Black suit would be cool, and you could market it very well to people who don't know about pre-venom black suit.
You absolutely need the plot to focus on the behind-the-scenes struggle with Harry and Peter, which one of the best things in the series.
I don't think the movie should cleave to original backstories too much, though.
Try and sneak to many direct quotes to the comics into a movie and you get crap like Spiderman 2.
Soo much corn, it's not the sixties anymore.
And it would be nice if no one got kidnapped this time, maybe playing off the fact that Harry is close to a lot of the same people as Pete, and wouldn't want to hurt them.
Maybe you could have a whole crapload of villains trying to off Pete and having him snap(thanks to the black suit.)
I would like to see Mary Jane killed, too.
I...just don't like her.
But it would work well...
Picture this:
Pete is finally on top of things, graduating college, nice job, and engaged to MJ.
But Harry is starting to piece together his revenge scheme...
OScorp begins to develop a new superweapon, the symbiote(yes I'm going with a version of the Ultimate backstory)
Harry intends to use it in conjunction with his Dad's old toys to take down Spidey, all the while tortured by his friendship with Pete.
It goes beserk in testing and somehow finds it's way to Pete(it know it's supposed to kill him?)
Pete wears the black suit from then on(don't ask me how it goes from assainating him to being on him).
Harry then doubles his efforts to take down Spidey.
About an hour in, Mary Jane dies in a way that is partially Pete's fault for being too hotheaded (too busy fighting to save the girl?).
So The stress eventually gets to Spidey and he challenges Gobby to a fight to the death.
He realizes somewhere in there that Harry is The Goblin, and he'd be killing him, but the suit makes him want to (Revenge for MJ? good reasoning?)
So he casts off the suit, but still has to make his appointment with Harry.
An Eddie Brock I introduced within the first half hour but forgot to tell you about, gets the suit, and renews the suit's purpose to kill Spidey(It had it's feeling hurt when it was cast off?)
Spidey and Gobby are locked in epic conflict for a long time, with Pete trying to keep Harry alive at every turn.
Then Venom innterupts and tries to kill Pete.
Harry begins to attack Venom (To save Pete? Because he want to be the one who kills spidey? intentional ambiguousness ahoy!)
And this gives Pete the chance to incapacitate both of them.
Harry goes to counseling(he was doing drugs at some point back in there)
And Pete is trying to deal with the sorrow.
But the last shot is some clue that makes Peter think MJ is alive.
(hapy ending! sortof..)
So, what do you think?
Rule six: The winner will be the first team that wins.
Last edited by Elmer J.; 01-29-2005 at 10:32 PM.
Reason: typos