause I fu[king said s[].
Future omnipotentOmnivore [FOO] responded to memo.
FOO: hey! you guysh didn't tell me we were going to jump into team rocket'sh 
FOO: shecret memo. ]:-(
FOO: unlessh caoway and zeb'sh intrushionsh haven't happened yet from my 
FOO: pershpective...? 
FOO: ugh. thish time travelly shtuff is hard to get ushed to.
CPA:  None of you are doing athyning to concinve me that I will be in  soethming even appromixating "good company" once I join the ranks of  sivurvors.
CTA: bUt thE pOInt Is yOU'll bE A sUrvIvOr
CTA: cOmE On, It cAn't bE thAt bAd . . .
CTA: EssEntIAllY thIs Is A gAmE Of sOmE bIzArrE nAtUrE
CTA: OnE Of thE fEw thIngs wE knOw AbOUt It Is thAt It wIll dEstrOy thE wOrld
CTA: bUt thOse whO plAy sUrvIvE sOmEhOw
CTA: mY prOfEssIOnAl gUEss Is thAt thIs Is A rEAlIstIc pOst-ApOcAlYptIc RPG
CTA: bUt I'm nOt tOtAllY sUrE
CPA: I quetsoin the your ability to possess a prefossional anyhting.
CPA: But regraldess...
CPA: We will see, I am sure.
CPA: And I thank Jegus that I am not in chrage.
CTA: Is thAt whY yOU nEvEr AnswErEd mE?
CTA: I wAs gOnnA lEt yOU hAvE dIbs On lEAdErshIp, bUt nOOO yOU hAd tO prEtEnd yOU wErEn't thErE
CPA: I wasn't, and why wuold I want to?
CPA: Oh noooo i don't get to babysit the freak show, WHAT WILL I DOOOO
absentPsychologist [AP] responded to the memo.
AP: It isn't. An offical...thing. Gorrma. But, doing it. So, we just do.
AP: And yeah...I hate it. I think, that is why. You haven't. Seen any other time, me's around.
AP: Anyway, Caoway is about. To die. One sec.
absentPsychologist  [AP] ceased responding to the memo.
FAH: Huh. We|_|_, that's n[]t g[][]d.
FAH: A|_s[], fu[k every[]ne wh[]'s n[]t part []f TEA^^ R[][KET. 
FAH: Y[]u're a|_|_ 'tarding up this ^^e^^[]. 
FAH: And frank|_y, Derpah's d[]ing a g[][]d en[]ugh j[]b []f that a|_ready.
FAH: S[] whi|_e I'^^ sure he'd appre[iate the he|_p, I'^^ afraid I have t[] ask y[]u t[] piss []ff.
CPA: That is liratelly the first itnegillent thing that has been said in this memo.
CPA: I will get back to all of you on this. Right now, there are some...
CPA: Pesronal matters to take care of.
FAH: Fantasti[. 
FAH: N[]w I just need t[] hear ba[k fr[]^^ HE...
-FUTURE antipathicHopper (41 hours from now) responded to memo-
FAH: Wait, what?
FAH2: What d[] y[]u think, bu|_ge-st[]mper?
FAH2: It's y[]u. Fr[]m the future. 
FAH2: Here t[] impart s[]me g[]ddamn kn[]w|_edge. 
FAH2: Y[]u [an thank me |_ater.
FAH2: Y[]u're very we|_[[]me, Tergum, it was a p|_easure as a|_ways.
FAH: The fu[k?
FAH2: Anyway, p|_easantries []ut []f the way, time f[]r future kn[]w|_edge. 
FAH2: First: st[]p being su[h an utter t[][]|_ t[] every[]ne/
FAH2: Se[[]nd: y[]u aren't near|_y as funny as y[]u think y[]u are/
FAH2: Third: F[]r fu[k's sake, dr[]p the "^^" thing. 
FAH: But... I |_ike the "^^" thing.
FAH2: N[] y[]u d[]n't. Y[]u've hated it, but y[]u kept it be[ause y[]u're a dumbshit.
-FUTURE antipathicHopper (63 hours from now) responded to memo-
FAH3: []h Jegus's taint, w[]u|_d y[]u tw[] shut up?
FAH3: I'^^ e^^barrassed t[] even be y[]u.
FAH: See? He d[]es the "^^" thing!
FAH3: Shut. The Fu[k. Up.
-Future antipathicHopper [FAH3] banned FUTURE antipathicHopper [FAH] from responding to memo-
FAH2: W[]w. That was even m[]re stupid the se[[]nd time around.
FAH3: D[] y[]u have any idea h[]w ^^uch shit I g[]t fr[]^^ the ^^ini[]ns be[ause []f y[]u?
FAH3: S[]. Fu[king. H[]rrible.
FAH2: []h. Shit. Them. 
-Future antipathicHopper [FAH2] ceased responding to memo-
CPA: Oh sweet troll jegus.
CPA: Why in the name of all that is liraletty
