Heh, very good, Nique! Love Fighter's little "King of static cling" skit. ^^
Loyal2NES, nice one too. :p
"You brought the mech, didn't you." Hee hee hee.
I didn't have much time this time around, so I just resubmitted two of my older ideas, very slightly redone, probably in hopes all other submissions would suck so much Brian would consider mine. Boy did that ever backfire. :p
(just a spur-of-the-moment thing, really)
That one did take quite some time. If you don't get the reference, go here and browse the images a bit. EDIT: Okay, Seanbaby's hosting is paid for by (among others) suicidegirls, and I can't strictly speaking link to it as long as he has their banners... google for "Seanbaby hostess page" then.