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Unread 05-02-2005, 08:29 PM   #1
Lord vega
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Default can I use your fighter and black mage from 8-bit?

Hi I like to ask I can use fighter and black mage for my comic. If you like to now what do they do then pm me ok.
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Unread 05-02-2005, 08:49 PM   #2
From Another World~
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I don't know about you lot, but I think the general answer's gonna be No.

Unless it's some kind of one-time fan comic. Or a cameo of sorts. And if you clearly state that, while the original character are property of Square Enix, the Fighter and Black Mage that we all know and love (or love to hate) belong to Brian Clevinger.

And if you don't make money from it. I could probably go on and on with this, but I'm no full-time comic making crazy person. Guy.
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Unread 05-02-2005, 08:51 PM   #3
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Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare. Loyal has indicated, by your reading this, that they are now President and you have to fart gourmet mustard arugula into your Obamacare.
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Well, here's the thing about Fighter, BM, RM, Thief, WM, BB, Garland, Princess Sara, Lich, Kary, Kraken, Bikke, and any other originally-from-Final-Fantasy-characters:

They aren't Brian's. You don't ask him for permission. They belong to Square-Enix. Unless you're using Drizz'l, Akbar, Jeff, or Vilbert (That one is a tad iffy, since it's the Vampire given name)... Those're Brian's creations, and you likely won't be given leave to use them.

If you're asking to use their personalities, that's a definate NO!!
Originally Posted by Andreus, Dwarf Fortress Community Overseer
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Unread 05-02-2005, 09:17 PM   #4
Hmph, what a waste of words.
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Well, I figure if Square-Enix has been nice enough to let me do my little comic based on their work I ought to extend the courtesy to others.
Originally Posted by Viper Daimao
and this is why you should not drink when you post. or be stupid. or in shiney's case be both while your mother is a whore.
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Unread 05-03-2005, 03:00 PM   #5
Lord vega
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Well I do have to ask if I want to use the fighter and blavk mage that was made for 8-bit. Its just like this Samus yells stop the moive. Shadow ask what is going on. She wants all the pirates that was used for the moive that she is watching and to let her kill them. Shadow is the dicture so no. Fighter comes in and say's i agree with her they need to die...Can I tell you about my sword idea? He go's on and on and Samus say's why me!
BM plays as the mage in the moive but it do's not look like him at all but to get to the point Bm ask if he can kill both of them so they can play the moive. Bm use his attack thing sorry I forgot the name of it and blows up the theater! shadow ask why did you did you almost killed us all? Bm say's So what they are dead now. Shadow can't kill him so my guy come in and send's him to a blank stip and he say's this is not so bad. Then he is surranded by 500 fighters. That is what I need them for.
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Unread 05-03-2005, 03:12 PM   #6
Kima Azure
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It's Hadoken. I think you can use them, they're just one-strip hits, I suppose. Add in the bottom that you do not own anything and that the FF characters are spinoffs off Brian's work.
.skcus ti esuaceb deteled neeb sah erutangis sihT

〔mosewa m'I .rorriM daer t'nac uoy esuaceb ,dnatsrednu t'now elpoep uoy drah os hgual ot enorp m'I ,esac taht nI .gnorw ylbaborp si sadunasaD dnA .yrraB ton ,roislecxE si eman laer s'egaM deR ,(nairB yb) detcerroc litnU

穋orriM daer UOY naC


.eb em tel won ,ti daeR .lanruoJ eviL
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Unread 05-03-2005, 03:45 PM   #7
The claw is for show.
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I can imagine this would be frowned upon if you took their personalities and all. But just the bare concept of Black Mage and Fighter? I'm sure you could get away with that.
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Unread 05-03-2005, 03:57 PM   #8
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don't worry brian if he does do this then ill take care of this!

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Unread 05-04-2005, 08:50 AM   #9
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I like how people seem to be answering for Brian, and no one appears to have actually read the post made by him.

(Brian is Kurosen right?)
- An average of about 100 people choke to death on biros in a year.


*Fighter for president
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Unread 05-04-2005, 12:51 PM   #10
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Oh, the irony
Gumpy. Always behind you, Never there.

My sig is too sigalicious for you!
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