CPA: would you find it neseccary to fill this cosnervation with...
CPA: that?
FAH3: Y[]u'll understand when y[]u're []lder.
FUTURE pandorasArchivist [FPA] (103 hours from now) has responded to memo
FPA: Oh, yuo lwil udstrendadn.
FPA: Fro brette.
FPA: Or for rwose.
FPA: Bieveile yuo meeee...
FAH3: See? Listen t[] that ja[kass.
FAH3: Hey, ja[kass, questi[]n.
FAH3: Is the tea^^ terrified []f ^^y brutal reign yet?
FPA: Oh daer.
FPA: Butlarity... and... froce?
FPA: Theos aer not the maesn to yrou edn...
FAH3: []^^in[]us. But ^^[]st likely, bullshit. 
FAH3: I'^^ just g[]nna assu^^e y[]u've all a[[epted R[][KET [REED NUMBER []NE:
FAH3: All ^^ini[]ns ^^ust gr[]vel in the presen[e []f their GL[]RI[]US LEADER.
FAH3: ALL []f the ^^ini[]ns. All []f the^^.
FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [FEO] (??? hours from now) has responded to memo
FEO: Ok i'm The tIme tRoll Here And eVen i ThinK thiS futUre/pAst sElf mEmo gRubfUckeRy is RetArdeD.
FEO: I've bEen pUlliNg stAble Time LoopS out Of my Ass fOr daYs anD theSe meMos aRe a dIsgrAce tO eveRythIng i Do
FEO: I alrEady Know You dOn't sTop, bUt i hAve tO at lEast Try tO keeP the IdioCy to A minImum
FEO: It wiLl heLp keEp thE skuLl heMmorRhagIng aT a reCord Low
FUTURE antipathicHopper [FAH4] (??? hours from now) has responded to memo.
FAH4: WI|_|_ 
CPA: Oh not athoner one.
FEO: See tHis iS whaT i'm tAlkiNg abOut
FEO: This InanE bulLshiT
FAH4: Hey, I a[tua|_|_y []n|_y [ame ba[k t[] te|_|_ past me t[] st[]p with this shit.
FAH4: But I guess he d[]esn't be[ause I sti|_|_ did it...
FAH4: I think if y[]u were better at y[]ur job, a|_|_ []f this [[]u|_d be averted.
FAH4: Way t[] fu[king g[], Rezzy.
FEO: This Is whY im tHe tiMe trOll aNd yoUre tHe prInce Of stUpid BullShit
FEO:  I knoW thaT parAdox SpacE is jUst hAvinG a blAst mAkinG us iTs biTcheS  witH theSe bulLshiT non-LineAr evEnts Of unAvoiDablE idiOcy
FEO: And tRust Me, ivE triEd chAngiNg thIngs
FEO: It diD not End wEll
FEO: That Is alL anyOne nEeds To knOw anD wilL eveR knoW aboUt thAt
FUTURE antipathicHopper [FAH5] (???+1 hours from now) has responded to memo.
FAH5: |_[]ng st[]ry sh[]rt, t[][] mu[h time|_ine fu[kery equa|_s dead Rezteks. 
FAH5: Y[]u're we|_[[]me.
FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator [FEO2] (??? hours from now) responded to memo
FEO2: Ok i dOnt kNow hOw muCh tiMe i hAve lEft sO ill Make This QuicK
FEO2: TergUm i tHougHt yoU wouLd liKe to Know TherE is a Cozy TimeLine Out tHere WherE you SuffEr thE mosT dooMed eXistEnce
FEO2: MoreSo thAn evEryoNe elSe in That TimeLine
FEO2: It is RathEr deGradIng aCtuaLly aNd i tOok sOme pIctuRes fOr yoU
FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator sent antipathicHopper DoomEdfoReveR.trar
FEO2: EnjoY
FUTURE eloquentOrchestrator's [FEO2] computer exploded
FAH5: These are...
FAH5: A[tua|_|_y pretty g[]ddamn ad[]rab|_e. 
FAH5: I especia|_|_y |_ike the way the b|_[][]d makes a giant winged butter beast.
FAH5: And I'm impressed he's sti|_|_ a|_ive without skin.
FAH5: []r arms.
CPA: Do I watn to see?
FAH5: Probab|_y n[]t f[]r a few days fr[]^^ y[]ur perspe[tive.
FAH5: Y[]u aren't mad en[]ugh at me yet.
FPA: He si cecorrt. Fro ocne. Yuo do tno.
FAH5: We|_|_! N[]w that's sett|_ed, I'm [|_[]sing this mem[], and starting an[]ther []ne.
FAH5: Preferably WITH[]UT all the stupid timefu[kery and Team F[]rtress bu|_|_shit.
FAH4: Even th[]ugh ha|_f []f that is []ur fau|_t?
FAH5: Especially be[ause ha|_f []f that is []ur fau|_t.[/COLOR]
FUTURE antipathicHopper closed memo: Prepare f[]r tr[]ub|_e!
What. The fuck. Did you just read.

