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Unread 09-25-2006, 01:08 PM   #1
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Default Big Tobacco takes big hit

Short Summary: Philip Morris is being sued for $200 billion for giving the false impression to smokers that the "light" brand of cigarettes are not as deadly, quote, "[...]even though their own internal documents showed they knew the risks were about the same."

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Unread 09-25-2006, 03:01 PM   #2
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Everyone knows that ciggarettes are bad for you. If there is nothing else you could do save accept personal responsibility for the dangers that you have wrought for yourself then I guess a frivolous lawsuit is the answer.

It's like suing Mc Donalds for making you fat.

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Unread 09-25-2006, 07:49 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by TheSpacePope
Everyone knows that ciggarettes are bad for you. If there is nothing else you could do save accept personal responsibility for the dangers that you have wrought for yourself then I guess a frivolous lawsuit is the answer.
If everyone knows how bad cigarettes are for you, then why did cigarette companies put so much effort into supressing evidence that cigarettes are bad for you? Cigarette companies worked for decades to mislead people into believing that smoking was at worst a more or less benign habit, and even where the dangers of smoking became known, proffered things like light cigarettes to convince people that okay you can smoke these cigarettes and they won't be all that bad for you.
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Unread 09-25-2006, 03:31 PM   #4
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Not that I'm trying to defend people that smoke (I am a non-smoker and live in a house where the rest of the family smokes so I have frequent health and asthma problems), but this is dating back to the 1970's. Now I'm sure back then they knew it was hazardous to your health, but they probably believed it when cigarette companies spoon-fed them lies about their safer "light" brand. Hell, they didn't even have the knowledge about second hand smoke that we do now (which was only recently ACTUALLY proven with studies but widely accepted for over a decade).

I feel bad for the people that may have picked up the habit back then and didn't know any better, but yeah in today's society if you just recently started and thought that the "light" brands were better then you're only kidding yourself really. I'm glad people are taking big action against Philip Morris for lying to the general public as well as their own consumers because honestly, would you buy a car from a dealership after you found out they had been lying to the public about the safety of their cars for around 40 years?
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Unread 09-25-2006, 05:36 PM   #5
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There is a very important difference between the McDonalds fat analogy and smoking. Moogle lives in it. A non-smoker doesn't get a CHOICE if they're surrounded by smoke, whereas they COULD just say no to eating at McDonalds. It's the reason I smile every time the priviledges of smoking are inhibited in my city, and it's the reason I do so when I read the thread. Though, 200 billion or not, even if they lost (and I'm not so sure they would), smoking won't just "go away."
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Unread 09-25-2006, 09:16 PM   #6
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I guess you could say that, however, the hacking that a smoker does in the morning, (and I am one I know about it) was a huge clue to me that they were bad. I guess I am speaking of the more modern times, where lawsuits already brought against big tobacco have been won based on the grounds that they were unhealthy. Also the litany of anti-smoking ads and campaigns are also a big part of how I feel. I am addicted to smoking, does this entitle me to any of these monies gained by these lawsuits? Where does this money go? Can I begin to sue Alcohol companies because it does not say on the package or the bottle anywhere that their product causes sirrosis of the liver?
Also, Good point on second hand smoke. I personally don't like to smoke around people that don't as a common courtesy, but sometimes I still feel personally villified as to the choice that I make for my own body.
I just don't understand why this is breaking now. As a smoker, I'd be hard pressed to find another smoker that is dumb enough to believe that light ciggarettes aren't going to kill you as fast as regular ones. I really do think that smoking is a matter of personal choice, and you have to know the dangers as soon as your throat feels raw from smoking a pack of ciggarettes.
And as a matter of fact Light cigs have more chemicals in them to make them "lighter" and quite a lot of smokers know that.
If you want to see for yourself how bad cigs are, buy one, and put it under a blacklight. You can litterally see the chemicals in them.
But to the point, who is with me for suing Anhiesuer Bush?
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Unread 09-25-2006, 10:27 PM   #7
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Bad comparison.

A.) Their product only causes this liver damage in the case of excess use.
B.) Alcohol companies have never outright denied/lied alcohol abuse is bad.

I think "hey cool". Yet another lawsuit. Karma sucks, huh?

PS: Reason this is breaking now: Lawsuits are drying up, so people are looking for different ways to sue tobacco companies that haven't already gone under. Its quite a testament to the money these companies have when you consider the number of lawsuits and the costs of each of the lawsuits, and the companies are still going.
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Unread 09-25-2006, 10:46 PM   #8
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Another thing here which is pretty important, is cigarettes are and do remain physically addictive. So like, you can be a smoker, and know exactly how awful cigarettes are for you, and how much you shouldn't do it, and still keep doing it, because you're addicted.

I mean I've actually managed to quit 'em for like, nine months now? But hell, I still get nicotine fits every once in a while.
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Unread 09-26-2006, 10:46 AM   #9
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Moogle0119 is like one of those neat quartz stones you find at the beach.

And unfortunately fifthfiend is absolutely right about the cigarettes being more addictive than most other "bad habits" due to the nicotine. The cigarette companies were actually pretty smart (if not under-handed and devious at the same time) in getting people hooked on their product by hiding their own studies and denying the harmful effects and addictiveness from early on. They've earned so much money over the decades through this process that they can afford to take these sort of lawsuits decades later which is ridiculous.

I think the most likely outcome of it all is that Philip Morris will be convincing enough to settle out of court for an undisclosed amount of money so they don't have to accept responsibility for their actions. However, even if Philip Morris loses in court, I don't think it will make a difference as Azisien said since they will still continue to produce their products and so will their competitors. People will still be addicted to their product and new people will continue to get hooked everyday out of curiosity or peer pressure. Let me ask a question on a some-what related note; have the tobacco companies started printing on each box of cigarettes the dangers of second hand smoke to others? I know they have plenty of warnings for actual smokers but I'm not sure if they've added to that important factoid yet.

Last edited by Moogle0119; 09-26-2006 at 10:49 AM.
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Unread 09-26-2006, 03:50 PM   #10
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I feel bad for the people that may have picked up the habit back then and didn't know any better
Yeah back in the 70's when they had asbestos filters... I mean c'mon from the late 60's on anti tobacco lobbies have been a major thing on the political scene. Its people who make stupid decisions and are looking to someone else to pay for it.
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