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Unread 07-28-2004, 03:52 PM   #11
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ya like seriously lol, all of the children probably could have killed him if they had the right things, or just beat him senseless lol, ya i think it was self defence against those i guess thats what our world is going to be in 20 yrs, instead of arguing on a subject, these polotitions will get up and beat the crap out of each other, what a...wonderful world it will be HAHAHA
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Unread 07-28-2004, 04:18 PM   #12
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I've got this picture of the matrix scene where neo is fighting all those Smiths with a pole, just replace Neo with the sub, the pole with a broom, the smiths with 1st graders, and the city with a classroom. :p

I'd agree that both parties involved were wrong, the kids are much more guilty though. And self defense? Yeah. If there are that many attacking you at once, they could probably hurt you. Did the kids grab some of those little safety scissors? Maybe some sharpened pencils? That would hurt. As in, really bad.
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Unread 07-28-2004, 04:25 PM   #13
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Even though the thing was written with an obvious bias to the sub, the way I read it it still seems like he started beating with the broom when there was only one kid hitting him. That sounds like overkill. But so does the whole class swarming him...
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Unread 07-28-2004, 04:43 PM   #14
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He COULD have resolved it better but I probably would have done the same. Only replace broom with chair, and red marks on the kids faces... with broken arms and legs.
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Unread 07-29-2004, 01:57 AM   #15
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Yea, that guy should have fled, it would have turned out much better than it probably did. That doesnt excuse the kids, but the guy should know better, in our society at least.
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Unread 07-29-2004, 02:28 AM   #16
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Your average 6 year old is going to weigh some where between 30 and 40 pounds. So dealing with three of them at once can be a bit hard. I mean your trying to move about 100 pounds or more of weight thats kicking and fighting. Those kids must not have actually got to him at more than 3 or 4 at a time or he would have been really beaten up. I myself would have called the school security staff instead of getting in on the fight. He was getting paid to teach them not to referee fights. As everyone else said both sides are in the wrong but the kids more so than the sub. However, he deseveres to be kept from teaching if he can't handle a situation like that without starting a riot.
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Unread 07-29-2004, 02:33 AM   #17
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Sithdarth probaly has it handled the most "correctly" but, what hacky said porbaly would been me....

This kinda reminded me of south with the guy named "Hat" in jail and kids decide to give away "free hat's" so the town people get him outa jail. Evidently he killed 23 baby's and people are like.. Ya if he hadn't killed those baby's they wouda killed him! Ya, it's a known fact that baby's like to gang up on you!
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Unread 07-29-2004, 02:39 AM   #18
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Both sides were in the wrong.

Personally, I feel that the sub was deper in the wrong. 6-year-olds are far from mature; this means that they sometimes act in ways that we consider wrong. The tricky bit is teaching them that it is wrong, and how they should have behaved. As well this, 6-year-olds are far less likely than an adult to understand the consequences of their actions, especially on others.

I wouldn't be surprised if, at some level, the rest of the class saw the teacher fighting back as a signal that it's all right to join the fight. Thus they entered the fray.

Even if the sub felt compelled to fight, using a weapon was still wrong. Against a single 6-year-old (as far as I can tell only one hit him at that time; the other two were fighting each other), an adult should have little trouble.

The sub should have taken the three offenders to the principle. If he was unable to get enough control of all three at once, he could have taken them one at a time, or called the principle to the class.

In any case, resorting to violence was far from the best way.
Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!! ahem. sorry.
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