> You are now Tergum in an indeterminate amount of time in the future. Like many things in the future, you use the color red, because you are a dumbass and you think it will make you go faster. You have just finished brutally closing an innocent (if stupid) memo.

What will you do?

>Future Tergum: Start a motherfucking new one.

FUTURE antipathicHopper (???+1 hours from now) started memo: And Make it Doub|_e!
FAH: []kay, take tw[].
FUTURE antipathicHopper mass-banned Team Fortress from responding to memo.
FAH: Eh, never mind. That's |_ess fun.
FUTURE antipathicHopper unbanned Team Fortress from responding to memo.
FAH: A[tua|_|_y...
FUTURE antipathicHopper banned spectacularHellion from responding to memo.
FAH: And then everything was g[][]d f[]rever. 
FAH: []kay, I'^^ ab[]ut t[] pass this []ver t[] past me.
FAH: []ther than that, n[] ti^^efu[kery. 
FAH: It just ^^akes Reztek's j[]b harder.
FUTURE antipathicHopper made CURRENT antipathicHopper admin of the memo.
FAH: Try n[]t t[] fu[k this []ne up s[] ^^u[h kidd[].
FUTURE antipathicHopper stopped responding to memo.
Well. That was stupid. You've done your part though. Only one thing left to do, and then you can begin the MeRcIlEsS SlAuGhTeR Of yOuR FrIeNd.

But before that happens, Future Tergum in the Past has to take over the memo.

>Past-Future Tergum: Do so.

