Note: This is a sonnet (fourteen lines in iambic pentameter), so excuse the Shakspear-esque language. Some of you free-form poets might not like its traditional style.
Upon a Bleak December
The frozen land with all its bulk doth sleep,
And through its cold bones blows the sighing wind.
Above the chill-ed 'scape the hea'ens do weep,
Below, cold creatures ponder season's end.
The sky of raven's cloak, so cold it seems
A crystal tunnel, mirr'ring dark-wrought light,
Within which lies a path to spectral dreams,
Whose frozen count'nence echoes winter's night.
And woven 'midst this shadowed tapestry,
Are'a thousand points of night chilled lanterns' glow,
Like ic-ed candles, set 'twixt frost-lit sky,
Their frozen flames 'cross glaz-ed contours flow.
But wi'in this ice-plagued tundra there doth loom
The threat of time-scorched knife, and winter's doom...
Due to several pending lawsuits, Blizzard's long anticipated next installment in the famed Starcraft series, Starcraft II, has been renamed "Funcraft II". In addition, according to a Blizzard spokesman, the game will no longer focus on interstellar battle but will instead be centered around the idea of nonviolent conflict resolution, with the game's ultimate goal being to bring about interstellar harmony.
Last edited by icythaco; 11-06-2004 at 05:29 PM.