Originally Posted by Nikose Tyris
Iroh came across with this fantastically strong personality, really an Obi-wan or protective Uncle feel to him and since that's just what he was, it was perfect. I enjoyed everything about him, especially towards the end of the movie.
Most people say that Shaun Taub was pretty much the only good thing about the movie. But I don't really think there's any version of Iroh that isn't at least mildly awesome.
Aang was too old and not nearly as playful as I was expecting, but despite the terrible casting here, he did fantastic with being convincing in his role- and Shaymalayakamehameha did some great scene cuts at the end that made most of the group I was with actually tear up a little bit. [expecting insults with this line quoted.] Aang wasn't perfect but the actor salvaged the role very well.
See, now, If you knew nothing about the source, I don't see how you were expecting Aang to be playful as all the trailers beforehand were playing up the serious business, you'd have had to know the show to understand Aang's little-kidness
Katara's brother I can't even remember his name but he was such a mook in the film, excepting 1 time, with the boomerang toss, that I have nothing good to say about him.
Which is just all kinds of shameful considering how awesome Sokka is
The shot of Zuko's sister was really fuckin' impressive. She was in the film for maybe two scenes, probably not more then 5 minutes of screen time total at all- and she managed to leave a serious intimidation factor that goes beyond "Oh, she's a little girl, that means she can probably kill everyone in the room." (I have since had it confirmed that, yes, she probably can.)
Like Iroh, I don't think there's any version of Azula that doesn't scream Totally evil and totally awesome
As for the plot, it was a hacked together conglomeration of Book 1 or whatever, and despite taking out a lot of filler and a lot of great story tokens ((Like changing Zuko's fight with Katara from something long and epic into "whoops looked like I knocked your ass out, my bad!" which I got to watch on MariusTwilight's computer when I got home, and holy shit guys that was so much better then what we got in the movie))
One good thing about this movie is it might make more avatar fans for me to nerd it up with.
But overall the story does it's job of telling what's going on and where we can expect Book 2 and Book 3 to go. M Night is already on record saying he wants to do / is already doing those, right? Because just dropping the issue at book 1 and not finishing everything would be horrible at this point
Eragon is to your left, Golden Compass to your right.
Originally Posted by POS Industries
You know, I don't get this at all, explain