CURRENT technopathicalAnomaly [TA] responded to memo
CTA: plEAsE fOcUs On thE prEsEnt gUys InstEAd Of ArgUIng wIth fUtUrE sElvEs
CTA: EspEcIAllY sIncE It's UncOnfIrmEd AbOUt whEthEr Or nOt thErE Is A tImE-lImIt fOr sUrvIvIng thE ImpEndIng dOOm
CTA: And I'd lIkE tO hAvE At lEAst OnE mEmO thAt I cAn UsE tO mOnItOr prOgrEss
CTA: thIs wAy I mIght bE AblE tO AntIcIpAtE chAllEngEs
currentpandorasArchivist [CPA] has responded to memo
CPA: Yuo thikn this gaem is...
CPA: Stitac? Precitdable?
CPA: Yuo hostenly thikn you can atcipinate it?
CTA: nOt At thIs pOInt, thE cOdE Is ImpOssIblE tO fUllY AnAlYzE
CTA: bUt cErtAIn strIngs sEEm fAmIlIAr, I'll nEEd mOrE rEfErEncE On hOw thE gAmE wOrks bEfOrE I EvEn gUEss whAt thOsE dO
CURRENT antipathicHopper [CAH] has responded to memo
CAH: S[], y[]u pretty ^^u[h ^^ade this ga^^e p|_ayab|_e, and y[]u d[]n't kn[]w what it d[]es?
CAH: D[]es that strike any[]ne e|_se as stupid? 
CTA: I cAn sEnd yOU thE OrIgInAl fIlE sO yOU cAn sEE If yOU cAn dEtErmInE mOrE
CTA:  thE cOnvErsIOn wAs bAsed On rEcOgnIzIng prOpEr sEctIOns Of cOdIng, whAt  thEy dO cAn't bE fIgUrEd OUt bEcAUse thErE Is nO rEAl rEfErEncE fOr  thIs
CTA: And hErpEy hElpEd On sOmE pArts bUt I cOUldn't gEt hIm tO sAy whAt thE fUnctIOn Of EvErYthIng wAs
CAH: Fair en[]ugh. 
FUTURE spectacularHellion [FSH2] 4:58 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo
FSH2:  oh gog just shut the fuck up tergum no one cares about your stupid  fucking angry thing you do like its cool or something its just stupid
FSH2:  just crawl into a fucking hole and die so that we dont have to put up  with your stupid bullshit anymore you worthless pathetic grubsniffer
FSH2:  gog just shut up shut up shut up shut up shut  upshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup  shutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutupshutup
FUTURE spectacularHellion ceased responding to memo.
CTA: I sEE thAt yOU'll bE mAkIng frIEnds tErgUm
CTA: I'd prEfEr lEss bOtchEd dIplOmAcY And mOrE cOOpErAtIOn bUt yOU'rE thE bOss
CTA: wEll, OnE Of thEm . . .
CAH: U^^. That was entire|_y un[hara[teristi[ []f hi^^. [8o
CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo-
CMC: I'/) S\ay it'S\ entirely characteriS\tic of wriG\G\ler who /juS\t ha/) to take hiS\ luS\uS\ out back behin/) the lawnrinG\ maintenence tool S\toraG\e block an/) put it out of it'S\ miS\ery.
CMC: Which iS\ kin/) of why I'm here.
CMC: I /juS\t S\tarte/) a new memo, one that both teamS\ nee/) to rea/).
CMC: I'll S\en/) you all the link riG\ht now.
CURRENT melancholicChumly [CMC] ceased responding to memo-
CAH: We|_|_. I'^^ entire|_y fu[king tired []f a|_|_ these ^^e^^[]s.
CAH: [|_[]sing this []ne, |_et's a|_|_ just h[]p []ver t[] ^^['s new []ne.
-CURRENT antipathicHopper closed memo: And ^^ake it d[]ub|_e!
You'll be damned if you're going to give Caoway the satisfaction of actually going over to his memo. Really, you only closed this memo because you didn't want it to get stupidly long. It's not like he has anything important to say anyway! Besides, you're rather interested in seeing what antipathicHopper has to say to you.

>Past-Future Tergum: Answer... yourself?

antipathicHopper [AH] began trolling antipathicHopper [AH]
AH: He|_|_[], Tergu^^. 
AH: Y[]u're ^^e fr[]^^ the future, right?
AH: What the he|_|_ d[] y[]u want?
AH: S[]rt []f busy trying t[] find ti^^ t[] ^^[]urn Strize.
AH: ...
AH: [[]^^e []n, [an this wait?
==> You are now Future Tergum. assuming Future Tergum was telling the truth, you have two options.

Which one will you chose?

=/=> or ==> ?

Last edited by Token; 03-02-2011 at 02:31 PM.
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