The whole Rogue Pokemon nonsense came out of when Charlotte tried to shoot Shannon as a deterent to doing that again. Wanna kill the Trainer? Sure, but it's only going to make things worse for you. I needed to think of a logical reason to keep enemies from just attacking the personally defenseless trainers. I thought about having a Pokemon get in the way of the attack, but it didn't work for me for some reason.
I think rogue pokemon are a good idea! I think it's great for stopping us from killing defenseless trainers!
But not all trainers are defenseless! If you dual-class a trainer and a combat class, you end up with a trainer that enters combat themselves. But the way you said it, "going rogue" protection doesn't just protect defenseless trainers, but also said battle-trainers. There's a huge difference between the two, and applying it to both is really a bad idea, since Combat Classes should be O-HP-able without enormous consequences.
And Dracorion? I am going to ask you again. Edit your post. Not only are you god-moding in it (it isn't up to you to say what the volume of Impact's speech is, that's mine and AB's job), but your character is giving the orders that I thought up and wrote up, and intended for Impact to give. Both of those, particuarly the second one annoy me severely. This is the last chance you will get to comply and... minimize the consequences.