I just want to make the point that privilege encompasses that overall benefits you get from society, the fact that issues don't *directly* hurt you, and that you set the terms of your own involvement.
Privileged people who self-identify as allies regularly do that last one and try to dictate the ways in which oppressed groups should operate. "I'm on your side, but you should be nicer." "I'm on your side, but you aren't using the words I want you to." "I'm on your side, but you need to educate me because I refuse to take the effort to do that myself."
It's rather tiresome.
As for Pip Boy's evolutionary psychology nonsense: Most evolutionary psychology is nonsense. Even were it correct, it wouldn't change the facts that Atlus is doing shitty stuff that they should not be doing and that people should stop giving them the financial support that allows them to do these shitty things.
As for every single person who brings up, "Well what about all these other companies?" The actions of other companies do not excuse the actions of Atlus. If you are genuinely bothered by these other companies, you do not need me to tell you to not support them. If you're just bringing them up to deflect and excuse Atlus' behavior, then you're pretty clearly just being an asshole.
If your complaint is I haven't provided enough examples, I've got plenty more. I'm pacing them on the Tumblr so that people who search the relevant tags on Tumblr will run into the Boycott Atlus campaign often. It's not realistic for me to try and update the Tumblr with every single example of Atlus being fucked up in a day or two, and were I to try it would soon be lost to the distant archives of Tumblr.
this post is about how to successfully H the Kimmy