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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:14 PM   #31
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Wait, so you're saying that after promotion, my base speed would be 6 and my mounted speed would be 8?
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:14 PM   #32
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And the actual bio is done! Now just to work out the final stat parts, I guess. Thanks for all the help guys. I'm going to go die in the first round of combat, making it all pointless, but I appreciate the thought anyways!

Edit: Oye. Hm, to drop 5% from Luc and Skl to put Res up to 30%, or leave them where they were... these choices are why I don't make character sheets that often!
Yeah, I'm understating. I do that sometimes.

Last edited by Steel Shadow; 05-27-2011 at 04:19 PM.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:17 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Menarker View Post
Wait, so you're saying that after promotion, my base speed would be 6 and my mounted speed would be 8?
Yes, precisely. Most/all classes gain 1 move on promotion.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:21 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by PhoenixFlame View Post
Luck effects your accuracy, dodge, and crit evade. All are important, particularly the last. Also if you stack speed you will max it, while speed and luck will still contribute to a higher dodge.
I can understand this, but with my growth rate being at 20% for it, I don't think it's going to really contribute to making a good stat base as opposed to what I could do if I took the 20% growth and give 10% each to DEF and RES or something like that.

Last edited by Menarker; 05-27-2011 at 04:26 PM.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:22 PM   #35
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Default Crits are uncommon even with no luck, but they still suck when they happen to you.

Regarding luck, I'm just going to repeat something I said on another board a couple days ago:

Luck. Isn't. That. Important. It gives you 1 Avo, .5 Hit and 1 Crit-Evade. The last bit is the most important quality, because every point of Speed gives twice as much Avo and determines the ability to double, whereas every point of Skill gives four times as much Hit, and gives .5 Crit on top of that. Support bonuses, terrain, and even S-Rank bonuses will typically contribute more to your killing ability and survivability than will your Luck stat. As has been stated, as long as you have enough Lck to deal with enemy crits, any additional points are just garnish.

Also, I think it bears repeating: Heinlein's "Silver" Axe is about 4 MT too weak.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:25 PM   #36
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DanteFalcon is reputed to be..repu..tational. Yes.

Reposting stats with the additional two points

HP 22 (55%)
Class: Wyvern Rider
STR 6 (50%) DEF 7 (50%)
MAG 0 (00%) RES 3 (40%)
SKI 5 (45%) SPD 3 (30%)
LUC 1 (30%) MOV 7
CON 11 AID 23

Basically another point in hp and another in con.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:29 PM   #37
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Menarker is a splendid one to behold, except in the mornings. Menarker is a splendid one to behold, except in the mornings. Menarker is a splendid one to behold, except in the mornings.

I mean, what's the average luck stat of a good player in general to prevent those critical hits?
Cause I'm thinking of cutting down some base stats, making it start high but having no growth rate whatsoever.

Kinda like...

HP 16 (55%)
STR 6 (50%) DEF 3 (35%)
MAG 0 (00%) RES 3 (35%)
SKI 7 (55%) SPD 7 (50%)
LUC 6 (0%) MOV 7 +- (+ -)
CON 8 AID 20 + (+ -) (If mounted)

... I'm starting to feel I should take Blossom instead of Resolve and save that for later... All of those 50ish and 35% ranges do not inspire me with a lot of confidence...

Last edited by Menarker; 05-27-2011 at 04:32 PM.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:33 PM   #38
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2/20% Should be fine. It won't detract overmuch from your other stats, but it will allow your luck to keep pace with the enemy's average Skill curve. Killing Edges and the like will be a problem, but this is true for anyone.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:33 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Loyal View Post
Also, I think it bears repeating: Heinlein's "Silver" Axe is about 4 MT too weak.
I just saw that. Derp I must've missed lines and used the steel axe's might. Silver axes are actually 15 might, 70 hit. Fixed it.

Also, while some calculations give luck .5/per to hit, I'll be using 1%/luck. It's just easier to calculate.

While I mostly agree with Loyal's assessment of luck, I do feel it greatly seperates 'dodgy' characters from 'unhittable' characters come 20/20. High speed and luck will help you more than simply high speed, especially since each % of evasion is incrementally worth more than the last as the enemy's hit rate approaches 0.
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Last edited by PhoenixFlame; 05-27-2011 at 04:39 PM.
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Unread 05-27-2011, 04:37 PM   #40
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Right! Done! I think. How's that?
Yeah, I'm understating. I do that sometimes.
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