Loto is whole-heartedly approved, and if someone else would like to unofficially head up the Kurosen Rescue Team while Fenny's out getting jazz on, I'd appreciate it. Also, in his absense, I'm going to allow for anyone to control Fenris' character in their posts in the event that they need to use him for something.
Weapon assignments for Round Two are as follows:
Arhiyara (Rhiya/Arhra) - Alpha High Energy Plasma Thrower [A-HEPT]: A micronized version of a starfighter plasma bolter, the Alpha Hept is still quite large and cumbersome by infantry standards, weighing a crippling one hundred and twenty pounds, and sizing in at six feet long. Though it's capacitor only holds enough charge for seven full-power shots, the Alpha Hept is sure to obliterate any target smaller than a truck with a single well-placed shot.
PX-05 PhoenixBot - The Sundered Heart of Chaos: Once per battle, the Sundered Heart of Chaos may be called upon to fulfill one demand of its wielder. The outcome of use of the Heart should be determined upon by the GM. Effects that are deemed too powerful should backfire or only be partially fulfilled.
Krylo Killian - Ethereal Blade: A very large, golden sword, with serrations on either side. This weapon attacks the spirit but not the body. It is practically weightless (just enough for it to be noticeable that you're holding it) and if destroyed, it pulls itself back together in the same place where it was destroyed.
Inbred Chocobo - Modified Mod-Bracelet: Reconfigured to be Raiden-powered, and its recent wearing by the thunder god himself has charged it enough to operate even without his immediate presence. This can be used to alter time-flow in minute ways, and transport objects and rooms around within a limited space. It can not, however, be used for bannings or mass bannings--unless a god happens to be using it. In which case, while possible, it would leave the god permanently mortal.
Mesden - Systemic Existence Assertion Leash (SEAL) System: This device asserts the existence of whichever object to which it is ‘attuned’. Essentially, it makes the subject recursive, but not immortal. It grants an effective immunity to sudden nonexistence, because the universe reasserts the original existence. It can also be used to make already ‘recursive’ people unable to protect themselves, by reasserting a previously injured (and suddenly gone) existence in place of the newer, fresher one.
KP Morgan (via representation) - Asheth's Bracelets: Magical bracelets with float about the wrist, and enhance and focus magical abilities to the point of providing long range elemental magical blasts and a wider range to spell effects. Also enable the user to float a maximum of 20 feet above the ground at will. Normally requires constant magic consumption in order to float, but as a show of good will the bracelets have been fitted with a magic storing gem to allow even non magic folk to float freely, although they cannot shoot magic without any actual magic power of their own.
Pyros Nine - Beautiful Uniform Terrestrial Transformation Setup Emphasizing Cosplays for Killing Stuff (BUTTSECKS): Armored Bishoujo still hasn't bothered to fix or destroy the machine that came up with this name for her guantlets and boots that grant the cosplay powers. Regardless, those with more magical power than AB (which basically is nothing at all) will be able to utizile cosplay powers better than she can.
THE BEAR - Morphing Pendant: A weaker version of Flare's own Morphing Stone relic, it can allow a person to change into another form, but would have to return to their true form in order to change again.
Once the fighters have all mostly moved through their portals, I will disclose the pairings and battle settings for everyone.
Either you're dead or my watch has stopped.