05-20-2016, 12:32 AM | #151 |
Everything is about the same as it ever is, what madness goes on in the greater social strata doesn't really change that. No point in letting it get to you as long as you have good people nearby you.
Time to bust out the glow sticks! |
05-20-2016, 01:30 AM | #152 |
Fight Me, Nerds
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 3,470
I want those good people to be spared the humiliation and pain of being further dehumanized to the point that they fear stepping outside, and I just don't have the sort of faith in the system or our willingness to do what it takes to get it fixed.
05-20-2016, 08:14 AM | #153 |
Neither do I, but curling up into a ball and dying isn't a great alternative. This foolishness is difficult, but the presence of it is a breeding ground for new passion. Good and bad. Without chaos like this we just stagnate, and I'd rather have the horror story of this election period than another year of everything being the same game.
Time to bust out the glow sticks! |
05-20-2016, 04:03 PM | #154 |
This Election Cycle has been pretty crazy and headache inducing but then you get gems like this coming up that make you smile and laugh your butt off.
NPF's resident Crazy Magnificent Bastard Ass Son Of A Bitch (CMBASOB) Accept No Substitutes Also known as "The Least Interesting Man in The World" according to multiple surveys
06-07-2016, 10:14 PM | #155 |
Erotic Esquire
So, anyone know where I can glean any information about Jill Stein? She might have my vote.
WARNING: Snek's all up in this thread. Be prepared to read massive walls of text. |
06-08-2016, 08:01 AM | #156 |
Trash Goblin
She's very talkative on twitter and definitely has some twitter alerts when people mention her name (but don't @ her) cause she liked my tweets about her a couple minutes after I sent them. You could ask her opinions directly.
06-08-2016, 03:34 PM | #157 |
Funka has spoken!
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 3,087
06-08-2016, 04:48 PM | #158 |
Not a Taco
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 3,313
I voted for her in 2012, so believe me when I say that I get how it feels to have people tell you the stakes are too high to "throw away your vote". But really, the stakes are too high. I know it would send a message, but think about at whose expense you'll be sending the message.
You're a straight white cis male lawyer. You don't have anything to fear from a Trump presidency, unless he starts nuclear holocaust. As a matter of fact, you'll probably directly benefit from most republican policies. Then, when the presidency is so disastrous, we probably will swing radically left in four years. Maybe. If we ignore how history has shown that we tend to swing to right-of-center neocons after a radically right-wing president. Let's pretend we get that swing left though. Do you want your revolution and message to be written in the blood of the less privileged who WILL suffer? Snake, right now you are standing at the precipice of abusing your privilege. You cannot use it this way. It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt you directly, you still have to fight against injustice. Check your privilege.
I did a lot of posting on here as a teenager, and I was pretty awful. Even after I learned, grew up, and came to be on the right side of a lot of important issues, I was still angry, abrasive, and generally increased the amount of hate in the world, in pretty unacceptable ways. On the off chance that someone is taking a trip down memory lane looking through those old threads, I wanted to devote my signature to say directly to you, I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me be better, NPF. |
06-08-2016, 05:36 PM | #159 |
Never give up. Never give in.
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Sacramento, CA
Posts: 1,034
Oh come the fuck on, dude.
You could have gone with something a lot simpler like 'you don't win by losing', but you decided to go with the bait. For my part, I live in California, and there's basically no universe where Trump takes it in November, so I will feel perfectly comfortable writing in Sanders' name this winter.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects. - Robert Heinlein |
06-08-2016, 06:37 PM | #160 |
Not a Taco
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 3,313
Yes, I specifically chose the words I used to illicit a reaction in the person I am trying to spur into action.
I did a lot of posting on here as a teenager, and I was pretty awful. Even after I learned, grew up, and came to be on the right side of a lot of important issues, I was still angry, abrasive, and generally increased the amount of hate in the world, in pretty unacceptable ways. On the off chance that someone is taking a trip down memory lane looking through those old threads, I wanted to devote my signature to say directly to you, I'm sorry. Thank you for letting me be better, NPF. |