All good moderators know how to make random and hilarious edits in people's posts and/or signatures without leaving any evidence as to which moderator did so. Abuse of the |spoiler| tag comes highly recommended here.
Also, good moderators constantly boast about their superiority over the other moderators and list at least seven examples of this.
Good moderators never warn or ban anyone, ever, until such individual is deemed unpopular by a consensus of at least 27 posters. Any rationale at all may be used for this purpose.
Good moderators merge every topic with at least three words of five letters or more in common. In addition, they must be proper nouns that are not personal names or days of the week.
Good moderators never lock any topic on Saturdays or at any point during the month of April.
In addition, the final post of any locked topic must include a witty picture and/or quote relevant to the topic being locked and/or the reasons for doing so. This is reserved for every topic locked on odd-numbered days.
Finally, good moderators constantly insult the admins in secret, and if caught, easily cast the blame upon unsuspecting individuals and always get away with it. ALWAYS.